Compensation and Benefits

ASSIGNMENT 07 R03 Compensation and Benefits Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements. Part A Objective: Describe the features of defined benefit plans and defined contribution plans. 1. Are employees more likely to favor defined contribution plans over defined benefit plans? Provide one (1) supporting fact to justify your answer. 2. Are employers more likely to favor defined contribution plans over defined benefit plans? Provide one (1) supporting fact to justify your answer. Part B Objective: Explain health insurance concepts. Describe two (2) of the choices an employer may make to help control health care costs.

Customer value: What does this concept mean and how could firms create it

 Customer value: What does this concept mean and how could firms create it?


Paper details:

This essay is to answer the above question. There is one necessary source to use in the materials i provided, but other sources are needed to be researched and used on building argument and examples

Case study on lululemon

Scenario: lululemon CEO Laurent Potdevin has employed you as a consultant to assess the company’s overall situation and recommend a set of actions to improve the company’s future prospects. Please prepare a report to Mr. Potdevin that includes:

1) A brief introduction describing the purpose and objectives of your report, 2) An evaluation of competitive forces (e.g. Five Forces) in the market for yoga and fitness apparel, 3) An identification of the primary components of lululemon’s value chain, 4) An evaluation of lululemon’s financial and operating performance as displayed in case Exhibit 1 (e.g. financial ratio analysis), 5) An assessment of lululemon’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (e.g. SWOT), and 6) A set of action recommendations that lululemon’s revamped top executive team should initiate in order to rekindle the company’s growth and performance.

Your report should contain convincing reasons in support of each one of your recommendations. The support offered for each of your recommendations must be based on: (a) conclusions drawn from your analysis including the application of the concepts and b) analytical tools regarding strategic moves that may be suitable for lululemon. Your report should be 5-6 pages single-spaced, plus it should include an assortment of original (not copied from the case or downloaded from the Internet) charts, tables, and exhibits to support your analysis and recommendations. The report will also be evaluated on proper business communication (BUS 2030 format), grammar, etc. *Note: Please use only the information in the case. If you find that industry information is insufficient to prepare a Five Forces analysis, you may supplement the case information with an appropriate industry survey from a database such as First Research. You must cite any outside sources used.

How technology affect the way customers eat

 How technology affect the way customers eat

Paper details:

The paper will be grade on these following criteria: overall content, logical development of ideas, level of depth and detail, fact-finding, creativity and innovation, included core value “community” and “social justice”.

Two Types of Economists

Essay 10 – Two Types of Economists Pick out one economist from the following list of prominent economists. Describe one (1) major work, or important study, that this economist completed that demonstrates this economist is a “Keynesian” (demand-oriented) or a “Classical” (supply-oriented) economist. Be sure to look at the Table, “The Two Broad Types of Economists in US,” in the Module for Week 11. Prominent Economists Milton Friedman Paul A. Samuelson Paul R. Krugman Robert E. Lucas Jr. Joan V. Robinson N. Gregory Mankiw John Kenneth Galbriath Martin S. Feldstein Janet L. Yellen Lawrence H. Summers Joseph E. Stiglitz Alan S. Blinder Alberto Alesina Fredrik von Hayek James M. Buchanan Arthur B. Laffer Deirdre McCloskey Carmen M. Reinhart Glen Hubbard Anne O. Krueger Alvin H. Hansen John R. Hicks Wikipedia or similar (Investopedia, encyclopedia, dictionary, etc.) is a good place to start out your search, but in accordance with the syllabus, do not cite it. If you do, you will receive a grade of “zero.” You should use a search engine (e.g., Google). Your reference URL must be valid and current. Remember you can only post once. All the other aspects of the usual rubric (typos, etc.) apply. Another good place to start out is non-mainstream web sites that have strong ideological biases, because they often vilify an economist on the other side, so you can quickly tell to which school of thought that economist belongs. But you still need to find a major work or idea for which the economist is known. To be absolutely clear: if you cite Wikipedia or similar (Investopedia, encyclopedia, dictionary, etc.), you will be given a “zero” grade, in accordance with the syllabus. Remember also that second posts are not allowed. Here are some other web sites that may be helpful to start your search. List of Nobel Laureates in Economics (Links to an external site.) List of Winners of John Bates Prize (Links to an external site.) Women Who Transformed Economics (Links to an external site.) No Second Post is Necessary Example: Peter J. Boettke My selection is Peter J. Boettke, a professor of economics at George Mason university. Dr Boettke is one of the leading Austrian economists in the U.S. according to the Wall Street Journal. As pointed out in the Table on “Types of Economists in the US,” Austrian economists belong to the Classical school of economics. One of his major works that demonstrates that he is a Classical economist is The Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics, 2015. This book covers the main theories of the Austrian school of economics, but also offers unique insights into such issues as the collapse of communism, the failure of economic planning in less-developed countries, and the causes of the Great Recession of 2008-2009. The beginning of the book lists several basic propositions, similar to the “five foundations of economics” in our own text book. Two of these explain why American business people, advocates of free markets and libertarians love Austrian economists: private ownership of the means of production is a necessary condition for economic success; and the competitive market is a process of entrepreneurial discovery. This last proposition about the role of entrepreneurship is very important because it is often ignored in current textbooks on introductory economics. Sources: Evans, K. (Aug. 28, 2010). “Spreading Hayek, Spurning Keynes: Professor Leads an Austrian Revival.” Wall Street Journal. Retrieved September 27, 2017 from: WSJ article (Links to an external site.); Howden, D. (Spring 2012). “Review of Handbook on contemporary Austrian economics.” Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, pp. 100-105. Retrieved December 23, 2018 from: EJPE link (Links to an external site.).

