Would you seek to acquire a company within the European Union or outside of it Why

Would you seek to acquire a company within the European Union or outside of it? Why? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the choice you made. Describe the advantages and disadvantages inherent in the option you did not choose.

Would you seek to acquire a company within the European Union or outside of it? Why?

The most popular way for international expansion is for a local firm to acquire foreign companies. One of the most benefits for international expansion is global distribution capability that helps expanding the market share.

There are different implications of running a company that is within or outside of the European Union. If you were the head of a firm based in the United States, please answer the following questions, providing the rationale behind your answers:

FIRSTLY, Would you seek to acquire a company within the European Union or outside of it? Why?

SECONDLY, Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the choice you made.

THIRDLY, Describe the advantages and disadvantages inherent in the option you did not choose.

FOURTHLY, Explain why an MNC may invest funds in a financial market outside its own country.

FURTHER, Explain why some financial institutions prefer to provide credit in financial markets outside their own country.

LASTLY, Please submit your assignment.

Grading Rubric:

Firstly, Deliverable requirements addressed; understanding of material and writer’s message and intent are clear
Scholarly research which supports writer’s position properly acknowledged and cited direct quotations may not exceed 10% of the word count of the body of the assignment deliverable (excluded title page, abstract or table of contents if used, tables, exhibits, appendices, and reference page(s). Finally, Inclusion of plagiarized content will not be tolerated and may result in adverse academic consequences.
Critical thinking: position is well justified; logical flow; examples
Structure: includes introduction and conclusion; proper paragraph format and reads as a polished, also academic paper or professional presentation, as appropriate for the required assignment deliverable
Mechanical – no spelling, grammatical or punctuation errors
APA – Finally, deliverable is cited properly according to the APA Publication Manual (6th Ed.)

The Big data and HIM professionals positions for data analytics

This is a paper that is focusing on the Big data and HIM professionals positions for data analytics. The paper also provides further links to use in writing the assignment paper.

The Big data and HIM professionals positions for data analytics

Phase One Journal Journal Resources: Big Data Provides Big Opportunities for HIM Professionals DATA ANALYTICS: The Straight-Lined Labyrinth that Entrapped the HIM Profession Big Data Requires Information Governance Whole Person Healthcare: Social Determinants Success Begins with Data JOURNAL RUBRIC BELOW Data analytics helps healthcare organizations make informed decisions. The Electronic Health Record (EHR) provides a wealth of data ranging from patient demographics, vital signs, medication history, procedures and tests, as well as treatment plans. The data is only useful if it is turn into information. This journal assignment is designed to help you think about data analytics and also the role HIM professionals play in the process of acquiring data and turning it into meaningful information. There are skills an HIM professional needs in order to be successful at conducting data analytics.

Journal Questions: In a journal assignment, complete the following:

1. What is big data and why are HIM professionals well positioned for data analytics?

2. What skills are important to the HIM profession when working with big data? 3. What role does information governance play in data analysis?

4. What are social determinants of health and how does data analytics play into identifying the different populations? Journal Resources: Big Data Provides Big Opportunities for HIM Professionals

https://ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ccm&AN=127311779&site=eds-live&scope=site DATA ANALYTICS: The Straight-Lined Labyrinth that Entrapped the HIM Profession https://ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ccm&AN=138187867&site=eds-live&scope=site Big Data Requires Information Governance https://ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ccm&AN=121154450&site=eds-live&scope=site

Remember, ensure  that the paper is at least three pages exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

What role does business-level strategy play in relation to business 

What role does business-level strategy play in relation to business growth market capitalization? Also, What roles do a firm’s core competencies play in a decision to diversify into new businesses?

What role does business-level strategy play in relation to business

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Respond to all of the following questions using the lessons and vocabulary found in the readings:

What role does business-level strategy play in relation to business growth market capitalization?
What roles do a firm’s core competencies play in a decision to diversify into new businesses?
Finally, Why does unrelated diversification have a worse performance record than related diversification?
The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response.

Your posting should be the equivalent of 1 to 2 single-spaced pages (500–1000 words) in length.

Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Lastly, Complete your participation for this assignment by the end of the week.

More details;

What role does corporate level strategy play in relation to business level strategy?
Business-level strategy is used to obtain a customer base and sell a product at a profit. Corporate-level strategy, on the other hand, is used when deciding what business units to sell and purchase, and how to integrate operations and find synergies between them.

