Social economic and political implications of an aging population

Social economic and political implications of an aging population

How will our ageing population change our families and social trends?Demographic trends, changes in family economic well-being, and family structures Apr 22, 2015 Eileen Crimmins

How will our ageing population change our families and social trends?

How will our aging population change our families and social trends?

1. Journal Entry 1

Firstly, watch video Demographic trends, changes in family economic well-being, and family structures Apr 22, 2015 Eileen Crimmins :

Secondly, How will our aging population change our families and social trends?

2. Journal Entry 2.

Firstly, Discuss effect of three landmark issues; The Defense of Marriage Act, United States v. Windsor (570 U.S. ___ 2013); and Obergefell v. Hodges

Secondly, Discuss the international legality of gay rights

3. Journal Entry
Using England’s research on “hooking up” discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hooking up.

Further, Discuss the effect of the sexual revolution of the 1960s.

Also, Discuss the benefits of marriage described in the text.

4. Journal Entry 4.
Answer and explain/discuss the four questions:

Firstly, How old are people today when they

Secondly,  How many babies are born to unmarried women?

How does the aging population affect society?

If the retirement age remains fixed, and the life expectancy increases, there will be relatively more people claiming pension benefits and fewer people working and paying income taxes. The fear is that it will require high tax rates on the current, shrinking workforce.
Further, What are the social economic and political implications of an aging population?
Economic implications. One key economic implication of an aging population is the strain on social insurance programs and pension systems. With a large increase in an aged people, many nations must raise their budget allocations for social security. The situation is also precarious for pensions.
How would an aged people impact health care?
Heart disease, stroke, and cancer have been the leading chronic conditions that have had the greatest impact on the aging population, especially in high-income countries. Lastly, Managing these chronic conditions, along with a patient’s level of disability, will increase the financial demands on our health care system.




Ageing Population and Impact on Health Care

Ageing Population and Impact on Health Care

How will our ageing population change our families and social trends?Demographic trends, changes in family economic well-being, and family structures Apr 22, 2015 Eileen Crimmins

How will our ageing population change our families and social trends?

How will our aging population change our families and social trends?

1. Journal Entry 1

Firstly, watch video Demographic trends, changes in family economic well-being, and family structures Apr 22, 2015 Eileen Crimmins :

Secondly, How will our aging population change our families and social trends?

2. Journal Entry 2.

Firstly, Discuss effect of three landmark issues; The Defense of Marriage Act, United States v. Windsor (570 U.S. ___ 2013); and Obergefell v. Hodges

Secondly, Discuss the international legality of gay rights

3. Journal Entry
Using England’s research on “hooking up” discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hooking up.

Further, Discuss the effect of the sexual revolution of the 1960s.

Also, Discuss the benefits of marriage described in the text.

4. Journal Entry 4.
Answer and explain/discuss the four questions:

Firstly, How old are people today when they

Secondly,  How many babies are born to unmarried women?

How does the aging population affect society?

If the retirement age remains fixed, and the life expectancy increases, there will be relatively more people claiming pension benefits and fewer people working and paying income taxes. The fear is that it will require high tax rates on the current, shrinking workforce.
Further, What are the social economic and political implications of an aging population?
Economic implications. One key economic implication of an aging population is the strain on social insurance programs and pension systems. With a large increase in an aged people, many nations must raise their budget allocations for social security. The situation is also precarious for pensions.
How would an aged people impact health care?
Heart disease, stroke, and cancer have been the leading chronic conditions that have had the greatest impact on the aging population, especially in high-income countries. Lastly, Managing these chronic conditions, along with a patient’s level of disability, will increase the financial demands on our health care system.




Challenges Facing Healthcare Workers

Challenges Facing Healthcare Workers

Refer to Chapter 9 of the textbook and identify one potential problem in health care. Use the five-stage model for approaching problem solving by Wheatley. What is the aspect of this situation that you think is most important?

Refer to Chapter 9 of the textbook and identify one potential problem in health care

Refer to Chapter 9 of the textbook and identify one potential problem in health care. Use the five-stage model for approaching problem solving by Wheatley. What is the aspect of this situation that you think is most important? What new learning did you experience?  Which things get in the way of solutions? How will we work together?

