All children should be vaccinated unless they have a medical reason not to

All children should be vaccinated unless they have a medical reason not to. Write an argument paper making a value claim. A value claim argues whether something is moral or immoral, fair or unfair, just or unjust, humane or inhumane, etc.

All children should be vaccinated unless they have a medical reason not to

All children should be vaccinated unless they have a medical reason not to.
Write an argument paper making a value claim.
A value claim argues whether something is moral or immoral, fair or unfair, just or unjust, humane or inhumane, etc.

For example, “Killing animals for sport is morally wrong” is a value claim. If that’s your topic, construct emotional appeals to persuade your reader to agree with you. The easiest way to support your main points in a value claim is to use stories. Stories “connect” to your reader on an emotional level.
For this essay, think about your personal values, where those values came from, and why your audience will share these values. Then, apply those values to a question that affects everyone. You are not recommending a course of action (that’s a policy claim); you are arguing that something is right or wrong.

Remember, some values are simply expressions of taste. For example, suppose you prefer chocolate over vanilla. You cannot successfully argue that chocolate is better (though many people have tried)!


In the first paragraph, clearly state your claim. After the claim—which is your thesis—include a roadmap (or blueprint) of the main points to follow.

Beginning in paragraph two, fully develop your supports. Each support must be in a separate paragraph or set of paragraphs. Do not put two points in the same paragraph!

Begin each paragraph with a transition word (first, second, next, etc.) in the topic sentence.

Order your supports by importance (that is, the most important or persuasive support comes first).

Make sure that you include a refutation of opposing arguments. This refutation should come after you have supported your claim.

Finally, summarize both your claim and your supports in your final paragraph.

In-Text Citations and Works Cited Section
You MUST include properly formatted in-text citations and a Works Cited section at the end of your essay. If you are not sure how to follow the MLA style, please review both the text and the lectures for example.

The historical complexity for the removal of Cheokee

This is a paper that focuses on the historical complexity for the removal of Cheokee. The paper also focuses on analyzing two oust from two different posts.

The historical complexity for the removal of Cheokee

Discussion: Historical Complexity
Consider the following statement: “In preparing for the Cherokee removal, state and federal officials were motivated solely by desire to seize the natives’ land.” In your post, consider the following:
·         Does this statement present the full picture? Revise this statement to present a more complex explanation of the motivations that drove state and federal officials (and the white citizens of Georgia) during the years immediately preceding the Cherokee removal. Explain the choices you made in your revision.

·         Next, consider how you can take a similar approach to your own topic (Equal Rights Amendment in the United States) in order to more fully understand the historical complexity. What other viewpoints would you want to further explore in order to more fully understand your topic?
In response to your peers, share any preconceived notions you may have about their topic. (Not about the Native American removal). Lastly, consider how further exploration of the viewpoints around their topic would potentially change the lens through which they currently view the event.

Peer Posts:

1.      Melinda Burns posted
“In preparing for the Cherokee removal, state and federal officials were motivate solely by desire to seize the natives’ land.”
Reflect the full picture as to why the government wanted to relocate the Cherokee.  Yes there was dispute over the land. The land was great for producing cotton, but I also think another reason governing officials wanted to relocated the Cherokee tribe was for political control and power. Looking at this through a political lens the governing official wanted to ensure political control and power. Especially since the Cherokee pushed back with politically lobbying.

My topic is the Woman’s Suffrage Movement. Another approach I could take to further understand this topic is researching the opposing views. I was to find out that there was a large group of women who opposing the movement. They felt it did not benefit woman to be “entirely equal,” I think it would be beneficial to research this side of the movement. Also, how that impacted the delaying of the nineteenth amendment.

Goyeo Tech start-up company corporate plan analysis

This is a paper that focuses on the Goyeo Tech start-up company corporate plan analysis. The paper also provides a brief description of a case scenario.

Goyeo Tech start-up company corporate plan analysis

This case study is an imagined company and does not exist in real life. Please do not spend time ‘Googling’ the company as you will not find anything. We do not need lots of information about the company, we are intereste in your understanding of the theory.

Goyeo Tech is a start-up company based in London. They have developed wearable technology aimed at students. The technology automatically reminds them of class times and assignment deadlines. In the class it takes real time notes and sends a small electric shock to the wearer when they are not focusing on what they should be.
Goyeo was develop by two friends who met whilst at Coventry University London. Currently the product is produced in Arianna’s garage, as they are selling more of the product, they are beginning to see some production issues.

