Leading Lean Enterprises Through Change

Leading Lean Enterprises Through Change : Bachelor Paper details Identify at least two non-standardized processes within your own organization or one with which you are familiar. Create a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis of methods that can be used to reduce resistance to process change that addresses the following: Describe the two non-standardized processes selected.

Explain why each non-standardized process should be standardized to help reduce variation. If you believe that a non-standardized process should be used, explain why and how you will control variations in the application of this process. Evaluate challenges/barriers that the selected organization may face in the implementation of the identified lean enterprise improvements. Recommend strategies that your selected organization could use to reduce resistance to change. Explain how management can help organizations facilitate change by empowering employees and getting everyone involved in process improvement.

Product Offering

Product Offering – Things that should be included, name, features/attributes, packaging and any other things that makes this offering unique and increases its ability to satisfy target market needs. What phase of the product life cycle is the brand?

The picture of product should be included. Distribution

– Explanation of distribution system- direct or indirect Name the major type of intermediaries if indirect.

Pricing – Give price per package. Explain the pricing strategy. What is the markup % at the retail level? (Hint: ask the manager at the store). Promotion

– Explain all the promotion mix elements currently being used to promote the product. Need to justify the reason different promotion mix elements are chosen. Attached a link to a commercial video that would be something good to do for presentation. Market Opportunity Matrix

– Explain the primary growth strategy that has been used to grow and sustain this brand in the past 5- 10 years. Provide justification. Read about types of opportunities in Chapter 2 Market Penetration Market Development Product development Diversification

Square for Restaurants:

Square for Restaurants:

Positioning & Go-To-Market Plan  I need support with a positioning and go-to-market plan for a real world case study example.

I need it to be completed in a few days. I’m looking for a freelancer that is a go-to-market strategist to build positioning, go-to-market plan, and measurement for the prompt below.

Prompt: Square for Restaurants is a holistic solution that includes a tailored point of sale and advanced functionality for restaurant operators. Research during the beta phase showed how messaging around speed and cost-effectiveness resonated the most, leading to the current public web pages. The team has been working on a number of new features and improvements that will evolve the audience we are targeting

—handling larger, more complex restaurants. Deliverable: What would you do with positioning and messaging? What would be your go-to-market plan? What tactics would you rely on or change? What are other considerations to account for? How does this product differ from our competitors? You can find the product features and benefits on the product page on Squareup.com. I will also provide some helpful frameworks and materials.

Howard Bank Internal Analysis

• What is Howard Bank’s competitive advantage or disadvantage over rivals in the marketplace? • Apply internal strategic tools covered in the course: value chain, resource based view, financial analyses, vision-mission-objectives, core competencies, transitory rather than sustained competitive advantage. • With reference to the value chain, identify the key activities and interrelationships that Howard Bank needs to exploit to develop the digital-only banking unit. I just need these answered with valid sources

Questions paper to test employees

Questions paper to test employees

I need English language questions papers with multiple choices and two essay topics to test the employees of port authority according to their major One I need for port civil engineers using engineering terms on their choices let say 20 questions with two essays topic Second I need for marine pilot and tug masters Third I need for administrative affairs questions Forth I need for port radio officers APPLY FOR THIS CASE

Retail vs. Manufacturing

Part A: In your initial post, choose one manufacturing company (e.g., Boeing, Nike, and Ford) and one large retail company (e.g., Walmart, Walgreens, Amazon). Analyze the differences in the supply chain organizational environments (e.g., customers, stakeholders, business operations, etc.). Part B: When responding to at least two of your peers, be sure to analyze their post. Do you see any other differences that were not addressed?

Individual customer service

Individual customer service manual report for a tourism or hospitality company summarizing the key points from all the chapters that were taught.

20% Report – Customer Service Manual Customer Service Report, November 25th, 2019 – Worth 20% For this assignment I am requiring every student to write an individual customer service manual report for a tourism or hospitality company summarizing the key points from all the chapters that were taught.

You will also be required to have an introduction, include which customer service workers this manual is for, creating good customer service standards, elements of a good customer training program, communications between workers and customers, customer service tips, do’s and don’ts, how well do you know your clients, what happens when there is a complaint and how to rectify the problem and a conclusion.

