Within the homeland security enterprise

Within the homeland security enterprise

For this assignment, the student is expected to develop a research paper of at least 5 full pages (not including your title page and reference list) that presents a scholarly response to the two below subjects. Both topics must be addressed. Topic 1: Examine the role of risk management within the homeland security enterprise. Drawing upon your class readings and additional research, examine how risk management is used by the homeland security enterprise including such efforts as resource/grant allocation, strategic planning, and other homeland security-related initiatives (from the federal level to state and local efforts). Topic 2: Examine the role of cyber-security within the homeland security enterprise. Specifically address how cyber-security relates to our national critical infrastructure and its protection. Note: Your 5 page paper should be constructed with 1/2 a page for introducing your research paper and your combined thesis, spend 2 whole pages on each of the two above topics, then 1/2 page at the end for your conclusions. Make sure you read the instructions carefully and that you focus your paper on answering the assigned questions. This assignment is a research paper, not an opinion paper, so you need to use scholarly sources to support your thesis. Use formal academic writing and do not use the first person such as ‘I’ or ‘my’; see the OWL site on academic writing style (using appropriate language). Make sure you use APA style in-text parenthetical citations at the end of every sentence where you are quoting another’s ideas (or any information) that is not your own thoughts and words, like this (Bergen, 2015, para 14).

Citations are required for paraphrases as well, but not the page or paragraph number in that case. You are welcome to use supplementary sources to compliment the assigned readings based upon your research, but make sure you use only scholarly and credible sources (do not use open websites and you never want to use Wikipedia for a college level paper). Also, dictionaries and encyclopedias as well as general news sites (like CNN) are not appropriate for college level research papers. A good example of what NOT to use is NSA.Gov1.info (which some students have tried to use in research papers), not only is it not the NSA webpage, the site loaded with bogus information and if you scroll down to the bottom it says “This is a parody of nsa.gov and has not been approved, endorsed, or authorized by the National Security Agency or by any other U.S. Government agency.” Also, do not cite the weekly lessons as those are only basic information to start off the topic with. You need to use mainly scholarly and reputable academic books and journal articles. Requirements: – Written according to the APA style and format (parenthetical in-text citation formats only; not end notes or footnotes); – Use Times New Roman 12 point font; – 1 inch margins on all sides with no paragraph indentation other than the first line by .5 inches – Double space all text (no extra lines or spaces after a paragraph or section headings and no added font sizes or lines either) – A respectable number of credible resources used, cited in the paper as in-text citations, and included on the reference page. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content (a minimum of 2 new scholarly sources per page in a research paper is acceptable). Use those academic and credible sources provided to you throughout the course, as well as other scholarly material obtained from conducting your own research. Freely utilize appropriate and reputable academic sources, summarize in your own words (paraphrase) and cite accordingly. – The paper must be free of typographical, spelling and grammatical errors Finally, be mindful of excessive direct quotes as the paper should not contain just a string of quotations from sources. “Quotes cannot make up more than 10% of the text of your assignment.” So paraphrase where you can and provide your own analysis and synthesis of your research (use direct quotes only when necessary to support your thesis).

VAM Tour

VAM Tour

As you put together your tour, here are the criteria you must meet: 1. You will need to decide on a clear, concrete theme that will allow you to explore a particular aspect of the collection with the museum’s visitors. Your theme should elaborate a particular concern or pattern that you have noticed throughout your study of art history. It must not be so general that nearly any work in the VAM could fit into it (e.g., human creativity or architecture). You may not use any of the themes you have already explored in the course, such as The Body or Religious Experience. 2. Your tour will need a creative title that clearly reflects its theme. 3. Your tour needs to support the museum’s educational mission. Revisit the Welcome page where I first shared the museum’s mission with you. 4. Your tour will need to consider four works currently in the VAM’s collection (i.e., the online course materials). The tours must take the museum visitor to at least three of the VAM’s rooms. 5. Your tour should be in an essay format and be 1,250-1,750 words. It should include an introduction in which you make a clear argument for why your theme is important, a thorough discussion of each of the works, and a conclusion. Be sure to consult the grading rubric I have provided as you work on this final project. (See link at right.) You can refer back to your work, of course, but remember that this is a tour and the information you present needs to keep your theme in view at all times. It must be clear to visitors why you have included each work in your tour. You are not required to include pictures in your tour since each work is already in the VAM. 6. You may not refer to any sources other than your textbook and online materials I have provided. If I detect any information in your tour that comes from unauthorized sources, you will receive an F for the course and I will file academic integrity charges. 7. Here is an example of a VAM Tour. You can not use the theme discussed in this paper. Your final project is due by 11:59PM, July 29th. If you have any questions at all about this assignment, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would much rather have you ask for clarification than make mistakes by making assumptions! Unlike other journals in the course, I have set this journal to allow you to save entries and come back to edit them later, so take advantage of the full time you have to work on it. If you choose to compose your tour offline, please type or paste your final text into the Message box; do not add any attachments.

