Choose an effective leader from your current or previous organization

Choose an effective leader from your current or previous organization. Determine the different types of power the leader possessed. Do you believe the leader you identified tends to be use more of a transformational leadership style or a transactional leadership style?

Choose an effective leader from your current or previous organization

1. Firstly, Choose an effective leader from your current or previous organization. Secondly, Determine the different types of power the leader possessed. Thirdly, Do you believe the leader you identified tends to be use more of a transformational leadership style or a transactional leadership style?

2. Explain which influence tactics the leader you identified in #1 used that seemed especially effective.

3. Explain how the leader identified in #1 might further use power and influence tactics to resolve conflicts, improve organizational commitment, or manage job performance.

4. Additionally, Reflect on your own experience with organizational politics within your current or previous organization.

When does political behaviour occur? What can leaders do to help reduce political behaviour?

5 .Identify a situation when you used one of the four decision making styles (e.g., facilitative, etc.). Explain why you used the style you used.

6. Which conflict resolution style (e.g., compromise, etc.) does the leader tend to use? Which style do you tend to use? Under what circumstances does your preferred conflict resolution style tend to work best?

7. Which style of employee discipline (e.g., positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, extinction, or punishment) does your leader tend to use. Explain whether this discipline is the most effective type. Use a peer-reviewed study to support your answer.

More details;

Transformational leadership is a theory of leadership where a leader works with teams to identify needed change, creating a vision to guide the change through inspiration, and executing the change in tandem with committed members of a group; it is an integral part of the Full Range Leadership Model.

Appraising a chosen client’s current use of digital marketing 

A report with the objective of analyzing and critically appraising a chosen client’s current use of digital marketing and media, using a part of strategic digital marketing framework. The emphasis is on organic media and technical aspects, particularly the website.

Appraising a chosen client’s current use of digital marketing



A report with the objective of analyzing and critically appraising a chosen client’s current use of digital marketing and media, using a part of strategic digital marketing framework. The emphasis is on organic media and technical aspects, particularly the website.
References + in text citation (Harvard)
Referencing: You must also follow Harvard’s referencing style. Additionally, all images, tables, figures and graphics should be referenced. Other sources include newspaper articles/press releases, government and/or industry reports, blogs/discussion forums.
1.  Firstly, Landscape presentation.
2.  Secondly, Cover page.
3.  Thirdly, Table of Contents.
4.  Client Analysis- what is your client currently doing?
a.            Client profile. Firstly, Name, Location, Number of employees (if available), Goods and services offered, Key online marketing personnel – who is in their digital team, Age of the company, URL, Website Age, Website Management, Social media, Company presence and sales via online and offline channels
b.           Channels audit. Secondly, Digital channels presence
c.            Current digital marketing strategy: Thirdly, Website uses, e.g. sales, 
customer service, Website strengths and weaknesses, Other online advertising and offline promotion of the url
5. Competitor Analysis – Also, What do your competitors’ advertising strategies look like?
a.            Overview of current and potential competitors
b.           Content audit of competitors

6. Customer Profiling – Understanding your target market.

a. Firstly, Target audience overview. Current and potential customers
b. Secondly, Customer persona. Current and potential (2)

7. Proposed Strategy
a. Objectives (Where do we want to be?)
i. Firstly, Overall marketing goals
ii. Secondly, Specific digital marketing objectives (RACE or customer acquisition, conversion and retention)
b. Strategy (How do we get there?). Also, specification of target customer groups selection and specification how to deliver value to these groups using digital marketing channels
c. Tactics (How exactly do we get there?)
(3) Number of campaigns and the strategy for each google campaign, Keywords, broaden keywords and negative keywords, Text for at least 4 Google Ad versions for an ad group, Ad serving options, Keyword bidding, Location targeting, Goals for impressions, clicks, CPC and CTR, Proposed success metrics
8. Lastly, References.

The role of labour consumption and technology in globalization

This is a paper that is focusing on the role of labour consumption and technology in globalization. The paper also focuses on the structure of the essay to follow in writing the paper.

The role of labour consumption and technology in globalization

Support for CW3 (second individual essay)
Based on the industry of your choice consider the role of labour, consumption and technology in the process of globalization

Aim of the essay
In your essay you should consider only one industry, e.g.: extractive, agro-food, clothing or automobile (covered by lectures). You can also focus on other industries, if you are finding them interesting, e.g.: electronics, finance or logistics.
Each industry is made of transnational corporations; these want to globalize – to be present on the global market. The main task of this essay is to examine the factors which are contributing to the globalization of the industry:
labour or workforce,
consumption and

Structure of the essay
Introduction: Firstly, you should briefly outline the chosen industry with its main characteristics (this could the main features of the production circuit, the size of companies, role of the state or the
chosen industry’s importance for the global economy).

