Analysing and evaluating the problems identified in the Amazon case study
Analysing and evaluating the problems identified in the Amazon case study
students will be required to submit an individual piece of work that involves analysing and evaluating the problems identified in the Amazon case study materials below. This will be a 2,000 word written consultant report. The use of theory and academic literature is essential. The final part of this report MUST include some self-reflection and awareness which indicates how the students have amended their assignment based on the feedback from their previous individual report. Students would have to include the following: Introduction of the problem the company faced and an outline of the report Main body – Discuss and evaluate the challenges the company is facing with links to theory and practice used in the module Conclusion and Recommendations – as a consultant, provide suggestions for improvements using theories to support the arguments presented Self-reflection (this section MUST include evidence of how you have used the feedback received from your previous assessment to complete this second piece of work – it can be presented as a table) Presentation of written work and referencing SELF REFLECTION The self-reflection section must be based on the feedback you received from your previous report. This means that you must read the feedback given and identify the main areas which require improvement in relation to the marking criteria. Having identified these, you must then provide a short summary of how you have improved your work and what your key learning objective will be for the next piece of work you submit. You might like to structure your self-reflection in the following way: Take 2 or 3 points for improvement from the previous assessment feedback (e.g. structure, referencing, criticality, use of examples), work on them while completing the final assignment for this module and complete the table, indicating: What points you have worked on Your evaluation of the progress made of the points identified Your future learning objective which you can include in future assignments