Leading Lean Enterprises Through Change

Leading Lean Enterprises Through Change : Bachelor Paper details Identify at least two non-standardized processes within your own organization or one with which you are familiar. Create a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis of methods that can be used to reduce resistance to process change that addresses the following: Describe the two non-standardized processes selected.

Explain why each non-standardized process should be standardized to help reduce variation. If you believe that a non-standardized process should be used, explain why and how you will control variations in the application of this process. Evaluate challenges/barriers that the selected organization may face in the implementation of the identified lean enterprise improvements. Recommend strategies that your selected organization could use to reduce resistance to change. Explain how management can help organizations facilitate change by empowering employees and getting everyone involved in process improvement.

Product Offering

Product Offering – Things that should be included, name, features/attributes, packaging and any other things that makes this offering unique and increases its ability to satisfy target market needs. What phase of the product life cycle is the brand?

The picture of product should be included. Distribution

– Explanation of distribution system- direct or indirect Name the major type of intermediaries if indirect.

Pricing – Give price per package. Explain the pricing strategy. What is the markup % at the retail level? (Hint: ask the manager at the store). Promotion

– Explain all the promotion mix elements currently being used to promote the product. Need to justify the reason different promotion mix elements are chosen. Attached a link to a commercial video that would be something good to do for presentation. Market Opportunity Matrix

– Explain the primary growth strategy that has been used to grow and sustain this brand in the past 5- 10 years. Provide justification. Read about types of opportunities in Chapter 2 Market Penetration Market Development Product development Diversification

The Organization’s Response to Change

From the same case that you have chosen for Deliverables 1 to 3, you will advise the CEO on how best to position his organization to be responsive to change in order to take advantage of the strategies you have recommended. 1. Give your opinion as to whether your chosen company’s industry is maturing or declining, based on its evolution history. Justify your answer. 2. Use Porter’s National Diamond to evaluate the relative main advantages and disadvantages of vertical integration versus outsourcing for the company. Support your response. 3. Use the Boston Consulting Group’s growth-share matrix to evaluate the company’s strategic position as of 2013. Note: Refer to Figure 14.2 “The BCG Growth-share Matrix”, located on page 369, chapter 14 of the textbook. 4. Suggest one (1) approach for the CEO to adopt in order to implement the strategies that you recommended in Project Deliverable 3. Include the main changes in decision-making style, main changes in planning structure, and measures of success in your recommendation. Provide a rationale for your response. P.S. this is the next add on paper to the one you just sent to me after this it’s one more paper if you have any questions let me know. Thanks so much you rock

The Limits and Influence of Marketing: How Vulnerable are We to the Ad

The first half of the paper providing a summary of the reading – A summary provides an overview of the key points. You cannot mention everything the author says within the space you have been provided…don’t try. Provide only the central points of the reading/readings – Summaries, like outlines, should be objective. Make no references to yourself. In a summary your opinion doesn’t matter; later, when you analyze and evaluate an argument, you can state your opinion and support it. – A summary is not an abridged copy of the reading…a summary provides some structure for the reader (ex. The author has three main points; the reading provides various interpretations on the notion of justice) The second half providing analysis of the reading. – This will most likely be an exploration of the key points that you have already mentioned. This can take a variety of forms. You can explain a flaw in the author’s logic. You can apply these key points to a case/situation from another class. Or, you can argue (with support) why you think the authors point is helpful or inadequate. – Writing this part of the paper involves more than simply stating your opinions. You must support your views by presenting arguments in favor of them. You should also try to defend your views against potential criticisms. In developing your position on an issue, keep in mind what an intelligent opponent would say in response. Finally, two or three discussion questions should complete the paper. – There should be three questions that would lead the class in a good discussion surrounding a key theme from the readings. Yes and no questions are not adequate. It should also be clear how the question relates to the text.

Nikes marketing strategies

Basic Requirements

Double-spaced with consistent formatting, citations, bibliography (MLA, APA, or CMS) At least 5 sources (including 2 scholarly)

Research Question Focused appropriately for scope of paper Open enough to support true inquiry Audience Focus Appropriate level of detail and background information for target audience Employs a voice/style appropriate to target audience

Key points are chosen and written to appeal to audience

Body Contents Includes sufficient key points to give thorough response to RQ Adequately covers multiple angles/viewpoints Incorporates substantial evidence from various sources alongside author’s analysis and contextualization Source Usage Balanced use of quotes, paraphrase, and summary Accurate in-text citations Clear boundaries between source material and author’s thoughts Quotes/info relayed in appropriate context (no misleading quotes, misrepresentation of content) Structure and Coherence Structure is logical and easy for reader to follow Paragraphs show unity and cohesion Transitions help reader connect and move between ideas Content avoids unnecessary tangents Grammar and Mechanics

Cumberland Metal Case

No specific sources required Subject Business Topic Cumberland Metal Case

There is a strict upper limit of six double-spaced pages of text (assuming 12-point font size and one inch margins). If you submit a lengthier write-up, it will likely be counted against you.

The assignment involves an analysis of Cumberland Metal Industries case. Outline the main issues of the case and layout the specifics. Once you define the problem, provide recommendations of what you would recommend Cumberland Metal should do in relation to pricing.

In preparing your write-up, consider the following questions: What’s your price for the curled metal pads? Why? How much do you think one of these pads is worth to a customer? Do the test data tell you anything about that? Explain.

