Scale Evaluation Project Guidelines by practitioners and clinicians

This is an assignment that focuses on the Scale Evaluation Project Guidelines by practitioners and clinicians. The paper is focusing mostly on the diagnosis of disorders.

Scale Evaluation Project Guidelines by practitioners and clinicians

Background Information
Scales usage are extensively by practitioners and clinicians to diagnose psychological disorders and to measure the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions. They are also by researchers to provide measures of psychological variables being studied. However, badly constructed scales can do more harm than good.
As such, an important skill you need to have as a psychologist is the ability to evaluate psychological scales before you use them. As an introduction to the scale evaluation process, you will be investigating the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ).

Research has identified sense of humour as an important buffer against the negative effects of stress. Basically, a good sense of humour can act as an effective coping mechanism. However, it is clear that people rely on different styles of humour, and not all humour may have beneficial effects.
The HSQ developement was to identify individual differences in humour styles, with findings pointing to some distinct differences that may indeed have implications for health. For us to be confident with any research results obtained from use of the scale, we must check that it has strong psychometric properties.

In this assessment you will be writing a report to assess the construct validity and internal consistency reliability of the HSQ. The items have already been created and a dataset has already been collected which will be available in vUWS.

Questions are in the attachment to the brief background information given above. Ensure that you analyze the information clearly before partaking the assignment. Use APA format and styling in writing your paper and referencing. Ensure that the paper is at least four pages long excluding the cover and reference page.

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