Analysing and evaluating the problems identified in the Amazon case study

Analysing and evaluating the problems identified in the Amazon case study

students will be required to submit an individual piece of work that involves analysing and evaluating the problems identified in the Amazon case study materials below. This will be a 2,000 word written consultant report. The use of theory and academic literature is essential. The final part of this report MUST include some self-reflection and awareness which indicates how the students have amended their assignment based on the feedback from their previous individual report. Students would have to include the following: Introduction of the problem the company faced and an outline of the report Main body – Discuss and evaluate the challenges the company is facing with links to theory and practice used in the module Conclusion and Recommendations – as a consultant, provide suggestions for improvements using theories to support the arguments presented Self-reflection (this section MUST include evidence of how you have used the feedback received from your previous assessment to complete this second piece of work – it can be presented as a table) Presentation of written work and referencing SELF REFLECTION The self-reflection section must be based on the feedback you received from your previous report. This means that you must read the feedback given and identify the main areas which require improvement in relation to the marking criteria. Having identified these, you must then provide a short summary of how you have improved your work and what your key learning objective will be for the next piece of work you submit. You might like to structure your self-reflection in the following way: Take 2 or 3 points for improvement from the previous assessment feedback (e.g. structure, referencing, criticality, use of examples), work on them while completing the final assignment for this module and complete the table, indicating: What points you have worked on Your evaluation of the progress made of the points identified Your future learning objective which you can include in future assignments

Logistic and Supply Chain

Logistic and Supply Chain


Paper details:

Logistics and its Impact for a company of your own choice, write a 1,750 -word report to address the following tasks, you need to be practical in your approach and ensure adequate research. Assignment Tasks: 1. Analyse the relationship between Supply chain management and logistics management and assess the significance of effective logistics management in achieving long term organisational success. (LO1) 2. What do you understand by an ERP, analyse how an ERP can help the chosen organisation to improve its customer satisfaction, while reducing its cost, with a focus on ecommerce? Provide detailed analysis and support your answer with examples, in relevance to your chosen organisation. (LO2) 3. The chosen organisation wants to reduce its logistics cost, suggest and analyse different best practices, which can help the chosen organisation to achieve its objective of cost reduction. (LO3) Specific Instructions  Provide at least 9 – 10 references Coursework Structure: 1.0 Introduction Task 1 (350 words) 1.1 Overview of the organisation you have chosen. Make this relevant to the module, discuss the supply chain and logistics regarding this organisation. 1.2 Define Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Logistics. 1.3 Analyse the relationship between SCM and logistics. How are they similar? Where are the differences? 1.4 Discuss the significance to long term success. How can efficient SCM contribute to an organisations long term sustainability and success? 2.0 Task 2 (650 words) 2.1 Short definition of Enterprise Resource Planning ERP 2.2 Analyse ERP and how it can impact cost and customer satisfaction. How does an ERP reduce cost and how does it increase cost? Think long term and short term. How does the way an ERP system help organisations understand their customers’ needs and preferences. What does this mean for an organisation? 2.3 Support your ideas from above (2.2) with examples of it happening in your organisation, or in the industry of your chosen organisation. 3.0 Task 3 (650 words) 3.1 What are the major logistics costs? Cost can relate to more than just money. 3.2 Analyse and suggest different best practises 4.0 Conclusion (100 words) A summary of the report Organisation will be IKEA – UK must be 1750 words but I can choose just 1650 or 1925… ill choose 1650 but please to be 1750

Impact of motivation as a means of enhancing staff performance in an organisation

 Impact of motivation as a means of enhancing staff performance in an organisation. A comparative study of NCDMB and Vodacom.


Paper details:

Please find my supervisor’s comment on chapter one and two: Please make an argument for the theories that will drive the research. Clearly you haven’t used all of the theory so at some point you must have selected what you believe is most relevant in your case. You need to explain how that was done to the reader. As things stand the chapter is in danger of being a little descriptive – you describing a number of theories.

