Role of Organizational Development Consultants for an organization

In this paper, we are to assume the role of Organizational Development Consultants for an organization (UVI Student Health Services) and we would need to provide an organizational development change recommendation to the organization based on a problem the organization has. More specifically we will need to describe how we would apply an 8-step action research model…

Role of Organizational Development Consultants for an organization

In this paper, we are to assume the role of Organizational Development Consultants for an organization (UVI Student Health Services) . Additionally, We would need to provide an organizational development change recommendation to the organization based on a problem the organization has. More specifically we will need to describe how we would apply an 8-step action research model . Also, a 4-frame analysis to recommend relevant organizational development interventions for the organization we have identified.

The organization we have chosen is the University of the Virgin Islands Student Health Services. We have to develop a 15-20 page organizational development intervention proposal for our client, the University of the Virgin Islands Student Health Services.

All background information on the organization is provided along with the OD proposal assignment instructions. Also, other reference documents need to be used as part of the paper sources/references.


In the OD proposal assignment instructions, it needs to have the introduction and brief history to the organization. (That is provided), along with seven (7) specific sections of this paper. For section two (2), ignore the brief biography of each team member (i.e. 1 paragraph description for each member), as I will insert that info after getting the final document. But please do provide the action research model and discuss the assumptions and philosophical approach to organizational development: discuss re-framing and how it can be helpful to the organization.

Statistical analysis of real data on a company’s stock returns

This is a paper that focuses on the statistical analysis of real data on a company’s stock returns. The paper also provides the activities to follow in writing the paper analysis.

Statistical analysis of real data on a company’s stock returns

1. Objective of the assignment:

To examine, using statistical analysis of real data, the impact of firm-specific information on a company’s stock returns. (Note that this assignment constitutes 100% of the assessment for the NBS8002 module.)

2. Three activities:

a) Selecting a public company for analysis, collecting relevant data, and also reviewing literature. (Proportion of Marks Allocated to this Activity: 10%)

You must select a single public company satisfying the following criteria:

Ø  The nature and dates of at least four significant (preferably related) information events occurring over a relatively short period of time (not more than eight months) can be identified.
Ø  Three years of continuous daily stock price data, beginning at least two years before the first information event and ending not less than three months after the final information event, are available for analysis.

Statistical analysis of real data on a company’s stock returns

1)      Firstly, each student must choose a different company and have their choice approved by me.

2)      Secondly, there are a variety of sources (e.g. public web information such as yahoo finance, financial times, London Stock Exchange, and university facilities: Bloomberg/Datastream at room 4.03 NUBS) from which you can collect the data (e.g. daily price and market index) you need for the assignment
b) Performing appropriate analysis of the impact of multiple information events on the stock returns of a public company

In order to focus solely on the impact of firm-specific information on stock returns, a control is needed to model daily returns conditionally expected from contemporaneous non-firm-specific information. The market model should be used as the control.

Suitable tests for coefficient stability, and for the validity of the Ordinary Least Squares assumptions, should in conduction, and also appropriate modifications to the estimation model as necessary.

The report should describe the nature of the information events for your chosen company, the hypotheses you test, any problematic data issues you encounter. (such as treatment of capitalisation changes, rights issues, dividends, suspension of trading etc). Also, how they were handle, your research design, interpretation of results and your conclusions.

Diversification strategies raise a wide range of strategic management 

Diversification strategies raise a wide range of strategic management issues. For this assignment, select a KSA company whose strategy includes or included diversification and explore their motives, competitive advantage, and strategic planning based on the topics from Chapter 12 and the assigned reading.

Diversification strategies raise a wide range of strategic management

Diversification strategies raise a wide range of strategic management issues. For this assignment, select a KSA company whose strategy includes or included diversification . Explore their motives, competitive advantage, and strategic planning based on the topics from Chapter 12 and the assigned reading.

Firstly, Identify and provide company strategic details and consider what circumstances existed that motivated this company to diversify.

Secondly, What mode of diversification did the company adopt?

Thirdly, How does this relate to their resources and capabilities?

Fourthly, What are the benefits of diversification in this industry. How significant are they in the shape and growth of the industry?

Further, What are the implications of the strategy chosen for the organizational structure, management systems, and allocation of decision making within the diversified firm?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 5 to 7 pages in length, which does not include the title page or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

Support your submission with course material concepts;

principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly,

peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.

