LUO Honor Code Contemporary Challenges in Church

LUO Honor Code Contemporary Challenges in Church

This essay entails an explanation of the LUO Honor Code towards Contemporary Challenges in Church as an example. LUO Honor Code explains the effect of religious matters in reflection to the community association.

LUO Honor Code Contemporary Challenges in Church

Firstly, each student will choose a topic from the list provided below and write a paper of 2,000-3,000 words (7–10 pages, excluding front and back matter). The final paper must include no less than three (3) primary sources and six (6) secondary sources. Secondary sources must be scholarly books and journal articles.

Secondly, students may not use course textbooks or recommended reading from the syllabus. No two students may write on the same subject, and subject selection is first come, first served. At the end of the course all papers will be combined for the mutual benefit of the entire class.

Also, how to apply what you have learned in your research to contemporary challenges in the church.

Thirdly, for items not covered here see Turabian. Your paper should draw upon the writings of Church Fathers, scholars, theologians, and historians. Also, from the  Scripture to present a concise overview of the topic along with a view to how to apply what you have learned in the context of contemporary ministry.

Forthly, this project, in many respects, will be merely a sampling, something to whet your appetite, so to speak, for further study.  Works by the persons with whom you are dealing should be considered primary sources. Be sure you consult up to date scholarly journals. Accessed this through the LUO Library portal.

Eventually, remember to review the LUO Honor Code. Also read Turabian, chapter 7, sections 4—10 on the issue of plagiarism. You are writing, not merely for a grade, but for the benefit of your entire class.

Lastly, put your best effort into your research and your writing. If you are not sure, or think you might need help, contact either the LUO Writing Center or for help with

Linear multiple regression and binary logistic regression

Linear multiple regression and binary logistic regression

This is a paper that discusses the difference between linear multiple regression and binary logistic regression. The paper also discusses the benefits of the regression model.

Difference between linear multiple regression and binary logistic regression

Binary Logistic Regression . Firstly, Using the ustudy.sav file, the following hypothesis will be tested: H1: The likelihood of a faculty being in a public or a private university is predicted by the number of years since they got their doctorate and their salary. Dependent variable: • UNIV (type of university) = dependent binary variable (if the dependent variable has more than two levels, a multinomial logistic regression must be used instead of the binary one) Independent variables: • YRSPHD (years since PhD) = independent variable with ratio data • SALARY (salary) = independent variable with ratio data. Y‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍OU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO RUN DATA IN SPSS.

Note: Categorical variables (with nominal or ordinal data) can be included in the regression model. However, if such categorical predictors exist, they must be declared as Categorical in the SPSS Logistic Regression window. SPSS will dummy-code these variables automatically. Procedure: To test the predictive model, a binary logistic regression will perform as follows: • select ANALYZE / REGRESSION / BINARY L‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍OGISTIC.. from the menu; • move UNIV in the Dependent area and variables YRSPHD and SALARY in the Covariates area; make sure “Enter” is select under Method; • click OK. EXERCISE.


Answer the following questions:

1. Firstly, what are the most important differences between linear multiple regression and also binary/multinomial logistic regression?

2. Secondly, is the regression model significant? Explain. (Check the chi-square df, and p of the model in the Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients)

3. Thirdly, what are the “R-square” values and how do you interpret it? (See the Model Summary section of the SPSS output.)

4. Fourthly, explain the difference between the Cox & Snell and the Nagelkerke R-square indicators. (see Hair & al.)

5. Then, what is the interpretation of the -2 Log likelihood value?

6. Are the predictors statistically significant? Explain. (See the Variables in the Equation table.)

7. Lastly, why are Wald tests used to answer #5 above and not t-tests like in mul‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍tiple regression?

Mobile Framework Application Plan Development at the workplace

Mobile Framework Application Plan Development at the workplace

This is an assignment that focuses on the Mobile Framework Application Plan Development at the workplace. The paper also describes the various technological resources that are available within an organization.

Mobile Framework Application Plan Development at the workplace

Develop a Mobile Agility Framework Application Plan
Develop a strategic plan in the form of a proposal to apply the Mobile Agility Framework to your workplace. This proposal will be presented to the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and other executives. Address the following items in your proposal:

Firstly, ensure that you include an executive summary as the first page of your proposal as it s a mandatory requirement for this assignment.

