Impact of convergence to IFRS

Impact of convergence to IFRS

Choose a company from the SEC EDGAR (above link) Web site for your Key Assignment to evaluate for the impact of convergence to IFRS.

Company from the SEC EDGAR-impact of convergence to IFRS

Consolidations and Special Issues
Description (Please use Amazon for this report!!!!)
Choose a company from the SEC EDGAR (above link) Web site for your Key Assignment to evaluate for the impact of convergence to IFRS.

Part 1
Review the financial reports and notes of the company you have chosen from the EDGAR Web site. Using this company as your point of reference, provide general information on the following questions:

1.Firstly, Create an overview on IFRS.

2.Secondly, What will be some of the main concerns for your company as they move from U.S. GAAP to IFRS?

3. Thirdly, Generate a list of differences that you would expect to see on your Income Statement and your Balance
Sheet after the convergence process is complete.

4. Fourthly, Describe what impact the convergence will have on your company’s inventory account (IAS 2).

5. Further, Describe some of the differences between IFRS and US GAAP regarding the accounting for financial instruments

6. Also, Give a minimum of two examples of how your company will be impacted by the conversion process (IAS 32, IAS 39 & IFRS 7)

Part 2

Deliverable Length: 1,000–1,200 words
For this assignment, use the company you have chosen from the EDGAR Web site as your point of reference.
After the reporting period has ended, you could potentially encounter other events that will have impacts on your company (IAS 10).
1. Firstly, Describe the recognition and measurement differences currently existing between IFRS and U.S. GAAP.

2. Secondly, What impacts could these differences have on disclosure requirements?

3. Thirdly, Create an overview of considerations regarding income taxes that the company may encounter.

4. Fourthly, Give 2 examples of areas you see as the greatest concern.

5. Further, What impact will the convergence process have on your company’s tax planning?

A key area of contention between IFRS and U.S. GAAP lies in the classification and measurement of leases.

6. Also,Describe the 2 main types of leases and where the differences lie.

7. Moreover, What impact will this have your company?

8. Additionally, Give your opinion on the U.S. moving into IFRS.

9. Also,For the company you have selected, what do you see as the major advantages and disadvantages of convergence?

10. Finally, Provide a minimum of 3 examples of each supported by your research.

Time Value of Money TVM a fundamental principle NPV IRR ARR

Time Value of Money TVM a fundamental principle NPV IRR ARR

According to Medeiros, the Time Value of Money (TVM) is a fundamental principle in everything from investing to purchasing. It affects you, today, in practical and real ways. Money loses its value over time which makes it more desirable to have it now rather than later. Why?

Time Value of Money (TVM) is a fundamental principle

According to Medeiros, the Time Value of Money (TVM) is a fundamental principle in everything from investing to purchasing. It affects you, today, in practical and real ways. Money loses its value over time which makes it more desirable to have it now rather than later. Why?

Firstly,  Immediate earning potential. You can also immediately generate interest today if you invest today.

Secondly, Lower risk. Money in hand today is a sure thing. It eliminates other risks, like default risk, which is when you are promised money in the future, and someone doesn’t pay up — such as that friend you lent money to and who still hasn’t paid you back.

Thirdly,   Opportunity costs. These are essentially choices you give up to do something else. Further, When you decide to wait one year to get your money, the opportunity cost is the years’ worth of lost interest that you gave up to wait for it (link (Links to an external site.)).

For This Week’s Discussion

Let’s choose from some practical, real-world examples of the importance of TVM. From the list below, choose one scenario to discuss. Each scenario gives you two potential decisions to make. Choose one decision and provide rationale for 1) earning potential, 2) risk, and 3) opportunity cost.

Scenario 1:

Choosing Your Lottery Pay-out
Congratulations! You have won the $500M Power Ball jackpot! You have two options for payment: 1) Take an immediate lump sum today with substantial tax implications; 2) Take 30 years of future annuity payments with far less tax implications.

Scenario 2:

Designer Shoe Purchase

The amazing pair of shoes you’ve had your eye on are FINALLY on sale. You have to have them. Do you: 1) immediately pay for the shoes with cash, or 2) charge the shoes to your credit card? Remember, make a TVM argument.