It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the Turnitin Originality Check before submitting it to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check—Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Three news articles that discuss the economic concept

Select at least three news articles that discuss the economic concept (Income inequality). At least one news article should be dated within the previous two months. Please note that the goal of this assignment is to read, understand, and discuss recent news using microeconomic terminology.

Three news articles that discuss the economic concept

Select at least three news articles that discuss the economic concept (Income inequality)
At least one news article should be date d within the previous two months.

Please note that the goal of this assignment is to read, understand, and discuss recent news using microeconomic terminology. The articles should be from an on-line newspaper or magazine. Materials posted on educational websites, like,, and so on, are not considered news articles even if they were recently updated and contain material related to the term paper topic.

The Term paper should have the following structure:

1. Abstract (0.5 of a page) – the short description of the concepts, problems, questions discussed in the Term paper.
2. Introduction (0.5 of a page) (optional)

3. Literature Review (about 2 pages) – please compare and contrast the opinions of the authors of the articles, present the important information, data, statistics to support your conclusions. It is important that the Literature review is written in your own words with small quotes from the article. All quotes must have references in APA format.

4. Discussion (about 2 pages) – Your task for this part of the Term paper is to analyze the issue described in the articles using the economic concepts and theory learned in this class. Refer to the course content materials and use specific economic vocabulary within your term paper. The articles you choose may not use these exact terms; therefore, it is incumbent upon you to convert the article language into economic language as is appropriate. Include at least one graph developed in our course.

5. Conclusion (0.5 of a page)

The Term paper should be the title page and sub-titles that correspond to the structure described above.

Please note you can use short quotes from the article(s) to support your statements. However the size of these quotes should be reduce d to minimum. No more than 20% of the text of the term paper should be made up of quotes. (Less is better!!!).

Please also avoid copying the materials from any textbooks, including our textbook.
Please be aware that Wikipedia, Investopedia, and other on-line dictionaries and encyclopaedias are not verifiable sources of reliable information, and should not be used in the Term paper. Acceptable sources of the information are: research papers, newspaper articles, and books.

Format of the Paper:

Written projects must be:
1. typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, with margins no wider than one inch
2. Also, Have footnotes or endnotes, with correct citations
3. Further, Have a bibliography of sources used
4. Lastly, Include, for each entry, the author, title, city and state of publisher, publisher’s name, year, and page numbers

Which trading position is created by short straddle and long strangle

This is an assignment that focuses on demonstrating which trading position is created by short straddle and long strangle. The paper also requires a working, final profit and loss diagram.

Which trading position is created by short straddle and long strangle

Your task, as the recently recruited PWC’s Quant Analyst, is to provide a thorough analysis of the following parts:
(1)    Firstly, the price of a non-dividend paying stock is $29, its volatility is 30%, and the risk free rate for all maturities is 5% per annum.
Construct a table showing the relationship between profit/loss and stock prices.  Select only one strategy, depending on your group selection.
table in the attachment below
(1)    Secondly, three options (put) on a stock have the same expiration date and exercise prices of $55, $60 and $65.  The option prices are $13, $15 and $18.  Demonstrate for which range of prices would a butterfly spread lead to a loss.  Show clearly your workings.

(2)    Thirdly, assuming that the strike price in a straddle is half way between the two strike prices in a strangle, demonstrate which trading position is created by combining a short straddle with a long strangle, when both have the same time to maturity?  Clearly show your working and final profit and loss diagram.
Although it’s a take home assignment, just be aware that plagiarism is a form of cheating.  The penalty for plagiarism is a mark of zero and possible expulsion from the unit and/or course of study.
For those aiming a higher grade in the project, you should be able to demonstrate your finance skills through various concepts learnt through the course.  Your work experience can add value as well, if appropriate.

Maximum number of students per group: 6
Grade Allocation: 25% of your total course grade.  There will be 15% allocated for the report and also 10% allocated for presentation.

Based on the industry of your choice consider the role of labour

Based on the industry of your choice consider the role of labour, consumption and technology in the process of globalization. In your essay you should consider only one industry, e.g.: extractive, agro-food, clothing or automobile (covered by lectures). You can also focus on other industries, if you are finding them interesting, e.g.: electronics, finance or logistics.

