Creation of an impact of governmental action on a business paper

This is a paper that is focusing on the Creation of an impact of governmental action on a business paper. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper.

Creation of an impact of governmental action on a business paper

MBA 665 Final Project Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric

Prompt: The final project for this course is the creation of an impact of governmental action on a business paper. For Milestone Two, you will submit the
Overview section of your final project, which continues building on what you started in Milestone One to complete Section I of the final project critical elements.
You will provide the business profile and governmental action, revised according to feedback received on Milestone One. Then add organization and teams, stakeholders, and current environment. Be sure to support all factual claims/positions with appropriate citations to your research materials.

MBA 665 Final Project Milestone Two Guidelines

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Overview: In your role as vice president of governmental affairs, your boss, the business’s CEO, is considering retaining an outside consulting firm to assist the company with a government issue that it is facing. Jack Harris is the president of that firm, which is called Crisis Consulting. Jack has told your boss that he will not know if he can help until he learns more information about your company and the issue it faces. Your CEO has asked you to prepare a memo that will provide a detailed overview of your company as well as the government action that is it facing. Address the following:

A. Business Profile: Provide a brief profile of the business and the industry it occupies, including the business’s market share and competitors, as well as opportunities and threats facing the business and industry outside of the particular governmental action now facing the business.

B. Governmental Action: Secondly, analyze the potential governmental action or political challenge that will affect the business in this particular situation.

C. Organization and Teams: Thirdly, describe the organization of the company, including divisions and project teams, and the manner in which the company has used these teams to respond to government regulations in the past.

D. Stakeholders: Thirdly, describe the company’s internal and external stakeholders. In your description, include the actions taken by the stakeholders to date to influence the political process. Also, advocate for the business’s interests.

E. Current Environment: Fourthly, describe the current business environment, both financial and otherwise. Including the initial reaction of the company to the situation and the initial position taken by political actors and other stakeholders

The ways a realistic budget will benefit Babycakes owner

This is a paper that is focusing on the ways a realistic budget will benefit Babycakes owner. The paper also provides various links relating to writing the assignment paper.

The ways a realistic budget will benefit Babycakes owner

Before approaching this assignment, be sure that you have watched the following video:
Wiley (2011, September 28). Budgetary planning featuring Babycakes *full video* [Video file]. Retrieved from Babycakes, a specialty bakery, is the company that will be considered for all parts of your budget planning and control report. For this assignment, you will develop a 3–4-page paper in which you address the following.

Firstly, briefly discuss the ways a realistic budget will benefit the owner of Babycakes versus no budget at all. Be sure to use Babycakes as the company and any specific product details in your explanation.
Secondly, prepare a sales budget for the LA Babycakes store for the fourth quarter of 2016. Present the number of units, sales price, and total sales for each month; include October, November, and December, and the total for the quarter.

Use one half of the Valentine’s Day sales as the basis for a usual day in the new quarter. Use 30 days for each month. Calculate the total sales for each month for October, November, and December.
Create three new products, one for each of the three holiday seasons in the fourth quarter. Estimate the sales units, sales price, and total sales for each month.
Describe the assumptions used to make these estimates. Include an overview of the budget in the report, presenting the actual budget as an appendix with all the data and calculations. Add these amounts to your sales budget.

The ways a realistic budget will benefit Babycakes owner

The owner of Babycakes is interested in preparing a flexible budget rather than the static budget she currently uses. She does not understand why, when sales increase, her static budget often shows an unfavorable variance. Explain how a flexible budget will overcome this problem. Use the details of your newly prepared budget for the fourth quarter of 2016 to address her concern.
Imagine that Babycakes is facing a financial challenge that is causing the actual amount of money that it spends to become significantly more than its budgeted amount. Include a discussion of your own unique cause of the overspending. Explain the corrective actions needed to address these challenges.

Integrate relevant information from at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Please do not use your textbook as an academic resource. Also, Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as quality academic resources. You have access to Strayer University’s Online Library at and also the iCampus University Library Research page at


Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format.
Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are as follows:

Firstly, assess how accounting tools and techniques influence business planning, decision-making, and control.
Secondly, evaluate financial accounting tools and techniques that convert financial accounting data into information for decision-making.

Create calling card A business card not only provides information

Follow the steps: First, Create calling card A business card not only provides information; it also gives a sense of the purpose and mission of the company and the owner of the card. For this assignment, you create a personal calling card (I apologize if you hate puns).