Luna thinks it is a good idea to start outsourcing the production of the product. She thinks this will give them access to new markets. Arianna is passionate about environmental protection and global poverty reduction. Additionally, she thinks outsourcing will contribute to green-house emissions through transport pollution and keep people in poverty.
Also, you are a trade consultant working in London, you have been given Goyeo as one of your projects and have been asked to create a ‘corporate plan’ for the company. The corporate plan has three objectives: outsourcing, exporting and logistics. It is then together by the overall vision and mission statements. Using insights from the module so far you need to write a 2500 word corporate plan using the structure attachment below.

Lastly, ensure that you include all the references that you are going to use in the assignment.

Alterations in the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems

This is an assignment that focuses on the Alterations in the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems. The paper also considers a variety of factors and circumstances on the issue.

Alterations in the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems

W‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍alden University: Advanced Pathophysiology 6501 Online Media from?Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children In addition to this week’s media, it is highly recommended that you access and view the resources included with the course text, Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. Focus on the videos and animations in Chapters 32, 33, 35, and 36 that relate to cardiorespiratory systems and alteration in cardiorespiratory systems. Refer to the Learning Resources in Week 1 for registration instructions.

However, if you have already registered, you may access the resources at Required Reference Resources: McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier. • Chapter 32: Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems; Summary Review • Chapter 33: Alterations of Cardiovascular Function (stop at Dysrhythmias); Review • Chapter 35: Structure and Function of the Pulmonary System; Summary Review • Chapter 36: Alterations of Pulmonary Function (stop at Disorders of the chest wall and pleura); (obstructive pulmonary diseases) (stop at Pulmonary artery hypertension); Summary Review Note: The above chapters were first presented in the Week 3 resources.

Alterations in the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems

Also, if you read them previously you are encouraged to review them this week. Inamdar, A. A. & Inamdar, A. C. (2016). Heart failure: Diagnosis, management, and utilization, 5(7). doi:10.3390/jcm5070062 Note: The above article was first presented in the Week 3 resources. If you read it previously you are encouraged to review it this week. Module 2 Assignment: Case Study Analysis An understanding of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is a critically important component of disease diagnosis and also treatment. This importance is magnified by the fact that these two systems work so closely together.

A variety of factors and circumstances that impact the emergence and severity of issues in one system can have a role in the performance of the other. Effective disease analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond these systems and also their capacity to work together. The impact of patient characteristics, as well as racial and ethnic variables, can also have an important impact. Photo Credit: yodiyim – An understanding of the symptoms of alterations in cardiovascular and respiratory systems is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.

For APRNs this understanding can also help educate patients and also guide them through their treatment plans. In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You will also identify the elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health. Lastly, please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor.

Deconstructing Mental Illness through Pharmaceutical Advertisements

This paper focuses on Deconstructing Mental Illness through Pharmaceutical Advertisements. In this paper, you will rely on course materials and outside sources to apply a sociological perspective to illness

Deconstructing Mental Illness through Pharmaceutical Advertisements

In this paper, you will rely on course materials and outside sources to apply a sociological perspective to illness through analyzing a pharmaceutical advertisement. As you may know, pharmaceutical advertisements are prevalent in the US media. Just flip open a magazine or turn on the television, and you will be expose d to pharmaceutical ads to treat conditions ranging from depression to premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) to social anxiety disorder to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to countless other disorders.

Find a fairly recent advertisement (2008 or later) in a magazine for a condition that has been medicalized in recent years. In other words, do not look for advertisements aimed at treated diseases such as cancer, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Be sure to choose an ad that you can scan (or email a link). Feel free to use current commercials or pharmaceutical advertisements online (e.g., YouTube videos).  Please provide the source if you use an online version.

After finding which drug advertisement you want to use, apply a sociological framework to illustrate how this ad contributes to medicalization and the construction of illness for the targeted disorder. In an essay format, answer the following questions:

Deconstructing Mental Illness

To start, what is the name of the drug being advertise d and what disorder is it suppose d to treat? What is the history of this disorder? Using course materials or outside sources, illustrate the medicalization of this disorder. When was this disorder medicalized? What factors were salient to the medicalization of this disorder? Using data from reliable sources (such as CDC), illustrate in detail trends in the disorder being target ed. Be sure to include trends over time as well as trends according to race/ethnicity, sex, age, and social class (education, income, occupation).