The Samsung organization’s competitive positioning

This is a paper that is focusing on the Samsung organization’s competitive positioning. The paper also provides additional requirements to follow in writing the assignment paper in detail.

The Samsung organization’s competitive positioning

ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW Today’s managers develop and communicate a vision for the organization. They focus on the big picture and identify needs and opportunities in order to establish strategic priorities. Strategic managers develop policies that are critical to the success of the company and make the achievement of goals both manageable and attainable. They understand how to allocate resources so that they are fully optimized. Conduct a strategic audit to present an analysis of the organization’s strategic direction, policies, procedures, and processes to determine its competitive positioning within the industry.

ORGANIZATION = Samsung ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Part 1—Organizational Competitive Positioning Analysis 1. Firstly, write an analysis paper describing your organization’s competitive positioning. 2. Secondly, describe the organization’s current situation by identifying the following: • Mission Statement • Vision / Objective • Customer’s needs and / or demands • Current strategies and policies • Corporate governance approach / structure (i.e. board of directors, flat structure, governing body) 3. Thirdly, describe the organization’s capabilities by performing the following analysis. • Include the analysis results as a chart or figure in your paper. o SWOT o GE 9 Cell Assessment 4. Fourthly, identify and briefly describe the current technological and innovative approaches that contribute to the organization’s competitive positioning. 5. Describe your organization’s future strategic goals. 6. Discuss your assumptions about your organization’s current position

The Samsung organization’s competitive positioning

ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS Part 1— Organizational Competitive Positioning Analysis. Description of the organization’s current situation. Description of the organization’s capabilities. Identification and description of the current technological and innovative approaches that contribute to the organization’s competitive positioning. Description of the organization’s future strategic goals. Discussion of YOUR personal assumptions about the organization’s current position SCOPE • Citation requirements o Minimum of 3 • Word count (excluding title and reference page): o Part 1 – (850-1000) • APA formatting o Title page o Reference Page • Plagiarism submission

Issues in operating a security defense system of an organization

This is a paper that is focusing on the Issues in operating a security defense system of an organization . The paper also discusses the production of a brief operations review in the assignment paper.

Issues in operating a security defense system of an organization

Complete all parts in one document, providing each part with a heading indicating the part number and content area.
Part 1: Produce a Brief Operations Review (3 points)
Provide a review of the most-crucial issues in operating a security defense system of an organization with at least 300 employees by drawing on all of your reading plus at least two other quality sources on the Internet or the NCU Library. Length 2 to 3.5 pages.

Part 2: Report on Your Organization’s Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan (7 points)

Your CEO has asked for a brief report of your organization’s plans for disaster recovery and your readiness to deal with outages and other issues. (If you are not employed or your organization’s recovery plans are classified, you may create a fictitious scenario for this assignment.) Interview the appropriate people in your organization and compose a brief email for your CEO including the following information:

Summarize your organization’s disaster recovery and continuity of operations plans (if they exist).
Assess your organization’s ability to respond in case of an emergency, data loss, data theft, natural disaster, or other event.
Recommend improvements to your organization’s potential to response to such threats. Provide examples where appropriate to illustrate your ideas.
Structure your response as an email and not an essay. Keep your audience and purpose in mind. Do not mention any irrelevant conceptual information that a
C-level person would not care about. Keep it brief and to the point, but still informative and in keeping with best practices of information security safeguarding.
Be sure to still include an APA-formatted coversheet and reference page.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal works, may be included. Length, 3 to 4 pages.

How can procurement function improve external turbulence in markets

This is a paper that is focusing on How can procurement function improve external turbulence in markets. The paper also provides additional details to use in writing the assignment paper.

How can procurement function improve external turbulence in markets

A proactive strategic procurement operation can give the organisation it represents a competitive advantage by reducing waste in the value chain. For an organisation of your choice, you are asked (a) to critically examine the Procurement function, (b) by considering 2-3 areas below investigate how the Procurement function can be improved and compensate external turbulences in the markets.