Secondly, describe the relevant technological resources available within your organization and the strategy behind their utilization. Additionally, how is the existing technology being leveraged by the organization, and do you believe the existing strategy is ideal? Then, justify your response.

Thirdly, ensure you describe how you would integrate mobile technologies into your organization. This may be a new technology or extension of an existing one. What technologies would you use, where, and why? Support with the literature.

Fourthly, describe how your organization would benefit from the proposed approach. In what ways will your proposed approach improve upon existing processes, procedures, or workflows?

Lastly, describe the key considerations justifying your approach. Are there studies or white papers that support the resource investment? What are the major players in your industry doing?

These are the requirements that are to follow in writing of this assignment:

Use the APA writing guide in formatting and citing of the sources. Subsequently, support your paper with a minimum of three external resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages

Reflection of memories and realizations about your identity-how you saw yourself

Reflection of memories and realizations about your identity-how you saw yourself

In this assignment, I’d like you to reflect on some of your earliest memories and realizations about your identity. How you saw yourself and how others saw you.

memories and realizations about your identity-how you saw yourself

Firstly, In this assignment, I’d like you to reflect on some of your earliest memories and realizations about your identity. How you saw yourself and how others saw you.

Secondly, I’d like you to discuss your earliest realization of becoming aware of your racial identity and your gender identity (i.e., when did you realize you were Asian American, African-American, European American, etc. and when did you realize your gender identity as a woman or a man).

Thirdly, how have these aspects of your identity (race and gender) influenced or not influenced your leisure and life pursuits?

Be sure to respond to the question of your earliest memories of realizing you’re racial and gender identities. How those aspects of your identity have influenced your leisure and life pursuits.

The following is helpful information:

Firstly, Our picture of racial and ethnic disparities in the health of older Americans is strongly influenced by the methods of collecting data on race and ethnicity.  At one level there is a good deal of consistency in data collection.  Most Americans and most researchers have in mind a general categorical scheme including whites, blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and American Indians. Most Americans and nearly all researchers are also aware. These general categories disguise significant heterogeneity within each of these major groups. To the extent possible, recent research has attempted to identify and compare subgroups. Each of the major racial and ethnic groups, making distinctions by country of origin, nativity, and generation within the United States.  Most researchers generally agree that these categories are primarily social constructions. They have changed and will continue to change over time.


Criminal Due Process Guarantees in Peacetime

Criminal Due Process Guarantees in Peacetime

This is a paper that focuses on the Criminal Due Process Guarantees in Peacetime. The paper also examines the facts of the Lawless case and article 15 explanation.

The Criminal Due Process Guarantees in Peacetime

S‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ubmit an APA formatted paper that addresses the following:

1. Provide a synopsized definition and explanation of what Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is and addresses. Also, provide your opinion as to whether or not you feel Article 15 adequately addresses and assists in protecting the derogation of due process and Human Rights during times of crisis and declared emergency. Then, provide your opinion as to how you feel as to whether or not this article adequately assists in the protection of the derogation of Human Rights in due process.

2. Examine the facts of the Lawless case and the Brannigan and McBride v. United Kingdom case (you can also obtain additional information for this case on the internet). Once you have reviewed the cases provide a synopsis of each case and the holding or final decision made by the court Identify and discuss what the court used in each case to support their decision as to whether or not the actions taken were supported by what the countries advised as to their reasons for declaring the existence of a crisis or emergency

Task force

3. Ob‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍tain information on the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force. This is from Resolution 60/158 of the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms while Countering Terrorism. Also, the Second Initiative adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. Explain how the due process protections concerning human rights (which are provided to an individual who has been accused of taking terrorist actions against a nation-state as a result of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force in accordance with Resolution 60/158 of the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms while Countering Terrorism, and with the Second Initiative adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy) are used and assist in protecting an individual who has been accused of taking terrorist actions against a nation.

Provide your opinion as to whether or not you feel these protections can actually be used as written. Do you feel that they still allow for the nations to efficiently and effectively combat terrorism? Why or why not‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍?

Activity Plan Calendar Muscular and strenth fitness goal

Activity Plan Calendar Muscular and strenth fitness goal

This essay entails a paper on an Activity Plan Calendar to help in reaching Muscular and strenth fitness goal. Activity Plan Calendar is drafted to help a person be able to follow clearly on any change or improvement on their workouts or gym sessions.

