Scale Evaluation Project Guidelines by practitioners and clinicians

This is an assignment that focuses on the Scale Evaluation Project Guidelines by practitioners and clinicians. The paper is focusing mostly on the diagnosis of disorders.

Scale Evaluation Project Guidelines by practitioners and clinicians

Background Information
Scales usage are extensively by practitioners and clinicians to diagnose psychological disorders and to measure the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions. They are also by researchers to provide measures of psychological variables being studied. However, badly constructed scales can do more harm than good.
As such, an important skill you need to have as a psychologist is the ability to evaluate psychological scales before you use them. As an introduction to the scale evaluation process, you will be investigating the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ).

Research has identified sense of humour as an important buffer against the negative effects of stress. Basically, a good sense of humour can act as an effective coping mechanism. However, it is clear that people rely on different styles of humour, and not all humour may have beneficial effects.
The HSQ developement was to identify individual differences in humour styles, with findings pointing to some distinct differences that may indeed have implications for health. For us to be confident with any research results obtained from use of the scale, we must check that it has strong psychometric properties.

In this assessment you will be writing a report to assess the construct validity and internal consistency reliability of the HSQ. The items have already been created and a dataset has already been collected which will be available in vUWS.

Questions are in the attachment to the brief background information given above. Ensure that you analyze the information clearly before partaking the assignment. Use APA format and styling in writing your paper and referencing. Ensure that the paper is at least four pages long excluding the cover and reference page.

The financial access to health care discussion in America

This is a paper that focuses on the financial access to health care discussion in America. The paper also discusses the delivery of health care.

The financial access to health care discussion in America

Discussion: Structure and Costs

Post a clear and also logical response in 250-270 words to the following and provide specific examples to support your answers.
·         Additionally, based on your reading of Chapter 1 “Delivering Health Care in America,” what are the four basic functional components of the U.S. health care delivery system? Also, what role does each play in the delivery of health care?
All posts require college-level writing and APA formatting.


Discussion: Financial Access to Health Care

The authors in Ch. 2 of “Delivering Health Care in America” state, “The principle of market justice leaves the fair distribution of health care up to the market forces in a free economy. Also, the free market implies that giving people something they have not earned would be morally and economically wrong.” (p. 74). On page 76, the authors state that “the equitable distribution of health care is a societal responsibility . . . Social Justice regards health care as a social good—as opposed to an economic good.”
Post a clear and logical response in 250-270 words to the following and also provide specific examples to support your answers.
·         Which model is the most effective for the U.S.? Why? Support your theory with an example from another country.
ASSIGNMENT #3 –very important!

Blog: Health care systems of other countries
Secondly, write a 350–400-word blog that incorporates the following:
·         In the authors’ review of National Health Insurance (NHI), National Health System (NHS), and also Socialized Health Insurance (SHI) systems of other countries, which country’s insurance model is the most effective and which one would be the most effective for use in the United States? Why?

Description of modern slavery in the context of sustainability

This is a paper that focuses on the description of modern slavery in the context of sustainability. The paper also provides a Rubic for marking criteria of the paper grades.

Description of modern slavery in the context of sustainability

Essay Instructions
“Modern slavery” is a common umbrella term used to describe a range of extreme labour rights abuses – including slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced or compulsory labour. Due to the onset of globalisation and high competition, cheap labour is in high demand and modern-day slavery in its current form is often hidden in the different layers of international trade among countries, economies and even in supply chains. On 1st January 2019, Australia implemented a new legislation (Modern Slavery Act) which aims to increase transparency about companies’ supply chains.

Prepare a 2500-word (+/- 10%) essay, describing your understanding of Modern Slavery from a sustainability perspective. Provide various examples of cases as found in the literature (Rana Plaza building, apparel firms, etc), websites and media sources; and a discussion of how this could impact procurement and supply chain operations. Include also in your essay, what measures should be taken to ensure more socially responsible and ethical practices in supply chains. Apply concepts and theories where appropriate, and also supporting journal articles to enrich your discussion.

Please use appropriate headings and sub- headings where necessary.
Firstly, describe your understanding of modern slavery.
Secondly, context of sustainability (i.e. social dimension, social responsibility)
Thirdly, discuss the impacts of modern slavery on the supply chain.
E.g. retailers, manufacturers, reputation of focal company, brand name, etc
Suggest measures to ensure more social responsible and ethical practices in supply chain.
·       Keywords: Modern Slavery, Supply chain management, Sustainable supply chains, Corporate social responsibility, Sustainable procurement, Sustainable sourcing, Supply chain auditing, Supply chain compliance, Supply chain ethics, Corporate accountability, Transparency

Description of modern slavery in the context of sustainability

Firstly, introduction and description of the topic (10 marks)
Secondly, assessment of the sustainability issue/s (social & ethical considerations) and how they impact supply chain players and/or operations (40 marks)
Thirdly, incorporation of suggested measures (10 marks)
Fourthly, application of knowledge, concepts or theory (20 marks)
English Expression (10 marks)
Referencing (10 marks)
TOTAL 100 marks

·         Useful websites:

Developing role of physiotherapy in Health Promotion

This is a paper that focuses on developing role of physiotherapy in Health Promotion. The paper also considers the government drivers in health promotion.

