Tottenham Hotspur case study

Tottenham Hotspur case study

Using the content from the Financial Analysis course as a framework to review the financial records of the Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, please provide a detailed response to each of the questions below. Your responses should include the data from the case study’s summary and financial records to back up and add credibility to your responses. Responses missing details will be penalized. You will be graded based on proper application of the course content in your analysis as well as a comprehensive explanation of the rationale (story) behind the financial numbers which you are explaining.

Business Policy & Strategies

MGMT 650 Case Study Each individual will write a case study on the current state of General Electric utilizing the topics discussed in class. It will be a 5-6 page paper (12 pt.

Times New Roman font, double-spaced with 1” margins with headings).

This project needs to assess all of the concepts and theories covered in the class and analyze the organization in its current state. A minimum requirement of the paper is to: • Provide a brief summary, including current strategy, leadership, and culture

• Provide a PESTEL (table and discussion), 5 Forces, and Core competencies examining the SWOTs of the organization

• Discuss the generic strategy, VRIO, and culture and its alignment with the current strategy.

• Using the measures discussed in class, evaluate GE’s innovation and corporate/ international strategy? Is it effective?

• Based on the above evaluation, what should GE do? How can it generate innovation of new product and services? Use concepts discussed in class! How should they progress – discuss with a detailed SAFe analysis. At a minimum you must utilize and apply theory using the text, GE’s annual report, investor reports, articles, and outside research.

You must read at least seven separate sources that provide enough detail to identify and provide detail regarding specific topics and relevant aspects of the situation. All sources, including any quotes, factual details about the company, or ideas acquired from the course’s assigned readings, should be clearly cited in the paper using APA format.

This paper should flow, and as such, should use headings to direct your paper and be written in paragraph format. This is not a question-answer written case.

Macroeconomics and Industry Analysis

Macroeconomics and Industry Analysis

“Macroeconomics and Industry Analysis” Please respond to the following: • From the e-Activity, examine each industry’s price-earnings ratio and dividend yield. Determine whether the differences make sense in light of their different stages in the industry life cycle. Support your position. eActivity • Go to Yahoo! Finance’s Website and review the price/book ratios for Medical Instruments and Supplies ( and for Electric Utilities ( Be prepared to discuss. • Choose an industry in which you are interested, and predict its performance within the business cycle. Provide support for your prediction. “Equity Valuation” Please respond to the following: • Justify the circumstances that are best suited for the dividend growth model approach versus the price-to-sales ratio model to value a firm. Provide an example of each. • Create an argument for using the free cash flow valuation approach for equity valuation. Provide support for your argument.

Cost Control


Literature Review

– This week you will expand your week 3 assignment by adding more sources and evaluation of each source to develop a literature review. 1.Collect, organize, analyze, and critique 15 + peer-reviewed research articles that are related to a topic area and problem statement.

.Write an introduction to your topic and the overall problem you are addressing.
 3.Write a literature review. 4.Conclude your literature review with a summary of the gaps in the Literature and how this aligns with your research area of interest. 5.
Your writing should follow the standards established in the course and in-text and end-of-text references should follow APA style manual

Write-Up on the Innovation Concept Open Innovation

Write-Up on the Innovation Concept “Open Innovation”

This individual write-ups will help you to better reflect on, and hopefully understand the phenomenon “entrepreneurship and innovation” from different perspectives. Your report will cover one management concept, Open Innovation. You will prepare a report covering the following:

– A theoretical description and discussion of the concept – A real case (company) practicing the concept and in what way you think they do this

– Your own reflection and analysis Input sources will be the Internet, the Library, experts, other. The intent is to demonstrate a multi-faceted understanding of the concept and its business value in regards to positive effect on the firm´s entrepreneurship and innovation. Each write up should be 2-3 pages, 11 font size and single-space. The header must include your name and the name of the course. Your paper will be evaluated according to three things: Quality of research and analysis, Quality and clarity of write-up, and finally your use of relevant theories, ideas and concepts learned in class.

Describe the venture’s business model using the Business Model Canvas identify its strengths and weaknesses


Describe the venture’s business model using the Business Model Canvas, identify its strengths and weaknesses. Identify a challenge or opportunity for improvement in the venture described. Develop a proposal for improvement in response to this, utilizing formal concepts of:- From topic 4, the concepts and frameworks related to the business model innovation process. From topic 5, technological concepts and trends that enable new innovative and disruptive business models. From topics 7 and 8, the innovation theories, methods and tools supporting entrepreneurs during the different stages of the entrepreneurial journey. The PowerPoint (PPT) presentation no more than six slides. Pls prepare and write a note to elaborate on the concept and content as speaker notes for the presentation.

United Nations Global Goal 9 Industries Innovation and infrastructure

United Nations Global Goal 9 Industries,Innovation and infrastructure. Core Project 4: Persuasive Problem-Solution Essay – Fall 2019 – Lee Assignment Snapshot: Persuasive Problem-Solution Research Requirements: 5 to 6 primary or secondary sources Formatting and Citation Style: MLA 8th ed. Length: 5 + pages Objective: For this project, you will explore the 17 Global Goals to find a goal that you are interested in. Read as much as you can about the goal of your choice. In your exploration, you will see that there are problems that need to be solved in order to meet the goal that has been set for 2030. Discover solutions for the problem that will lead to meeting the goal for 2030. You will choose your problem from the Global Goals website. The Argument Essay process is like this: Choose a global goal to investigate through the Global Goals website. Click on the global goal of your choice to begin reading and discovering and researching about the problems and the solutions. Follow the links provided on the Global Goals website to gather information Find answers for these questions: What are the UN 17 Global Goals? (define them and explain them for your readers) What is the particular goal that you are exploring? (define and explain) Why is this goal important? What are some facts and figures that are interesting about your goal? What are the targets for your goal? Why does it matter? (There is a pdf for each goal) What are some specific solutions that people and organizations are working on to meet this goal? What are some obstacles to meeting the goals? How can those obstacles be overcome? Use good academic research methods to further explore and find more sources: NC Live How to Use NCLive:

