Healthcare Christianity and the World of Cultures
Healthcare Christianity and the World of Cultures
Firstly, watch the 45-minute presentation below in its entirety. You may need to log in with your LBC | Capital email address and password to access it. (This is a talk given by Dr. Douglas Jacobsen (Links to an external site.)
Watch the 45-minute presentation below in its entirety
Firstly, watch the 45-minute presentation below in its entirety. You may need to log in with your LBC | Capital email address and password to access it. (This is a talk given by Dr. Douglas Jacobsen (Links to an external site.), a professor of church history and also theology at Messiah University.)
(If the above video does not play, try signing into your LBC | Capital account at mail.lbc.eduLinks to an external site. and refreshing the page. If that does not work, click here (Links to an external site.).)
Second, post your carefully considered response to the following prompt in a paragraph of at least 6 sentences:
At the start of his talk, Dr. Jacobsen states, “We are currently living through the greatest moment of change in the history of Christianity.” What did you find as the 3 most outstanding evidences that we are in fact living in “the greatest moment of change”?
video link provided below
More details;
Christianity and the World of Cultures
The study of world Christianity begins with the basic premise that Christianity is, and from its very inception has been, a cross cultural and diverse religion with no single dominant expression. Throughout history, all Christians have lived in specific cultural contexts, which they have, to varying degrees, embraced and rejected. Regardless of a positive or negative attitude toward their surrounding culture, all Christians must respond to their surrounding context. It is in Christians of many and various responses that Christianity gains its unique multi-cultural and polyvocal texture as a world religion.