Activity Plan Calendar Muscular and strenth fitness goal

Firstly, I am uploading a lot of files. They are all pretty short. You have to look at all of them. The assignment is in the “Activity_Plan_Calendar_1″document. I added my schedule on the last page so that you can do the table as it is required. In the review quiz and quiz answers, you can see a practice quiz which helps us with this assignment.

Also, I will try to stay online throughout the day. You will have to ask me questions in order to answer some of the questions. Because this is going to be my personal fitness plan for the next 6 weeks. I don’t know much about fitness. On the pictures I uploaded, you can see where my current fitness level is. My resting heart rate is 90. I think we can say that I want to lower it to maybe 80 or something.

Secondly, the teacher wants us to be precise. For my muscular fitness goal. I’d say I want to improve my muscular strength. You can see my testing on the pictures. I am weak. I don’t lift. Don’t write a goal that is too hard to achieve in 6 weeks.

Lastly, the teacher said that the point of the assignment is to show that we understand that for example if we want be able to do more push-ups. We don’t need to only do push-ups to get better. We could work on our core strength(or back muscles) with other exercises and that way we could be able to do more push-ups than before. It’s not by doing the same exercise that you get better at it.

American spirit as it evolves in the literature

American spirit as it evolves in the literature

This is an assignment that answers the question – define the American spirit as it evolves in the literature of the eighteenth century. The assignment looks keenly into the key ideas and also the different perspectives by various authors.

Define the American spirit as it evolves in the literature of the eighteenth century

Purpose: •

Firstly, identify key ideas, representative authors and works, significant historical or cultural events, and characteristic perspectives or attitudes expressed in the literature of different periods or regions. Analyze literary works as expressions of individual or communal values within the social, political, cultural, or religious contexts of different literary periods. Then, write research-based critical papers about the assigned readings. They should be in clear and grammatically correct prose, using various critical approaches to literature.

Assignment: • Secondly, what qualities define the American spirit as it evolves in the literature of the eighteenth century? In your essay, identify at least three defining qualities of the American spirit and pull multiple examples from the readings studied in the American Spirit unit. Remember to also use in-text citation to identify the author, title, and page number.


• Additionally, the essay should be at least four pages and no more than six pages in length. The works cited page does not count towards the minimum length requirement of the essay. You must research critical materials related to the literary works, the author, and/or the time period. These are to be scholarly sources such as articles from journals, essays in anthologies, a book, a chapter from a book, biographical information, and historical information.


• A minimum of 2 scholarly secondary sources must be in the paper. All sources must be scholarly (peer-review) No internet sites. Please note that articles accessed via the library’s online databases are not considered internet sources.

Lastly, you may not use any work overviews such as Cliff’s Notes, Monarch Notes, Masterplots, Barron’s Booknotes from AOL, or any other such “notes” as sources. You may not use encyclopedias. If you are not sure about whether you should use a particular source, check with me. All sources listed on the Works Cited page must be directly referred to in the paper.

Skills learnt in BRM3002 and their application to employment

Skills learnt in BRM3002 and their application to employment

This is an assignment that discusses What are the Skills learnt in BRM3002 and their application to employment. The paper also demonstrates the various abilities acquired in the course.

What are the Skills learnt in BRM3002 and their application to employment

Title: A Report on the academic skills learned in BRM3002 and their application to further study and employment, with a focus on three areas:

Time Management
Harvard Referencing
Reflective Practice / Using Feedback for Development

Learning Outcomes
To develop an understanding of the nature of learning in HE, the major skills needed and their application to further study and the professional workplace.

Demonstrated through the critical engagement with sources throughout the report.

Firstly, to develop the student’s ability to communicate clearly through written means

Demonstrated through the structuring of a report, the use of paragraphs and appropriate academic use of language

Secondly, to develop the student’s library and basic research skills, including note taking, online and computer searches, required to complete presentations, reports, essays etc.

Demonstrated by the ability to select and correctly reference relevant source materials from academic books, journal articles and online materials in order to present clear, supported evidence.

To develop the student’s ability to construct and present a discussion based on evidence.

Demonstrated through the summarising of material and present clear logical arguments using the supporting evidence presented.

To develop the student’s ability to write succinctly and within word limits

Demonstrated the awareness of this need through an accurate declaration of word count at the end of the report.

You will be marked for overall structure and presentation of your report, formatting, spelling and grammar so it is important to follow these guidelines:
Appropriate diagrams and figures can be as evidence or illustration of specific points, these must be referenced appropriately.  Do not include any pointless decoration, clip art etc.