Analysis (main body): Secondly, you should explore the challenges, but also opportunities, posed by these factors. In other words, to what extent technology, labour and consumption can help (or hinder)
certain industries going global. There will be, of course, different level of emphasis on labour, consumption and technology in different industries. It is also very important to recognise whether
the industry is more capital or labour intensive. In your analysis you can use examples or cases of companies.

Lastly, restate your focus by emphasising on the key points, drawing together the threads of your work. Try to evaluate the overall impact of labour, consumption and technology on the globalization of your chosen industry.

Toyota Company Limited types of financial data analysis

This is a paper that focuses on the Toyota Company Limited types of financial data analysis. The paper also requires proposition of specific revenues and costs for evaluation.

Toyota Company Limited types of financial data analysis

Segment 1
Using Toyota Company Limited, think about the types of financial data that would be included and excluded in differential analysis. Propose which specific revenues and costs should be considered in an evaluation to
drop or keep a:
• Customer
• Product line

In addition, explain sunk and opportunity costs as they relate to your Toyota Company Limited. Should these costs be considered in differential analysis? Why or why not?
Section 1 should be a minimum of 400 words in length and not more than 450 words. Following the APA standard, use references and in-text citations for sources used. Use at least two sources

Segment 2
Please describe the circumstances of the following case study and recommend a course of action. Explain your approach to the problem, perform relevant calculations and analysis, and formulate a recommendation.

Case Study:

A vacuum manufacturer has prepared the following cost data for manufacturing one of its engine components based on the annual production of 50,000 units.

Description Cost per Month
Direct Materials    $75,000
Direct Labor $100,000
Total $175,000

In addition, variable factory overhead is applied at $7.50 per unit. Fixed factory overhead is applied at 150%of direct labor cost per unit. The vacuums sell for $150 each. A third party has offered to make the engines
for $60 per unit. 75% of fixed factory overhead, which represents executive salaries, rent, depreciation, and taxes, continue regardless of the decision. Should the company make or buy the engines?
Please ensure that the paper covers the following in detail;
Perform all calculations correctly.
Articulate the approach to solving the problem, including which financial information is relevant and not relevant.
Correctly conclude on whether the company should make or buy the engines.

Toyota Company Limited types of financial data analysis

Propose other factors that should be when making this decision and elaborate on whether or not those factors do or do not support the decision.
Section two should be 3 pages in length, exclusive of the reference page. Paper should be double spaced in Times New Roman (or its equivalent) font which is no greater than 12 points in size. The paper should cite at
least two sources in APA format. Use at least four sources

Segment 3
Qualitative factors are non-financial in nature but are important for management to consider when making decisions. Reflecting on a company for which you have worked (or are otherwise familiar), describe three
qualitative factors that would be important for management decision-making. Then, assess each of them in order of importance. Given your assessment, justify a situation where the qualitative factors would outweigh
the quantitative results. Be specific. please make sure to connect write-up to your personal experiences (I am an engineer). Reflect on how this
assignment topic is applicable to and will benefit you.
The Portfolio Activity entry should be a minimum of 500 words and not more than 750 words. Use APA
citations and references. Use at least two sources.

The HSBC Holdings PLC UK critical analysis and understanding

This is a paper that focuses on the HSBC Holdings PLC UK critical analysis. The paper also focuses on various aspects of the company in terms of management.

The HSBC Holdings PLC UK critical analysis

I‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍nstructions on Assessment: PLEASE READ VERY WELL AND EMAIL ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS: Topic on HSBC Holdings PLC UK you are required to present a report critically analysing and demonstrating your understanding of the 1Sources, Measurement, 3 Management and 4 Regulatory infrastructure of the following three risks: interest rate, liquidity and operational risk 1.Interest Rate Risk 1.Briefly discuss what is interest rate risk to a bank 2. Explain and analyse the Duration Model, create a recent duration model for HSBC 3. Discuss Regulatory requirements regarding interest rate risk for UK banks 4. Analyse Methods of interest rate risk management such as Asset & Liability management in HSBC (800 words)

2. Liquidity Risk

1.Firstly, briefly discuss what is Liquidity Risks to a bank, Measurement of Liquidity Risks

2.Secondly, analyze the Capital & Liquidity Requirements of HSBC

3.Thirdly, examine sources of liquidity risk such as Market liquidity risk, Monetary liquidity risk, Funding liquidity risk, Bank liquidity risk in HSBC

4.Fourthly, talk about Liquidity risk management in HSBC such as Stored Liquidity (Asset) Management and Purchased Liquidity (Liability) Management (1000 words)

3. Operational Risk

1. Firstly, briefly discuss what is operational risk to a bank, talk about how swap contracts can manage operational risk.