Using Agile Methodology to Build E-Commerce Platform

Description Topic related to (Using Agile Methodology to Build E-Commerce Platform) should all paper included and send for me. The structure of a literature review A literature review should be structured like any other essay: it should have an introduction, a middle or main body, and a conclusion. Introduction The introduction should: define your topic and provide an appropriate context for reviewing the literature; establish your reasons – i.e. point of view – for reviewing the literature; explain the organization – i.e. sequence – of the review; state the scope of the review – i.e. what is included and what isn’t included. For example, if you were reviewing the literature on obesity in children you might say something like: There are a large number of studies of obesity trends in the general population. However, since the focus of this research is on obesity in children, these will not be reviewed in detail and will only be referred to as appropriate. Main body The middle or main body should: organize the literature according to common themes; provide insight into the relationship between your chosen topic and the wider subject area e.g. between obesity in children and obesity in general; move from a general, wider view of the literature being reviewed to the specific focus of your research. Provide a table with comparison between reviewed papers Conclusion The conclusion should: summarize the important aspects of the existing body of literature; evaluate the current state of the literature reviewed; identify significant flaws or gaps in existing knowledge; outline areas for future study; link your research to existing knowledge

Global business management A3

Global business management A3


Paper details:

Your firm is considering building a new manufacturing and distribution facility via direct investment in Latin America. Management narrowed the potential locations to Mexico, Bolivia, and Venezuela. Analyze the national differences in political economy between these three countries. Evaluate any cultural barriers your firm may experience in each of the three countries. Find each country’s rating on the corruptions perceptions index (CPI) and evaluate the ratings. Click here to read the Country Commercial Guides (CCGs) prepared by the U.S. Department of State. CCGs provide a detailed presentation of the commercial environments of individual countries using economic, political and market analysis. Based on the reading in the CCGs, compare the FDI climate and regulations of the three countries. Identify and assess the benefits of any trade agreements between the U.S. and the countries. Based on your research, select a country that would be the best choice for the new facility. Explain why you selected the country.

United Kingdom pound sterling

Use international macroeconomic and additional resources to on a UK’s economic situation and on the UK-specific economic costs and benefits of a country’s exchange rate regime policy. Answer: Clearly and concisely describe the topic or issue and the relevant parties that are impacted. What does theory say about aggregate behavior in response to the issue you are analyzing? data and addition resources you can use

The Entrepreneurial Mindset


Using the exercises in Chapter 8 of “The Entrepreneurial Mindset”, prepare an opportunity portfolio for your organization or department. Be sure to thoroughly review all levels of potential options (position, scouting, stepping-stone, etc.) For the opportunities and strategic options that you identify, be sure to address how they might help the organization “thrive in uncertainty”. Align your analysis with the concepts from the “Great by Choice” readings as well. Do the opportunities support any of the three 10Xer core behaviors (fanatic discipline, empirical creativity, productive paranoia)? What are the specific action steps required to move forward with an implementation of the opportunity portfolio (see the 8 steps in the text as a guide)?

Sports Marketing

Submit a 1,500-word assignment that answers the following question:

Wann (1995) identified a number of motivational factors that are associated with sport event attendance, including eustress; self-esteem; escape; entertainment; aesthetics; and group (social) affiliation.

Choose one of these factors and undertake a review of the academic literature to better understand how this particular factor influences sport spectators. Please refer to Literature Review Assignment: Key Readings(p.11–12). You should present a short review that critically analyses this literature in respect of your chosen motivational factor. Consider extending your review by sourcing more recently published research on the topic.

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to conduct a critical review of the literature. Such a review requires that you go beyond description and consider the strengths and weaknesses of the literature, the main assumptions in the research, the methods of research, the synthesis of research ideas over time, the issues and questions that have been addressed and the directions of future research in the subject.