LUO Honor Code Contemporary Challenges in Church
LUO Honor Code Contemporary Challenges in Church
This essay entails an explanation of the LUO Honor Code towards Contemporary Challenges in Church as an example. LUO Honor Code explains the effect of religious matters in reflection to the community association.
LUO Honor Code Contemporary Challenges in Church
Firstly, each student will choose a topic from the list provided below and write a paper of 2,000-3,000 words (7–10 pages, excluding front and back matter). The final paper must include no less than three (3) primary sources and six (6) secondary sources. Secondary sources must be scholarly books and journal articles.
Secondly, students may not use course textbooks or recommended reading from the syllabus. No two students may write on the same subject, and subject selection is first come, first served. At the end of the course all papers will be combined for the mutual benefit of the entire class.
Also, how to apply what you have learned in your research to contemporary challenges in the church.
Thirdly, for items not covered here see Turabian. Your paper should draw upon the writings of Church Fathers, scholars, theologians, and historians. Also, from the Scripture to present a concise overview of the topic along with a view to how to apply what you have learned in the context of contemporary ministry.
Forthly, this project, in many respects, will be merely a sampling, something to whet your appetite, so to speak, for further study. Works by the persons with whom you are dealing should be considered primary sources. Be sure you consult up to date scholarly journals. Accessed this through the LUO Library portal.
Eventually, remember to review the LUO Honor Code. Also read Turabian, chapter 7, sections 4—10 on the issue of plagiarism. You are writing, not merely for a grade, but for the benefit of your entire class.
Lastly, put your best effort into your research and your writing. If you are not sure, or think you might need help, contact either the LUO Writing Center or for help with