Communication economic theory in creative application

Communication economic theory in creative application

This is an assignment that focuses on the communication economic theory in creative application. The paper also focuses on the interest and understanding of creative application.

The communication economic theory in creative application

Learning Objectives:
1.     Firstly, explore a topic of interest in more depth strengthening understanding of the topic through a creative application
2.     Secondly, synthesis of complicated issues/topics related to the use of environmental and natural resources
3.     Thirdly, communicate economic theory in a creative way to an audience of fellow undergraduates
4.     Fourthly, contribute to the success of classmates improving interpersonal communication and problem solving
5.     Then, display complex information in a visually appealing and creative way

Part I: Research Proposal (20 points)
Given your topic, write a 1 or 2 page (maximum) outline for your final project and also submit the assignment in the e-learning graded discussion. This should be original work and plagiarism policies apply (see if you are not sure what constitutes as academic dishonesty). The research should include the following components:

The communication economic theory in creative application

I.                 Problem statement (thesis statement): What is happening?
a.      Firstly, include a brief summary of the environmental/natural resource issue and why it is important.
b.      Secondly, be sure to clearly identify the attributes of the resource that make efficient allocation problematic.
c.      Thirdly, identify who has standing (the population impacted by this issue and those who are expected to contribute).

II.               Preliminary analysis: Is there a solution?
a.      If there is a policy, discuss the background and the current state of the policy including how this policy addresses or fails to address the problem at hand (hint: look at the incentive/disincentive structure imposed by the policy).
b.      If there is no current regulation, discuss why that may be the case and potential for future governmental intervention or the need to avoid government intervention.
III.             Describe the deliverables of this project: how will you present the relevant information?
a.      Discuss how you will inform the audience about the topic either via a news article, art project or poster. Be sure to include justification for the project choice.
b.      Additionally, discuss how your project will communicate economic principles/theories and/or market failure at work.

Be sure to consult the rubric regarding required components. You must collect data from at least three outside credible sources, use in-text citations and include a bibliography with all sources (separate from the two page requirement). Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced is preferred.

Employment law in a workplace for employees not represented by a union

Employment law in a workplace for employees not represented by a union

The following is a paper that focuses on Employment law in a workplace for employees not represented by a union. The paper also discusses the various questions like the legal and regulatory information.

Employment law in a workplace for employees not represented by a union

Summarize the employment-at-will doctrine, both statutory and common law exceptions. Scenario You are the newest HR associate at a well-known corporation. An employee has contacted you with a grievance.

The following is the information during your conversation:

The employee has just been discharged from their long-term job. A union contract was not representing them,  and over the past thirty (30) years, they had enjoyed a generally pleasant work environment. The employee emphasizes that a recent change in leadership has been causing significant hostility and intimidation throughout the office. Also, the employee is convinced these factors culminated in their termination. Additionally, the employee strongly believes the action is without merit and is seeking damages/compensation ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍from the employer. The employee wants to know what the legal rights are.

You are going to consult with the in-house legal department. You will also need to review and utilize the employee’s file. To access the file, click here. Click for more options. Instructions. Prepare a 2-3 page memorandum prior to the meeting with the legal department addressing the next questions: What are the major issues that you have identified based on the employee’s concerns? Complete research to identify legal or regulatory information that supports the employee’s position. What are some of the possible arguments against either the employer and/or the employee? What are some of the likely outcomes in this matter?

Be sure to include in-text citations and a reference page according to APA guid‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍elines. Also, ensure to include references from the sources to which you cite your work from.

Macroeconomic issue based on an article you read on the Financial times

Macroeconomic issue based on an article you read on the Financial times

For this assignment you will choose a macroeconomic issue based on an article you read on the Financial times/Economist/World Economic Forum.

Macroeconomic issue based on an article you read on the Financial times

For this assignment you will choose a macroeconomic issue based on an article you read on the Financial times/Economist/World Economic Forum. You will need to show the link between the chosen topic and the relevant economic theory covered in class.

