10-K and 10-Q of Amazon.com financials review

10-K and 10-Q of Amazon.com financials review

This is a paper that discusses in detail the 10-K and 10-Q of Amazon.com financials review. All the information will be retrieved from the SEC EDGAR database.

The 10-K and 10-Q of Amazon.com financials review

Prior to beginning work on this assignment,

Firstly, review the financials contained in the 10-K and 10-Q of Amazon.com, Inc. from the SEC EDGAR database in the Filings & Forms (Links to an external site.) page. In particular, read the notes to the audited financial statements included in the 10-K, which will describe accounting policies and standards of the reported financials. Financial reporting standards are useful in the evaluation of any organization. Following standards will allow the comparison of organizations within the same industry. Using Amazon.com, Inc., provide a critical analysis of the financial reporting methodology that the company uses.
In your paper,
·        Firstly, describe the financial reporting framework that Amazon.com utilizes.
·        Secondly. assess the company’s financial report, based on the qualitative characteristics of Financial Reports, on the following criteria:

  • Relevance
  • Faithful representation
  • Comparability
  • Verifiability
  • Timeliness
  • Understandability

Thirdly, assess Amazon.com, Inc. financial report, based on the characteristics of an effective financial reporting framework, on the following criteria:

  • Transparency
  • Comprehensiveness
  • Consistency

Lastly, review the Notes section of the annual report for company disclosures that might be material. Consider the following:
o   Describe the policies that have been reported. Identify the kind of policies that are involved in this section.
o   Explain how the policies have significance in the financial statements or how they do not. Ensure you provide in depth assessment of the selected policies in this part.

In writing of this paper ensure that you follow the designated guidelines. The guidelines for this paper are: The paper should be in APA format, it should contain at least 3 references, and lastly referencing and citation should be in the APA style.

Environmental Economics Growth Market Building Strategies

Environmental Economics Growth Market Building Strategies

This essay entails a research paper on Environmental Economics Growth in the world and the Market Building Strategies. Environmental Economics Growth involves the specific ways in which the sorrounding can be made to look good. Also,   favorable for human and animal

Environmental Economics Growth Market Building Strategies

Firstly, the purpose of the papers in this course are to relate key terms in environmental economics to the assigned texts that we are reading, as a demonstration of your grasp of the main ideas and ability to apply these ideas to interesting case studies.  To accomplish these objectives, these instructions outline the characteristics of a successful essay, and describe how your essay will be assessed.

Furthermore, you may choose the font, page margins, spacing (single, 1.5, or double), and number of columns (one or two).  However, all papers should include a title, your name, page numbers and bibliography.

Also, the first paragraph should be the introduction, describing briefly a few of the key ideas in environmental economics, how they relate to the text (thesis), and how the coming paragraphs will provide more detail examining the concepts in relation to the text (preview).

Secondly, efforts to prioritize economic growth have come at the cost of environmental destruction. Economic inequality poses a challenge to building environmentally sustainable solutions. Innovative findings in economics and psychology may promote substantive and lasting behavioral changes that benefit the environment.

Thirdly, economic perspectives may help policymakers imagine community and market-building strategies that encourage integration of new environmental immigrants.

Lastly, this essay defines economic growth, critiques the concept of growth from the perspective of environmental sustainability, and offers alternative approaches better suited to meeting basic human needs for all.
In this essay, I first examine changes in economic inequality, which have led to striking inequities present today.  Then, I identify the ways that income inequality hinders national capacity to construct and maintain sustainable solutions.

Dave and Busters Financial Statements Company Financial Analysis

Dave and Busters Financial Statements Company Financial Analysis

Please answer the following questions about the company,Analyzing Dave and Busters Financial Statements. Dave & Buster’s is an American restaurant and entertainment business headquartered in Dallas.

The company Analyzing Dave and Busters Financial Statements

Please answer the following questions about the company, Dave and Busters. Dave & Buster’s is an American restaurant and entertainment business headquartered in Dallas.

Firstly,  A brief description of the company’s primary business activities.

This description should include a brief historical summary, general information about the company, its industry, the company’s Investments Disclosures, the company’s Contributed Capital, and the company’s Post-retirement Benefit Disclosures, and the company’s Cash Flow Disclosures.

Secondly, Part A. Analyzing Company Investments Disclosures

Further, What amount did the company report as the fair value of available-for-sale securities?

Additionally, Trading securities?

Also, What level inputs were used to determine these fair values?

Besides, How much did the company report as an unrealized holding gain/loss for 2018 for each class of marketable security?

Finally, Where were these amounts reported?