Create calling card A business card not only provides information

Follow the steps: First, Create calling card A business card not only provides information; it also gives a sense of the purpose and mission of the company and the owner of the card. For this assignment, you create a personal calling card (I apologize if you hate puns). The card is your personal card (your name on it) and should reflect your sense of purpose and calling at the beginning of the course. Please create a two-sided personal calling card in digital format (.jpg, .png, or .pdf). The card should be sized 2 inches by 3.5 inches. I expect you to use color, graphics and/or a logo, and text effectively to convey your sense of self. In lieu of an address and phone number, use email and/or social media links.

Second , Thread 1 Complete the “Calling Card 1” assignment and post both sides of your card into the first thread for module 1. Provide no more than one paragraph of explanatory description of your card (module objectives 1 and 4). Then post a reply to three other cards analyzing how each reflects the person’s purpose(s) and calling. Be sure to employ the definitions for “purpose” and “calling” provided by Building Your Knowledge 1. Also, select for analysis cards that have few or no analyses posted to them.

Thread 2 This course explores four periods in the history of Christianity and the key questions at stake during those periods on the topic of vocation. Identify two of the questions from the reading that are most interesting to you and then explain why they are so interesting (module objective 2). Then, in the second paragraph, discuss in general the practice of looking to the past for guidance in the present. Do you find doing so helpful or problematic? Why?

Thread 3 Select three of the biblical stories from Callings, pp. 13–20 (module objective 3).

1- Analyze each story in terms of the following: a – Who was called? b- By whom was the call issued and through what means? c-To what was the individual called? To a task? To a job/position? Also, To a perspective or belief? (These categories are not mutually exclusive) d- Who/what benefits from a response to the call? e- How does the call fit into the larger plan of God at work at the time of the call?

2- Compare the stories a. How are the stories similar? b. How are they different?

3) Synthesize the above data into a concluding statement a. How do these stories illustrate a biblical concept of calling?

Finally : Journal Your journal is a space to reflect on what you learned and communicate privately with me.

This course challenges you to think about your future direction through an interaction with various Christian perspectives on vocation. The journal charts your reflection and growth through the course.

In this initial journal, write about your personal awareness of your purpose in life and your calling at the start of this course.

How do you see your future?

What drives you?

What frightens you? I ask you to be personal, since self-awareness is the first step toward reflective practice.

You will probably need a couple of paragraphs to do this reflection. After you have written a bit about yourself, pick one of the biblical characters to whom you can relate. Tell me why. And then tell me one question you would like to ask that person. Following your reflective writing, I ask you to write one additional paragraph about how your online experience is going so far. Is there anything I can do to help you? Do you have questions about the online environment or the activities of the module?

Allegiate Airline capstone project research and analysis

This is a paper that is focusing on the Allegiate Airline capstone project research and analysis. The paper also provides additional sections to analyze in the assignment paper.

Allegiate Airline capstone project research and analysis

The Capstone project is on Allegiate Airline

Operations 3 pages
Identify number of stores or outlets or factories and regional locations and compare the same metrics to the direct competitors (American Airlines, Delta Airlines, United Airlines, Southwest Airlines)
· Compute same store sales for each of the past 3 years (this metric factors out new store openings so increases in sales can be accurately assessed). Look at annual revenues/number of stores or outlets and compare these metrics to the direct competitors.
· Identify other metrics such as sales per square foot, sales per employee, sales per store/warehouse space to compare to industry average, annual sales as a multiple of average inventory)
· Utilize metrics to ID strengths and weaknesses in this VC function

Distribution (Outbound Logistics) 3 pages
· Insourced or outsourced – to whom? How? And where?
· Identify metrics to determine efficiency of this value creating function
· How many distribution centres are there? Owned or leased? How many square feet? Sales per distribution centre?
· MUST use metrics to ID strengths and weaknesses in this VC function

Marketing and Sales 3 pages
Firstly, analyze the 8 Ps for services (product, place, price, promotion, people, process, physical evidence and productivity).
Secondly, do cross-company comparisons in this section.
Thirdly, discuss the firm’s market share, revenues and sales trends and compare to rivals.
Fourthly, discuss the firm’s advertising strategies e.g. which media are used and why? A chart may be helpful so that you can assess all firms at once.
Also, compute marketing expense as a percentage of sales for each of the last 3 years and compare it to the industry marketing expense as a percentage of sales for the past 3 years and to each rival.
Additionally, discuss any financial or market metrics that illuminate the marketing or sales trends growth or declines and why
MUST use metrics to ID strengths and weaknesses in this VC function

The organizational behaviour cultural and theoretical model

This is a paper that is focusing on the organizational behaviour cultural and theoretical model. The paper also provides instructions to use while writing the paper assignment.