Factors influencing Food Safety Compliance in Domestic Food Production Start-up Businesses


CHAPTER 4 RESULTS & DISCUSSION (2300): INSTRUCTIONS: The results section presents what you found in terms of the raw data, whether from questionnaires, interviews, samples analysed, etc. If the data are extensive, then the results may justify a separate chapter. Where they are not, it is often preferable to combine the results and their analysis in one chapter. Remember that results are raw data only and need to be processed by analysis (e.g. statistical) in order to be interpreted as meaningful information. To aid understanding, it is important that comments accompany figures, graphs and tables. It is not appropriate to discuss or speculate about the findings in this section. Make sure that you do not report analytical procedures that you do not understand! The discussion section puts forward the issues which arise from the detailed findings. These should be compared or contrasted to the general findings or comments from previous work and issues which you looked at in your introduction. The sub-headings in this section may closely follow the themes used to organise the review of the literature. The discussion section will also include some comment on the limitations of the study, e.g., sample size, how representative the sample was, the time period, etc. You should also provide general evaluation of the work, e.g., are there areas which you would tackle differently with hindsight? What are the most surprising findings? CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS (700 WORDS) INSTRUCTIONS: It is important to return to the hypotheses or aims and demonstrate to what extent these have now been addressed. All the various threads of the report should be clearly brought together, but nothing new should be introduced. Leading on from the Conclusions, you will often feel the necessity to make Recommendations. As with Results and Analysis, this section may be combined with Conclusions in one chapter. Recommendations may cover issues such as improved approaches to carrying out the study, further research or steps that could be taken to address problems and issues identified by the study. All recommendations should follow on from the evidence that has been presented in the Report.

The Role of Leadership Integrity in Organizational Ethics

Prior to beginning your discussion response, read Managing for organizational integrity (Links to an external site.). In the article, Paine (1994) described scenarios of various organizations. Choose one of the ethics topics: integrity as a governing ethic, emphasizing core values, building shared aspirations, or defining right action. Summarize the information shared in the article for your chosen topic. Describe how the ethics topic could be incorporated into your organization or an organization that you are familiar with.

Business Ethics

Part A 1. Discuss reasons why ethics are an important part of an organization. 2. Discuss the ethical concerns that have surfaced regarding information technology and property rights. 3. Why is it important that companies have a good understanding of the relationship between blame and moral responsibility? Part B 1. Describe three issues that make determining utilitarianism difficult. 2. Describe how an ethic of virtue can enhance the principles of utilitarianism, rights, justice, and caring. 3. Discuss how the unconscious process uses past experiences to effect the moral decision-making process. Part C 1. Discuss John Locke’s idea that, in a state of nature, everyone would be political equals and free of constraints, and how those rights affect American institutions. 2. According to Adam Smith, how does free market competition provide greater benefits than government interference? 3. Discuss Karl Marx’s view on how capitalist economies alienate workers. Part D 1. How do price and quantity move to equilibrium in a perfectly competitive market? 2. Discuss how a monopoly places restrictions on the negative rights that a perfectly free market respects? 3. Discuss the regulation view of oligopoly power.

Project Deliverable 2: Business Requirements

This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a business requirements document and a Gantt chart or project plan. You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment for which it is written. Additionally, you may create and / or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. Procuring quality business requirements is an important step toward the design of quality information systems. Completion of a quality requirements document allows user needs and expectations to be captured so that infrastructure and information systems can be designed properly. Using the requirements document provided in the course shell, you are to speculate on the needs of the company. You must consider current and future requirements; however, assumptions should be realistic and carefully considered. Section 1: Business Requirements Document 1. Write an eight to ten (8-10) page original business requirements document for the project plan using the template provided. Note: The template can be found in the Student Center of the online course shell. a. Describe the project including the following: i. Describe the scope and analyze how to control the scope. ii. Identify possible risks, constraints, and assumptions. iii. Describe the integration with other systems and infrastructure. Note: Database and interface design, security, and networking should be considered. iv. Define relevant terms that will be used throughout project. b. Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page leng