2.Secondly, discuss The three pillars of regulation: P1) Min. Capital Req’mts P2) Supervisory Review P3) Market Discipline

3. Thirdly, investigate the financial statement of HSBC (find 2019 statement on HSBC website), test the efficiency of the financial institution itself and its disclosure.

4. Lastly, test the efficiency of the price fluctuation for the bank using historical data of stocks (attached), and answer: Is the bank common stock is efficient?

Part B

Based on the interest rate, liquidi‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ty and operational risks identified in Part A, construct a fraud risk assessment framework of three associated risks that HSBC is currently exposed to or will be exposed to in the foreseeable future. Pay particular attention to the current regulatory infrastructure in which HSBC operates. – 1. construct a fraud risk assessment framework of interest rate risk, liquidity risk and operational risks that HSBC is currently exposed to, or will be exposed to in the foreseeable future. Pay particular attention to the current regulatory infrastructure in which HSBC operates. 2. Discuss What Kind of policy does the bank adapt to fight the risk of fraud

• Font – Arial 12, whole document being fully justified with 1.5 line spacing. • • Titles and headings should be in bold. Section headings should be in number e.g. 3.1. • • Referencing must be APA 6th for example: McMath, M. (2016) Liquidity mismatch and maturity transformation: a study on the UK banks, International Journal of Risk and Return, Vol. 11(7), pp. 21-29 • • APA 6th Citation should be as: McMath (2015) and if more than two authors should be as McMath et al., (2015). • • Quotations of more than 2 lines must be indented and in italics with the reference and page number stated.


This essay entails a Statistical Data Analysis paper of a Fast-Casual Restaurant Chain as an example of a case study. Statistical Data Analysis is a widely used method of explaining data to get information needed.

Statistical Data Analysis Fast-Casual Restaurant Chain

Firstly, evaluate the performance of current marketing strategies, and recommend actionable business decisions. This is an opportunity to build critical-thinking and problem-solving skills within the context of data analysis and interpretation.

Also, pastas R Us, Inc. is a fast-casual restaurant chain specializing in noodle-based dishes, soups, and salads. Since its inception, the business development team has favoured opening new restaurants in areas (within a 3-mile radius) that satisfy the following demographic conditions.

Secondly, Last year, the marketing department rolled out a Loyalty Card strategy to increase sales. Under this program, customers present their Loyalty Card when paying for their orders and receive some free food after making 10 purchases.

Thirdly, the company has collected data from its 74 restaurants to track important variables such as average sales per customer, year-on-year sales growth, sales per sq. ft., Loyalty Card usage as a percentage of sales, and others.

Also, executive management wants to know whether the current expansion criteria can be improved. They want to evaluate the effectiveness of the Loyalty Card marketing strategy and identify feasible, actionable opportunities for improvement. As a member of the analytics department.

Fourthly, discuss the nature of the current database. What variables were analyze d?
Summarize your descriptive statistics findings from Excel. Use a table and insert appropriate graphs.

Lastly, based on your findings above, assess which expansion criteria seem to be more effective. Could any expansion criterion be changed or eliminated? If so, which one and why?
In conclusion, based on your findings above, does it appear as if the Loyalty Card is positively correlated with sales growth? Would you recommend changing this marketing strategy?

The development of a Cisco network proposal for an organization

This is an assignment that focuses on the development of a Cisco network proposal for an organization. The paper also requires discussing the network addressing.

The development of a Cisco network proposal for an organization


You will play the role of a network administrator for a fictional company, Bacon Institute. As a new employee, your first task is to develop a Cisco network proposal for the organization while also working toward your Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification.

Welcome to Bacon Institute!

You have been recently hired as a network administrator for Bacon Institute, an educational organization that provides educational offerings to nontraditional students. The school realizes that the local systems administrators need help implementing certain technologies at each of the remote locations, as well as final WAN configurations.