The organizational behaviour cultural and theoretical model

Assessment task
Organisational Behaviour is a field of study which seeks to understand and improve organisational effectiveness by examining factors such as individuals, teams, organisational culture and also structure, and the way they interact  (Cross & Carbery, 2016)

Using an organisation with which you are familiar:-

1.    Identify its culture in line with a theoretical model of your choice
2.    Explore how culture improves organisational effectiveness with a focus on communication; and
3.    Evaluate the role of culture on employee motivation.
4.    Evaluate how the company could use the culture of the organisation to further enhance its success.

This is a 2,500 word report and can be completed individually or in a small group of up to 4 people.  Secondary and primary research should be used.  If you are working in a group, then only one person from that group needs to upload the report onto Blackboard.
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
Firstly, define theories, models and concepts relating to the study of human behaviour in the workplace
Secondly, demonstrate an understanding of how these theories can explain the way that people behave and interact at work at individual, group and organisational levels
Thirdly, demonstrate an understanding of the impact that organisational culture can have on the success of that organisation

Task requirements

This task will involve you carrying out some PRIMARY and SECONDARY research

Secondary research should include:-
Theories of organisation culture
Theories/models of communication
Theories of motivation
You need to find at least TEN SOURCES of information. (e.g. from books, academic journals, internet etc) to define, describe and explain these theories/models in detail.

Primary research

·         Identify and illustrate the culture of the organisation using primary research.
·         Link this to models or theories.

The purpose of the primary research is to explore how the topic application in practice. You are to undertake some PRIMARY research into the companies, if possible, to analyse their organisational culture, their communication methods and their approach to motivating staff. Additionally, this may involve interviewing some managers and employees to ascertain their views, or interviewing a friend or neighbour who works/worked for the companies.  If this is not possible, then try to identify case studies or information from the company websites which will help you to evaluate the differences between the companies.

The shareholder manager remuneration and tax planning

This is a paper that is focusing on the shareholder manager remuneration and tax planning for the owner-manager. The paper also provides several problems to address in the assignment paper.

The shareholder manager remuneration and tax planning

ASSIGNMENT 2 – Chapter 13
Shareholder-Manager Remuneration and Tax Planning for the Owner-Manager
3 Problems x 10 points = 30 Points Total.


Problem 1 – Tax On Split Income (TOSI) 10 Points
LauCo carries on an active business supplying parts to an auto parts manufacturer.  The sole shareholder of LauCo is Holdco.  The shareholders of Holdco are Parent A, Parent B, Child 1 and also Child 2.  Parent A, Parent B, Child 1 and Child 2 each owns a separate class of shares of Holdco.  Parent A is the founder of Opco’s business and is the controlling shareholder of Holdco.

·         Child 1 is age 23 and is a full-time graduate student at a university. Also, is away from home for most of the year either attending classes during the school term or working part-time as a research assistant during the summer.  Child 1 has never performed any functions for Holdco or Opco and has not made any other contribution to Holdco or Opco and its business.

·         Child 2 is age 16 and is a high school student.
·  LauCo pays a dividend to Holdco. Holdco declares and also distributes a dividend on the class of shares held by Child 1 and Child 2.
Please write an email to your tax client describing the implications of the 2018 TOSI rules and Kiddie Tax on the dividend income received by Child 1 and Child 2. Although income splitting is greatly restricted as a result of the expanded TOSI rules, there are some exceptions which still allow individuals to benefit from income splitting with family members. In your email, be sure to discuss the TOSI exclusions pertaining to “business”, “shares”, and also “ labour or reasonable return.”

