Financial Ratio Analysis

Financial Ratio Analysis

Assignment Format: The assignment must be submitted as a single Excel file. Only one file (Excel) is to be submitted with all work.

Discussions must be justified in the cells, so that all columns are viewable in screen view. Assignment Steps Select a Fortune 500 Company from one of the following industries: Pharmaceutical, Energy, Retail, Automotive, or Computer Hardware. Review the balance sheet and income statement in the company’s 2015 Annual Report. Calculate the following ratios using Microsoft Excel: Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Debt Equity Ratio, Inventory Turnover Ratio, Receivables Turnover Ratio, Total Assets Turnover Ratio, Profit Margin (Net Margin) Ratio, and Return on Assets Ratio.

To receive credit for this portion, you must submit your excel file, showing your formula/calculations for these ratios. In the same excel file with your ratios, on the same sheet, below your calculation for each ratio, in approximately 100 words for each ratio, develop why this ratio is important for financial decision making. In your discussion, develop how to interpret the ratio, and what the ratio results for your company tell you about the financial position of this company. Justify your data so all columns appear in the screen view.

Mission and vision statements of fortune 500 companies

You will expand on this topic. Using your favorite search engine, research the mission and vision statements of different fortune 500 companies. Then, you will write an essay in which you compare and contrast the mission statements of two companies and the vision statements of two companies. You may use the same companies for both the mission and vision comparisons or separate companies. Within your essay, include the information below. Explain the principle value of two vision statements. Explain the principle value of two mission statements. Compare and contrast vision statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance. Compare and contrast mission statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance. Do you think organizations that have comprehensive mission statements tend to be high performers? How do mission and vision statements assist in selecting an industry-specific strategy? Explain why a mission statement should not include monetary amounts, numbers, percentages, ratios, goals, or objectives. Your essay should be a minimum of three pages in length or approximately 750 words, not including the title and reference pages.

Communication in Organizational Contexts

1. Discussion 1: Collaboration Activity: Communication in Organizational Contexts Imagine that you are an organizational consultant for a community action group that seems to be having problems. The problem is that Samantha, the leader of the group, is very dynamic. She is energetic, with lots of plans and a clear vision for the group. She is a dreamer and she is outspoken. She tries and tries to promote her vision for the group, cajoling, persuading, commanding, and even using guilt against the others. But the other members just do not join her in her vision. In fact, the harder she pushes, the more resistance she gets from the group. She is growing discouraged, and attendance at group meetings is declining. In this Collaboration Activity, you continue the discussion you began last week and explore management, leadership, and organizational theories in relation to conflict in group dynamics. To prepare for this Collaboration Activity: Review the Readings and Learning Resources Guide for this week. Review the conflict situations and follow-up posts in Week 4. Select at least one complete exchange (the description and the analysis postings). Review the interactive media piece and consider how different forms of communication can contribute to these types of situations. Reflect on how the types of management and leadership shaped the conflict situation you selected in Week 4. Consider the management, leadership, and organizational theories in relation to the scenario with Samantha and the community action group. To complete this Collaboration Activity: Post by Day 4 of Week 5 1– 2 paragraphs that address the following: Describe how the management, leadership, and organizational theories you examined this week could alleviate the conflict situation you selected from Week 4. Then, describe which theory you would apply to the scenario with Samantha and the community action group to achieve a positive outcome for Samantha. Finally, share what role communication might play in achieving these outcomes for Samantha.

Credit cards

In a 5-paragraph essay, research 3 credit cards (these can be limited use and/or unlimited use) and include the most important factors for deciding which credit cards to possess. You must include the following factors: credit limit, grace period, benefits, APR, customer service, selectivity, and other expenses. Based on the research you have completed, decide which credit card is most ideal for someone beginning a credit history.

Evaluate critically as a Keynesian economist what caused the 2007 to 2009 financial crisis


Evaluate critically, as a Keynesian economist, what caused the 2007 to 2009 financial crisis. Examine the causes that aggravated the financial crisis during the period? Evaluate the actions that the Federal Reserve and the government took during this period. Do you support their actions in both monetary policy and fiscal policy? Why or why not? Recommend an alternative policy or method that could have better resolved the financial crisis if you were a decision-maker (of monetary policy or fiscal policy) during the period. Give advice, as a prominent Keynesian economist, to the Federal Reserve and/or federal policymakers to prevent future economic or financial crises.

The use of Information systems in manufacturing

Project Requirements Project Requirements . Content The capstone project for this class is a research paper on an Information System. Many different types of Information Systems are studied during the course such as Decision Support Systems, Transaction Support Systems, Data Base Systems, ERP, CRM, HRM, WMS, etc… You need to pick a particular application that falls into one of these categories. The general idea is that you explore and research an Information System and determine its impact on a particular company or industry incorporating the chosen IS. Look for an IS that integrates business processes with technology for competitive advantage. Look locally for a company…no Walmart, Amazon, UPS. The research paper must strictly use MLA format. MLA Source: The use of the library databases are strongly recommended to include at least one or two cited sources from peer reviewed journals. Here are a few topics you may want to explore this semester: 1. The impact of data privacy on patient care using EMRs at hospitals. 2. Search Engines: The impact of data sharing and data privacy on online consumers in the U.S. 3. The effect of Social Media on online sales within the retail industry. 4. The impact of green computing on data center efficiency to promote customer relations within eCommerce in the US. 5. The use of Information systems in manufacturing. Pick an Information System then research a local company that uses it or pick a company and investigate an information system that they are using to automate operations or business processes, harness business intelligence, manage knowledge or provide a competitive advantage. Try to use a LOCAL COMPANY!! For example there are more than 3500 local manufacturing companies here on Long Island. 1.Submit a PROPOSAL in one page for me to approve. Your proposal will get you thinking about your research and reserve the company for you. Do some preliminary research on the company and the information system they use prior to submitting the proposal! YOU MUST GET APPROVAL so submit the one paragraph by the deadline since there will be no duplicates allowed. Discuss your findings and anticipated direction of your research in your proposal. See calendar for due dates for the following: 2.Create an OUTLINE of your paper and identify additional sources. Continue your research and include concepts from every chapter of our textbook that relates to how your chosen company uses the information system you have identified. For example, are there ethical issues at hand? How has this company used IS to be more efficient and effective? 3.Final DELIVERABLES are a power point (approximately 10 slides) and paper (approximately 7-10 pages) documenting all sources and data. Both must be submitted together. Elaborate in your paper and highlight the most important features, findings and uses for your presentation.