Out of the network administrators on staff, you have been asked to move the Cisco Network Proposal forward. You will use background and skills to design, implement, and assist in configurations to support Bacon Institute’s topology.

Technologies to implement will differ from site to site, as administrators have begun topology implementations. You will be given the overall topology as well as certain device configurations in order to determine the best course of action per site/challenge. In addition to helping the school configure its network, Bacon Institute requires that all new network administrators obtain their CCNA certification within 60 days.

The first part of the project will be to create a network diagram showing a logical design of the network including addressing schemes, devices, servers, etc. This will help when developing and troubleshooting the network.

Network addressing and the TCP/IP Protocol Suite are some of the essential elements of hierarchical design in the workplace. Also, network addressing will be a big part of the first section of your Cisco Network Proposal assignment.

Network Addressing

As the network administrator for Bacon Institute, you are to understand enterprise networks. Companies often start small with one site connected to the internet, but a company like Bacon Institute is much bigger and has grown to where it has a primary central location and multiple remote sites around the world.

You understand that enterprise networks require the ability to support multiple types of network traffic. They also must address the diverse business needs for critical applications and provide appropriate mechanisms for centralized administrative control.

Bacon Institute uses a hierarchical design model, which breaks up the overall design into multiple modular layers. This allows each layer to focus on specific functions, simplifying the overall network design.

As part of your network administrator design responsibilities on the project, you will help to develop and diagram the hierarchical design model including the necessary network addressing scheme. It is vital that this addresses the need for growth at Bacon Institute and includes ease of support. Having enough IP address space within each network will help to prevent a costly network reconfiguration in the future. A good naming scheme is also vital. You have learned that you should avoid naming devices according to staff member or locations. This information may change frequently, requiring significant maintenance.

The development of a Cisco network proposal for an organization

You are to develop and provide a diagram of the network architecture. However, it goes further, addressing how the network works and how different devices interconnect. A diagram helps the engineers and administrators to manage and support the network.

Your task is to develop a network infrastructure design for the organization using diagramming software such as Microsoft Visio.

you will have to ensure that your network infrastructure design meets the requirements above for the company’s remote sites. In addition, the first part of your Cisco Network Proposal will require you to create a diagram of a network for which routing will be supported by your design.

Content of strategic human resource development (SHRD)

Prepare a 2,000-2,500 word paper based on the class content of strategic human resource development (SHRD). How does the theory support practice and how does practice inform theory based on the content of the class and the presentations of the speakers.

Content of strategic human resource development (SHRD)

Firstly, Prepare a 2,000-2,500 word paper based on the class content of strategic human resource development (SHRD).

Secondly, How does the theory support practice.

Thirdly, how does practice inform theory based on the content of the class and the presentations of the speakers.

Lastly, are the ideas supported by theory or developed based on practice?

More details;

Hence, Strategic Human Resource Development (SHRD) can be defined as, strategising the integration of HRD with formulation and implementation with a long-term view of Human Resource policy. In other words, SHRD is how HRD is applied and aligned to achieve the organisational goals and objectives strategically.
What are the
components of human resource development?
There are four fundamental component areas of human resource development: individual development (personal), career development (professional), performance management, and organizational development.
How do you implement strategic human resource development?
How to Develop Your own Effective Strategy

Step 1:

Know your company inside and out. Before crafting your strategy, know your organization thoroughly. …

Step 2:

Craft your HR strategy. …

Step 3:

Resource analysis. …

Step 4:

Implementation. …

Step 5:

Follow up. …

Step 6:

Corrective Action.

What is the strategic role of human resource management?
The strategic role of a human resources manager is to determine how to identify and resolve workplace issues, as well as how best to attract a diverse pool of applicants through effective recruitment and selection processes.
Lastly, what is the importance of human resource development?
Human resources development is important because it is an investment in one’s employees that will ultimately result in a stronger and more effective workforce. When an organization develops their employees, they are strengthening their assets and making these employees even more valuable.

Difference between change in quantity and shift in demand

This is a paper that focuses on the difference between change in quantity and shift in demand. The paper also answers other aspects relating to the key question.