Then, research this issue or problem, using relevant textbooks, journals and periodicals, and present an analysis which suggests how macroeconomic analysis contributes to both an understanding of the topic and a range of possible solutions, or responses from the perspective of government policy. Data should be use d to support your analysis. Data can be retrieve d from official sources like ONS, Eurostat, OECD, IMF, ILO, World Bank.

This assignment is a form of inquiry-based learning, where your learning is motivated by an issue or problem that interests you, and you develop a deeper understanding of this as you research this area, review competing perspectives, and receive feedback from your tutors and class mates.

Direction for Writing Your Assignment

The aim is to use academic theories to understand and explain the important drivers of events (causes), rather than simply describing events (symptoms).

Therefore, the most important elements within your assignment will involve analysis and evaluation, which requires use of appropriate theories from the academic literature.

Evaluate the appropriateness and applicability of the insights provided by and then present and explain your own insights.
The type of questions that will help you develop the descriptive, analytical and evaluative sections of your assignment could include:

Description stage of your assignment:
Firstly, Introduce the issue / problem.

Secondly, What is the issue and context?

Thirdly, Contextualise the topic / problem / provide background information.

Fourthly, Where?

Further,  Who is involve d/ affect ed/ interest ed?

Also, When?

Analysis stage of your assignment:

Firstly, Consider alternative approaches / perspectives/ theories for understanding the issue.

Secondly, Why propose the approach / theory?

Thirdly, How is the issue / problem addressed by the approach / theory?

Fourthly, How might the theory provide an appropriate solution?

Further, What aspect of the context is not address ed by the theory (if applicable)?

Also, How appropriate is the theory in providing an explanation and solution to the specific issues / context.

Additionally,  How does the perspective work in practice?

Evaluation stage of your assignment:
Firstly, Consider how effectively the theory explains the working of the system.

Secondly, Does the theory need to be altered, in order to be more effectively applied to explaining the issue/ resolving the problem?


Supply chain innovation case studies

Supply chain innovation case studies

This is an assignment that focuses on the understanding of the supply chain innovation case studies. The paper also demonstrates the in-depth knowledge of the issues in the topic.

The understanding of the supply chain innovation case studies

Supply chain innovation
A‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ssignment explanation and directions: This assignment is for a module related to supply chain (SC) case studies which tends to discuss and try to answer questions related to SC cases. Here, I have to answer the questions related to the case study (SIG Combibloc)- attached- and supporting that by using relevant information from case studies given and presented by students. The case study, questions, other case studies’ presentations will be attached. Ensure you read them very carefully. Then, use suitable information where possible and appropriate in this work.

Each question must be answered basically from the case, supported by academic information as well as evaluated/ compared/ or even discussed with relevant data from other cases. Note: Important: In fact, this work is highly focus on the use of references appropriately. All references must be, academic, accessible and available for me at all times as I have to go back to them and have a copy. Also, each paragraph has to have at least 3 sources which means after every 2-3 sentences. The total number of references should be at least 15 academic sources. Additionally, ensure you read the bellow referencing notes as well. Essential

Assignment Instructions:

• You are to achieve the following …. 1. Answer the questions on the assigned case 2. Secondly, demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the issues raised in all cases covered in the SC Case module by incorporating a significant degree of comparison and analysis and apply these learnings to the assigned case study. 3. Incorporate a significant and extensive ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍use of supporting relevant academic material throughout their content. • Failure to achieve all of the above will result in a poor grade. • Length of report – There is no minimum or maximum word count though waffling, filler and excessive word count will result in lower markings.

