Organizational structure

Organizational structure

These are 4 topics I will be writing about 1. Detailed scope 2. Organizational structure: needs to be created use powerpoint as reference 3. Schedule with milestones: needs to be done on excel or wherever you can make this 4. Project Communication plan will provide you certain project by this Friday. ive attached course material that relatable to my topic so you I understand what is expected when working on this

Business Portfolio

Business Portfolio

You will create a PORTFOLIO , analysing a company/business of your choice to identify and evaluate the implementation and integration of information technology with business management and business processes. You will investigate School of Computing BASICS of the BUSINESS Environment (BABE) Coursework 2019-2020 U25157 4 risks, vulnerabilities but also opportunities for a business from technological and business perspectives. You will develop your own skills to enhance opportunities to integrate in business processes and decision-making, using the latest technologies.

Marketing recreation and leisure

1. You will design a marketing portfolio for a specific recreation/leisure experience that will include the following;

1. Adetaileddescriptionofthe“Experience” 2. A basic market analysis (Target markets, and SWOT analysis) 3. ABranding/ImageStrategy 4. AGeneralmarketingstrategy(budgetimplications?) 5. A Flyer or Poster or Brochure 2. You must support your statements, assumptions, and strategies (ideas, timing, wording, etc.) with reference to marketing theory (text or other reference) and/or with logical rationale (i.e. planning a family orientated experience during the March School Break). 3. It is advised you create an experience that is manageable, with limited target markets and limited scope of activity. Creating a marketing portfolio for a large organization like Disney World is beyond the scope of this assignment. Select an experience you are familiar with, or perhaps begin the work of creating your own business. 4. I recognize that students may “borrow” ideas/wording from a variety of sources. You must give credit to your sources. The important piece is for you to demonstrate your ability to understand and link the various marketing elements and to support your choices.

Direct Marketing Advertising Strategy Paper

Direct Marketing Advertising Strategy

Paper This paper is based on the strategy you did in your first paper, the direct marketing campaign strategy. For this paper, you must include mockups (computer generated or handwritten) for artwork for all print ads, out-of-home ads, online media, social media, or guerrilla marketing campaigns that you included in your media blend. You do not have to produce social media or online ads, but mock them up using PowerPoint or other software.

Remember to cite any images that you do not own and do not use images that are copyrighted by another entity unless you have permission to do so. Upload files in Word, PowerPoint, Publisher or PDF to Moodle for submission. Your project should include:

(1) A brief description of your ads and how they match the direct marketing strategy you created in your first paper

(2) Your mockups for all the ads in your media blend. Refer to the slides listed below for areas you must cover in your paper if you are using broadcast or print media in your advertising campaign:

• Radio Ad Design: Slides 6 & 7 (script required: recording not required)

• Television Ad Design: Slides 13 & 14 (storyboard required: recording not required) • Magazine Ad Design: Slide 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 • Newspaper Ad Design: Slide 18, 19 & 20

“New converged Revenue Recognition standards – FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 606 ASC 606