Scenario 3:

Professional Athlete Contract
You are an NFL running back going into your fourth season with the team. Your agent and the owner have negotiated two options for a new contract; each contract has injury clauses associated with them which could impact your total pay if you get hurt. 1) Sign a three year deal at $20M/year with a $1M immediate signing bonus, including end-of-season performance-based bonuses of an additional $5M; 2) Sign a one-year deal at $14M, which includes a $4M immediate signing bonus.

Peter Singer sacrifice some consumer goods

Peter Singer sacrifice some consumer goods

Peter Singer argues that we ought to sacrifice some consumer goods in an effort to help those living in absolute poverty. Consumer goods are not as morally significant as a life.

Peter Singer argues that we ought to sacrifice some consumer goods

Peter Singer argues that we ought to sacrifice some consumer goods in an effort to help those living in absolute poverty. Consumer goods are not as morally significant as a life.  Many authors do not agree with Singer’s views about global poverty, however.

For this assignment, I would like you to briefly summarize Singer’s view, and then present and explain one criticism of his view.  You must find one journal article in which the author criticizes some of Singer’s ideas about global poverty to complete the second part of this question.  When you discuss the article that is critical of Singer’s views, be sure to present the author’s thesis. Further, to present and explain the arguments the author gives in defense of her thesis. You can find articles on the Philosopher’s Index (this is a database to which the library subscribes.  Go to the library homepage, click on ‘databases’ and then ‘P’.  You can find the Philosopher’s index there).  Papers should be 3-4 pages typed, double-spaced

More details;

What is Singer’s solution to world poverty?
Analysis of “The Singer Solution To World Poverty” Essay. A Critique For “The Singer Solution To World Poverty” In the essay “The Singer Solution to World Poverty,” philosopher Peter Singer addresses the issue of poverty by suggesting Americans give away most of their income to aid those in need.
What does Singer’s view imply about the charitable giving?
Australian philosopher Peter Singer says that where world poverty is concerned ‘giving to charity’ is neither charitable nor generous; it is no more than our duty and not giving would be wrong. Singer says we have a duty to reduce poverty and death simply because we can.


International trade models in Argentina and Salvador

International trade models in Argentina and Salvador

This is an assignment that focuses on the analysis on the international trade models in Argentina and Salvador. The paper consists of two separate reports and also required tasks.

The international trade models in Argentina and Salvador

Assume that you are an economic consultant hired by an international organization/government to provide your expert advice on conditions pertaining to international trade in Argentina and El Salvador. Your analysis will consist of two separate reports (one for Assignment 1 and the other for Assignment 2). As an expert, your job is two-fold:

1. Firstly, you are required to analyse any relevant issue using your technical skills. This involves utilizing your knowledge in international trade models as well as inspecting and interpreting data. 2. Secondly, you need to communicate your results in an effective way. The purpose of this exercise is to assess your aptitudes in each domain. You will evaluate the trading conditions in these countries (Argentina and El Salvador) based on the scenarios detailed in each question in this Assignment. Your analysis will form the basis for a short report to the international organization/government body— summarising your analysis and also the associated rationale.

II. DATA SOURCE For your data analysis, you first need to obtain data from the World Bank (see the link below) and follow the steps described below. Notice that World Bank regularly updates its database; therefore it is crucial to obtain all data as soon as possible. The data range is from 1998 to 2014. Additionally, you need to obtain the country-level data for Argentina and El Salvador on:

i. Imports of goods and services (in current US$) ii. Exports of goods and services (in current US$) iii. GDP (in current US$) iv. GDP per capita (in current US$) v. GINI Index (World Bank estimate) from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators:  ( [Note that if your browser (such as Chrome) does not open the web page, try a different browser (such as Internet Explorer)] Please DO NOT attach Excel files to the brief. The policy brief needs to be precise and short. Avoid unnecessary jargon. Your policy brief cannot exceed two pages


Your tasks involve two dimensions. Firstly, you need to analyse the data (see Steps 1, 2 and 3 in the next section). Secondly, you need to perform a technical analysis by considering a hypothetical trading environment based on Ricardian model (see Step 4 in the next section).
Accordingly, you are to:
 Subsequently, provide information about how integrated these two countries (Argentina and El Salvador) are with the rest of the world. To do so, you need to look at their trade flows relative to their GDP and calculate openness.  Provide a visual representation of your findings by plotting a graph (use line graph) that shows the change in openness for these countries over the period between 1998 and 2014 (including all years, i.e., 1998, 1999, …, 2014).