Developing role of physiotherapy in Health Promotion

The developing role of physiotherapy in Health Promotion and illness prevention, a reflective account.
There is increasing emphasis on the role of physiotherapy in health promotion and also illness prevention, with the economic burden of ill health being felt by individuals, organisations and the healthcare providers.
This assignment is the chance to reflect on what you have witnessed on clinical placement, in relation to HP and IP. Place it in context of current practice and thoughts for the future.
You should include:
• An introduction to the developing role of physiotherapy in health promotion and illness prevention.  Consider:
Background to the problem (health of the population)
What is HP and IP
Introduce the reflection component to the essay.


• The main body of the assignment should be a reflective account of placement experiences of a physiotherapist’s role in health promotion and illness prevention.

Firstly, what did you witness – +ve or -ve. (-ve is not necessarily about criticising what was seen on a placement, but identifying where changes could be made to support HP/IP input, or to develop further where some elements exist).
Secondly, when choosing which experiences to include, consider relevance to physio carefully. I.e. smoking cessation may involve in some of the programmes physios are involve in, but it’s not our area of expertise and also so not a good choice of focus. Emphasis around physical activity would be the most likely option, but your choice as long as directly relevant to physiotherapy.
Thirdly, could be a single experience or a combination, however if using more than one experience, it’s better to stick within the same theme of HP.

As with all assignments you must support your arguments with the relevant literature in that area. Keep it balanced not biased.
This should not be a descriptive piece and so make sure you include analysis, synthesis and evaluation, in the context of the existing evidence.
You can write in the first person for the reflective account.

o Within the assignment you may want to consider:
▪ Government drivers you have witnessed in action, in relation to health promotion and also illness prevention.
▪ The implementation of campaigns by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy that you may have witnessed.

The Case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study by Allan M. Brandt

Read Racism and Research: the Case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study by Allan M. Brandt. (NOTE: the article is attached and another copy is available separately in this folder).

The Case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study by Allan M. Brandt

Read Racism and Research: the Case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study by Allan M. Brandt. (NOTE: the article is attached and another copy is available separately in this folder).

After reading the article, answer the questions from the two sections below:

Section 1:

In your own words, write 1-2 paragraphs describing the events presented in the essay. Answer each of the following specific questions in your response:

Firstly, What were the main discussion points of the essay?

Secondly, What were the results and consequences of the study?

Thirdly, Would it be acceptable to replicate this study today? Why? Or Why not?

Finally, Was this study ethical/unethical? Explain why.

Section 2:

Using one of the sociological perspectives on race and racism presented in the textbook, explain the events described in the essay.

For the sociological perspective you choose, explain how it is relevant to the article and draw one or more conclusions from your analysis.

Discuss the limitations of the sociological perspective you choose in describing the event. In other words, what does the perspective miss or not explain well.

The Case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study by Allan M. Brandt
In 1932 the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) initiated an experiment in Macon County, Alabama, to determine the natural course of untreated, latent syphilis in black males. The test comprised 400 syphilitic men, as well as 200 uninfected men who served as controls. The first published report of the study appeared in 1936 with subsequent papers issued every four to six years, through the 1960s. When penicillin became widely available by the early 1950s as the preferred treatment for syphilis…

How Israeli media and Palestinian media are covering COVID-19

A compare and contrast how Israeli media and Palestinian media are covering COVID-19.

How Israeli media and Palestinian media are covering COVID-19

A compare and contrast how Israeli media and Palestinian media are covering COVID-19.

More details;

The novel coronavirus pandemic will shape the politics and economics of the Middle East in both the immediate and long term. As the pandemic’s repercussions will be felt far beyond public health. Many of the dynamics that were set in motion before this crisis will be accelerated by its onset. While Israel closely watches the side effects of the pandemic as they evolve into potential security threats. It should also keep an eye on the opportunities for regional cooperation and stabilization that arise as its surrounding landscape changes.

Numerous countries in the region were knee-deep in multi-faceted crises long before the virus erupted. The status quo in the majority of the Middle East. Firstly, poor economic conditions. Secondly, an influx of immigrants and refugees. Thirdly, violent civil wars and internal conflicts. Fourthly failing and corrupt bureaucracies. Additionally, has evolved into a landscape with threats and opportunities alike. When it comes to the pandemic, the feeble governments and authoritarian regimes in the region have a strong political incentive to hide the truth from their constituents and the rest of the world. Many cannot collect the relevant data and make sense of it. This is a major handicap that will impair any capability to handle the pandemic and allocate (almost non-existent) resources to keep their countries afloat.

Iran, already reeling under tough sanctions and historic unrest, was one of the first countries worldwide to experience a widespread outbreak. It became a hotspot largely due to its close economic ties with China and Tehran’s rampant mismanagement. Officially, the Islamic Republic reports over 76,000 cases and more than 4,700 fatalities, but health experts assess the real numbers to be far higher.