Principles of Finance

Principles of Finance

Your paper should address the reasons for investing in the stock market with an emphasis on stocks, mutual funds and bonds. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each of these options (stocks, mutual funds and bonds). Please conduct research using a minimum of seven sources. Sources cannot be blogs, Wikipedia, Investopedia, or other similar sources. You should use reputable books, papers and magazines. Your paper should be 5-7 pages long and use APA format size font 12 times new roman. Upload your file in a Word file format, .doc or .docx. Any other format will result in a grade of zero.

Summarize the relationship between ethics and corporate social responsibility. (SR)


: In this unit, you examined business ethics. For this assignment, you will further explore that topic. Find a code of ethics, preferably from the firm that you selected in Unit I. Compose an essay that defines ethics and a code of ethics based on what you have learned in this unit and what you have read in the codes of ethics you found. Your essay should meet the criteria below. ****Please follow the questions below. Write complete sentences*** *Summarize the code of ethics you found *Explain how it is socialized in the company. *Evaluate the importance of ethical decision making. How does the code of ethics influence the organization? *Infer how codes of ethics are influenced by utilitarianism. *Summarize the relationship between ethics and corporate social responsibility. (CSR) “””””Please note we are talking about NiSource the selected company** This essay must be at least two pages in length. It should include an introduction, a clear thesis statement, and a conclusion. Must be at least two academic sources, and any information from outside sources should be cited in APA format. For this assignment please follow: Sentences written in English, complete sentences Citation guide Must be doctoral material

Define an improvement goal and explain how you would measure the change

Project Translation and Planning


Paper details:

In this week’s assignment you work through the planning and implementation stages of the project. This will require you to determine goals, resources needed, and consider change management. Define an improvement goal and explain how you would measure the change. Create a project plan. Consider: Resources needed Supplies and equipment People Timeframe for implementation Data collection mechanisms Change and leadership theories to ensure success. This is a continuation of weeks 2 and 3 of a 5 week course. The papers for those weeks are included in the uploaded files from the most recent paper.

Consumer economics

Major is consumer economics

FACS 2000E Summer 2019 Final Project – Essay Understanding Professional Ethics and the Body of Knowledge in the Context of my FACS major You will work individually and evaluate how your major (use the power point slides about your major/department in modules 3 and 4 as well as their webpages found at or or, or ) relates to the Professional Ethics of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) and found in Module 5 and the Body of Knowledge/Human Ecosystem Model (Module 6) of AAFCS. Make sure you read both pages of instructions. The objective of this project: To access your understanding of the AAFCS Professional Ethics (Module 5) in relation to your major. To increase understanding of the Body of Knowledge/Human Ecosystem (Module 6) To discover how the Body of Knowledge/Human Ecosystem relates to your major. (Modules 3, 4, and 6) To better understand your major by examining other resources (these can be textbooks, webpages, articles) and applying what you learn to the Body of Knowledge/Human Ecosystem. (Module 6 as well as other resources). If you use other sources make sure you cite your references by using APA, Chicago, or another citation method and include a short bibliography of your references. Requirements: Include a cover page with your name and your major, include the word count. Use 12 point font and 1” margins. Include a short introductory paragraph that lists your major (2 – 3 sentences). Include a 250 to 500 words discussion of the AAFCS Professional Ethics and how they relate to your future career. Title this section: Professional Ethics For this section on AAFCS Body of Knowledge and your Major – make sure your essay includes: points 1, 2, and 3; then select to answer any 3 of #4 – 10. This entire section must be 750 to 1000 words. Title this section: AAFCS Body of Knowledge and my Major. Use titles for sections to differentiate Section 1, 2, 3 and then the section you select to discuss in 4-10. Check for correct spelling, grammar usage, and typos. Each of these are -1 per error and can greatly reduce your essay grade. The essay is worth 100 points. Your essay should include points 1, 2, and 3; then select to answer any 3 of #4 -10. Identify and discuss the Basic Human Needs as they relate to your major. Identify and discuss the ways in which your major can impact basic human needs to achieve individual well-being Identify and discuss methods by which your major can impact family strengths in at least 3 of these areas: problem solving communication, equality, spirituality, flexibility, truthfulness, hope, family hardiness, family time and routines, social support and /or health Identify and discuss the ways in which your major can facilitate healthy communities through ownership and/or participation in meeting basic human needs and caring for and about one another Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of relationships among individuals, families, and communities and their physical, human-built, and social/behavioral environment. Identify and discuss ways in which your major may provide means for individuals, families, and communities to acquire knowledge, and skills, build on assets and strengths, respect diversity, and respond effectively to change. Identify and discuss ways in which your major impacts global interdependence. Identify and discuss ways in which your major can address resource development and sustainability to include managing resources wisely, protecting the environment, promoting sustainable practices, and creating public policy from generation to generation. Identify and discuss how your major can utilize the appropriate use of technology to affect the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities. Identify and discuss how your major addresses health and well-being. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.