Address the specific questions/issues, ensure all content is relevant, and keep the reader’s interest! • It is expected that main body of the research reports will vary in size, from approximately 10 to 20 pages in length, this will be determined by the quality of work produced. • Report must include: – An ‘Introduction’ and a ‘Conclusion’ section. – A table of contents – Reference List and Bibliography etc. Quotes  References ?  Appropriate academic referencing must be APA 6th update edition, and in evidence throughout the project. ? You are to use literature from textbooks and from good quality academic journals as well as information from relevant companies. Treat web sources with caution! Websites do not have the same academic rigour and evaluation process, as material published in academic journals and books. ANYONE can create a web site and make unsubstantiated claims on any subject matter!

Effects of the economic crisis started in 2008 in Brazil

Effects of the economic crisis started in 2008 in Brazil

Describe the effects of the economic crisis started in 2008 in Brazil. In your presentation you should answer the 5 questions using 1100 words.  Also, describe graphically the trend of macroeconomic indicators: GDP, inflation and unemployment

Describe the effects of the economic crisis started in 2008 in Brazil

Describe the effects of the economic crisis started in 2008 in Brazil.
In your presentation you should answer the 5 questions using 1100 words.

Firstly, Describe graphically the trend of macroeconomic indicators: GDP, inflation and unemployment.

Secondly, Calculate the growth rates of these indicators

Thirdly,  Explain the observed trends and relate it to contextual factors.

Fourthly,  Use the circular flow model to relate the different indicators.

Furthermore, Present a hypothesis of government intervention to face the economic downturn and use the circular flow model to forecast the effects of such a policy on the markets and agents involved and on the different macroeconomic indicators.

The 2008 financial crisis hit the Brazilian economy by two financial channels – capital flight from stock market and (some) reduction in the domestic supply of credit caused by the international credit crunch to the Brazilian big commercial and investment banks, with effects on the supply of interbank credit to the…

This article discusses the impacts of the international crisis on the Brazilian economy. It emphasis on the virtual paralysis of the domestic banking credit market that has occurred since September 2008. It argues that the dynamics of banking competition led to the emergence of high-risk practices. The destabilizing potential of these practices came to light when the aggravation of the international financial crisis and its contagion in peripheral countries such as Brazil caused a reversal of expectations. Generalized conservative behavior by banks during the retraction phase was exacerbated in Brazil by the relatively short credit cycle and by the liquidity, profitability and low risk of public bonds, allowing a rapid recomposition of portfolios. The Central Bank, sticking to its mandate as the guardian of price stability, failed to move to mitigate the deceleration of productive activities that resulted from the contraction of credit.

Business Case Purchasing complimented communication capability

Business Case Purchasing complimented communication capability

This essay entails a paper on the Business Case Purchasing and the complimented communication capability. Business Case Purchasing entails the regulation of the ways of buying and selling products in the different markets involved.

Business Case Purchasing complimented communication capability

Firstly, the business Case Purchasing is of vital importance in manufacturing because materials. The effectiveness of purchasing improves the overall productivity of the manufacturing organizations. Purchasing management has received increasing attention in recent years because of its tremendous influence on the production capabilities of the firm.

The company is a privately held international business that sources its supplies from around the world. The company from its original business of selling muffins to selling a multitude of bread products. The food industry is very competitive. The company’s strategy is low-cost leadership. They are intent on keeping expenses as low as possible. They believe this is their sustainable competitive advantage.

Secondly, because of the large number of item’s they source worldwide, supplier selection is a major activity for the company. It is essential to cost management. The Company’s owner daughter (Mary) is studying Supply Chain & Logistics and is doing an internship with the company. The internship will focus on what is involved in the supplier selection process. The CEO, took the first turn. She explained to Mary that for her, communication capability was the most important factor when selecting suppliers. In the food industry, products have expiration date.

Communication of schedules

Consequently, communication of schedules, deliveries, any issues is the must in the business. The CEO felt reliability was another important factor to consider and that it complimented communication capability. The CFO is big on the cost factor, He explained to Mary that they to determine the total cost of ownership. This went way beyond the price. Total cost of ownership also included payment terms, cash discount, ordering cost, carrying cost, and much more. The CTO emphasized the importance of supplier process and product technology.