More details;

The Top 10 Challenges Facing Healthcare Workers

1. Lack of advancement opportunities. Fifty-one percent of healthcare workers said lack of advancement opportunities posed a significant challenge in their current or previous position. The number was slightly lower among nurses: 49 percent of nurses identified advancement opportunities as a challenge, compared to 52 percent of other healthcare professionals.

The CareerBuilder survey also asked healthcare professionals if their current or most recent employer offered a number of different employee development programs, including in-house skills training, education reimbursement, technology training and opportunity for innovation. Of the 10 programs listed, only one — in-house skills training — was answered “yes” by more than 50 percent of survey takers. Interestingly, employers felt differently: In response to the same question, more than 50 percent of employers said they offered in-house skills training, education reimbursement, flexible work schedules, cross-training and the opportunity to mentor others.

2. Work overload. 

According to the CareerBuilder survey, the provider shortage is hitting every healthcare organization in the country — especially when it comes to nurses. Forty percent of healthcare workers responded that they felt challenged by work overload at their jobs; the number jumped to 48 percent when the pool was limit to only nurses. The survey also identified a key turnover issue in healthcare workers taking on additional responsibilities above their comfort level. The provider shortage means fewer staff members must divide a significant workload, pushing some employees to the brink of exhaustion and decreasing job satisfaction considerably.

Management Plan Assignment Setting up EHR Project

Management Plan Assignment Setting up EHR Project

Setting up an EHR or comprehensive patient informatics system is not a one-time event. A person or a team of individuals must oversee getting new employees up to speed, maintain competence of existing employees, and make needed continuous changes to the system. It is a very dynamic process.

In this assignment, you are the head of a team implementing a new EHR system and must address the following areas. Use each one of the below items as a header, and describe how you would resolve issues in each area.

The Role of the Manager Implementing a New System. In this section of the paper, address the following issues related to implementing a new EHR system (10 points):

• How the software selection process works
• What contract negotiations should involve and include
• What will be the role of the IT manager in the department
• What role will a Strategic Planner take in the process
• How will the system be financed?

Ongoing Maintenance and Upgrades to System. In this section of the paper you address the following issues that occur after the EHR system is up and running (10 points):
• How will needed changes come about after the new system is up and running?
• What will upgrades and new modules be added to the system?
• How does the facility handle suggestions by staff that use the system?
• How does the facility train new employees and provide ongoing training program for existing staff?

Use quality peer reviewed literature for each section to support each section and in-text citations. Write in third person only. It is expected this will be a minimum two pages. Have a complete reference page at the end (not just pasted URLs).

Assessing a Healthcare Program Policy Evaluation

Assessing a Healthcare Program Policy Evaluation

Here, you will be provided a model answer for this question by our team of experienced writers at

Program/policy evaluation is a valuable tool that can help strengthen the quality of programs/policies and improve outcomes for the populations they serve.
Program/policy evaluation answers basic questions about program/policy effectiveness. It involves collecting and analyzing information about program/policy activities, characteristics, and outcomes. This information can be used to ultimately improve program services or policy initiatives.
Nurses can play a very important role assessing program/policy evaluation for the same reasons that they can be so important to program/policy design.
Nurses bring expertise and patient advocacy that can add significant insight and impact. In this Assignment, you will practice applying this expertise and insight by selecting an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation and reflecting on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program/policy.
To Prepare:
Review the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template provided in the Resources.
Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation or choose one of interest to you.
Review community, state, or federal policy evaluation and reflect on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program or policy described.
The Assignment: (2–3 pages)
Based on the program or policy evaluation you selected, complete the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template. Be sure to address the following:
Describe the healthcare program or policy outcomes.
How was the success of the program or policy measured?
How many people were reached by the program or policy selected?
How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?
At what point in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted?
What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?
What specific information on unintended consequences was identified?
What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.
Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not?
Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not?
Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after 1 year of implementation.

Policy for tobacco use cessation

Policy for tobacco use cessation

Formulate a policy for tobacco use cessation. The policy should incorporate what you have learned so far on this topic. Your policy on tobacco use should be at least 4,000 words. It should include an abstract and executive summary. Include a references page and at least 20 scholarly articles. Format your paper in APA style.