Based on the industry of your choice consider the role of labour

Based on the industry of your choice consider the role of labour, consumption and technology in the process of globalization
Aim of the essay
In your essay you should consider only one industry, e.g.: extractive, agro-food, clothing or automobile (covered by lectures). You can also focus on other industries, if you are finding them interesting, e.g.: electronics, finance or logistics.
Each industry is made of transnational corporations; these want to globalize – to be present on the global market. The main task of this essay is to examine the factors which are contributing to the globalization of the industry:
– Labour or workforce,
– Consumption and
Structure of the essay

You should briefly outline the chosen industry with its main characteristics (this could include the main features of the production circuit, the size of companies, and role of the state or the chosen industry’s importance for the global economy).

Analysis (main body):
You should explore the challenges, but also opportunities, posed by these factors. In other words, to what extent technology, labour and consumption can help (or hinder) certain industries going global. There will be, of course, different level of emphasis on labour, consumption and technology in different industries. It is also very important to recognise whether the industry is more capital or labour intensive. In your analysis you can use examples or cases of companies.


Additionally, Restate your focus by emphasising on the key points, drawing together the threads of your work. Try to evaluate the overall impact of labour, consumption and technology on the globalization of your chosen industry.

Finally, Each industry will have a different list of sources. Corresponding chapters in Global Shift contain an extensive list of references (Chapters 12-15). Please check Online Library for additional sources
(Journal and newspaper articles, books and reports). Companies’ websites can be a useful source of information, too.

Briefly describe the situation and the task of Michael Manning

Briefly describe the situation and the task of Michael Manning. Compare REITs and Commodities based on risks, returns and Sharpe ratios. Assume STP (return of 3.2%) is the risk-free asset.

Briefly describe the situation and the task of Michael Manning

1) Briefly describe the situation and the task of Michael Manning.

2) Compare REITs and Commodities based on risks, returns and Sharpe ratios. Assume STP (return of 3.2%) is the risk-free asset.

3) Recreate the efficient frontier of three assets in Exhibit 5b (i.e. to use risk and return of 12 portfolios in Exhibit 5a); and add the efficient frontier for four assets in Exhibit 6 (i.e. to use 12 portfolios in Exhibit 6) and the efficient frontier for four assets in Exhibit 7 (i.e. to use 12 portfolios in Exhibit 7). You can use Excel and then print out or use grid papers.

Firstly,  How REITs and Commodities improve the efficient frontier?

Secondly, Does the degree of improvement relates to the Sharpe ratios in question 2?

Thirdly, What factor determines the degree of improvement?


4) Now we will focus on the two efficient frontiers. Firstly, one of three assets in Exhibit 5 and one of five assets in Exhibit 8. We know (from our chapter 6), the optimal portfolios are the tangency portfolios given the risk-free asset is STP (return of 3.2%). For simplicity, let find the optimal portfolio of three assets as the portfolio that have the highest Sharpe ratio out of the 12 portfolios in Exhibit 5. Let call this optimal portfolio O3-asset. Similarly, find the optimal portfolio of five assets, portfolio O5-asset, based on Exhibit 8.

– Draw a graph with the two efficient frontiers and show the two optimal portfolios.
– Report (in an easy-to-compare format) the risks, returns, Sharpe ratios, and weight of each of five assets for portfolios O3-asset and O5-asset.

More details;

5) Firstly, choose a number between 4% and 16% (round number only). Secondly, use this number as the target return for one hospital. Thirdly, you will create two compete portfolios to achieve your chosen target return. One allocating money using STP and O3-asset, and the other using STP and O5-asset.

– Report (in an easy-to-compare format) the risks, returns, and weight of each of six assets (now including STP) for the two complete portfolios. How much improvement (either in term of risk reduction or return increase) do REITs and Commodities bring?

6) Choose a number between 1% and 20% (round number only) and use this number as the maximum risk level (standard deviation) that one hospital can take. You will create two compete portfolios that have the chosen risk level: one allocating money using STP and O3-asset, and the other using STP and O5-asset.

Report (in an easy-to-compare format) the risks, returns, and weight of each of six assets for the two complete portfolios. How much improvement (either in term of risk reduction or return increase) do REITs and Commodities bring?

Islamic Banking and finance industry is aiming to provide alternatives

Islamic Banking and finance industry is aiming to provide alternatives to conventional interest-based banking and financial products and services. It has grown at a rapid pace for the last two to three decades and is becoming popular even in non-Muslim regions due to unique characteristics and solutions it provides and genuine concerns raised on the effectiveness of conventional financial markets and systems.