In addition, he focused on the supplier’s willingness to share technologies. Because the CTO stance on these factors, he ensured the company engaged in early supplier involvement when deciding to procure a new product. Mary listened to them and knew that these weren’t the only factors to consider. She planned to discover what other factors were necessary to consider. Name and explain two factors of the supplier selection process that were not mentioned in the case.

Lastly, what are the advantages of early supplier involvement?  Identify qualitative and quantitative factors considered when looking at the total cost of ownership

Recent purchase you made of a durable good

Recent purchase you made of a durable good

Analyze a recent purchase you made of a durable good (durable goods are goods that don’t wear out quickly or those that have a lifespan of more than three years – computers, cars, mobile phones, kitchen appliances, etc.)

Analyze a recent purchase you made of a durable good

Firstly, analyze a recent purchase you made of a durable good (durable goods are goods that don’t wear out quickly or those that have a lifespan of more than three years – computers, cars, mobile phones, kitchen appliances, etc.)

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you review the steps that you took in making this purchasing decision.

Base your review on the following six steps in the consumer decision process:

  1. Problem recognition
  2. Information search
  3. Alternative evaluation
  4. Purchase
  5. Use
  6. Evaluation

Answer the following questions in your paper:

  • How many of these stages did you go through?
  • Which stage(s) in the purchasing process was/were most important to you?
  • If you skipped certain stages, what marketing or previous experience influenced you to skip this stage?
  • What could the selling organization have done more effectively from a marketing standpoint to help you move through these stages?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Request for proposals (RFP) for Benny Factor a wealthy philanthropist

Request for proposals (RFP) for Benny Factor a wealthy philanthropist

This is an assignment for a Request for proposals for Benny Factor a wealthy philanthropist. Additionally, the paper will address real world issues proposal.

Request for proposals for Benny Factor a wealthy philanthropist

Firstly, this project is a simulation of a Request for Proposals (RFP). RFPs are typically to hire a consultant/consulting company/researcher for a specific project. This project is a simulation, so you can use your imagination to consider a problem that needs to be solved and create a plan to improve the problem. Your instructor will place you in groups of 3 to complete this proposal.

Page limits and formats are non-negotiable, and the threshold for excellence is high. RFP Details: Benny Factor is a wealthy philanthropist who is looking to donate money for someone to carry out a project that will improve humanity in some way, applying psychological science. He is willing to fund basic and applications projects, as long as they are grounded in empirical evidence, and are designed in such a way that their efficacy can be measured.

You must address the following points: What is the real world problem that you are proposing to solve/research? Examples include: homelessness, violence prevention (domestic violence, child abuse, community violence), substance abuse, hunger, critical incident respose for natural disaster. Also, parental support after diagnosis of ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍Autism Spectrum Disorder or other mental health diagnosis, unemployment, disparity in educational opportunities across communities, etc. What data is there to justify that your proposed problem is indeed problematic?

Lastly, provide references. What have others done to address this problem? Provide references. Given the previous work that has been done on this problem, what is the gap that you intend to fill? What will you specifically do to address this problem? Detail the plan. How will you know if your project has an effect? How will you measure its effectiveness? What are your hypothesized results? Identify what are the implications of your hypothesized results? What are the limitations of your approach?

Financial securities investigation of a public company

Financial securities investigation of a public company

This is an assignment that focuses on financial securities investigation of a public company. Additionally, it covers bonds, stocks, and derivatives.

Financial securities investigation of a public company

Firstly, choose a large publicly held company to investigate. Download, or otherwise immediately obtain, the complete annual report for this company. The best place to locate the annual report is the company’s home website. The annual report will include financial statements with footnotes and any written materials such as a letter from the chairperson to the stockholders.

