Critically about the role of business in society.


The Task Your assessment will take the form of a 3,000 word (you are allowed to go over by 10% making it a maximum of 3,300 words) submission consisting of three parts in total. You will be expected to show that you understand the importance of individual and organisational ethical thinking and practice and that you can apply ethical decision making.

You will also need to show that you can think critically about the role of business in society. Further, you will need to show that you have understand the way in which theory can underpin how ethical issues are viewed, but also that you understand that theory offers a guide but not necessarily the answer to practice.

The assessment also requires you to show that you have reflected on what makes an ethical leader and manager and what that means in the context of organisational culture. An extensive rubric is provided which will show you how the work is marked and what is required to achieve high marks. Your assessment into two parts with part 1 being further split into two. Read the requirements below and attempt all three parts. You will submit all three parts together in the same submission

SLP Supply and Demand


Module 1 – SLP Supply and Demand For the SLP this session, come up with an idea for a business you would like to start someday. This should be a business in an industry that you are familiar with and can find a lot of information about. This could be a type of business that you are currently working for or have worked for in the past, or a type of business that you are a frequent customer of. Finally – since you will have to make estimates about costs of starting up the business or what type of price you can charge, it is best to keep your business idea relatively simple. For this first SLP, discuss your business idea and do some initial research on what prices your potential competitors in your home town are charging. More specifically, write a three-page paper discussing the following issues: What business do you want to start, and why? Explain your personal connection to this type of business and discuss sources of information about this business that you plan to use for your SLP. What prices are these businesses in your chosen industry charging? Try to get at least ten examples of businesses and the prices they are charging, and create a table that lists the prices and any other relevant information, such as whether the product they sell is high-end quality or lower-end quality. Do you notice a large range of prices that businesses are charging for the service or product? If so, what factors do you think explain the range of prices? Is it the quality of the product or service, location of the business, amount of advertising done by each business, other? Based on your answers to Questions 1 and 2 above, do you think your product or service will have elastic or inelastic demand? You don’t have to do any calculations since you probably won’t have access to sales data on the businesses you are looking at – but based on the range of prices, you should be able to get an idea about how sensitive consumers of your product or service will be to changes in price. In addition to your own research about prices in your home town, cite some of the required background reading on elasticity to justify your answer. SLP Assignment Expectations Answer the assignment questions directly. Stay focused on the precise assignment questions. Do not go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials. Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the Internet, make sure they are from a credible source. Reference your sources of information with both a bibliography and in-text citations.

Implementing Telemedicine at St. Mary’s Medical Center

Implementing Telemedicine at St. Mary’s Medical Center


Paper details:

Phase II: Company Profile and Industry Overview I. Company Profile This is an overview of your organization including who is involved and the scope of what the company does. • Type of Organization • Name of Organization • Hours of Operation • Scope of Service Line • Clients Served • Location of clinics/services

• Description of Business II. Industry Overview • this is an analysis of the industry and economy in which the organization operates • it demonstrated a current understanding of industry characteristics and trends • a trend is a definite, predictable direction of events • Conduct this type of research using secondary data sources See the below areas that should be covered in the industry overview and the chapters where you can review the subjects: Overall Business or Client Trends and Opportunities

1. Social changes – Chapter 3 2. Economic reimbursement changes – Chapter 3 3. Demographic changes – Chapter 3 4. Health care delivery changes – Chapter 3 5. Regulatory/political changes – Chapter 3 6. Key success factors in your segment of the industry – Chapter 3 7. Barriers to entry in your segment of the industry – Chapter 2 8. Barriers to exist in your segment of the industry – Chapter 2 Grading Rubric Organizational Profile – 20 points Industry Overview – 60 points APA Format, Use of References – 15 points Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation – 5 points

Models for Competitive Dynamics


Competition has, since the 90s, led to wider gaps between industry leaders and laggards. There are more “winner-take-all” environments and greater churns among industry sector rivals. We have witnessed sharp increases in quality and quantity of IT (Information Technology) investments. We’ve seen striking competitive dynamics, particularly in sectors that spend the most on IT. Some of the competitive dynamics models include the Destroy Your Business (DYB) strategy, the Grow Your Business (GYB) strategy, the Information Systems (IS) and strategic advantage, and the social business strategy. Write a four to five page paper in which you: Compare and contrast the DYB and GYB strategies in terms of the ability to sustain a business in the marketplace over the long term, to be competitive against rivals, and profitability. Examine the “cannibalization” strategy and determine if it is or is not a better strategy compared to the DYB strategy for growth, competitiveness, and market leadership. Provide two business examples. Determine whether or not changes in business strategy should entail reassessment of IS. Provide three reasons to support your position. Examine how firms can use social IT in alignment with organizational strategy and IS strategy. Consider collaborative capabilities; and what, how, and who should use social IT for a social business strategy. Use at three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources

Compares and contrasts the business of methamphetamine analogs and marijuana

Organized crime


CRJ333- Organized Crime

Assignment #4

Write a paper that compares and contrasts the business of methamphetamine, analogs, and marijuana. Which business do you think is more effective and efficient? Support your decision.


The paper shall be in APA format, typed in 12 font Times New Roman, and shall not have been turned in previously to any other instructor for any other course or assignment.  Paper length is 2-3 pages not to include the cover page or bibliography.  It is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document. The research paper shall be an individual effort and not a group project.  Since criminal justice is a social science, the writing requirements of the American Psychological Association, otherwise known as the APA, will be in effect for the research paper assignment.


Evaluation Rubric for CRJ333 Assignment #4



(0 – 20 Points)

Development Needed to Proficient

(20-40 Points)


to Exemplary

(40 – 50 Points)

Points Earned

(50 Pts.)

APA Format, Font size, etc.

Does not follow formatting or required font size or in Times New Roman.

(Points 0-2)

Follows basic formatting. May not cite sources properly in text or Bibliography not correct.

(Points 2 – 4)

Follows the APA formatting including sources in text.

(Points 4 – 5)

Length of Paper

Does not meet the minimum requirements.

(Points 0 – 2)

Meets the minimum requirements.

(Points 2 – 4)

Exceeds the minimum requirements.

(Points 4 – 5)

Adjusted Safe Assign

Over 20 % of paper

(Points 0 – 2)

11 – 20 % of paper

(Points 2 – 4)

0 – 10 % of paper

(Points 4– 5)

Compare and contrast

Did not or barely covered required area.

(Points 0 – 4)

Partial covered required area

(Points 4 – 8)

Completely covered required area

(Points 8 – 10)

Pick business and support your decision

Does not or barely supports decision.

(Points 0 – 10)

Partially supports decision.

 (Points 10 – 20)

Completely supports decision.

(Points 20 – 25)


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Entrepreneurship -Journal Entry

The goal of the journal entry assessment is to record your thoughts about how the material could relate to you and/or a business in which you are associated. You MUST use Graham Gibbs’ six steps to aid your reflection. See below for the journal entry. You must use references when you refer to a model or theory, but not when referring to your own thoughts or opinions, which should constitute the majority of the writing. You can use personal pronouns, such as ‘I’, or ‘me’, which are not typically used in academic writing.

Task (aligned to Graham Gibbs’ six Steps) DESCRIBE an event or situation where you had an opportunity to develop your creativity. (When you are describing the situation, provide a brief description of the organisation and your role within the organisation.) You can even highlight a situation you have witnessed. EXPLAIN your feelings towards the situation. What did you feel about the situation? E.g. stressed, happy, excited. EVALUATION – What were the barriers you encountered? ANALYSIS – How did you overcome them? Briefly review the seven different areas for challenging your creativity (see below) and select one or two creative arenas to discuss how they have helped you. CONCLUSION – What have you learned from the experience? ACTION – What changes would you make if you encounter a similar situation in future?

Entrepreneurial venture setup

Using an entrepreneurial venture you wish to start (please use the following website to inspire this paper, discuss the innovation process you would implement, future business opportunities for this new venture, and prospective strategies to move the business from a new venture development stage to the growth stage. In your answer, ensure you consider the role of government in facilitating innovation. Please ensure you cover the following elements in your assignment: 1.In your introduction, give a brief overview of the new venture (profit or not-for profit): a. industry b. products, services, idea or experiences c. target market. 2. Evaluate the innovation process used to identify the business opportunity. 3. Assess the benefits and challenges in implementing the new business opportunity. (This would be the early stage of the life cycle.) 4. Suggest strategies you will implement to move the business from the new venture development to the growth stage. 5. Evaluate various support systems provided by the government to facilitate entrepreneurial activities. Recommend various forms of assistance required from the government to foster your businesses.