The NC LIVE page of the Nash CC LibGuide is a master list of all NC LIVE-provided resources. To use NCLive if you are not on NCC’s campus, you will need to sign in with your usual username and password. The links on this page are mapped across all of the category pages. Remember that NCLive is a keyword based search engine. Please do not type in a question as you would with other search engines. For example, if you want to know what the causes of global warming are, using the advanced search feature you would type in the keywords “Global warming” in one search field, and “causes” in another search field. NCLIVE Tutorial Follow the links provided on the Global Goals website to other websites. Explore Global for current news stories that may relate to the solutions for your global goal. 6. Take notes as you go. Summarize Paraphrase Direct Quote Little Seagull Handbook (p. 107-118) Purdue OWL 7. Keep careful notes to help with MLA Works Cited Entries. Follow this template: Author Last Name, First Name. “Name of Article.” Name of Website, date of publication, URL. Accessed 9 Oct. 2018. Establish a claim for at least three solutions to the problem: The problem of gender inequality should be alleviated by providing women and girls with equal access to education and health care, putting into place new laws regarding female equality in the workplace, and getting rid of harmful practices targeted at women in many countries around the world. Find at least 5 sources that provide evidence for your claim. Evaluate the 5 sources, making sure they pass the CRAAP test. Establish ethos, pathos, and logos arguments to support your claim: Ethos means ethical arguments that assure your readers that you and your sources are of good authority and that it is the right thing to do to be concerned about your global goal solutions. Having good grammar and good MLA format also fall under ethos. Readers will not be persuaded if you don’t present yourself through your writing in a sincere and correct academic tone. Pathos means empathetic or sympathetic arguments that elicit feelings of compassion for your global goal solutions. Include information that stirs your readers’ emotions. Logos means logical arguments that employ facts, statistics, authorities, and other evidence that supports the importance of your global goal solutions. Always include these kinds of persuasive techniques in your essay. Report opinions that may not support your global goal, such as it costs too much, or it can’t work for some legitimate reason. Answer the opposition. Explicitly tell those opposing it how they are wrong. Check your own essay to make sure it has everything it needs to be an outstanding argument. A template will be provided. Edit and proofread, add commentary as needed, check citations, and prepare the final draft to be submitted on the TurnItIn link.

Additional Suggested Sources: This list of suggested sources are reliable sources because they have been vetted. First, use the links to the sources from the Global Goals website. Then, if you need more information, try using these sources because they represent some of the more reputable sources available. Global Newsweek Christian Science Monitor ABC News CBS News MSNBC News CNN News C-Span PBS Time US News and World Report NCLIVE Other Reputable Organizations (.org) Government Web Sites (.gov) Suggested Organization: 1st Paragraph: Introduction of your issue in the context of the significance of the problem, ending with your claim (thesis statement). 2nd Paragraph: Background (provide evidence for argument from your research) 3rd Paragraph: Solution 1 (provide evidence for solution from your research) 4th Paragraph: Solution 2 (provide evidence for solution from your research) 5th Paragraph: Solution 3 (provide evidence for solution from your research ) (add more paragraphs as needed for further solutions) 6th Paragraph: Strongest Opposing View (from your research) and a rebuttal 7th Paragraph: Other Opposing Views (and rebuttals) – if needed 8th Paragraph: Conclusion (This should be strong because readers remember what they read last the best) Restate your thesis, summarize your solutions, and make a final appeal to readers with what can be done in day to day life to help solve the problem or meet the goal. A more complete template will be provided.

The Internationalization of Chinese Small and Medium-sized Enterprises SMEs

 The Internationalization of Chinese Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)


Paper details:

The Internationalization of Chinese Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) More instruction in the attached PDF file

A currency war- impact and effect on the world economy

A currency war- impact and effect on the world economy


Paper details:

Please use at lease 4 academic peer review article Previous order: #7463370, please use the same writer Prefer to have 2-3tables diagrams, etc.

The Organization’s Response to Change

From the same case that you have chosen for Deliverables 1 to 3, you will advise the CEO on how best to position his organization to be responsive to change in order to take advantage of the strategies you have recommended. 1. Give your opinion as to whether your chosen company’s industry is maturing or declining, based on its evolution history. Justify your answer. 2. Use Porter’s National Diamond to evaluate the relative main advantages and disadvantages of vertical integration versus outsourcing for the company. Support your response. 3. Use the Boston Consulting Group’s growth-share matrix to evaluate the company’s strategic position as of 2013. Note: Refer to Figure 14.2 “The BCG Growth-share Matrix”, located on page 369, chapter 14 of the textbook. 4. Suggest one (1) approach for the CEO to adopt in order to implement the strategies that you recommended in Project Deliverable 3. Include the main changes in decision-making style, main changes in planning structure, and measures of success in your recommendation. Provide a rationale for your response. P.S. this is the next add on paper to the one you just sent to me after this it’s one more paper if you have any questions let me know. Thanks so much you rock