Lastly,  Does your company have cost method investments? If yes, explain why?


More details:

Dave & Buster’s Entertainment, Inc. (“D&B Entertainment”) is a leading owner and operator of highvolume entertainment and dining venues (“stores”) that operate under the name “Dave & Buster’s”. The core of our concept is to offer our customers the opportunity to “Eat Drink Play and Watch” all in one location, providing a fun, upbeat atmosphere with interactive entertainment options for adults and families, while serving high-quality food and beverages.

We opened the first Dave & Buster’s store in Dallas, Texas in 1982, and as of February 3, 2019 (the last day of fiscal 2018), we owned and operated 121 stores located in 39 states, Puerto Rico and one Canadian province. Subsequent to the end of fiscal 2018, we closed our store in Duluth (Atlanta), Georgia on March 3, 2019. Unless otherwise provided in this Annual Report on Form 10-K, references to “Dave & Buster’s,” “we,” “us,” “our” or the “Company” refer to D&B Entertainment and its wholly-owned subsidiaries and any predecessor entities.




Situation and the task of Michael Manning REITs and Commodities risks returns and Sharpe ratios

Situation and the task of Michael Manning REITs and Commodities risks returns and Sharpe ratiosing

Briefly describe the situation and the task of Michael Manning. Compare REITs and Commodities based on risks, returns and Sharpe ratios. Assume STP (return of 3.2%) is the risk-free asset.

Describe the situation and the task of Michael Manning

Questions for Partners Healthcare’s write-up:
1) Briefly describe the situation and the task of Michael Manning.

2) Compare REITs and Commodities based on risks, returns and Sharpe ratios. Assume STP (return of 3.2%) is the risk-free asset.

3) Recreate the efficient frontier of three assets in Exhibit 5b (i.e. to use risk and return of 12 portfolios in Exhibit 5a); and add the efficient frontier for four assets in Exhibit 6 (i.e. to use 12 portfolios in Exhibit 6) and the efficient frontier for four assets in Exhibit 7 (i.e. to use 12 portfolios in Exhibit 7).

You can use Excel and then print out or use grid papers.

Firstly, How REITs and Commodities improve the efficient frontier?

Secondly, Does the degree of improvement relates to the Sharpe ratios in question 2?

Thirdly, What factor determines the degree of improvement?

4) Now we will focus on the two efficient frontiers. One of three assets in Exhibit 5 and one of five assets in Exhibit 8. We know (from our chapter 6), the optimal portfolios are the tangency portfolios given the risk-free asset is STP (return of 3.2%). For simplicity, let find the optimal portfolio of three assets as the portfolio that have the highest Sharpe ratio out of the 12 portfolios in Exhibit 5. Let call this optimal portfolio O3-asset. Similarly, find the optimal portfolio of five assets, portfolio O5-asset, based on Exhibit 8.


More details;

Firstly, Draw a graph with the two efficient frontiers and show the two optimal portfolios.

Secondly, Report (in an easy-to-compare format) the risks, returns, Sharpe ratios, and weight of each of five assets for portfolios O3-asset and O5-asset.

5) Choose a number between 4% and 16% (round number only) and use this number as the target return for one hospital. You will create two compete portfolios to achieve your chosen target return: one allocating money using STP and O3-asset, and the other using STP and O5-asset.

Firstly, Report (in an easy-to-compare format) the risks, returns, and weight of each of six assets (now including STP) for the two complete portfolios.

Secondly, How much improvement (either in term of risk reduction or return increase) do REITs and Commodities bring?

6) Choose a number between 1% and 20% (round number only). Use this number as the maximum risk level (standard deviation) that one hospital can take. You will create two compete portfolios that have the chosen risk level: one allocating money using STP and O3-asset, and the other using STP and O5-asset.

Report (in an easy-to-compare format) the risks, returns, and weight of each of six assets for the two complete portfolios. How much improvement (either in term of risk reduction or return increase) do REITs and Commodities bring?

Walmart store vs Amazon Store website

Walmart store vs Amazon Store website

This is a paper that requires the student to compare the Walmart store and Amazon store website research. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Compare the Walmart store and Amazon store website

Compare walmart.com with amazon.com. Both stores have a wide variety of products available and span several different categories.  Both sites have a variety of customer service and shopping features. The dominant factor that will help Walmart is their ability to purchase in bulk and their understanding of purchase-side logistics.  Amazon.com has the benefit of understanding online sales and order fulfillment online.