Are female pelvises wider than male pelvises

Are female pelvises wider than male pelvises?

Write up the results of your investigation. Your report should include the following sections: 1. Background. In your project report, try to follow the outline of the scientific method. Start with a short description of the observation and question. 2. Hypothesis. Generate a testable hypothesis (following the guidelines for hypotheses that we discussed on the first day of class), and present that hypothesis at the start of your report. 3. Methods. Describe what data you gathered and anything else you think might help your reader to understand how you got your data. 4. Results. Summarize the results of the data. 5. Discussion. Use the next section to summarize what the results mean and whether they support or reject your hypothesis. This is the section for interpretation. 6. Reflection. This section should be a short paragraph where you think about the validity of your results.

DMAIC – Approve Accounting Batch Process

Recall the DMAIC approach of a Six Sigma project. Choose a real-world process (at a bank or hospital or university or restaurant or hotel or even at your work place), and explain how the DMAIC approach can be applied to improve that process. Explain each of the 5 phases (DMAIC) in as much detail as possible.

Previously, I chose Accounts Payable for my project charter but as you stated its not anything Six Sigma can assist with as there are some unknown outliers, so I wanted to delve deeper into that process. Given Six Sigma’s manufacturing roots extend back to discrete manufacturing, which is a form of batch processing, it seems Six Sigma would fit nicely into batch processes.

Our Director of Accounting is looking to track how the time it takes to process and approve expense reports on a weekly basis. Lisa, the accounting director mostly works alone but two other employees that assist her part-time from Tuesday- Thursday. However, because of the reports being processed in batch by its region in Virginia and not individually, each person in the department tracks the number of hours per day and the number of reports processed during that time. The key data collected is the region from where the reports come from, total time in minute spent obtaining, and number of reports processed.

Market Research Plan-Carphone Warehouse

Carphone Warehouse – Founded in 1989 The Carphone Warehouse Ltd. is a British mobile phone retailer, with over 2,400 stores across Europe. It trades as Carphone Warehouse in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and as Phone House elsewhere. Recently, the business has had to close stores as it battles with changing consumer habits and rising costs. New CEO Alex Baldock, said: “Though there’s plenty to fix, it’s all fixable.” Using your knowledge of research, identify what research is needed, and undertake a pilot study with a sample and method(s) of your choice, to advise Carphone Warehouse on how to stay competitive in this market, or a plan for the future of the business. Research Report – 4,500 words The research report should include: 1. An introduction to the research topic area and the organisation. A critical analysis of the market, to include multiple sources of academic and practitioner research secondary research. This will also include an analysis of your organisations competitive position, and consumer profile. (20%) 2. A detailed account of your research objectives – giving justifications. (20%) 3. Your primary research methodology, including links to how they will solve your identified research objectives and an understanding of the strengths and limitations of the proposed methods. (20%) 4. The results of a pilot study undertaken to address the research objectives (20%) Executive Summary – 1,200 WCE This report should also be summarised within an executive summary sub-document, to include; 5. An executive summary of the proposal, including an introduction, results of secondary analysis, the research objectives, methods, results, the proposed next stages of the research plan, ethical considerations, costs and conclusions. This should also include visual data representations such as graphs, word clouds and/or infographics. This should be an edited and succinct version, that could be read by senior level people within the organisation to understand your research proposal and pilot study. (20%) You should do this by clearly explaining the main theoretical concepts regarding market research, and methodological considerations.