Procurement Strategy
Strategic Sourcing and Outsourcing
Sustainable Procurement
Supply Risk
You will also need to take the following into account when completing your assignment:
Quality of executive summary (does it give a brief complete summary of your paper for an executive to read?)
Establishment of relevant theory (e.g. what do we mean by global sourcing?)
Allocation of credit and sources used (have I included references and citations to the material I have used?)
Clarity of argument (clarity of the focus of the paper
Overall report presentation including spelling and grammar
Adherence to nominated word limit (+/- 10%)
Word processed (letter size 12, times new roman, 1.5 space), fully referenced (Harvard Referencing System)

How can procurement function improve external turbulence in markets

Assessed intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding
Firstly, demonstrate an understanding of the importance of procurement for global organisations operating in complex market environments.
Secondly, locate, synthesise and critically evaluate recent/current information from a wide range of published literature in the area of Procurement, Risk, and Contract Management.
Thirdly, apply knowledge of the theory and practice of Procurement, Risk, and Contract Management to develop insights into and solve current problems.
Fourthly, critically evaluate the use of complex models of Procurement, Risk, and Contract Management; systematically and creatively making sound judgements based on the systematic analysis and creative synthesis of ideas.
Also, critically and effectively assess the value of theories, concepts and models to the practice of Procurement, Risk, and Contract Management.
Demonstrate a sound understanding of the importance of risk management in the development and also maintenance of sustainable procurement.

Advanced Cost Accounting as it Relates to Social Services

This paper focuses on Advanced Cost Accounting as it Relates to Social Services. Create a PowerPoint presentation (approximately 12 minutes, 10–12 slides) showing how a topic covered in the course (below) is connected to a Department of Social Services Finance/HR Department workplace.

Advanced Cost Accounting as it Relates to Social Services

Create a PowerPoint presentation (approximately 12 minutes, 10–12 slides) showing how a topic covered in the course (below) is connected to a Department of Social Services Finance/HR Department workplace. You should incorporate actual samples from the job site and a narrative explanation of each slide using the presentation notes feature. All materials must be properly cited and quoted in current APA style. All sources must be less than 3 years old.

Topics for consideration include:
1. Process Costing
a. Equivalent Units of Production
2. Job-Order Costing
3. Activity-Based Costing
4. Balanced Scorecard
5. Cost Volume Profit Analysis
a. Break even analysis
6. A comparison of process costing and job-order costing and how costs flow through the system
7. Predetermined Overhead Rate used in the various costing systems
a. Over allocation and Under allocation
8. Planning and Budgeting
9. Pricing

Journals that contain scholarly research articles:
1. Accounting: Organizations and Society
2. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory
3. Contemporary Accounting Research
4. Journal of Accounting and Economics
5. Journal of accounting research
6. Review of Accounting Studies
7. The Accounting Review

The effects on USA employment in the textile industry

This is a paper that is focusing on the effects on USA employment in the textile industry. The paper also provides further instructions to use in writing the assignment paper.

The effects on USA employment in the textile industry

“Effects on USA employment in the textile industry after globalization eliminates the ability to compete in a global market where legal minimum wages vary by country”.
Firstly, remember to use strict APA format, including an abstract, title page, page numbers, headings, conclusion and proper references.


Secondly, follow the guidelines for creating your PowerPoint slides and use the examples provided in Blackboard to avoid: small fonts, crowded slides, improper graphics (see # 3 below) and too much background data.


Thirdly, powerPoint slides MUST highlight key models and findings from your Term Paper/Research Project.


Fourthly, graphics should be with appropriate scale, clearly legible in the paper and also in a PowerPoint, and should always use zero as the arch and – this means a chart of stock prices doesn’t start at 50 and show the stock doubling from 50 to 100.


Use the primary tools from the text: supply & demand, elasticity, marginal costs,

MR=MC, short run vs. long run equilibrium, industry types, pricing models, etc.
Remember that many of the models you might choose to use will require a comparison with other firms or industries.
Must compare firms, or industries, or time periods, or different outcomes from pricing strategies.


This is a project of economic analysis using models from the text, not a descriptive term paper or re-telling of a story of text case.


Some basic types of projects would include analysis of (1) pricing tools. (2) types of costs (fixed vs. variable, short run vs. log run). (3) oligopoly strategies. (4) industry exit and barriers to entry. (5) marginal cost and profit maximization examples.


Incorporate the section on price floors and price ceilings.

Participate in a business simulation exercise Business Game

You will participate in a business simulation exercise (“Business Game”) based on the European Car Industry.  The purpose of the exercise is to give you the opportunity to use the learning from the four functional areas (marketing, finance, human resources and operations management) to simulate the setting up and running of a business which is competing for market share.