In this context you are required to research and inform the impact of the following elements

1.      What features do the sites have in common? Which are unique to walmart.com? To amazon.com?

2.      Will Walmart become the dominant e-tailer in the world replacing Amazon, or will

Amazon dominate Walmart online?  What factors would contribute to Walmart’s success in the online marketplace?  What factors would detract from its ability to dominate online sales the way it has been able to dominate physical retail sales in many markets?

3.      Check the shopping aids offered at walmart.com. Compare them with those at


Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Consumer Behavior on How People Make Buying Decisions

Consumer Behavior on How People Make Buying Decisions

This is a part one of a paper assignment that discusses consumer Behavior on How People Make Buying Decisions. The factors that contribute to these decisions are also considered in the paper.

Consumer Behavior on How People Make Buying Decisions

Learning Outcomes
Model of Consumer Behavior:  Environmental factors.  Student can use the model of consumer behavior to identify those environmental factors most likely to affect the consumer decision making for a specific product or service.
Model of Consumer Behavior:  Consumer factors.  Student can reference the model of consumer behavior to identify the consumer factors most likely to affect the decision making for a specific product or service.
Role of Involvement in purchase decisions.  Student can identify the role of consumer involvement applicable to a specific product or service offering and how that level of involvement affects the type of decision making.
Consumer decision-making process.  Student can identify how marketing strategy can influence each of the steps in the consumer decision-making process.


Firstly, refer to the product or service you selected at the beginning of the semester. Then, look at what consumer factors may be relevant for customers who are considering buying your product or service offering.  This will require some critical thinking on your part based on your own behavior if you are a customer yourself, or you may want to talk to others who have purchased the product.  However, you can find clues when looking at the marketing messages that may be addressing some of these factors.

Secondly, prepare your assignment beginning with a title page with your name and the name of your product or service.  Then, answer each of the following eight questions (four in part 1 and four in part 2) in order and number the beginning of your response to each question.  Although, you do not need to repeat the question, there should be a heading to separate the sections.  Lastly, the paper should contain approximately 5+ pages of analysis for the responses to the eight questions.

Purchase-side logistics vs online sales fulfilment

Purchase-side logistics vs online sales fulfilment

This is a paper that requires the student to provide understanding of purchase-side logistics vs online sales fulfilment. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Understanding of purchase-side logistics vs online sales fulfilment

Compare walmart.com with amazon.com. Both stores have a wide variety of products available and span several different categories.  Both sites have a variety of customer service and shopping features. The dominant factor that will help Walmart is their ability to purchase in bulk and their understanding of purchase-side logistics.  Amazon.com has the benefit of understanding online sales and order fulfillment online.

In this context you are required to research and inform the impact of the following elements

1.      Firstly, what features do the sites have in common? Which are unique to walmart.com? To amazon.com?

2.      Secondly, will Walmart become the dominant e-tailer in the world replacing Amazon, or will

Amazon dominate Walmart online?  What factors would contribute to Walmart’s success in the online marketplace?  What factors would detract from its ability to dominate online sales the way it has been able to dominate physical retail sales in many markets?

3.      Check the shopping aids offered at walmart.com. Compare them with those at


Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Business Analysis System Recommendation report

Business Analysis System Recommendation report

This is an assignment that focuses on the Business Analysis & System Recommendation report. The paper also identifies the system performance requirements for the hiring system.

Business Analysis & System Recommendation report

Assignment – BA&SR Section III. Requirements
For this assignment, you will add Section III of the Business Analysis and System Recommendation (BA&SR) Report to your Sections I and II below.  In this section you will identify requirements for the new hiring system. This analysis leads into Section IV. System Recommendation of the BA&SR (Stage 4 assignment) that will analyze a proposed IT solution to ensure it meets MTC’s organizational strategy and fulfills its operational needs.

Using the case study below, assignment instructions, Content readings, and external research, develop your Section III. Requirements.   The case study tells you that the executives and employees at Maryland Technology Consultants (MTC) have identified a need for an effective and efficient applicant tracking or hiring system.  As you review the case study, use the assignment instructions to take notes to assist in your analysis. In particular, look for information in the interviews to provide stakeholder interests and needs.


Stakeholder Interests – Review the interest or objectives for the new hiring system for each stakeholder listed below based on his or her organizational role and case study information.  Consider how the technology will improve how his/her job is done; that is, identify what each of the stakeholders needs the hiring system to do. Then to complete the table below, use information from the stakeholder interviews and identify one significant challenge or problem for each stakeholder related to the current hiring process (not their future expectations).  Then explain how a system could address their problems. However, do not define what that position does in the organization

Defining Requirements – The next step is to identify the essential requirements for the information system. In addition to the stakeholder interests identified above, review the Case Study, especially the interviews, highlighting any statements that tell what the person expects or needs the system to do.  User requirements express specifically what the user needs the system to do.  This can be in terms of tasks the users need to perform, data they need to input, what the system might do with that data input, and output required.