Social listening to predict stock movements in popular and closely followed stocks in the US equities market

We are investigating if social listening and sentiment analysis can help predict stock movements. We have focused on the top 100 most ‘popular’ stocks to ensure an adequate base for the social listening. You can see the definition of what we deem ‘popular’ here. We exclude indices and ETFs: You will be provided with data sets with stock information (adjusted close, intraday high + low, and volume), and with social listening data sets pertaining to the stocks (mentions, net sentiment, positive sentiment and negative sentiment).

Tools to extract data that were used were Thomson Reuters Datastream for stock data and Talkwalker for social listening. You are tasked with analyzing the data using relevant statistical models and analyses. If you find other tests that are more appropriate, then please go ahead: 1: Descriptions of measurements and tests (OLS?, VAR?, LSTM RNN?) 2: Data selection 3: Data analysis and some econometric considerations (Descriptive statistics, Autocorrelation, Heteroscedasticity, Multicollinearity, Outliers, Sample selection bias?, OLS?, Stationarity / Dickey-Fuller, VAR?, AIC (Akaike Information Criterion), BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion), LSTM RNN?, Predicting power of the model) 4: Conclusion and suggestions for further research

Global Media in Context


Choose an aspect of global media studies and communication that you would like to investigate in more depth, and then choose a case study subject (for example, an organization, a product, an event, a policy) that you can use as illustration for, and in support of, your discussion. In discussing the aspect of global media studies and communication that you have chosen, adopt a critical perspective that takes into account core course concepts. Your paper should reflect the approach outlined in your research proposal, and should provide a clear thesis about the central issues, concepts, and arguments in the readings. use source materials in substantive ways to challenge or support your ideas, or those of other writers; to establish patterns in various themes and claims that arise in your research; and to provide enough background information for clarity. Remember, paraphrases of original material are preferable to long passages of copy-and-pasted quotations, although carefully chosen passages may of course be quoted, as long as they are fully referenced. challenge or support your source material. apply issues and concepts from your sources relevant to your case study in such a way as to demonstrate your understanding of your research and of our course materials, and of their relevance to global communication on both international and local levels. First, provide an annotated bibliography Topic Statement: What will you research? Position and Thesis Statement: What argument will you present and support through your research? This may evolve in the process of your research and writing, but you should be familiar enough with your topic and research resources to be able to identify a central direction and plausible position on the topic. Case Study: What particular organization, product, event, policy, or other aspect of global communication will you present as illustration for, and in support of, your discussion? Annotated Bibliography: Provide a list of a minimum of eight scholarly or news sources that you plan to use as reference materials. For three to four of them, write a short paragraph of about 100 words describing the source, its relevance to your paper, and how you will use it. (For example: In a summary of literature? In support of a central argument? To explore contradictions in your main area of research?)

Organizational Development OD

Organizational Development (OD) is a method organizations use to manage change. OD implements change in an organization by using the action research (AR) model to identify a problem, plan change, implement interventions, and evaluate the success of the change process. Two key tenets of the AR model are: Involve those doing the work (e.g., employees, stakeholders) in the change planning, implementation, and review. Create a cyclical OD process whereby results from one cycle (i.e., evaluation) becomes part of the input for the next cycle (i.e., identify problem) To begin this week’s section of the final project, briefly review your chosen organization ( BANK OF AMERICA/FINANCE) Presume that the reader does not know the identity of your organization or what you have evaluated thus far. What is the essential information the reader should know? This section of your paper should be a very brief summary, likely no more than three or four sentences. Be sure to provide an appropriate APA introduction to your paper. Next, describe one or two recent change events that have occurred in your subject organization. What was the planned change? How well did the change effort work? Using research in organizational and leadership literature, evaluate the change event. What mistakes were made? What key lessons can you summarize from your evaluation of the past event? Next, research the literature on change leadership. Defend a change leadership action plan that your organization should implement to create positive change outcomes and reduce or virtually eliminate resistance to change. Be sure to support your plan with research. Next, assess strategic steps to leverage insights from the employees at different levels of the organization in every stage of the change process. Be sure to support your strategic steps with research. Finally, justify how your proposed change process for the organization aligns to the organizational values.