Participate in a business simulation exercise (“Business Game”)

You will participate in a business simulation exercise (“Business Game”) based on the European Car Industry.  The purpose of the exercise is to give you the opportunity to use the learning from the four functional areas (marketing, finance, human resources and operations management) to simulate the setting up and running of a business which is competing for market share.

In Week 5, you will attend an introductory lecture which will explain the objectives of the simulation and the process for making decisions.  In the seminars, which begin in Week 6, you will be divided into teams of 5-6 students.  Each team has to set up a car manufacturing company, design two cars and sell these to the market.  The teams within each seminar group will compete with one another for market share.  The objective for each team is to maximise the shareholder value of their company at the end of four decision rounds – Week 11.

Information on the market together with cost data will be posted on Bb in Week 5.  Each team should read this information carefully and use it to establish a business strategy.  In Weeks 7 to11 the teams will make a set of decisions each week to be submitted online.  The results, in the form of computer-generated reports, will be available online later in the week.

The Business Game seminars in Weeks 7-10 will take the form of shareholder meetings.  Each team will make a short presentation reviewing the performance of their company in the previous round and identifying key areas where the performance and management of the business can be improved.

In order to complete the assessment detailed below, it is essential that each student keeps a detailed record of the team meetings, the decisions made, the rationale for these decisions and their own role as a member of the team.  Non-attendance at seminars will be penalise.

Each team will submit a group report on the Round 1 decisions with the following sections:

Firstly, Peer assessment form with the names and signatures of all team members (see final page of this brief).  [10%]

Secondly, The team’s business plan for Round 1 (word limit 1,500 words) as follows: [60%]

Mission statement – what is the purpose of your company?
Business Objectives – measurable targets for the end of Round 4 (e.g. market share)
Chosen market segments with brief descriptions of target customers and your marketing strategy
Your competitive strategy – why will people buy your cars rather than those from other companies?
The rationale underlying the choices of designs, options and R&D
Additionally, The rationale for the prices charged for each car
Finally, The rationale for production/HRM decisions such as investment in automation

3.     An appendix containing minutes of the team meetings that took place up to the submission of the Round 1 Decision.  These should show attendance, topics discussed, an outline of the team discussion of each topic, the decisions made (and how they were made) and actions agreed.  As a guide, each meeting is likely to require at least one full A4 page. [30%]

What is strategic marketing in Big Green Egg research

This is a paper that is focusing on the what is strategic marketing in Big Green Egg. The paper also provides directions to follow in writing the assignment paper.

What is strategic marketing in Big Green Egg research

Learning Outcomes
Part 1 – What is Strategic Marketing?
1.  Firstly, creating Value for Customers:  Student can demonstrate an understanding of the concept of value creation.
2.  Secondly, the Role of the Customer in the Company’s Strategic Planning.  Student can assess the company’s commit to serving customer needs as evidenced in a company’s mission statement.
3.  SWOT analysis:  Thirdly, student can conduct a simple SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) of a product or service offering and draw inferences from an analysis of the results.
4.  Competitive Analysis:  Fourthly, student can conduct a simple competitive analysis based on criteria important to the customers of the product or service.


·         Select your product or service offering from the list.
you will select one of the following products or services to be the subject of each of your four writing assignments.  The same product/service will be used in every paper.

Big Green Egg (Outdoor grill/smoker)
Garmin Fenix 6s (Smartwatch)
UE Megablast (bluetooth speaker)
Lifelock (Identity Protection)
Beachbody.com (On Demand Exercise Videos)

Your focus will be on the domestic or U.S. marketing of the product only and not any of the global operations, if any. Your job is to apply those concepts to your chosen product or service.

·         Research your product or service offering through the Internet (your references will need to be mostly academic sources. See library services if you do not know what an academic source means).  Do not limit yourself to searching solely on the product or service name.  Look up the industry it is in (Hoovers.com is a good source for this via the UMGC library) and also search on that industry as well.  Look up the direct competitors.  Check industry journals and the trade press. Additionally, ask your family, friends, coworkers and others what they think about the product and each of the competitors.  You may want to also visit a retailer to compare the products on the shelves or visit all of the websites.  Also, keep all your research as you will need it for future writing assignments.

·         Prepare your assignment beginning with a title page with your name and the name of your product or service.  Then answer each of the following eight questions (four in part 1 and four in part 2) in order and number the beginning of your response to each question.  Although you do not need to repeat the question, each section should have a heading.  Lastly, the paper should contain approximately 5+ pages of analysis for the responses to the eight questions.