Healthcare Christianity and the World of Cultures

Healthcare Christianity and the World of Cultures

Firstly, watch the 45-minute presentation below in its entirety. You may need to log in with your LBC | Capital email address and password to access it. (This is a talk given by Dr. Douglas Jacobsen (Links to an external site.)

Watch the 45-minute presentation below in its entirety

Firstly, watch the 45-minute presentation below in its entirety. You may need to log in with your LBC | Capital email address and password to access it. (This is a talk given by Dr. Douglas Jacobsen (Links to an external site.), a professor of church history and also theology at Messiah University.)

(If the above video does not play, try signing into your LBC | Capital account at mail.lbc.eduLinks to an external site. and refreshing the page. If that does not work, click here (Links to an external site.).)

Second, post your carefully considered response to the following prompt in a paragraph of at least 6 sentences:

At the start of his talk, Dr. Jacobsen states, “We are currently living through the greatest moment of change in the history of Christianity.” What did you find as the 3 most outstanding evidences that we are in fact living in “the greatest moment of change”?
video link provided below

More details;

Christianity and the World of Cultures

The study of world Christianity begins with the basic premise that Christianity is, and from its very inception has been, a cross cultural and diverse religion with no single dominant expression. Throughout history, all Christians have lived in specific cultural contexts, which they have, to varying degrees, embraced and rejected. Regardless of a positive or negative attitude toward their surrounding culture, all Christians must respond to their surrounding context. It is in Christians of many and various responses that Christianity gains its unique multi-cultural and polyvocal texture as a world religion.


Staff member in the finance department at Nouveau Health

Staff member in the finance department at Nouveau Health

You are a staff member in the finance department at Nouveau Health, whose sole responsibility is to advance the success of the organization through assisting in planning, forecasting, and finance management.

You are a staff member in the finance department at Nouveau Health

Assignment Description: You are a staff member in the finance department at Nouveau Health, whose sole responsibility is to advance the success of the organization through assisting in planning, forecasting, and finance management.

Complete the following:

Prepare next year’s financial plan and operational budget.

Note: Use the budget you from Unit 1; it did not take into account the growth of the new facility. The CEO has asked that you expand that budget and provide a finalized budget that will take into account the new services offered. The CEO has stated that there is $3 million that you can incorporate in to the budget for additional staffing, services, maintenance, and so forth.

Moreover, use of APA style. Finally, students are to reference at least 2 scholarly sources for this task.

More details;

What is an Operating Budget?

An operating budget consists of all revenues and expenses over a period of time (typically a quarter or a year) which a corporation, government (see the U.S. 2017 Budget), or organization uses to plan its operations.  An operating budget is prepare d in advance of a reporting period as a goal. Or plan that the business expects to achieve. Below is an example of a downloadable budget template and also an explanation of how to prepare one.

Components of an Operating Budget

Firstly, the main components of an operations budget are in outline below.  Each business is unique and every industry has its nuances. But these items are general enough to apply to most industries.

Revenue is usually broken down into its drivers and components.  It’s possible to forecast revenue on a year-over-year basis, but usually, more detail is required by breaking revenue down into its underlying components.

Analyzing Legislation of a law – Identification of a health bill or policy

Analyzing Legislation of a law – Identification of a health bill or policy

This is an essay that is focused on Analyzing Legislation of a law and looking in depth into an identification of a health bill or policy.

Analyzing Legislation of a law – Identification of a health bill or policy

I‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍dentify a bill or law at the local, state, or federal level. Then, provide a brief synopsis of the bill or law in your own words and answer the following questions:

Firstly, does the proposed policy seek to achieve a compelling health objective? Is the health purpose(s) of the policy clearly and narrowly defined?

Secondly, is the proposed policy likely to be effective in achieving the stated goal(s)? Is the policy an appropriate intervention to achieve the stated objectives and is it reasonably likely to lead to effective action?

Thirdly, is the policy narrowly focusing on the health problem? Is the policy narrowly tailoring to ad‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍dress the specific health problem, is it over- or under- inclusive?

Fourthly, does the policy interfere with the right to liberty, autonomy, privacy, or nondiscrimination? How does the policy impact health equity?

Lastly, is the policy the least restrictive alternative or could the health objective be achieved as well, or better, with fewer restrictions on human rights?

Adapted from: The Formulation of Health Policy by the Three Branches of Government. Institute of Medicine. 1995. Society’s Choices: Social and Ethical Decision Making in Biomedicine. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/4771‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍.