Where did you find this advertisement? Who is the target audience for this media? Be sure to include demographic information on the readership for this publication. Using evidence based reasoning and available data on this disorder (from non‐industry groups, like CDC), explain why you think the advertised drug to treat a specific disorder is being targeted at a specific group.

What is the history of this drug? Has it been use d to treat other disorders?
Describe the ad. What visual images are use d? Further, What words pop out on the page? Explain in detail how these words or images contribute to the construction of illness for the disorder and the message being conveyed to readers. What does the visual imagery of the ad tell you about illness experiences related to the disorder?

More details;

What does the advertisement tell you about who is being targeted for this advertisement? Be sure to incorporate how race/ethnicity, age, class, and gender are relevant to the illness construction being present ed in the ad.
Provide a comprehensive analysis of how the social sources of illness are related to this disorder and the pharmaceutical therapy being advertised to treat this disorder.

Pharmaceutical treatments are rarely consider ed a panacea for a number of disorders and carry with them a number of side effects that can adversely affect a person’s health. With that in mind, what is not being communicate d in the ad about other ways to treat this disorder? Are there social approaches to treating this disorder that are overlooked in the ad? Be sure to elaborate on other potential approaches for this disorder in detail.
Finally, provide a comprehensive conclusion to this essay that demonstrates the sociological perspective you have applied to the advertisement. Be sure to incorporate concepts, such as medicalization, stigma, social power, and social sources of illness throughout your essay. You must also cite sources you use for this essay.

What health provisions can Urgent Care Hospital provide

This is an assignment that focuses on what health provisions can Urgent Care Hospital provide. The paper also determines the expenditure for the department.

What health provisions can Urgent Care Hospital provide

Urgent Care Hospital has recently received several large grants to modernize and upgrade the care they provide to the community. The hospital has determined to spend some of the money to upgrade the radiology department and has hired you to manage a project to install a new CAT scanner (computerized axial tomography scanner) to provide better care to critical patients.

The new CAT scanner will require a major renovation of the radiology department, which is estimated to take eight weeks. Although the head of the department is eager to have the new machinery, she is not happy about the disruption the construction will cause. The construction renovation cannot begin until after the installation is complete. The four operators who will use the new equipment also need two weeks of training.

The estimated costs are as follows:
Purchase: $1,000,000
Installation: $45,000
Operator training: $16,000
Renovation: $96,000
Since the hospital expects to generate income of $50,000 a month on the new scanner, its managers are anxious to begin using it as soon as possible with the least possible disruption to hospital functions. The head of the radiology department has come to you asking you to reduce the total project time as much as possible. She feels that thirteen weeks is too long of a disruption.

What health provisions can Urgent Care Hospital provide

To accommodate the request, you now need to complete the following tasks:
a.       Firstly, determine what can be done to ‘‘crash the schedule.’’
b.      Secondly, prepare a network diagram and assign calendar dates to each activity.
c.       Thirdly, determine what resources are needed for each activity.
d.     Fourthly, prepare a cash flow report showing the projected expenditures for each week of the project.

General rules for case study analysis and marking:
·         All assignments must represent your own individual efforts. Also, you are ultimately responsible for your own work.
·         If needed, use references (cite and add to reference list).
·         Use Times New Roman size 12 and donot forget to write down your name and ID number.

The SOAP Note analysis of a 56 year old white man

This is a paper that focuses on the SOAP Note analysis of a 56 year old white man. The paper also provides questions to answer for the paper.

The SOAP Note analysis of a 56 year old white man

Week 5 Assignment 2:  SOAP Note

A 56-year-old white man presents with an accelerated decline in lung function. Last year you ordered an albuterol inhaler prn and also that seemed sufficient. Today he is dyspneic, pale, and seems almost listless. He continues to smoke, and his pack-year history is 40 years.

CC: “I have to sleep in my recliner because I can’t lie in bed, and I have no energy to do anything—I don’t even have energy to eat.”