How big is this market? What kind of an opportunity is this for Cumberland? Does your price affect how much of the market you’ll get? Explain. Is it more important to make high profits or to build market share? Explain. Who has to say “yes’ before you sell a CMI pad? Would any of these parties like to see curled metal pads fail? Why? How are you going to market these pads? Describe in detail the channel members, influencers, and others, and explain your plan. If the risk in a marketing plan can be described by technological uncertainty and market uncertainty, or knowing whether your product works and knowing what the customer needs, how does CMI pad stack up on these dimensions?

A report into selected aspects of capital appraisal and long term decision making


Assessment brief Scenario Having recently graduated you are employed as a trainee accountant in the finance department of a large organisation. The Director of Finance has asked for a report considering asset investment decisions and capital rationing: the company is considering a major capital investment decision, a replacement of its fleet vehicles and the DOF wants to see any advantages of purchasing over leasing capital assets by the organisation in the environment of risk and uncertainty caused by Brexit. Requirement: Write a report using examples considering the evaluation of the choice between borrowing to purchase and leasing an asset. Your report should consider the following aspects of investment appraisal. How might the before and after tax costs of debt affect the debt decision? How might the decision be considered in an environment where capital availability is limited? What factors should be considered in making a capital investment in an environment of risk and uncertainty?

Social media influence on worldwide consumers and consumption behavior


Conduct in-depth research on Social media influence on worldwide consumers and consumption behavior. List out sub-topics relating to the topic/issue to help you gather relevant information. Remember to view an issue from different viewpoints. If an argument is made, provide credible supports. Include at least five (5) references of information from credible sources (e.g., academic journals,  textbooks, government sources, trade organizations). For this project, APA style writing format must be followed. Double-Spaced using business-type font sized 12, with 1-inch margins.

Competitive forces and strategic issues shaping Nespresso’s business environment in today’s environment


1. Provide an in-depth external analysis of the competitive forces and strategic issues shaping Nespresso’s business environment in today’s environment. • Approximately 700 words excluding use of supplementary appendices  • You should select and use any (in your own opinion) relevant strategic models from the course. Explain why you selected these models and apply them to make your analysis. These may include including macroframeworks, scenario analysis Porter’s 5 forces an d i n d u s t r y theory, including disruption analysis and customer analysis/segmentation. Please avoid listing and descriptive content. Give your own judgements instead:It must contain structured critical evaluation with your own judgement and opinion. • Use additional information sources, e.g. company web site, company reports, Internet search, etc. to gather further information and not just the case material, which is not including the latest developments, such as the alliance of Nespresso and Starbucks. 2. Undertake an internal strategic audit of the issues that the Nespresso business faces using appropriate organisational & strategic models to complete your critical assessment. Select several relevant models from the course, such as “purpose, mission and vision analysis”, “strategic capability analysis”, organization analysis”,“culture analysis”, “financial analysis”. Explain why you choose to use each model. Include in this your analysis and judgement of the strategic change s at different levels in the Nestlé coffee business in the past years, initiated by the CEO, including the deal with Starbucks. Assess critically a l l t hose changes and their impact on company performance ( financial and non -financial), not just as described in the case but also based in your own research an developements untill now. U s e t h e c o n c e p t o f “ the exponential organization” to assess the potential for Nespresso to survive and succeed in digital transformation. Advisory notes: • Approximately 800 words excluding use of supplementary appendices. • Your strategic audit should concentrate on the internal aspects of N e s p r e s s o a n d t h e N e s t l é c o f f e e b u s i n e s s as an organisation. You should s e l e c t a n d use any (including your motivation to use these) relevant strategic models from the course. Also explicitly include your judgement of pasts trategic choices by the CEO and how these fit or do not fit into your analysis • Assess whether, in your opinion, the alliance/deal with Starbucks as from 2018 is necessary / desirable to realize the strategy and how it helps in the strategic objectives of the coffee business overall and Nespresso specifically • Include a financial analysis and evaluation of the results of the strategy in the period 2010-2019. Evaluate whether the strategy delivered as promised on financial targets. • Aspire to being critical. Do not outline any theories in an explicit fashion. Simply apply them to the context of the case. • Use additional information sources, e.g. company web site, company reports, Internet search, Annual reports, press releases, etc. to gather further information. 3. Based on sections 1-2, you are required to summarise the strategic options that you judge to be appropriate to Nestlé’s Coffee business interceptor Nespresso now (2019) and make definitive strategy recommendations for the CEO of Nestlé’s coffee business on how Nespresso should develop to sustain its future position in the its industry. Make your own assessment using tools for strategic choices as explained in the course, such as “strategic choices models” (portfolio analysis, TOWS matrix etc), “strategic direction models” (such as Treacy & Wiersema or others) and elaborate on the ways to implement these strategic choices (organic growth, innovation, M&A or any other strategy). You should financially substantiate the feasibility of your recommendations with a summarized, small, but clear business case/forecast. Advisory notes: • Approximately 500 words. No supplementary appendices should be used in this section. It is not appropriate. • Give a sound strategic reasoning behind your selected option or combination of options on the long term. Explain why this is a good choice linked to your preceding analysis and judgement. Use one or more of the models as discussed in the lectures on “strategic decision making” in the course. • You should financially substantiate the feasibility of your recommendations with a summarized business case/forecast.

Compare and contrast Hard and Soft approaches to HRM


Write an essay on which you Compare and contrast ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ approaches to HRM (Foot, Hook, and Jenkins, 2016, p.12-13) ensuring you identify why organisations might adopt either approach in their HR systems, and what specific features of HR policy and systems might indicate either a Hard or Soft approach. Please follow the assesment criteria from the attached file. Kindly use the sources from the 2nd attachment.