The shareholder manager remuneration and tax planning

Problem 2: QSBC and Capital Gains Exemption – 10 Points
Part A: Firstly, describe the three tests to qualify as QSBC share status and identify the tax implications and tax planning considerations of qualifying for QSBC (consider passive income limitations).
Part B: Secondly, do problem 13-2. (“ Karen would like to know whether, if she sold her shares of Cyber Corp, she would be able to claim the capital gains exemption on the sale. If they do not qualify for the CGE then she wants to know if there is anything that can be done to qualify?”)

Problem 3: Tax Planning versus Tax Evasion: General Anti Avoidance Rule ITA 245.
10 Points
Canadian law has a long-standing and firmly held principle upholding an individual’s right to tax planning. This is known as the Westminster Principle. This principle states that a taxpayer is to arrange his or her affairs in such a way that results in the lowest amount of taxes payable.

The anti-avoidance provisions in the Income Tax Act are to prevent taxpayers from structuring a transaction solely to achieve a tax benefit. The GAAR can invalidate a transaction if the Court decides the transaction or a series of transaction were made with the sole purpose of achieving a tax benefit. Consequently, the application of GAAR by Canadian judges has led some taxpayers to question the extent to which tax minimization is possible. The Supreme Court of Canada has set out a three-part test to determine whether or not to apply the GAAR:

1.      Firstly, whether there is a tax benefit arising from a transaction;
2.      Secondly, whether the transaction is an avoidance transaction “arrange primarily for bona fide purposes other than to obtain the tax benefit”; and
3.      Thirdly, whether the avoidance transaction is abusive.


Please find a recent example of a Canadian GAAR ruling. Summarize the case using the definitions provided under ITA section 245. Also, the GAAR application logic in your textbook, and/or other reputable sources. (e.g., tax court rulings, common law, business ethics theories etc…). Additionally, please state your position in support or against the ruling with supporting reasoning. Be sure to reference all relevant citations.

Role of IT for competitive advantage for Virgin Airways

This is a paper that is focusing on the Role of IT for competitive advantage for Virgin Airways.  The paper also provides the instructions to use in writing the assignment paper.

Role of IT for competitive advantage for Virgin Airways

Write a report about a business of your choice in this report it`s ( Virgin Airways) , analyse its internal and external business environment and assess the role of information technology (IT) in enabling the organisation to gain a competitive
advantage. (Word count: 3,000 words)

You need to:
Firstly, write an introduction about your chosen organisation (I wrote an introduction but need an improvement and you can in to it`s necessary) and
Secondly, give background information about the organisation (I did write this part but needs improvement only.)
briefly discuss products and services of your chosen business(also I wrote this part and just need improvement (total all is 500 words)
Thirdly, analyse the competitive environment of your chosen business by applying Porter’s 5 Force analysis and justify your analysis, I started this part and only need improvements for better report (1000 words)

Also, analyse inbound logistics, operations and outbound logistics and
Analyse any two support activities in Porter’s Value Chain of your chosen business
Identify key value adding activities with justification. This part I didn’t write, and it needs to be done as it`s required (1000 words)
Build on your understanding of “Porter’s 5 Force analysis” and “Porter’s Value Chain” analysis:
Summarise and reflect on how the business could deploy information technology (IT) and use innovative ideas to improve its business processes and to enhance its
Competitive positioning. Based on the outcome of the Porter`s 5 Force analysis that you found in this report (500 words)

Role of IT for competitive advantage for Virgin Airways

Remember to:
Firstly, analyse the internal and external business environment of your chosen business
Secondly, discuss the role of IT in helping the business to gain a competitive advantage
Thirdly, demonstrate knowledge of the concepts and ideas studied in the course
Fourthly, demonstrate the use of analytical skills
Communicate effectively using management terms or language
Use the Harvard referencing system appropriately throughout the assignment
• Don`t forget Cover page, Conclusion and recommendation. Use reliable sources (15 sources)
• submit this assignment as a Microsoft Word file.

You are preparing a memo of no more than 800 words for the CEO of your hospital 

You are preparing a memo of no more than 800 words for the CEO of your hospital to explain at least five of the potential HR issues involving Nurse Cusack, Nurse Minor, Nurse Albert, and the HR department.

You are preparing a memo of no more than 800 words for the CEO of your hospitalA Human Resource Case Study


The goal of this assignment is to review a complex fact pattern and identify where practice failures of staff members, as well as intentional actions of staff members, may be violations of HR policies and procedures. This assignment also requires a recommendation of action to take based upon staff activity. As a health care administrator these are common issues that must be addressed.