Lastly, establish whether being integrated with the rest of the world helped these two countries by looking at the correlation between their openness and also GDP per capita.  Conjecture what would have happened if these countries were not open to trade with the rest of the world by evaluating a hypothetical scenario based on a simple Ricardian model.

Role of US and China in global economy pacesetting

Role of US and China in global economy pacesetting

This is an assignment that discusses the role of US and China in global economy pacesetting. The paper also requires writing of a conceptual paper.

The role of US and China in global economy pacesetting

The final project provides you with an opportunity to use work from previous papers and discussion forums in formulating your paper, but it will also require additional research. You are required to adhere to APA (American Psychological Association) style guidelines and to cite your sources. Do not copy tables or material and present it as your own. A feature of good academic writing is building on the work of others in presenting a new approach to a business issue.

Use databases such as EBSCOhost and ProQuest (available through the myEdison portal in the My Resources block). Also, online journals from the New Jersey State Library to conduct your research. (In order to access resources from the New Jersey State Library, you must first sign up for a free library card.)

The role of the United States and China are pacesetting in the global economy. Greater cooperation will be essential to support the robustness of both economies. As a way of approaching this challenge, the Ministry of Economy of China has invited you to present a seminar to its key staff to better understand the conceptual framework of microeconomics in the U.S. economy. The minister feels that if his staff is better able to understand the U.S. perspective on microeconomics. The two countries might be able to work in a more cooperative way in the global economy.

The role of US and China in global economy pacesetting

To do this means that you must prepare a conceptual briefing paper. On the basics of the U.S. economy that will prepare the minister’s staff for your insightful seminar to follow. Please remember that this is a preliminary briefing paper that will be used to prepare Ministry of Economy staff for the seminar; it is not the seminar itself. Your briefing paper should include the following:


Firstly, provide a brief focus statement about your paper and what the reader can expect.

Private, common, and public goods:

Secondly, provide a brief synopsis of the differences between private, common, and public goods, and the value of this difference to the economy.

Market structures and costs of productions:

Thirdly, define market structures and costs of production and how they operate in an economy.

Consumer behavior:

Fourthly, explain the significance of consumer behavior to the economy in terms of marginal utility, total utility, and diminishing utility on the economy.

Taxation, government intervention, supply and demand, and economic growth:

Also, discuss the relationship between taxation, government intervention, and supply and demand and its relationship to economic growth.

Opportunity costs and decision making:

Explain opportunity costs and their importance to decision making at both the individual and organizational level in the economy.

Conclusions and outcomes:

Lastly, provide a few concluding paragraphs about what your paper discussed and how it can be beneficial for better understanding microeconomics.

Google’s globally distribute relational database management system

Google’s globally distribute relational database management system

Google is one of the largest IT companies in the world, known first and foremost for its ability to perform rapid, relevant searches. Perform research and provide links to your sources for the following task.

Google is one of the largest IT companies in the world

Google is one of the largest IT companies in the world, known first and foremost for its ability to perform rapid, relevant searches.

Firstly, Perform research and provide links to your sources for the following task.

Secondly, What database management system configuration allows Google such rapid results, no matter geography?

Thirdly, As a cloud-based system, can you find other innovations that Google must use to achieve its results?

Lastly, You must provide the sources you use.

Participation Requirements:
Firstly, Consult the grading rubric in the Faculty & Course Info section for the grading criteria.

Secondly, Original discussion board posts: Create a thread for your original post identified with your name.

Also, An average of 350-500 words in length with proper punctuation, capitalization, and grammar.

Further, Include supportive evidence, such as direct applicable experience and expert sources.

Additionally, Responses to discussion board posts:

Respond to two peers, minimum (you are expect ed to continue to engage with peers and instructor beyond these two responses)

More details;

What database management system does Google use?
Spanner is Google’s globally distribute relational database management system (RDBMS), the successor to BigTable.
How Google maintain their database?
In a nutshell,
  1. BigTable enables the huge scalabilty of storage for Google.
  2. It consists of a cluster management system, which is the more like a distributed master system.
  3. At the atomic level, data is stored using the Google file system in millions of chunk servers.

What are the capabilities of cloud computing?

It includes domains such as cost, security and privacy, scalability, mutual performance and interoperability, implementation platform and independence of Cloud Computing, ability to search and exploration, reducing errors and improving the quality, structure, flexibility and sharing ability.

