Communication economic theory in creative application
Communication economic theory in creative application
This is an assignment that focuses on the communication economic theory in creative application. The paper also focuses on the interest and understanding of creative application.
The communication economic theory in creative application
Learning Objectives:
1. Firstly, explore a topic of interest in more depth strengthening understanding of the topic through a creative application
2. Secondly, synthesis of complicated issues/topics related to the use of environmental and natural resources
3. Thirdly, communicate economic theory in a creative way to an audience of fellow undergraduates
4. Fourthly, contribute to the success of classmates improving interpersonal communication and problem solving
5. Then, display complex information in a visually appealing and creative way
Part I: Research Proposal (20 points)
Given your topic, write a 1 or 2 page (maximum) outline for your final project and also submit the assignment in the e-learning graded discussion. This should be original work and plagiarism policies apply (see if you are not sure what constitutes as academic dishonesty). The research should include the following components:
The communication economic theory in creative application
I. Problem statement (thesis statement): What is happening?
a. Firstly, include a brief summary of the environmental/natural resource issue and why it is important.
b. Secondly, be sure to clearly identify the attributes of the resource that make efficient allocation problematic.
c. Thirdly, identify who has standing (the population impacted by this issue and those who are expected to contribute).
II. Preliminary analysis: Is there a solution?
a. If there is a policy, discuss the background and the current state of the policy including how this policy addresses or fails to address the problem at hand (hint: look at the incentive/disincentive structure imposed by the policy).
b. If there is no current regulation, discuss why that may be the case and potential for future governmental intervention or the need to avoid government intervention.
III. Describe the deliverables of this project: how will you present the relevant information?
a. Discuss how you will inform the audience about the topic either via a news article, art project or poster. Be sure to include justification for the project choice.
b. Additionally, discuss how your project will communicate economic principles/theories and/or market failure at work.
Be sure to consult the rubric regarding required components. You must collect data from at least three outside credible sources, use in-text citations and include a bibliography with all sources (separate from the two page requirement). Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced is preferred.