Read the following case information to prepare you for this assignment: Human Resource Case Study.
You are preparing a memo of no more than 800 words for the CEO of your hospital to explain at least five of the potential HR issues involving Nurse Cusack, Nurse Minor, Nurse Albert, and the HR department. Your memo may be in a list format, identifying the issues and then providing a recommendation on any action to take against the employment of either Nurse Cusack or Nurse Minor.
In your memo, do not address any potential tort or criminal actions. The CEO at this point in the process is only interested in HR issues.

Learning Materials

Textbook Reading
Read the following in your Pozgar text:  chapters located in materials
1.    Chapter 19, Labor Relations

2.    Chapter 20, Employment at Will, Rights and Responsibilities

Despite the title, Chapter 19 of Pozgar does not focus exclusively on unions in health care organizations. Many of the laws that regulate dealings with employees are explained. Chapter 20 addresses the balancing of organizational needs and employee rights. Issues of fairness, hiring, discipline, and termination are discussed. Also addressed are the basic concepts in the employment relationship. Pozgar notes that there must be a balancing of employees’ rights with their responsibilities to the organization.

Text Lecture

Employee Handbooks

Most workplaces have written guidance for employer-employee interactions. Employee handbooks are the documents that will be relied upon should the actions of the employers be called into question. Language in employee handbooks view as the laws by which we agree the workplace will be governed. Employers and employees agree to follow the rules when they enter into the employment relationship.

Infractions by employees are adjudicated based upon the rules and processes in handbooks. When investigating, taking disciplinary action or terminating employees, managers must think like an attorney who will represent the employee should any allegations of unfair or unjust dealings arise? This means asking yourself the questions that the employee’s attorney would ask of you. Some of those questions would be: To which rule are you referring when challenging the employee’s performance or behavior? How can you demonstrate that the employee was or should have been aware that this rule existed?

Is this a reasonable rule or policy?

How do you know what you state you know about the employee and her actions? What investigation was conduct ed? Was the investigation timely and fairly conducted? What evidence do you have to prove your allegations? What notice was the employee given that an infraction had occurred? Is the notice document ed? What opportunity did the employee have to rebut the allegations? Were all the employees who committed the same or similar infractions treated in the same manner? How was the penalty determine d? Is the penalty fair? Does the penalty fit the infraction? What right does the employee have to appeal the penalty?

One legal concept that most attorneys will have in the backs of their minds when addressing these circumstances is that of Just Cause. Some handbooks will use this term. Some will avoid it. Regardless of the presence of the actual words, most attorneys will be using the basic tenets of Just Cause in assessing an action taken against an employee. Just Cause is thought of as a reasonable cause based on deliberations carried out in good faith, applied fairly, with an opportunity for the employee to have notice of his wrongdoing and the occasion to address any allegations.

Legal Regulation of Employer-Employee Relationships

The second half of the twentieth century saw a fundamental shift in the legislation regulating the relationship between employers and employees. Most of the legislation that you think of governing this relationship was promulgate d after the mid-1960s. Additional responsibilities and obligations were place d on employers to provide discrimination-free workplaces. The Federal Department of Labor and the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission were give n primary responsibility for enforcement of most of these laws.

Most of the laws relate to issues of discrimination in the hiring, promotion, disciplining, and termination of employees. You can use the questions previously mentioned when assessing disciplinary actions taken against employees that might also result in violations of the federal and state laws regarding discrimination.

Most actions relating to other employment practices can be successfully defended if all criteria for the assessment of candidates for a position and employees are based on Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications (BFOQ). These are criteria that can directly link to competent execution of the job’s responsibilities. Each candidate evaluation is base on these justifiable criteria. In fact, all job candidate and employee evaluation criteria should be based on BFOQs.

It is important also in all dealings with employees to remember that you can only assess their work lives.

Their private lives should be off limits. When judging an employee’s actions one should remain firmly focused on a discussion of the work rules, the employee’s actions, and the conclusions that result from a comparison of the two. Finally, to address the personal reasons behind the actions invites claims of discrimination and violations of state and federal laws.

Renewables plc a wind turbine company is planning to set up wind turbines around the UK

Renewables plc a wind turbine company is planning to set up wind turbines around the UK. The investment is expected to have only a three year life because of competition and technological advances.