Analysis of a court decision of a medical malpractice

This is a paper that focuses on analysis of a court decision of a medical malpractice. This is done by a physician in regards to medical standards of care.

Analysis of a court decision of a medical malpractice

I‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍HP Mile 2 Overview:

The final case study for this course will require you to analyze a court decision. Which a physician was found liable for medical malpractice. You will focus on facts pertaining to the medical standard of care, breach of care, and also causation. You will explain how the application is  to law. Additionally, you will then use the facts of the case to identify an ethics issue and determine an ethical theory that would help provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient. Next, you will apply a clinician–patient shared decision-making model to describe how the ethics issue could be resolved.

You will also include a discussion about possible violations of the code of ethics in your given field. Lastly, you will augment or vary the facts of the case to create a hypothetical scenario that changes the outcome so that the physician is no longer liable for medical malpractice. Prompt: In this project, you will analyze a court case involving medical malpractice.

For this milestone, you will use the facts from the original case to identify an ethics issue. Determine an ethical theory that would help provide a safe and quality healthcare experience for the patient. Also, apply a clinician–patient shared decision-making model.

III. Ethical Component:

In this section, you will evaluate the case to identify the specific ethical issues and determine ethical theories and shared decision making models that would help resolve the issue and provide a safe, quality healthcare experience. Then, you will propose and defend ethical guidelines for healthcare providers to follow in order to avoid future incidents.

A. Firstly, describe the ethical issues that led to th‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍e malpractice case and explain why the issues are credited with causing the incident. Support your response with research and relevant examples from the case

B. Secondly, describe an ethical theory that would help resolve the issue and provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient. Support your response with research and relevant examples from the case.

C. Thirdly, select a physician–patient shared decision-making model and explain how it would provide a safe, quality healthcare experience for the patient

D. Fourthly, propose ethical guidelines that would have helped prevent the incident and would help the organization prevent future incidents.

E. Lastly, defend how your proposed ethical guidelines will hold healthcare providers accountable to themselves, their profession, their patients, and the public. Here’ s the case‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍Rjn2Do.

How health care professionals burnout is related to patient care

How health care professionals’ burnout is related to patient care?

Goals 1. Engage students in a research process that investigates a professional nursing issue.

2. Develop skill in critical thinking and analysis of a research topic.

3. Develop skill in scholarly writing using APA 7th edition formatting.

1. Students are to identify a research topic regarding a professional nursing issue of interest.

2. The term paper is a scholarly submission based-on the analysis of peer reviewed academic resources. Term Paper Guidelines: Articulating the Issue (Paragraph 1)

– Articulate the central issue/concern by bringing the reader towards your topic. Be accurate, objective and compelling.

– Establish the context of the topic, identify perspective from relevant academic research.

– Identify the significance and relevance of the topic to you as the author and what is the specific issue/problem/disagreement you intend to focus on. Background (Paragraph 2)

– Provide a brief background of information about the issue.

– Draw in current literature about the scope, nature and magnitude of the issue by reviewing relevant literature to the topic and researchers in the field.

– Consider defining key terms and characteristics. Philosophical Assumptions ( Paragraph 3)

– Describe your philosophical assumptions in relation to the topic.

This is a reflection of your values and beliefs (your paradigm). How does your philosophical outlook influence your nursing practice regarding this issue? Analyzing the Issue (Paragraph 4/5) This paragraph(s) is to provide a reasoned analysis and evidence that supports your developing understanding of the topic of research. Articulate the context of the issue in relation to Canadian nursing practice (for example consider the historical, ethical, legal, social, cultural or political contexts). Demonstrate growth in your understanding of the topic by drawing on quality academic literature, such as new insights, questions and potential directions. Conclusion/Reinforcement (Last Paragraph )

This final paragraph should offer a succinct summary of the key issue and draw out a concluding statement about the topic. In your conclusion you should identify new insights, further questions and potential directions for future research. Your final sentences should touch on the significance of the issue to nursing and leave the reader with a positive message (‘food for thought’).

Impact on constructing a Motorway outside a care home for people with dementia


write an essay/report based on the impact construction o(mainly a motorway) would have on older people and people with dementia living in a care home. The motorway will be constructed beside the care home. Health issues such as air pollution (which may cause cardiovascular problems), noise level (which could cause sleep deprivation), Mental health. Risks. Use peer and literature reviews if possible Please find attached list of references I have looked at. You can reference some of these, but also referencing within these journals. I’m sure you will see when you read the journals. The most recent the better.

Vila Health: Assessing Financial Risk

Paper details

Vila Health: Assessing Financial Risk

This discussion will be based upon the media simulation, Vila Health: Assessing Financial Risk. To complete this discussion please address the following: •Reflect on the various financial risks that were brought up throughout the media simulation: ◦Which risks did you feel were the most vital to address? ◦Describe, in general, your preferred approach to investigating and addressing the financial risks that were brought up. ◦Why did you take the approach that you did? ◦Why is it important to consider and address the financial risks when planning and implementing a new service or project?