Improving a healthcare workplace setting

Improving a healthcare workplace setting

Identify a problem or opportunity for improvement in a healthcare workplace setting. Based on that specific problem determine a goal for a project. Include objectives, success criteria and risks.

Opportunity for improvement in a healthcare workplace setting

Identify a problem or opportunity for improvement in a healthcare workplace setting. Based on that specific problem determine a goal for a project. Include objectives, success criteria and risks. Your scholarly paper will include details on each of the above mentioned components. The last component will be a project overview statement. As noted in chapter 6 of Effective Project Management, a project overview statement (POS) is a short, one page document that concisely states what is to be done in the project, why it is to be done, and what business value it will provide to the enterprise when completed.

Based on your readings and other literature that you find helpful, please prepare a paper that includes the following:
1. An introductory paragraph which should contain a little background information and end with a purpose statement (The purpose of this paper is to…).
2. A section which details the problem or opportunity that you have identified. Include information on how this problem can impact a healthcare facility.
3. A section about the goal of your project. Locate and briefly summarize literature from experts with similar problems and discuss how the experts resolved this issue.
4. Develop success criteria for your project. Remember that the criteria should be measurable and feasible.

Further, Use current literature to show criteria used by others for this problem.
5. Identify risks, assumptions and obstacles and discuss them in detail.
6. End with a summary of your project overview.
7. Attach a one page POS document.


More details;

How can healthcare quality be improved?

8 Healthcare Quality Improvement Tips
Firstly, Analyze your data and outcomes.
Secondly, Set goals.

Thirdly,  Create a balanced team.

Fourthly,  Include Human Factors Inputs.

Also, Create an executable plan.

Further, Become Familiar with the PDSA cycle.

Additionally,  Communicate goals and progress.

Lastly, Research other organizations and collaborate.


Assessing and screening of behavioral patterns in AA groups

Assessing and screening of behavioral patterns in AA groups

This is an assignment that focuses on the assessing and screening of behavioral patterns in AA groups. The paper requires additional information for proper diagnosis of the assignment.

The assessing and screening of behavioral patterns in AA groups


This essay must be 2 pages and follow current APA format, including a title page, a reference page, and proper margins, spacing, and citations. The first page of content will address behavioral patterns of use that are share in your AA group. Make sure you do not disclose any personal information. You will be strictly reporting the use. For example: “One individual shared that they drank a case of beer a day, while another discussed binge drinking on weekends.”. The second page of your essay will address information you would need. However, it did not glean from the meetings, to finish screening. Additionally, complete a thorough assessment that would enable you to properly diagnose an individual .

The purpose of this assignment is to challenge you to clinically think through the information you have. Also, what further information would be needed in order to properly diagnose an individual. More specifically, without disclosing any information that could identify a particular person. Think through 2 of the AA meetings you attended and your readings. After a proper introductory paragraph, use the first page to describe the different patterns of use describe in the meeting. Without disclosing any identifying information, discuss behaviors of substance use disorders. Such as intensity, frequency, length of time, attempts to change that were a discussion in the meetings. Also, the pertinence of these behaviors to an assessment.

The assessing and screening of behavioral patterns in AA groups

Then, use the next page to discuss what additional information you w‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ould need to complete a thorough screening and assessment in order to be able to properly diagnose an individual, including how you would gather this information if you were screening and then assessing the individual. Report the pertinent information Doweiko (2019), Hester and Miller (2003), and Clinton and Scalise (2013) suggest is needed to screen and assess for substance use disorders. Note: You are not diagnosing anyone in the group; you are merely reporting behavioral patterns of use discussed (without sharing and identifying information). You then will address other information that would be needed for screening/assessment to help you properly diagnose an individual. Discuss why the information from the meetings is pertinent and why you would need further information for a proper diagnosis.

Consider carefully what you include in your essay and do not include information that is not part of the expectations of the assignment. For example, you do not need to report details about where you are attending or other miscellaneous meeting details. You are to simply focus on what you heard regarding behavioral patterns in your meetings. This may be minimal information, depending on what people share in the meetings, such as just indicating how much they used during a relapse. Conversely, you may have multiple people who have shared very specifically about how much they used, how frequently, for how long, and how they have attempted to change. Your goal is to report what you know, then describe what else you would need to know in order to accurately screen and as‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍sess.

Logistics supply and support in emergency operations

Logistics supply and support in emergency operations

A community of approximately 10,000 has been expose d to an unknown virus. It appears to be spread by contact. At present, only a small portion of the population is affect ed. Government leaders and health officials are contemplating community containment

A community of approximately 10,000 has been expose d

Choose one of the 3 scenarios listed below and write briefly describes the incident.You may select one of the topics for your paper:
1- A community of approximately 10,000 has been expose d to an unknown virus. It appears to be spre ad by contact. At present, only a small portion of the population is affect ed. Government leaders and health officials are contemplating community containment.

Firstly, Discuss how you, as the logistic chief, would supply and support emergency operations, what agencies would you seek support from, and establish points of distribution.

2- Severe storms have ravaged your rural community of 10,000. Fortunately, there are few deaths but many are displace d. Being rural, access to the community is limit ed and made worse by the storms.

Firstly, Discuss your immediate actions post-incident, and present a plan for short term sustainment of operations and support to population.  Also, If a logistics pre-plan would be beneficial, include that in your discussion.

3- Your rural community of 10,000 main employer. A large agricultural chemical processing plant is struck by a large fire.

Due to the nature of the chemicals, the fire may last for days.

Further, Emergency Management has decided to tell citizens to shelter in place versus to evacuate.

The incident has drawn responders from a large area, and most arrive ill equipped for a sustained operation.

Further complicating the issue is water runoff from fire suppression into the town’s only source of water.

Finally, Discuss how you would support both the citizens and the providers while being aware of sheltering, along with limited movement because of the fire.

Lastly, Do not be concerned about the potential exposure- focus on the logistic support.

Policy memo ground water quality or quantity

Policy memo ground water quality or quantity

This paper focuses on Policy memo on Wisconsin’s ground water quality or quantity. What, if anything, should Rep. Katrina Shankland do next about Wisconsin’s groundwater quality or quantity?

Policy memo on Wisconsin’s ground water quality or quantity

Firstly, What, if anything, should Rep. Katrina Shankland do next about Wisconsin’s groundwater quality or quantity?

Secondly, You are a policy intern in the office of Rep. Katrina Shankland. In 2019, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos appointed Rep. Katrina Shankland to co-chair the Speaker’s Task Force on Water Quality (Links to an external site.).

This Task Force recently proposed a set of laws that gained bipartisan support. Rep. Katrina Shankland wants to know where to direct the attention and resource of her office (and perhaps the entire legislature) next. Rep. Shankland represents a mostly rural area where groundwater quantity and quality are increasingly perceived as problems.

Further, Your assignment as a policy analyst is to write a 4-page (double spaced, 12 pt font, and 1-inch margins) memo to Rep. Shankland analyzing policy options to address the next piece of the groundwater problem.

Moreover, Based on research into initiatives proposed by scholars or tried in other, similar states and using the authorities of the Wisconsin legislature (with the agenda-setting power of Rep. Shankland’s co-chair position and constraints of being part of the minority party), recommend one action Rep. Shankland should within her role as legislator and task force co-chair,

This requires at least five kinds of research:

(1) Firstly, What is the WI legislature and Speaker’s Task Force on Water Quality currently doing in this policy area?
(2) Secondly, What are some additional possible policy options that have been proposed by scholars or used by other state governments to address similar problems?
(3) Thirdly, What evidence do we have about how well these options address the policy problem?

(4) Fourthly, What authority does the WI legislature have to implement these options?

(5) Further, What stakeholder interests must Rep. Shankland consider. Also, how do they enable or constrain Rep. Shankland’s ability to initiate, enact, and implement these options?

Remember, Research is a major part of this assignment (even though the result is short) because the challenge is to tell a policymaker something they do not already know. This requires digging up new information, new policy ideas, or new evidence that may be relevant to their decisions.

After some general research into current initiatives and potential options, you will want to focus on one very specific problem. Finally, The narrower your initial focus, the easier it will be to identify relevant research and authorities.