China glassware trade company

For this assignment, this is the final paper for 15 pages, and 4 scholar sources. Explore and research in a China glassware trade company. You need to start from the perspective of an intern who works in the market in China. You can write about doing business with American retail stores. You can also compile specific examples. But you have to start from my perspective so that you can be more authentic. This is also the requirements for this final paper. As you prepare to write your final paper things to make sure you are following the appropriate organization: Abstract Introduction – Needs to include a clear thesis statement and preview Literature Review (refer to: http://guides.library.ucsc.edu/write-a-literature-review (Links to an external site.) for help) – This is NOT an annotated bibliography so please ensure you check the above link to help assist with the appropriate content and structure Organizational Background – This does not include any research or work examples. This is a background of your organization in terms of history, management structure, your particular team and position overview. Application – This section connects the problem observed with research discussed in lit review by using examples to illustrate the theory in action Conclusion – Includes recommendation based on research and observed problems Reference Page (APA format) Things to remember: – Do in APA format (refer to: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ (Links to an external site.) for help) – Number of credits determines paper length and number of required sources

America’s role on the world stage changes throughout the period from the Civil War to the Cold War. How did policies of imperialism, isolationism, expansionism, and racism shape America’s relationship with other countries?

OPTION 1: Primary Source Investigation Write a 3-4 page paper addressing the questions below. Papers should be typed, double-spaced with one-inch margins. You may rely on your textbook for background information, but your paper should address the question by using the primary documents we have discussed in our discussion boards. You must include at least two academic sources outside of the textbook and at least 3 primary sources used within this course. You MUST use primary sources for this paper. IF you decide to use primary sources outside of those provided by the instructor, you must include copies with your paper (which will not be included in the page limit). Prompt: America’s role on the world stage changes throughout the period from the Civil War to the Cold War. How did policies of imperialism, isolationism, expansionism, and racism shape America’s relationship with other countries? How and why did the United States become a World Power? How was this status shaped by the wars of this period?

Advanced Social Media Marketing

Project 4: Visual Social © Copyright 2016, Simplilearn. All rights reserved. P a g e | 1 Project 4: Visual Social (Expected completion time – 60 minutes) I. Project Goal/Objectives/Problem Statement: ✓ To generate a wide range of visual and video based content ideas suited to a campaign or brand. II. Skills that you will acquire after completing the project: ✓ Ability to brainstorm new forms of video and image based content. ✓ Ability to identify the potential for user generated participation in visual campaigns. III. Learning outcome of the project: ✓ Individuals who complete this project will understand the various forms of both image and video based content, as well as how to put those types of content to work for a campaign. IV. Project Description: ✓ In this section, you learned about the impact of great visuals and leveraging images and videos in social media. In this mini project, apply these concepts and answer the questions. V. Project Tasks: ✓ Around the world, visual media such as photos and videos are becoming a preferred communication medium, mostly due to ease of understanding. ✓ For each topic, answer the questions keeping in mind your current organization. Download the questions from the Learning Tool to your local drive, answer them, and submit the project. Topic 1: Image-Based Content Ideas • Whether you use illustrations or photos, images can have a powerful marketing impact. Choose a product or service of concept you wish to promote for your brand, and then consider the types of image-based visual content and brainstorm a few ideas using the questions below. © Copyright 2016, Simplilearn. All rights reserved. P a g e | 2 1. Come up with two or three ideas for infographics related to your topic. 2. Come up with two or three ideas for inspirational style graphics for your topic.  3. Think about the visual storytelling style of images. What are two ways you could leverage visual storytelling for this topic?  4. Is it possible to use a step-by-step style image related to your topic? If so, list two ideas, including the steps that would be portrayed.    5. What types of images do your existing customers and target audience tend to post? Brainstorm two ideas for consumer-generated image campaigns.  © Copyright 2016, Simplilearn. All rights reserved. P a g e | 3 Topic 2: Video Based Content Ideas • Whether you produce video or gather it from consumers, video has a powerful marketing impact. Choose a product or service of concept you wish to promote for your brand, and then consider the types of video-based content and brainstorm a few ideas using the questions below. 1. Come up with one or two ideas for a video focused on storytelling. Create one story idea told from the brand perspective and another from the consumer perspective.  2. Outline an idea for a DIY or “how-to” style video related either to your products and services or to the ways in which your customers might use them. 3. Brainstorm at least two ideas for a live-stream video. Which channel would you livestream from and what would your content consist of? 4. Create an idea for a viral video, one that plays to emotions and is highly shareable. Outline your idea and the reason for choosing it below.