Secondly, choose either a large company that commonly has articles written about it or some company that has recently been generating publicity. You should of course choose a company you are interested in, as it will make the work much more enjoyable. You may think of selecting a company you have investments in or might be interested in seeking employment. DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE IN THINKING YOU HAVE EVERYTHING JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE ANNUAL REPORT. BE SURE YOU HAVE THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, THE NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND THE LETTER FROM THE CHAIRPERSON. If you are in doubt about what you have, please contact me and I will help you locate the annual report.

Thirdly, you will write a report on this company and its use of financial securities. The three major parts of this report will cover bonds, stocks, and derivatives. You must locate a company that uses at least two of these three pieces. Most companies will use all three. Again, if you are in doubt, please contact me and I will assist you in determining if this is the case for your company selection. AT A MINIMUM, THE COMPANY YOU SELECT MUST HAVE 2 OF THE 3 FINANCIAL SECURITIES (STOCK, BONDS, DERIVATIVES) WE WILL BE DISCUSSING IN THIS COURSE to write about in your paper.

Research and report

Things to research and report on should include, but are not limited to:

1. Using the annual report to discuss the company’s outstanding bonds; how many and what kind of bonds are outstanding; identify when they were issued, discuss the rating of these bonds and what that means, do a current valuation of the bonds or if there are many bonds, select a sample of these bonds and valuate them using the current rate of return in the market; what does the value tell you?

2. Discuss the data in your research that deals with stock (prices, volume, symbol, etc.); discuss the historical prices of these stocks; valuate the stock and compare it to the market price of the stock; explain the possible reasons for being undervalued or overvalued; complete an investor return on these stocks; how is the investor’s return compared to some index (i.e. S&P 500);

3. Identify any futures, options and swaps that your company has utilized to hedge risk for the organization; discuss the opportunities the derivative securities markets might provide for this particular organization. How might managers use them to reduce risk to their organization? Provide an example of what the company is doing with the use of derivatives. Give enough explanation so that anyone reading your report can understand the organization and their use of derivatives.

Tax cash flows in our calculations of WACC Assess the cost of capital

Tax cash flows in our calculations of WACC Assess the cost of capital

This assignment paper involves tax cash flows in our calculations of WACC. Assess the cost of capital and marginal cost of capital and their implications for capital budgeting.

tax cash flows in our calculations of WACC-Assess the cost of capital

Firstly,  Assess the cost of capital and marginal cost of capital and their implications for capital budgeting.

Secondly,  Apply various risk methodologies to situations involving capital budgeting for the firm.

Thirdly,  Prepare a deliverable that demonstrates the application of financial analysis.

Fourthly, Why do we use after tax cash flows in our calculations of WACC? How does tax rates affect these calculations?


Fifthly, Why do we use after tax cash flows in our calculations of WACC How does tax rates affect these calculations?

Further, As your corporate income tax rate goes up, your company’s WACC goes down since a higher rate produces a larger tax shield.

Additionally, In unincorporated businesses, profits flow to the business owners, who pay income taxes on them.

Thus, the reduced profit means lower taxes for the owners.


How do you calculate after tax cost in WACC?

Cost of Debt after Taxes

To calculate the after-tax cost of debt, subtract a company’s effective tax rate from 1, and multiply the difference by its cost of debt. The company’s marginal tax rate is not used, rather, the company’s state and the federal tax rate are added together to ascertain its effective tax rate.

What tax rate do you use for WACC?

The tax shield

Notice in the WACC formula above that the cost of debt is adjust ed lower to reflect the company’s tax rate. For example, a company with a 10% cost of debt and a 25% tax rate has a cost of debt of 10% x (1-0.25) = 7.5% after the tax adjustment.

Is WACC pre or post tax?

Revised WACC Formula

In this formula the ‘after-tax’ WACC is grossed-up by the corporate tax rate to generate the ‘pre-tax’ WACC. The correct corporate tax rate for estimating the WACC is the marginal tax rate for the future!