Perspective of a daughter whose mother is a socialite from Indonesia

Perspective of a daughter whose mother is a socialite from Indonesia

Write from the perspective of a daughter whose mother is a socialite from Indonesia. The paper should be neutral.  Don’t make her sound like a rich spoilt kid but instead make her sound wise and inform ed.

Perspective of a daughter whose mother is a socialite from Indonesia

Firstly, Write from the perspective of a daughter whose mother is a socialite from Indonesia.

Secondly, The paper should be neutral.  Don’t make her sound like a rich spoilt kid but instead make her sound wise and inform ed.

Thirdly, Make it sound entertaining, funny, sarcastic and satirical yet intelligent.

Fourthly, Be candid – it has to sound like she “telling the truth”

Talk about her mother’s experiences into getting invite d into events like galas. Talk about the glitz and the glam, the way people dress ed, the things they talk ed about, the judgement, the kind of food that were serve d, discuss the kind of atmosphere, the ambience of the galas.

Front row seats runway shows with friends.

Getting invited to sotheby’s fine & antique jewellery auctions.

Charity work for autism – mother donated money, and asked her daughter to walk down a runway show with her for the charity show.

Getting invite d to channel haute joillerie in Singapore. Talk about the luxurious service – stayed in the capella hotel in Singapore. Given a team of makeup artist to do our makeup using exclusively channel’s makeup and then talk about the actual event. people from around the world got invite d and meeting important people like the head designer of channel’s jewellery line, meeting the owner of an NBA team.


More details:

Talk about her mother’s friends. Where they hung out, what they are like in terms of what they wear and their appearances (get down to the details – they wear branded Japanese clothing brand, Louis Vuitton skirt, Hermes crocodile skin birkin bag, bvlgari ring or custom made one of a kind rings and earrings, richard mille diamond watches, stacks of van cleef & arpels bracelet, diamond tennis bracelets)

Discuss about what they gossip about.

Friends who wear fake branded bags and clothes.

Write short brief story about the disastrous love life of her mother’s friend, (marriage to a man who has a mistress (talk about how she isn’t willing to get a divorce due to shame and family embarrassment)

Tell a short story about how a far relative daughter who was born from one of the first chinese-indonesian business pioneer got “murder ed” but in reality she commit ed suicide by jumping off a balcony but because they knew people would talk they had to hide the truth from the public.

Discuss the daughter’s emotions on this, go deep into her thought on this matter.

Talk extensively about the daughter’s perspective, emotions and thoughts of growing up with a mother who’s a socialite and a wealthy family.

That growing up it was never explicitly told that her mother is a socialite but as she grew up she knew that that is her reality.

Discuss the pros and cons of having a mother who is a socialite.

Talk extensively about the pressure of because of her socialite mother. Also because of her family’s wealth and power. Keep an image and a reputation.

Discuss that it isn’t all glam that it’s sometimes fill ed with evil, deceit and secrets.


Art critic aesthetic logical factual positive negative constructive destructive practical criticism

Art critic aesthetic logical factual positive negative constructive destructive practical criticism

For This week’s blog you will be playing the role of an art critic. This is a two part blog where you will be researching examples of art reviews, and where you will be creating your own critique.

For This week’s blog you will be playing the role of an art critic

For This week’s blog you will be playing the role of an art critic. This is a two part blog where you will be researching examples of art reviews, and where you will be creating your own critique.

Determining the quality of a work of art can be a very subjective activity. While I may love an artist’s work, you may not. You are certainly entitled to dislike a work of art, or to like a work of art, but it is important to be able to express why you respond to a piece the way that you do.

Now that you have read chapter 5, you have learned more about the theories of art criticism. For The first part of this blog you will find an article (online) written by a professional art critic (be sure to include the link). Give a synopsis of the art critic’s ideas, and explain which theories the critic is utilizing. For the second part of your blog, you will give your own criticism of the work from the professional review. Do you agree with the art Critic? If so, why? Utilize the design terms you’ve learned when evaluating the works of art.
(This is the website use this for info)

More details;

criticism is the expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes.

What are the types of criticism?

Firstly, Aesthetic criticism.

Secondly, Logical criticism.

Thirdly, Factual criticism.

Fourthly, Positive criticism.

Further, Negative criticism.

Also, Constructive criticism.

Additionally, Destructive criticism.

Lastly, Practical criticism.