Government impact on health policy development – Local health policy processes

Government impact on health policy development – Local health policy processes

The following assignment is to establish the government’s impact on policy development in addition to what the processes to establish a local health policy.

Government impact on policy development – Local health policy processes

Firstly, discuss how the structure of government impacts the policy development process. Describe the legislative, judicial, and administrative (executive) processes involved in establishing federal, state, or local health policy. Then, describe the organization of the public healthcare subsystem at the federal, state, and local levels. Finally, discuss the factors that influence the cost of health care. Health Promotion and Wellness. Cultural Diversity. Environmental Health.

Secondly, read chapter 4, 13 & 14 of the class textbook. Once done, answer the following questions; Discuss various theories of health promotion, including Pender’s Health Promotion Model, the Health Belief Model, the Transtheoretical Theory, and the Theory of Reasoned Action. In addition, answer the questions below:

1. Discuss at least two definitions of health.

2. Critically analyze racial and cultural diversity in the United States.

3. Describe the importance of air, water and food quality as a determinant of health.

4. Describe the importance of air, water and food quality as a determinant of health. Communicable Disease and Infectious Disease.

Lastly, read chapter 25 of the class textbook. Once done answer the following questions; Discuss the principles related to the occurrence and transmission of communicable and infectious diseases. Describe the three focus areas in Healthy People 2020 and the objectives that apply to communicable and infectious diseases.

Identify and discuss nursing activities for the control of infectious diseases at primary, secondary and tertiary levels of prevention. Identify and discuss a communicable and/or infectious disease that it was believed to be eradicated and have reemerged now. For example; measles.

Utilization review and Utilization management in health care

Utilization review and Utilization management in health care

This is an assignment that focuses on the utilization review and Utilization management in health care. The paper also explains the roles of each method in survival.

The utilization review and Utilization management in health care

Assignment Overview:

Firstly, with the consistently rising costs of health care services, utilization management and utilization review are routinely used in the vast majority of current health care settings. How are they evolving over time, and what is involved in these processes? What do health care managers need to be aware of as the processes play out? In the absence of sweeping policy change (or the complete restructuring of the United States health care system), utilization management and utilization review are much more moderate processes to attempt to preserve the quality of care provided while controlling overall health care expenditures. Let’s learn a bit about each of these processes, and how they are implemented in our current health care environment.

Assignment: Using the information in the required readings as well as some additional research in peer reviewed sources, complete your Case Assignment by answering the following:

1. Firstly, compare and contrast utilization review and utilization management in health care. What are the similarities and the differences between each type of assessment? (Hint: One is generally a prospective process, and the other is generally a retrospective process).

2. Secondly, explain the specific role of each method in providing value-based health care. Who benefits from the method—the health care system, the insurance company, and/or the patient?

3. Thirdly, articulate how individual case management is critical to a hospital’s long-term survival. In what way does this practice protect your patients while keeping your doors open for business?

4. Fourthly, what are the ethical pitfalls to be aware of in performing these‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ types of quality reviews? What must health care managers be aware of in terms of ethical pitfalls and also potential unintended negative consequences?

Learning Outcomes:

Compare and also contrast utilization review and utilization management in health care. – Investigate the specific roles of utilization management methods in providing value-based health care. – Articulate how utilization management is critical to a hospital’s long-term survival.

Then, discuss ethical pitfalls—including unintended consequences—that managers should be aware of in utilization management. Background References (Use at least 2 references with other peer reviewed references): Baker, J. (2018). Improving quality of care through utilization management [Video file]. Retrieved from Carasso, S. (2017). However, is that test necessary? The key to laboratory utilization management. The Journal of Medical Practice Management: MPM, 33(3), 160-164. Desai, S., Gruber, P. F., Eiting, E., Seabury, S. A., Mack, W. J., Voyageur, C., . . . Terp, S. (2017).

Lastly, the effect of utilization review on emergency department operations. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 70(5), 623-631.e1. El-Othmani, M. M., Sayeed, Z., Ramsey, J. A., Abaab, L., Little, B. E., & Saleh, K. J. (2019). The joint utilization management program: Implementation of a bundle payment model and also a comparison between year 1 and 2 results. The Journal of Arthroplasty, 34(11), 2532-2537. Parast, M. M., & Golmohammadi, D. (2019).

Conditions to Benefit from Medicare or Medicaid

Conditions to Benefit from Medicare or Medicaid

This paper focuses on Medicare and Medicaid. Consider how people qualify to receive Medicare and/or Medicaid write a paper that addresses the bullets below:

Consider how people qualify to receive Medicare and/or Medicaid

Firstly, Consider how people qualify to receive Medicare and/or Medicaid. Write a paper that addresses the bullets below:

Secondly, Describe the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) and explain how the QIO improves policies and healthcare for Medicare beneficiaries.