Physical exam:
Blood pressure: 132/94
Pulse rate: 120 beats/min
Respiration rate: 36/min.
Height: 5΄9΄΄
Weight: 160 lbs
AP to lateral diameter: 1:1
Cough with clear mucoid sputum
Diminished breath sounds
Hyperresonance over lung fields on percussion and use of accessory muscles during respiration
Pulmonary function tests: Postbronchodilator FEV1 < 0.6
FEV1/forced vital capacity < 0.7
Chest x-ray film: Small heart, hyperinflation, and flat diaphragm
Arterial blood gases: Arterial hypoxemia and also respiratory acidosis

1.    Firstly, what additional subjective data do you think the patient will share?
2.    Secondly, what additional objective data will you be assessing for?
3.    Thirdly, what National Guidelines are appropriate to consider?
4.    Fourthly, what tests will you order?
5.    Will you be looking for a consult?
6.    What are the medical and also nursing diagnoses?
7.    Also, are there any legal/ethical considerations?
8.    Additionally, what is your plan of care? Medical, nursing, complementary therapies
9.    Subsequently, are there any Healthy People 2020 objectives that you should consider?
10. Using the Circle of Caring, what or who else should be involved to truly hear the patient’s voice, getting him and also the family involved in the care to reach optimal health?
11. What additional patient teaching may be needed?
12. Finally, what billing codes would you recommend?

Should scientists use technology to alter the DNA of future generations Why or why not?

Paper details

Instructions: Read Google Glass OR “Designer Babies” articles and write your own argument responding to the following issue: Should Google bring back Google Glass and try to market it to the general public? Why or why not? OR Should scientists use technology to alter the DNA of future generations? Why or why not? “Designer Babies” articles: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Google Glass articles: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. You must use and cite evidence from at least two articles to support your points. You must use one of the articles I provided, and you must find and use one additional article. Follow the MLA citation guidelines and cite all your sources. Length: 3-4 pages, in MLA format. Evaluation An effective essay will: -clearly respond to the prompt -have a creative, specific, and relevant title (10 points) -contain an introduction that includes all the necessary elements as well as an effective thesis (30 points) -contain a logical body structure and developed confirmation paragraphs that begin with topic sentences (40 points) – include effective and relevant evidence in support of each claim presented (follow the PIE pattern by including at least two different types of evidence in each body paragraph) (20 points) -contain at least one effectively developed refutation paragraph (10 points) -include effectively incorporated and accurately cited quotations and/or paraphrases (10 points) -contain an accurate MLA style works cited page (10 points) -be free from grammatical and mechanical errors (20 points) Total points possible: 150

Pharmacology and Diverse Populations


Imagine the county health department notifies your organization that a large number of immigrants are expected to be resettled in your area. The organization, wanting to be prepared to handle any health concerns of the population, tasks each department with readying for the influx of immigrants. Your supervisor asks you to prepare an impact report on the pharmacological needs of the population that can be shared with other departments. Preparation Complete the following as you prepare for your impact report:

Choose one of the global areas below as the area from which the population will be coming. Sub-Saharan Africa. India. China. Dominican Republic. Guatemala. Jamaica. Bangladesh. Saudi Arabia. Pakistan. Mexico. Research the most common health concerns and issues for immigrants from your chosen global area, the pharmacological treatments that will likely be prescribed, and any cultural values or traditional practices that may impact patient outcomes. Requirements Once you have identified the population you will be using for this assessment, include the following in your impact report: Describe the health concerns and issues for the population. Describe current pharmacological treatment regimens for the main health concerns and issues. Explain any traditional beliefs and practices associated with the health concerns and issues. Does the population engage in culturally based methods of treating the health concern? Explain how cultural values and traditional practices might affect acceptance and use of prescribed pharmacological treatments. Be sure to consider the relationship between quality patient outcomes, patient safety, and the appropriate use of pharmacology. Identify evidence-based, culturally sensitive strategies the organization can use to educate the population about the correct use of the pharmacology treatments. Identify evidence-based, culturally sensitive strategies the nursing staff can employ with the population to promote health and wellness. Write this assessment as an impact report formatted as other reports of a similar nature in your organization or an organization with which you are familiar. Include a title page and reference page and follow APA guidelines for your in-text citations and references. Additional Requirements Number of pages: 3–5 At least 3 current scholarly or professional resources. Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced font.

Television and the role it plays in identity

Questions for Investigation: In which different ways do people craft their own identities? In what different ways do people develop ideas of belonging? How does society construct or destroy feelings of identity and belonging? [A question of your own design related to themes of identity and/or belonging.] 750 words (3 pages) on the themes of Identity and/or belonging. Your essay must include: Outside evidence (text-based or other); At least 2 sources must be cited within the essay. One source should not be a text from our unit 2 readings. Detailed analysis of sources and issues Development of larger idea–your answer to the question (this is your thesis)