As a potential Manager, you are creating a Manual for your employees therefore, use proper words and professional language. All these key points will be used to train the new employees of the business and needs to be submitted by -Word document -A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7 pages (This includes your cover page and reference page) -Times New Roman 12 Font -Double Spacing -Page Numbers in footer

Money Banking and the Monetary System

Description Based on chapters 16 & 17 of attached textbook: The Federal Reserve (Fed) exerts considerable control over the money supply. In your paper:

Money Banking and the Monetary System

Identify the tools the Fed uses to control the money supply (traditionally there have been three tools, but see this article (Links to an external site.) for a discussion of a new, fourth tool).

Discuss how those tools can be used to control the money supply. Identify the tool the Fed uses most often and explain why the Fed seldom uses the other two. Discuss the most recent actions by the Fed. Evaluate those actions in terms of how they might affect your career decisions. For example, would the Fed actions make it better or worse to seek a job change or to leave the workforce and return to school, etc.). Adhere to the following standards: Your paper should be three to four pages in length, not including the title or references pages. Cite at least three scholarly sources.

The Economics Library Guide (Links to an external site.) is a good tool to use to start your research (sources such as The Balance, EconomicsHelp.org, Investopedia, other help websites are not acceptable). Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed from the Course Information Be sure to follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.). If you would like, you can use the templates found in the CSU-Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.) to help you format your paper.

Supply Chain Management/ Operation Management

Description Supply Chain Management (110 points) Visit the websites of three Middle Eastern companies like Al Baik, Almarai, and Emirates Airlines OR any others of your choosing. Identify information on the companies’ supply chain management activities. Write a 7-8 page paper, NOT including the cover and reference pages, that, AFTER your opening paragraph which INCLUDES your thesis statement, identifies your selected companies in NO MORE than three paragraphs. In the remaining pages, break down information you find on purchasing issues, supplier issues, logistics, information systems, quality, and customer service to compare and contrast the supply chains of your selected companies. In your FINAL TWO paragraphs, suggest improvements FOR EACH company based on your comparison to the other two. Be sure to use AT LEAST FOUR scholarly, peer-reviewed references in supporting your answer. Current sources are those published within the most recent five-year period, and scholarly sources are those from peer-reviewed journals. Make certain for each listed reference that YOU HAVE AT LEAST ONE SUPPORTING CITATION in the body of your content. Your reference page is always the last page of the submission where all individual references get listed. The Saudi Digital Library is a good resource to search for these references. Submit your presentation into the Assignment Dropbox. ***Regulations: • Student must apply Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines. • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook along with at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.( SOURCES NOT OLDER THAN 5 YEARS). • A mark of ZERO will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it. ( NO PLAGIARISM MORE THAN 25% IS ALLOWED) • Write AT LEAST 7-8 pages in length, excluding the title page, abstract and required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content requirements. Make certain for each listed reference that YOU HAVE AT LEAST ONE SUPPORTING CITATION in the body of your content. Your reference page is always the last page of the submission where all individual references get listed. The Saudi Digital Library is a good resource to search for these references.

Operations Management – Morrison Compnay Case Study

Operations Management – Morrison Compnay Case Study

After reading the case, provide a written analysis that includes the following.

Your analysis should be 3 pages typed, double-spaced, 12-point font.

1) Provide an analysis of the current situation: What are the problems and how serious are they? What is their effect on the system? What’s causing the problems? Perform a capacity analysis. How did Morrison get into this situation? How has its business evolved? Has operations changed to accommodate this growth?

2) Provide a comparative analysis of product lines: What criteria should be used to assess the respective performance of the product lines? What are the competitive priorities of each? How well does Morrison meet these criteria? What does its production system have to be good at? What are the differences in product characteristics between the two product lines? Why does the mismatch matter? Is it that the existing system is not working well, or is it the wrong system?

3) Recommendations: How do you propose to resolve the conflict between what the products require and the current system’s capabilities? Would you divide production to separate the product lines? What are the benefits of dividing production by product line? What are the risks? What about splitting standardized from custom products? How might that be achieved? Are any other changes required?