Compare and contrast the methods that can be used in accounting for investments

Compare and contrast the methods that can be used in accounting for investments.

How does a company choose a method? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? information on APA: American Psychological Association (APA) http://www.apastyle.org/ Purdue Online Writing Lab http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ Turnitin Your assignment will automatically be submitted to Turnitin in the assignment dropbox.

Originality reports will be returned to the faculty and student. Multiple submissions are allowed. Make sure that your Similarity Index does not exceed 20% for graduate work. This assignment will be evaluated based on the following Writing Assignment Grading Rubric: Guidelines Writing Assignment Grading Criteria Content (60%) • Response demonstrates a clear understanding of the key elements of assignment questions. • Response thoroughly covers the elements in a substantive manner.

• Response demonstrates critical thinking and analysis. • Content is complete and accurate. • Introduction and conclusion provide adequate information on the given topic. Organization (20%) • Paper structure is clear and easy to follow. • Ideas flow in a logical sequence.

• Introduction provides a sound introduction to the topic and previews major points. • Paragraph transitions are logical and support the flow of thought throughout the paper. • The conclusion thoroughly reviews the major points. Writing Style, Grammar, APA Format (20%)

• Sentences are well constructed, complete, clear, and concise. • Words used are specific an unambiguous. • The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. • Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct. • APA guidelines (6th edition) are followed, such as headers, citations, references, etc. • Effective use of aids such as sections, summaries, table of contents, indices, and appendices (if appropriate).

How do and should organisations buy Given your answer to the above how do and should marketers respond

How do (and should) organisations buy? Given your answer to the above, how do (and should) marketers respond? The third component is an annotated bibliography. This should contain the full list of all of the material you cited in the two essays above (i.e., create only one bibliography) with a critical review for the five (5) articles that most affected your understanding of the material so far. The length guide for the short essays is 1500 words (approximately 750 words each). The word limit for the annotations in the bibliography 500 words (approximately 100 words for each of the annotations). In-text citations, diagrams, footnotes, headings and the full bibliographic entries do not count. General Guidance The following will help you with your preparation: Only use the articles you have been asked to read in this module. Using other material fails to demonstrate that you have mastered the module reading. All of the readings are potentially relevant and valuable to your answer. You will need to make critical choices about what to include. Between your two answers you should be drawing on material from at least weeks two, three and four (and answers could incorporate material from weeks one, five and six, but only as minor additional notes). You can assume that the reader has access to all of the articles and you therefore do not need to waste words with detailed summaries. You may include diagrams and tables (and these do not count toward the word count), these can be your own, modified versions of ones in the articles, or reproductions of ones in the articles. You may write in the first person if you wish. All of the articles you have been asked to read have used subheadings, you are encouraged to use them too. Please use Harvard referencing style, as used by all articles except Webster and Wind (1972) and Abratt and Kelly (2002). Annotated Bibliography An annotated bibliography is quite simple. You will produce a bibliography as usual, that includes the articles cited in your two short essays. After a the five articles that influenced you the most, include paragraph or two of critical review. For example: Frow, Pennie, McColl-Kennedy, Janet R., Hilton, Toni, Davidson, Anthony, Payne, Adrian , and Brozovic, Danilo (2014) “Value propositions: A service ecosystems perspective”, Marketing Theory, 14(3), 327-51. Lovelock, Christopher and Evert Gummesson (2004) “Whither Services Marketing? In Search of New Paradigm and Fresh Perspectives,” Journal of Service Research, 7(1), pp20-41 Vargo, Stephen L & Lusch, Robert F (2004) “Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing” Journal of Marketing, 68(1), 1-17.