Research Paper Outline: (double spaced, 12 point font) – APAv6 format Title page To include: running title header, paper title, college and university names (Texas Woman’s not Women’s/ College of Business not School of Management), course title and number, semester and year, author’s name, professor’s name, date of submission, and a statement… “This paper is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for BUS 5733*70” or BUS 5733*60 (respectively) Abstract – limit 100 words – use present tense – no …. ‘this paper will…’; rather ‘this paper examines, explores etc,’ Keywords and list of acronyms (if any) – or Glossary –up front Table of Contents (and Tables of Charts, Graphs, Diagrams, Figures, etc, if any) Body of the paper (remember APAv6 calls for section and sub-section headings) Introduction and discussion of History Discussion of the concepts/facts reviewed Issues involved (regulation, standards, or laws, goals being achieved?) – Use proper titles and citations throughout your paper. What were the issues that led to the new standard? Recommendation(s) Conclusion- are the new standards working? Are they delivering real benefit? Does any benefit exceed the costs incurred? Is there now only a single standard as initially conceived? Areas for further research References RESEARH PAPER GRADING RUBRIC Paper to follow all APA v6 Requirements (follow all rules in APAv6) Running paper header Word count OK? Title of paper, school and university names, author, date submitted, professor name Abstract OK? Page numbers on each page Include Table of Contents and a Table of Charts, figures, diagrams, tables, etc. Include List of abbreviations, acronyms, keywords, etc. List acronym, abbreviation, keyword alphabetically following each item listed by a complete spelling of the item. Examples: U.S. PCAOB ASC Topic 606 – U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 606: Revenue from Contracts with Customers. A complete listing here will mitigate a complete spelling out of terms in the paper body. Required statement – ‘This paper is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for…..’ (insert course title and number) No Plagiarism Spell check used Grammar check used Indent first sentence in new paragraph Indent as a separate paragraph (no quote marks) for quotes of over 40 words, followed by reference Use section/topic headings in your paper No Run on sentences – short sentences are best Improper sentences – no noun, no verb, improper verb/noun alignment, etc. Proper references – alphabetical order, author name, date, article name, publication name, etc. Show source and date for each table, chart, figure, diagram, etc. so reader knows how much credibility to place on the item Make sure all references in the paper also appear in the references section in alphabetical order Word count minimum requirement – 2,000 words (+ or -) 5% (100 words) excluding the words on the title page and in the table of contents Use proper name and numbers for all standards, regulations, etc. in paper Table of contents – make sure page numbers align – list appendices if any Table of Charts, Graphs, Figures, Diagrams, Tables, etc. List of Key bodies, terms, standards, regulations, abbreviations, and acronyms – Acronym/abbreviation first, followed by complete spelling of the term(s). Acronyms or abbreviations to be listed alphabetically. Abstract – short, concise, convey essence of paper, sell the paper – no ‘wills’ in the abstract. Abstracts are written as though the paper has already been written – hence ‘this paper examines’ – not – this paper will examine. Paper Headings or something close to the below: Abstract Introduction/History Discussion/Presentation of the facts Issues involved Recommendations Areas for further research

Continuation of Ethics Paper

I have provided the first milestone for reference in ten documents. Please read it for information on my chosen company. Thanks.


The final project for this course is the creation of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) addendum to the business plan you created in MBA 560:

Marketing and Strategy.

The CSR addendum will include a brief discussion of the mission, vision, and values of the company; the impact of trends in corporate culture and social responsibility on business ideas; and the potential ethical or regulatory issues that affect the corporate strategy and brand development. The CSR addendum will conclude with a discussion of the best potential outcome of the company’s CSR efforts and the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards for the company. For this milestone, submit a draft of the Trends and Ethics portions of the final project (Sections II and III). Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

II. Trends

A. Business Environment: Analyze the current internal and external factors related to the business environment of your company. In other words, what are the internal and external factors, and how do they influence the business environment of your company?

B. Description: Based on your analysis of internal and external factors, describe the trends in corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and business ethics that will impact your business.

Use CSR resources to support your response. C. Impact: What will be the impact of these trends on your company, and how can your company prepare for the impact?

III. Ethics

A. Issues: Describe the potential business ethics and regulatory issues that could impact your business. How could these ethics and regulatory issues affect your corporate strategy, brand development, and decision-making processes?

B. Alignment: How will you align your corporate strategy, brand development, and decision-making processes to the business ethics and regulatory issues that you described?

C. Sustainability: How will the alignment of corporate strategy, brand development, and decision-making processes to the business ethics and regulatory issues you described optimize the sustainability of your business?

SCM in Amazon

I start with the critical and I want you to compelet the requirements Visit the websites Amazon. Identify information on the companies’ supply chain management activities. Write a 5-6 page paper, not including the cover and reference pages, that, after your opening paragraph which includes your thesis statement, identifies your selected companies in no more than three paragraphs. In the remaining pages, break down the information you find on purchasing issues, supplier issues, logistics, information systems, quality, and customer service to compare and contrast the supply chains of your selected companies. In your final one or two paragraphs, suggest improvements for each company based on your comparison to the other two.

Operation management SCM

Visit the websites of three Middle Eastern companies like Al Baik, Almarai, and Emirates Airlines or any others of your choosing.