System performance requirements express how the system will perform in several performance areas and security.  As a member of the CIO’s organization, you will use your professional knowledge to Identify 5 User Requirements (including one specifically related to reporting) and 5 System Performance Requirements (including 2 security-related requirements).  Refer content on requirements; security requirements below. Additional research can expand your knowledge of these areas.

Once you have identified the 10 requirements, evaluate each one using the criteria below. Also, create 10 well-written requirements statements for the new hiring system.

Internal governance mechanisms aligning interest of managerial agents

Internal governance mechanisms aligning interest of managerial agents

This is an assignment that discusses the internal governance mechanisms aligning interest of managerial agents. The paper also discusses the roles of strategic leaders in an organization.

Internal governance mechanisms aligning interest of managerial agents

Just answer each question. Each response has to be 135+ word count and have 1 APA reference for each question.

1.     Firstly, discuss how the three internal governance mechanisms are used to align the interests of managerial agents with those of the firm’s owners. Why is this so critical in today’s business climate where the ethics practiced by firms are constantly being scrutinized?

2.     Secondly, what can strategic leaders do to develop and sustain an effective organizational culture? Subsequently, what actions can a strategic leader take to establish and maintain ethical practices within a firm?

3.     Brown (2010) contends that developing others is a skill that must be developed amongst managers. Thirdly, discuss some of the organizational nuances that may impede employee development; particularly as it relates to manager and employee relationships. How might HR professionals ensure that employees have adequate support for development? Provide an explanation for your response. Support your response with an APA cited reference(s).

4.     As an HR professional, you may have to have tough conversations with employees and possibly even terminate someone. Briefly describe how you would approach this conversation with an employee. Provide at least two specific things you would say and two specific things you would not say. Provide an explanation for your response. Also, support your response with an APA cited reference(s).

Internal governance mechanisms aligning interest of managerial agents

5.     Then, discuss the four types of process strategies (process focus, Repetitive focus, product focus, and Mass customization) and give an example of each. Also, please share any personal industry experiences (if any) with each process strategy.

6.     Discuss the differences between utilization and efficiency as measures of system performance. Which (if any) is the most useful measure for an operations manager? Why?

7.     How do an organization’s vision, mission, and goals affect its approach to strategic management and measurement? Discuss how top management teams affect a firm’s performance and its ability to innovate, design, bring about effective strategic change.

8.     Business metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) are useful in determining the success of change management efforts by providing a measurable value against which the company can then compare its desired business goal or outcome. Lastly, research three business metrics and describe how each is used to measure performance and how a business can use the results from each metric to improve its performance.

San Francisco Federal Reserve economic research

San Francisco Federal Reserve economic research

This is an assignment that discusses the San Francisco Federal Reserve economic research. The paper is essentially for economists and also analysts.

San Francisco Federal Reserve economic research

You are an analyst at the San Francisco Federal Reserve. The regional branches of the Fed all publish bulletins that contain summaries of interesting economic research. The people who read these bulletins are typically economists or other trained analysts who work at the Fed or other government offices; these are individuals who are generally too busy to read academic journal articles but who want to stay on top of the latest research. Your boss has asked you to write a summary (750-800 words = roughly 3-4 pages, 12-point and double-spaced) for the next bulletin of one of the articles from the following list:
One Hundred Years of the Economic Review: The Top Twenty Articles:
Your summary should have about a paragraph to answer each of the following questions:
What is the key hypothesis tested and what are the empirical findings?
How is the study connected to previous research?
Then, what economic theory/model of behavior do the authors use to form their hypothesis?
Identify, what data do the authors use and what is their empirical strategy (statistical methods/case studies)?
Lastly, what other factors do the authors mention that should be considered in evaluating their results?

Include a word count at the end of your article. Also,  note that if your article is too long, it means you will need to think hard about what can be cut but if your article is too short, you will need to think just as hard about what you might be missing.

Evaluation criteria

I will focus on the following specific areas when grading:
1.     Article content. Most importantly, have you summarized the paper accurately and completely? Have you accurately identified the key question(s) in the paper, and the authors’ answer(s)? Also, have you included all the relevant information so that an uninformed reader would have a clear idea what the article is about?
2.     Voice. Is the tone and style appropriate for this audience?
3.     Overall clarity. I will be evaluating the readability, clarity and style of the paper overall