Investments and investment risk

Investments and investment risk

This week, let’s talk about investments and investment risk. In class with you today are individuals with various experience in investing – some may be seasoned professionals, while others may have very little experience. Either case is perfect okay because we all approach investing, risk, and return differently.

This week, let’s talk about investments and investment risk

Week 4 Discussion: Risk, Return and Diversification
This week, let’s talk about investments and investment risk. In class with you today are individuals with various experience in investing. Some may be season ed professionals, while others may have very little experience. Either case is perfect okay because we all approach investing, risk, and return differently.
When you invest your money, you have to consider a basic risk-return tradeoff. The risk-return tradeoff (Links to an external site.) is the balance between the desire for the lowest possible risk and the highest possible returns. In general, low levels of uncertainty (low risk) are associate with low potential returns and high levels of uncertainty (high risk) are associated with high potential returns (link (Links to an external site.)).

Describe three factors that influence your evaluation of the risk of an investment
What factors influence risk tolerance?
How does diversification positively and negatively affect risk?
What type of investor would invest in a high beta stock and a low beta stock?

More details;

The risk-return relationship. Generally, the higher the potential return of an investment, the higher the risk. There is no guarantee that you will actually get a higher return by accepting more risk. Diversification enables you to reduce the risk of your portfolio without sacrificing potential returns.

Diversification reduces risk by investing in investments that span different financial instruments, industries, and other categories.

Risk can be both undiversifiable or systemic, and diversifiable or unsystemic.

Investors may find balancing a diversified portfolio complicated and expensive, and it may come with lower rewards because the risk is mitigated.

Labach v JH enterprise case of 2015

Justice Labach v JH enterprise case

This is an assignment that discusses the ruling in justice Labach v JH enterprise case. The paper also has various examples of cases for citation.

The ruling in Justice Labach v JH enterprise case

1. Firstly, there are a total of 10 marks to be allocated and this assignment is worth 10% of your final mark in this class.

2. Secondly, I have uploaded three (3) Saskatchewan Court decisions to URCourses as a resource to assist you in responding to the questions below.  The expectation is that you will also use the cases as support for the legal principal that you cite in your answer.  Consequently, please be sure to cite the case and the paragraph of the case upon which you rely as your authority.  The correct citation for each case is follows:

a. Thompson v. Harris, 1970 CanLII 618 (Sk. Q.B.) b. Ackerman v. The Wascana Centre Authority, 1997 CanLII 10879 (Sk. Q.B.); and  also c. Nelson v. JH Enterprises, 2015 SKPC 64 (CanLII).
Several examples of how to properly cite the case are as follows:
a) When crediting (but not quoting) a case:
Justice Labach in the case of Nelson v. JH Enterprises, 2015 SKPC 64 (CanLII) determined at paragraph 22 that an occupier does not need to be the owner of the premises and also that supervision and control over the premises may be sufficient to lead to a determination that a party is an occupier.

The ruling in justice Labach v JH enterprise case

An occupier does not need to be the owner of the premises rather an occupier may also be the party that has supervision and control over the premises (Nelson v. JH Enterprises, 2015 SKPC 64 (CanLII) at paragraph 22).   b) When quoting less than two (2) lines of text:

However, in the case of Nelson v. JH Enterprises, 2015 SKPC 64 (CanLII) Justice Labach stated at paragraph 9 “it appeared that a corner of one of the blue lumber carts had got caught on his rear passenger tire.”
c) When quoting more than two (2) lines of text:
In the case of Nelson v. JH Enterprises, 2015 SKPC 64 (CanLII) Justice Labach stated the following at paragraph 9:

Suddenly he heard a loud noise. He stopped his truck and got out to see what had happened. When he went around to the passenger side of the truck, he saw a lumber cart wedged around the rear wheel. It also appeared that a corner of one of the blue lumber carts had got caught on his rear passenger tire and the cart had tipped over into his truck.

Reasons for the low and even negative bond yields

Reasons for the low and even negative bond yields

This paper focuses on EC3214 Financial Economics II. The Excel file ‘Yield on ten-year Tbills’ in Moodle contains US daily yields on 10-year Treasuries (in percent) for you to verify or to track the data over the period October 2014 to July 2010.

EC3214 Financial Economics II-The Excel file ‘Yield on ten-year

The Excel file ‘Yield on ten-year Tbills’ in Moodle contains US daily yields on 10-year Treasuries (in percent) for you to verify or to track the data over the period October 2014 to July 2010. At the bottom of the brief summary, there are some questions that you will need to address in writing the essay.