Identify information on the companies’ supply chain management activities.

Write a 5-6 page paper, not including the cover and reference pages, that, after your opening paragraph which includes your thesis statement, identifies your selected companies in no more than three paragraphs. In the remaining pages, break down information you find on purchasing issues, supplier issues, logistics, information systems, quality, and customer service to compare and contrast the supply chains of your selected companies. In your final one or two paragraphs, suggest improvements for each company based on your comparison to the other two.

Be sure to use at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed references in supporting your answer.

Current sources are those published within the most recent five-year period, and scholarly sources are those from peer-reviewed journals. Make certain for each listed reference that you have at least one supporting citation in the body of your content. Your reference page is always the last page of the submission where all individual references get listed.

The Saudi Digital Library is a good resource to search for these references. Submit your presentation into the Assignment Dropbox.

It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the TurnItIn Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the TurnItIn Originality Check – Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.

Audit of B-Corporation

The purpose of this assignment is to engage in a detailed and thorough examination of a Certified B-Corporation that claims to have a strong commitment to CSR and/or Sustainability. The venture you choose must be listed here: (or you must have documented evidence that they were only recently certified and will soon be added to the site– as approx. 10 new ventures are added each week). Note that these Case Studies ( are really informative, but if you choose one of these ventures, please be careful not to lean too heavily on what’s written here rather than doing your own research. Part 1 1. Describe and critique the company’s core business model. What are its key components? Is it well-conceptualized? How original or innovative is it? 2. How innovative, risk-taking, and proactive is this venture? Position the company in the entrepreneurial grid (see: (Links to an external site.). Characterize its entrepreneurial intensity, and discuss whether you think this is an appropriate level of entrepreneurial intensity. 3. Does the company set innovation goals? Do these cover product and process innovation? 4. How market-driven is this enterprise? Draw implications. 5. What are the critical resources that they require, in your opinion, to effectively capitalize on the key opportunities confronting them today. 6. Has their strategy for identifying and obtaining resources changed over time? Do they attempt to own or to leverage resources? Do any of these resources provide a sustained source of competitive advantage? How well have they managed this? Are they now more resource-driven than opportunity-driven or vice versa? 7. At the present time, what are the core competencies of the venture? How do these relate to the original business concept? 8. Critique the structure of the company. In what ways does it support or constrain entrepreneurship? Is it flat? How does the organizational structure encourage or discourage innovation by employees? 9. Look at the way in which the company evaluates and rewards employees. Are the appraisal and reward systems encouraging entrepreneurial behavior? Explain why or why not. 10. What kind of culture does the company have? What are the key values? How are these reinforced? How strong is the culture? Is it supportive of entrepreneurship? 11. Is failure tolerated in this company? In what ways? How do they learn from failures? 12. Identify two innovation champions in the company. Why do you think they are champions? 13. What is the most entrepreneurial thing the company has done in the past two years? 14. What do you see as the major challenge facing this venture today? Part 2: Using the Checklist created by Patagonia (see: (Links to an external site.)), analyze the venture you chose using each of the categories (tabs) in the Checklist (note that it is not necessary to answer ALL of the questions for each category, but you should try to answer a number of them and then summarize your findings as you respond to #15-19 below: 15. Business Health 16. Workers 17. Customers 18. Community 19. Nature Part 3 20. Conclusion: Spend some time reflecting on what you’ve learned about the Certified B-Corporation you chose to examine for this assignment. What did they score on their B-Impact Assessment ( (Links to an external site.)), note that the Report score is listed for each Certified B-Corporation in their corporation profile, here: In summary, what are their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges/threats when it comes to being both innovative & sustainable? single-spaced, in 10-12 point . arial or times new roman font.

Strategic Plan Evaluation

Strategic Plan, Part 2

During this portion of the process, your submission, which should be at least two pages in length not including any figures/graphics and the updated first portion, should include the following components: – The results of a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis or similar analysis assessing current internal and external areas of concern, strengths, and opportunities as the strategic plan progresses. – Identification of organizational stakeholders, internal and external, and how their needs and participation will likely influence and contribute to the plan’s development.