Should companies take a stand on social issues even if they risk alienating a portion of their customers

P5 Essay Prompt For this essay, review the Writing and Formatting Your Essay document and the Basic Rubric. Also, please review my notes/comments in previous essays before submitting this assignment. Doing so will help you avoid repeating past mistakes. 1. Read a few credible online articles on the assigned prompt: Recently, companies have publicly taken stands on social issues. Nike released an advertisement featuring Colin Kapernick, the former NLF player famous for his public Black Lives Matter protests. Gillette released a commercial containing commentary on “toxic masculinity.” Countless retailers celebrated Pride Month in June with rainbow window displays and advertisements. Others have made public their efforts to combat climate change. Should companies take a stand on social issues, even if they risk alienating a portion of their customers? 2. Take a stand: Companies (should/should not) take a stand on social issues. Keep your thesis simple. 3. Decide on two clear reasons to support your thesis. Write your reasons as complete sentences, not as phrases and not as questions. 4. Write a well-developed essay (750 words min) 5. Include the following: Title for the essay Introductory paragraph that ends in an underlined thesis statement Two body paragraphs that each begin with an underlined topic sentence A conclusion A Reference or Works Cited listing References note: Use a minimum of 2 authoritative, credible online sources to support your argument, and cite at least 1 source in each body paragraph. Each quote should be introduced in the text with a signal phrase: let the reader know in advance whom you are quoting and the context of the source. All sources should be correctly cited in the text using parenthetical citations where needed, and each source should be included in a Works Cited (MLA) section at the end of the document, following guidelines consistently. Do not cite sources in the body of the essay with Internet addresses (URLs), nor only use a URL for the reference at the end of the document.

The Short-Run and Long-Run Relationship Between Unemployment and Inflation

Unemployment and inflation are an economy’s two most important macroeconomic issues. The federal government’s fiscal policy and the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy try to maintain both a low unemployment rate around a natural rate and a low inflation rate around 2%. In your Final Paper, Evaluate the historical relationship between unemployment and inflation. (hint: You may start from A.W. Phillips’s finding of the relationship between unemployment and inflation.) Distinguish between the short-run and the long-run in a macroeconomic analysis. Why is the relationship between unemployment and inflation different in the short-run and the long-run? Assess the recent 20-year U.S. unemployment and inflation data. Do the current U.S. unemployment and inflation data confirm the short-run Phillips curve? Analyze why the recent 20-year U.S. unemployment and inflation data approves or disproves the short-run Phillips curve. Evaluate whether the Phillips curve can still validly resolve today’s issue of unemployment and inflation and forecast unemployment and inflation. Why or why not? Recommend any policy, method, or opinions for the current U.S. unemployment and inflation as a policy maker for either fiscal policy or monetary policy (or both). The Short-Run and Long-Run Relationship Between Unemployment and Inflation Final Paper Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper. Must use at least five scholarly, peer-reviewed, and other credible sources in addition to the course text.

Shaping Cultures and Ethics of the Organization

Shaping Cultures and Ethics of the Organization

What is the Final Format? As previously stated, the paper will be written in current APA format, must be a minimum of 16 pages (not including the title page, abstract, and references), and must utilize at least 15 scholarly references. The final format must include the following: • Title page (COMPLETED; ATTACHED); • Abstract; (COMPLETED; ATTACHED); • Outline; (COMPLETED; ATTACHED); • Introduction (no longer than 1 page); • Findings (a minimum of 13 pages); • Conclusions, recommendations, and suggestions for further study (a minimum of 2 pages); and • References that are current (less than 3 years) or important for historical background. Any additional references please use Use Jerry Falwell Library ( and three years old or less