Difference between change in quantity and shift in demand

1.      Firstly, explain the difference between change in quantity demanded and a shift in demand. What causes changes in quantity demanded? Subsequently, what causes a shift in demand? (150 word+ response and also 1 APA reference)

2.      Secondly, Adam and Barb go to the store to purchase some lottery tickets. Without looking at the price, Adam says “I’ll take 10 lottery tickets,” and Barb says “I’ll take $10 worth of lottery tickets.” What is each person’s price elasticity of demand for lottery tickets? ? (150 word+ response and 1 APA reference)

3.      Thirdly, speculate as to why U.S. companies build facilities in other countries. What are some ethical issues regarding this practice? (135 word+ response and 1 APA reference)

4.      Fourthly, what are some key advantages and disadvantages of using work cells? Name some companies that use work cells? Then, discuss why work cells seem to provide a competitive advantage for these companies. (135 word+ response and 1 APA reference)

5.      Also, sales of iPhone 7 are slow because the iPhone 8 and the iPhone 10 just came out. Change in quantity demanded? Or shift in demand? Additionally, what’s the difference between the two? (75+ word response)

6.      Additionally, the goal of ABC Company is to increase total revenue. The elasticity of demand for ABC’s main product is 1.4. The marketing manager is thinking of increasing price by 5% to increase total revenue. How much will quantity demanded change? According to the Law of Demand will quantity demanded go up or down? How do you find total revenue? Also, will total revenue increase of decrease? (75+ word response)

7.      A price change causes the quantity demanded of a good to drop by 20 percent, yet total revenue still increases by 10 percent. Is demand elastic or inelastic? How can you tell?
(75+ word response)

8.      Lastly, check out this month’s Consumer Sentiment Index from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ( This monthly survey measures consumers’ sentiment regarding the current economy and also their expectations for the immediate future.

You are a Polish manufacturer of leather goods and have currently 

You are a Polish manufacturer of leather goods and have currently signed a contract with a UK retailer. The contract is in GBP for £500,000 payable in one months’ time.

You are a Polish manufacturer of leather goods and have currently

Assessment 3 – Academic essay on selected topic (40% weightage)

Each student will submit fully-referenced academic paper (about 2,000 words) on the assignment topic. The full text of the assessment – which includes a numerical exercise – will be posted to the Blackboard

Learning outcomes tested:
FIRSTLY, LO1. Demonstrate a good understanding of International Finance and International Financial Markets
SECONDLY, LO2. Evaluate the available sources of finance and financial products that are available to business

Assessment brief:
Question 1 – 30 marks
You are a Polish manufacturer of leather goods and have currently signed a contract with a UK retailer. The contract is in GBP for £500,000 payable in one months’ time. Whilst there is no credit risk arising from contracting with the UK retailer there is still the exchange rate risk and that is why you must decide whether or not to hedge against currency movements.

In one months’ time the Polish exporter must pay its suppliers and employees in Euros.
How would you protect your business against an adverse currency movement using forward exchange contract?  Calculate what the one month forward rate should be given that the current one month Euro bank interest rate is 2.5% and the one month Gilt rate is 1.2%.

In your answer please:
1.   FIRSTLY,   Define a forward exchange contract (no more than 200 words, based on financial literature) – 5 marks
2.   SECONDLY, Explain why would you like to use this protection (no more than 300 words) – 10 marks
3.    THIRDLY, Clearly show your calculations and flow of transaction – 15 marks

The spot exchange rates are given below:

Spot (bid – ask)

€ / £

1.1128 – 1.1152


Question 2 – 70 marks

Your uncle, an experience engineer, is considering starting a new venture manufacturing blades for fans produce d by larger firms. Your uncle has a clear technological advantage over competitors as he came up with a revolutionary galvanizing process for blades which offers huge cost savings, although it is not patent ed yet. He has also an extensive managerial/operational experience. What he lacks is the necessary funding to finance the new venture – and he hopes that you, as a UWL accounting & finance student, will be able to help him in his venture.

For a start, he asked you to write him a memorandum about start-up financing – how a small company is usually financed. He is particularly interested whether he will be able to borrow money from the bank from the very day of establishing his company. He also wants to learn if there are any differences between accessibility of finance for start-ups and for small companies which already have some business history.

Please prepare a memorandum to answer your uncle’s questions. In particular, in very clearly separated sections, please:

1.      FIRSTLY, Identify the sources of finance in different growth stages of the company,
2.      SECONDLY, Describe banks’ preferences while lending to companies in general,
3.      THIRDLY, Assess the role which venture capital might play in his venture and in what stage it might become a realistic financing option and
4.      FOURTHLY, Advice your uncle on steps he should take to make his venture successful.

Your uncle requires a fully referenced paper (using Harvard Referencing) so that he can check the original ideas behind your views.

Total length of this report (questions 1 and 2) should be about 2,000 words (+/-10%) – footnotes and appendices are NOT included in the word count.