Make sure that the essay is your own individual work and that you do not use external help. Do not copy from anywhere else. You should include a reference section at the end of the essay, and use an appropriate style of referencing to write it out. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source of reference and you will be penalised for including it in the reference section. Please write clearly, and structure your essay so that it is presentable and flows nicely. Clearly explain any models you refer to and discuss implications of their results.

Low bond yields in the 2010’s

The unconventional monetary policies followed by several central banks since 2008 has led to an increase in the demand for bonds, thus increasing the price of bonds and pushing bond yields much lower than historical average yields. For example, in February 2015 10-year bond yield were 2% in the US, 1.6% in Spain, 0.4% in Germany and Japan and -0.04% in Switzerland.
These low and especially negative bond rates are exceptional and have raised the question as to why bond investors are willing to accept such low bond yields. Unconventional monetary policies (quantitative easing or QE) that push up the demand for bonds and thereby increase bond prices are usually seen as the major reason for the low bond yields (remember the negative relationship between bond prices and bond yields).

Despite these low bond yields, investors have recently earned very favourable returns from bonds. For example, in 2014 the returns from the BlackRock Euro Bond Fund A2 EUR was 11.40%.  The total returns from investing in bonds consist of two parts: the yield on the bond, or the periodic interest rate payments, as well as potential capital gains or losses (selling the bond before maturity at a price higher or lower than the purchase price). In 2014, falling bond yields was the consequence of increased demand for bonds, leading to higher bond prices and thus capital gains for bond investors.

EC3214 Financial Economics II

Address the following issues in your write-up (see instructions above):

Firstly, Discuss some reasons for the low (and even negative) bond yields that prevailed at the beginning of 2015, by investigating themes like: Demographic changes among investors in industrialised nations; Currency gains from exchange rates; Negative Inflation; and Capital Regulations and Liquidity Requirements of institutional investors.

Secondly, Discuss the sustainability of these low bond yields.

Thirdly, Discuss the relationship between bond yields and capital gains that can be earned when investing in bonds. In other words, explain why bond investors earned relatively high total returns on bond funds in 2014, despite the record low bond yields at the time.

Fourthly,  Provide some reasons why bond investors were willing to accept negative bond yields in early 2015.

EC3214 Financial Economics II

Additional Sources/ references that you may want to consult to augment your knowledge

Buttonwood (2015). Accentuate the negative: Why investors would opt to lose money. The Economist January 24, 2015.

Oliver, S (2019). Global growth slowing, plunging bond yields & inverted yield curves – not terminal but shares are due a pull back. AMP Capital, March 26, 2019.

Bhansali, V and Emons, B (2015). Why the Bond Market Is Yielding Negative and What Negative Yields Mean for You. Pimco.

Huebscher, R (2015). Gary Shilling – Why You Should Own Bonds. Advisor Perspectives, February 17, 2015.

Causes of Turkish financial and economic crisis

Causes of Turkish financial and economic crisis

Explain the causes of the recent Turkish financial and economic crisis that started in 2018. What effect did it have on 1) the Turkish economy and 2) the global economy?

Causes of the recent Turkish financial and economic crisis

Firstly, Explain the causes of the recent Turkish financial and economic crisis that started in 2018.

Secondly, What effect did it have on 1) the Turkish economy and 2) the global economy?

Thirdly, What kind of fiscal and monetary policies were implemented by Turkey?

Fourthly, What are the challenges that remain for the Turkish economy?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 4-5 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

Support your submission with course material concepts, principles and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

More details;

What caused Turkey economic crisis?
The crisis was caused by the Turkish economy’s excessive current account deficit and large amounts of private foreign-currency denominated debt, in combination with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s increasing authoritarianism and his unorthodox ideas about interest rate policy.
Why is inflation so high in Turkey?
Currency depreciation has been a key factor behind Turkey’s inflationary pressures but other issues, including concerns over the central bank’s independence and a diplomatic crisis with the U.S., fueled those losses.
What is going on in Turkey economy?
Turkey’s currency remains battered, while its foreign debts remain vast. Inflation and joblessness are alarmingly high. Economic growth is minimal, and anxiety considerable amid the sense that more trouble lies ahead. This is playing out as Turkey contends with political uncertainty after the shocking rebuke of Mr.