Islamic Banking and finance industry is aiming to provide alternatives

Type of Assessment: Written Assessment (Project report)
Weight: 20% of course grade

Islamic Banking and finance industry is aiming to provide alternatives to conventional interest-based banking and financial products and services. It has grown at a rapid pace for the last two to three decades and is becoming popular even in non-Muslim regions due to unique characteristics and solutions it provides and genuine concerns raised on the effectiveness of conventional financial markets and systems. Nevertheless, it is just a small fraction of total global banking and finance industry and moreover, facing challenges such as misconceptions about its products even among Muslims, evolved conventional industry and legal and regulatory issues in both Muslims and non-Muslims states.

The students are require d to prepare a report covering the following issues/aspects:
1.      Identify and compare 3 products originated in global Islamic and conventional banking and finance industries between 2000 and 2019.
2.      Compare the process and pace of innovation and development in both the sectors.
3.      Make recommendations for improvement in Islamic banking and finance industry and/or its products and services”.

1.    FIRSTLY, Students should work in groups of not more than 4 members for this assignment.
2.    SECONDLY, The reports must be prepare using Calibri, 12 font, and 1.5 line spacing with total report size of 10 pages (± 2 pages) excluding cover page and bibliography.
3.     THIRDLY, Submit reports online on or before the deadline.
4.      FOURTHLY, HCT’s policy on academic dishonesty and plagiarism is applicable on this assessment.


Leadership action on practical organizational and business experiences

This is a paper that focuses on the leadership action on practical organizational and business experiences. The paper also describes the two parts for writing this assignment in detail.

Leadership action on practical organizational and business experiences

Prepare a 2000-word case study on leadership in action from your own practical organizational, business experience or from some personal experience of team leadership e.g. teacher, sporting club, parent etc. As a last resort you may interview a person from your networks, but a personal experience is preferred. It should consist of 3 parts.

•Part 1(approximately 200 words -maximum)
Brief outline of the chosen case selected. It should contain a brief summary of the leadership issues and context.

Part 2 (approximately 800 words x 2 = 1600 words)
Students to prepare two 800-word reports using two different leadership theories (to be chosen by the student) to analyse and problem solve the leadership issue described in part one. The objective is to show how the application of different leadership theories can have different outcomes. The two reports should outline and apply the chosen leadership theory, provide potential solutions to the leadership challenge and detail implications of the chosen approach.

1.     Transformational
2.     LMX (Leader-member exchange)

Part 3 (approximately 200 words)
The last section should compare and contrast the outcomes and implications of the two chosen leadership theories, detailing insights and learnings. Students will challenge and critique the two theories and review how the chosen leadership framework may affect an organisation’s results or effectiveness – drawing from course knowledge, assigned readings as well as a broad range of academic literature.

Ensure that the paper should be at least 2000 words long excluding the cover page and also the reference page. Additionally, ensure that you include all the references from the sources you use. Finally, cite your assignment from the references that you will use in the assignment.

Identifying an HR topic for opportunities for improvement

This is an assignment that focuses on the identifying an HR topic for opportunities for improvement. The assignment also illustrates the writing guidelines for the paper.

Identifying an HR topic for opportunities for improvement

“On the job training” as your topic of interest. Minimum requirements for this paper are: APA Formatting (margins at 1″, minimum font size 12) Cover Page 15 pages in length 5 references from scholarly studies. The paper should be at least 15 pages in length (excluding cover and citations) with at least five different references (one may be the text book). Please make sure the paper is free of grammar and spelling errors.

Firstly, your focus for this assignment is to identify a specific HR topic and focus your efforts on: Illustrating your expertise in HR by identifying opportunities for improvement with the selected topic. Secondly, apply concepts of HRM and explore a practical approach to the real world HRM issue. Thirdly, propose recommendations for improvements and formulate a considered opinion on the HR topic of interest. Fourthly, analyze available literature to provide greater understanding of research topics related to the HR topic of interest.

You should have at least 3 pages, 1 full section of your paper, dedicated to recommendations for improvement. Consider this assignment a paper you are delivering to the HR Manager at a company who has asked you for help on the topic. Analyze the practices of HR in organizations using the concepts of the HR topic of interest. Analyze the approach of HRM in organizations on the selected HR topic(s), including the strengths and weaknesses of the current approach in organizations, citing relevant research and theories. Tables, graphs, and illustrations can help bring out key points. Remember that these are only the minimum requirements. An “A” paper will achieve a higher level of quality. If you have any questions regarding the final paper, please let your professor know