Thirdly, Briefly define the qualifications for Medicare and Medicaid benefits.

Fourthly, How can qualifications be modified to serve more people who are considered a vulnerable population?

Further, Discuss the impact (including at least two positive and two negative aspects) that the ACA has had on benefits and coverage for Medicare and Medicaid recipients.

Also, Describe your role(s) as a healthcare leader as it applies to the practice of advocating for cost effective care for vulnerable populations.


More details;

How do you qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid?
Dual eligibility

If you have Medicare and full Medicaid coverage, most of your health care costs are likely covered. You can get your Medicare coverage through Original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C). If you have Medicare and full Medicaid, you’ll get your Part D prescription drugs.

What does Medicaid cover?
Medicaid provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient health care coverage, including many services and costs Medicare does not cover, most notably, prescription drugs, diagnostic and preventive care, and eyeglasses.

What is the function of the quality improvement organization?

QIO Program Mission
The mission of the CMS Quality Improvement Organization program is to improve the effectiveness and quality of services delivered to Medicare beneficiaries. The program strives to do this in several ways, including pay for performance, disease management, and accountability measures.
What does a peer review organization quality improvement organization primarily do?
Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs), formerly called Peer Review Organizations (PROs), are the primary means by which the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) promote quality of care for Medicare’s 40 million beneficiaries.
What is the role of the beneficiary and family centered care?
Beneficiary and Family Centered Care-Quality Improvement Organizations (BFCC-QIOs) help people who have Medicare exercise their right to high-quality health care by: Managing all complaints and quality of care reviews to ensure consistency in the review process. Also, Providing Health Care Navigation services.
Lastly, What makes a good healthcare leader?
Successful healthcare leaders need clinical skills, business competencies, and interpersonal or soft skills to guide their organizations to success. … Becker’s Hospital Review cites listening, vision, integrity, empathy, and optimism as core skills for medical leaders.







Infographic on of Telehealth

Infographic on of Telehealth

This is an assignment that describes the creation of an infographic on the topic of telehealth. It entails the comparison of telehealth and telemedicine that is easily understandable to the public in general.

Creation of an Infographic on the topic of Telehealth

Firstly, infographics are visual representations of information. They can include numbers, text, images, or any combination of the three. Just as in traditional writing assignments, an infographic can take on any of the various rhetorical modes — informative, instructive, descriptive, persuasive, etc.

Secondly, infographics provide quick way to convey a lot of information. For example, this infographic on Integrating Virtual Clinics conveys interesting data much more concisely than another paragraph inserted here could have: (See attachment) Students will create an Infographic on the topic of Telehealth.

Thirdly, for this assignment, Students should create an infographic that is easily understood by the lay public or general population. The infographic should provide information useful to communicating the “What, Why, When and How” of Telehealth.

Students may choose to focus on one or mor‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍e the following suggested topic areas, however, students may choose their own relevant telehealth topic areas of: * Telehealth Versus Telemedicine * Environments or Systems * Population Health * Health Promotion and Illness Prevention * Integrative Health * Technologies and Innovation * Provider Access * Patient Access * Policy Implications * Legal Implications * Clinical Practice Issues * Education/Training Needs * Research Implications * Quality of Care *

Lastly,these are the outcomes that the management hopes the students will achieve at the end of this assignment: 1. Students will select a platform (tool) for building their infographic. There are a number of great infographic platforms available online. Many are free, but most require that you do set up an account. Check out, Easelly, Piktochart, and Visme. 2. Create the Infographic using one of the above platforms. 3. Post completed infographic in PDF ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍format

Staff member in the finance department at Nouveau Health

Staff member in the finance department at Nouveau Health

This is an essay that discusses the policy analysis of the senate bill-1152. Additionally, the essay discusses the effects of the policy in addition to contributions to the policy.

Policy analysis of the Senate bill-1152

Firstly, there is part l: The Social Problem Addressed by the Policy

  1. What is/are the problem/s to be solved in the most fundamental terms?
  2. Identify what is the history of the problem/s in the United States?
  3. What are the various theories about the causes of the problem/s? Based on this, what fo you think is/are the most importance cause/s of the problem/s?