Renewables plc a wind turbine company is planning to set up wind turbines around the UK

Question A (TOTAL 50 MARKS)
Renewables plc a wind turbine company is planning to set up wind turbines around the UK. The investment is expected to have only a three year life because of competition and technological advances. The major cash flows of the project are as below:
Cash Flow Estimation $ 000s
Year 0                    Year 1                    Year 2                    Year 3
Customer Revenues                                       10,000                   14,000                   9,000
Operation Costs                               -3,000                    -6,000                    -4,000
Asset Investments          -7,000                                                                                    1,000
Government Taxes         0                              -4,122.47              -5,095.84              -1,065.22
The finance director has decided to raise capital using both debt and equity. The company would like to maintain the market value ratios of debt and equity at 25:75. If this is done, equity required rate will be 16% and for debt it will be 12%.

Answer the following:

1) Explain what the time value of money is and why it is so important in the field of finance. (7 marks)

2) What is the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (“WACC”). Explain its uses. Calculate the WACC if the project raises the funds using both debt and equity. (NB Show all formulas & workings) (8 marks)

3) Make a recommendation to Renewables plc on the investment plan for the wind turbines project using a net present value approach. (NB Show all formulas & workings) (15 marks)

4) What is the payback period for this project and what are the advantages & disadvantages of the payback period as an investment appraisal technique? Critically compare & contrast the use of net present value as an investment appraisal and valuation tool and other tools or methods that can be used to assist in making both investment and corporate valuation decisions from a financial perspective? (NB Show all formulas & workings and assume revenues, cost & taxes are spread evenly through the year and investment is always made at the end of the year in which it is made)  (20 marks)

Total Marks for Question A of Element 2 = 50 marks

Question B (TOTAL 50 MARKS – 25 marks each)

(1)    Portfolio theory suggests diversification can lower risk. Critically evaluate how effectively we can deal with risk and the various means we can use to limit or assess risk.

(2)    Evaluate the key advantages & disadvantages of raising capital via equity and debt, giving practical examples of situations when these might be appropriate

(3)    Discuss the importance of Working Capital to a business and consider how you determine its health or otherwise.

Total Marks for Question B (choice of two questions from four) of Element 2 = 50 marks

You will develop business process modeling (BPM) diagrams

In your paper, you will develop business process modeling (BPM) diagrams and use case tables as illustrated in your textbook. By developing BPM diagrams and use case tables, you become more familiar with the type of end user requirements needed in the two mobile applications that you are focusing on for your final project: the consumer and provider mobile applications for THS.

You will develop business process modeling BPM diagrams

In your paper, you will develop business process modeling (BPM) diagrams and use case tables as illustrated in your textbook. By developing BPM diagrams and use case tables, you become more familiar with the type of end user requirements needed in the two mobile applications that you are focusing on for your final project: the consumer and provider mobile applications for THS. You will analyze and discuss the content of your BPM diagrams, use case tables, and evaluate strategies for developing these mobile applications.

In your paper, Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

Develop two required BPM diagrams:

One for the THS providers (such as doctors, nurse practitioners) showing existing and planned use of the mobile platform for reviewing patient/consumer clinical results.
One for the THS providers showing existing and planned use of the mobile platform for placing test orders to treat patient/consumers.

Develop three separate use case tables for each of the BPM diagrams that you developed in this week’s discussion and assignment:

One for the THS providers (such as doctors, nurse practitioners) showing existing and planned use of the mobile platform for reviewing patient/consumer clinical results. Also, one for THS providers showing existing use of the mobile platform for placing test orders to treat patient/consumers. Further, one for THS providers showing planned use of the mobile platform for placing test orders to treat patient/consumers. Articulate the content of both the BPM diagrams and use case tables for both consumers and providers in detail.

Furthermore, Analyze two different scholarly papers that address mobile consumer applications in the health industry and mobile applications used by providers in the health industry.

The two scholarly papers that you analyze must be researched and may not include resources in the course.

Discuss your proposed end user requirements illustrated in your BPM diagrams and use cases for the consumer mobile application for THS.

Discuss your proposed end user requirements illustrated in your BPM diagrams and use cases for the provider mobile application for THS.

Evaluate at least five types of costs associated with developing these applications (the consumer and provider mobile applications for THS) based on both the in-house and purchased software development options discussed in your text.