Secondly, there is part ll: The Policy Objectives, Value Premises, Expectations, and Target Populations

1. Policy objectives: overt and covert objectives. What are the stated objectives of the policy? In your judgment, what are the covert objectives of the policy? 2. What are the values underlying the policy objectives? What values are revealed by the overt and covert objectives? 3. What did the policymakers expect would be the results? Of the policy? 4. Target segments of the population at whom the policy is aimed. Also, discuss the direct ta‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍rget of the policy in terms of size and other demographic characteristics. Who are the indirect targets of the policy?

Thirdly, there is part lll: Effects of the Policy 1. Intended effects. What are the effects that lawmakers intended? 2. Unintended effects. What are the effects that the lawmakers did not forsee? Lastly, Distinguish between short-range (under 5 years) and long-range (over 5 years) effects of the policy.


Fourthly, there is part lV: 1. Changes in the distribution of material resources.

Are there any changes to the distribution of material resources, including income and other tangible benefits, as a result of the policy for direct or indirect target groups? In addition, Changes in distribution of services, rights, and statuses. Are there any changes in services, rights, or statuses as a result of the policy?

Lastly, there is part V: 1. What alternative policy/ies would address the social problem discussed in the policy analysis more effectively while advancing social justi‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ce?

Flint water crisis potential long term health effects

Flint water crisis potential long term health effects

This is an essay discussing the flint water crisis potential long term health effects. Additionally, the essay describes the Chemistry involved in nursing.

The flint water crisis potential long term health effects

Firstly, focus on the potential long term health effects of the Flint water crisis. Then, discuss the chemistry involved along with the connection nursing Chemistry and public health effects of the Flint River crisis.

Secondly, apply the scientific method to propose a hypothesis and set up an experiment including positive and negative controls and appropriate units of measurement. Then, predict the numbers of protons, neutrons, and electrons given the atomic symbol or limited information for a specific isotope of an element and relate them to atomic mass and charge.

Thirdly, determine chemical names and/or chemical formula for diatomic or simple polyatomic compounds. Then, draw a Lewis structure, construct a molecular geometry and determine the polarity for a covalent compound. Balance chemical equations, calculate the molar mass of all compounds in the reaction and demonstrate how mole ratios play a role in stoichiometry.

Fourthly, predict how a change in one or more of the parameters of a gas alters dependent gas parameters. Such parameters include pressure, volume or temperature. Additionally,

  • calculate the concentration and volume of a solution given solute and solvent parameters.
  • Predict the properties of identify reduction and oxidation agents. This is as well as to acids and bases by analysis of chemical formulas, chemical reactions, and solution pH values.
  • Differentiate the common classes of organic functional groups and identify the appropriate common or IUPAC names, applications, and chemical structures for simple organic compounds.
  • Differentiate between the types of radio-active decay at the subatomic level and provide real-world applications, sources, and risks.
  • Contrast the synthesis, composition, structure and functions of major biological macromolecules and Illustrate the process of flow of genetic information

Designing a telehealth intervention for a rural population

Designing a telehealth intervention for a rural population

This paper focuses on designing a telehealth intervention for a rural population. Write a 25-page research paper in current APA format that focuses on an applied topic of your choosing related to healthcare economics

Designing a telehealth intervention for a rural population

Write a 25-page research paper in current APA format that focuses on an applied topic of your choosing related to healthcare economics and decision-making in the healthcare industry or a healthcare facility. The paper must include at least 20 references

More details;

Designing a multifaceted telehealth intervention for a rural population using a model for developing complex interventions in nursing


Telehealth interventions offer an evidenced-based approach to providing cost-effective care, education, and timely communication at a distance. Yet, despite its widespread use, telehealth has not reached full potential, especially in rural areas, due to the complex process of designing and implementing telehealth programs. The objective of this paper is to explore the use of a theory-based approach, the Model for Developing Complex Interventions in Nursing, to design a pilot telehealth intervention program for a rural population with multiple chronic conditions.


In order to develop a robust, evidenced based intervention that suits:

Firstly, the needs of the community, stakeholders,

Secondly, healthcare agencies involved,

Thirdly, a design team comprised of state representatives,

Fourthly, telehealth experts,

Further, patient advocates was convene.

Also, each design team meeting was guided by major model constructs

(i.e., problem identification,

defining the target population and objectives,

measurement theory selection,

building and planning the intervention protocol).

Overarching the process was a review of the literature to ensure that the developed intervention was congruent with evidence-based practice and underlying the entire process was scope of practice considerations.


Ten design team meetings were held over a six-month period. An adaptive pilot intervention targeting home and community-based Medicaid Waiver Program participants in a rural environment with a primary objective of preventing re-institutionalizations was developed and accepted for implementation.