Net Present Value NPV and Adjusted Present Value APV

Net Present Value (NPV) and Adjusted Present Value (APV)

The capital budgeting decision techniques discussed so far all have strengths and weaknesses; however, they do comprise the most popular rules for valuing projects. On the other hand, valuing an entire business requires that some adjustments be made to various pieces of these methodologies. As an example, in valuing a business, one frequently used alternative to Net Present Value (NPV) is called Adjusted Present Value (APV). Research other popular business valuation models. In 600 minimum -750 maximum content words (title page, abstract, and references not included in count), respond to the following: Define APV. How does it differ from NPV? Identify and discuss at least two other business valuation models that are popular. Use the template provided. Follow APA format, including a title page, introduction, conclusion, citations, and 6 references (two should be peer-reviewed references). See the attached PPT file. Turnitin report of no more than 20% similarity index is required.

Search Engine Optimization and Marketing

use an appropriate chapter / subchapter structure

– screenshots are not necessary but can be included as an appendix (not counted in the page length) What have you learnt in these 2 days?

– The most interesting thing in SEO+SEM? – The most surprising thing in SEO+SEM?

– The most challenging thing in SEO+SEM? • Will you think more now about HOW you search online? – How do you formulate your search

– Where do you look in the results and why you click on one result and not another

– When do you look at the paid ads and why you would click on an ad instead of the organic results • Do you think online search will change in the next years? How will businesses need to adapt their marketing to this?

Creating an eCommerce Business Part 2 (VENOM) – “Feasibility Analysis

Feasibility Analysis Due Week 6 and worth 135 points “A feasibility analysis is a chance to open your eyes, ask yourself some very tough questions, then check to see whether your idea, as originally conceived, needs to be modified, refocused, or changed dramatically. (Or perhaps even scrapped altogether.)” (Abrams, as cited in Scarborough & Cornwall, 2015, p. 237). With this assignment, you will be addressing the fundamental question: Does this business have profit potential? Referring to the same business you either started or purchased in the first assignment, write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Conduct a feasibility analysis in which you research: Industry and Market Feasibility Product or Service Feasibility Financial Feasibility Entrepreneurial Readiness Based on your assessment, does the business idea need to be modified, changed significantly, or abandoned? (Note: If you abandon the business idea, then you will need to select and analyze a new business that has profit potential.) Include at least two (2) references outside the textbook. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format may be different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details (more information and an example is included in the Strayer Writing Standards left menu link). Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Describe and analyze the necessary activities and key decisions to start a small business. Use technology and information resources to research issues in small business management. Write clearly and concisely about small business management using proper writing mechanics.

Compare and contrast the characteristics of a strong entrepreneurial leader and a weak or poor entrepreneurial leader


Your assignment this week is to prepare a PowerPoint presentation on one of the two tasks listed below. Here are the two scenarios you may choose from as the theme (subject) of your presentation: You have been asked by your local monthly “Entrepreneur’s Association” to prepare a short presentation that compares and contrasts the characteristics of a strong entrepreneurial leader and a weak or poor entrepreneurial leader. Return to your Reading & Resources section and review the characteristics of strong and weak leaders.

If there is insufficient information in these resources, head out into the Internet and find additional resources. Your boss, the owner of a franchise business, has asked you to do some research on the principles of managing and leading subordinates within the context of an entrepreneurial environment.

You are to prepare a PowerPoint lecture that can be presented to future franchise holders. This lecture should cover what you have learned to be the major skills, tactics, and principles of managing people in an entrepreneurial environment. Instructions: Include (a) a minimum of 15 slides; (b) a minimum of 3 credible resources; (c) a template appropriate to the subject matter; (d) a combination of artwork, photos, and clip art that illustrates the topic on the slide; and (e) include an intro slide, main body slides, a detailed summation slide, and a reference slide.

Electric Vehicle Supply Chain in the United Kingdom


This is the feedback I got from my lecturer ( We have some issues in the draft which creates a disconnect as a whole. These must be fixed to make the work as a whole make sense. In the rationale you state this is a quantitative correlational study. The correlational aspect is clear but no where do you mention the statistics you will analyse and how, in order to qualify the use of quantitative. This must be fixed. You also need to make it more explicit how this topic is relevant to business management. In the LR you mention a hypothesis and again based on statistical analysis. The hypothesis needs to appear under the section where you talk about deductive research and not in the LR. Also as stated before, you provide no detail of the statistics you will use and how? In the methodology, the section discussing research philosophy is repetitive and does not flow. Restructure. You define primary and secondary but do not state that you are doing secondary. Similarly, you define quant, qual and mixed methods but do not state that due to doung secondary research, you will not be using these. You have a good variety of definitions of case studies but again do not clearly describe your approach, especially the use of statistics and how you will prove correlation. What are your data sets? In general, when referencing, 3 or more authors you only mention the first author and then et al.,)

Search Engine Optimization and Marketing

Search Engine Optimization and Marketing

– use an appropriate chapter / subchapter structure – screenshots are not necessary but can be included as an appendix (not counted in the page length) What have you learnt in these 2 days? – The most interesting thing in SEO+SEM? – The most surprising thing in SEO+SEM? – The most challenging thing in SEO+SEM? • Will you think more now about HOW you search online? – How do you formulate your search – Where do you look in the results and why you click on one result and not another – When do you look at the paid ads and why you would click on an ad instead of the organic results • Do you think online search will change in the next years? How will businesses need to adapt their marketing to this?


You are expected to find one articles from the wall street journal that is relevant to the topics covered in class. For each of the articles, prepare a short analysis (roughly 1 page typed) describing the article and analyzing it in light of the material of this course. TOPICS COVERED IN CLASS: 1. Solve complex time value of money problems using a financial calculator and/or spreadsheet (chapters 5 & 6). 2. Solve complex NPV/IRR problems using a financial calculator and/or spreadsheet (Chapters 9 &10). 3. Solve NPV/IRR problems using scenario, sensitivity and simulation analysis (Chapter 11). 4. Explain in your own words the cost of issuing securities and the direct/indirect cost of going public (Chapter 15). 5. Explain, in your own words, how management decisions related to capital structure and dividend policy affect firm value (chapters 16 & 17, respectively). 6. Explain, in your own words, the effects of agency conflicts and information asymmetry 2 on corporate decisions related to obtaining funds and paying out cash (chapters 16 & 17). 7. Analyze financial statement data and ratios and explain the implications for capital structure and firm value (chapter 16 and project). 8. Identify the following as related to short-term financing and planning: operating and cash cycle, the difference types of short-term financial planning and policy. (Chapter 18). 9. Analyze quantitative data related to short-term asset management and describe alternatives for financing the firm’s investment in short-term assets (chapter 18). 10. Identify and explain how firms manage cash and liquidity (Chapter 19). 11. Identify and explain how firms manage receivables and determine their credit policy, and manage inventory (chapter 20). 12. Explain basic futures and forward contracts in their own words and describe corporate risk management techniques;(chapter 23) 13. Demonstrate understanding of basic option structure and pricing. (chapter 24) 14. Identify option-like aspects of corporate securities and projects (chapter 24). 15. Analyze types of mergers and acquisitions (Chapter 26).

Issues in Financial Stability


Please follow the instructions in the file You are required to produce and submit a written report (max. 3,000 words). In your assignment you need to discuss critically these two questions: 1. Discuss the effects of low interest rates on financial on banks’ performance and financial stability. 2. Analyse the competitive threat of BigTech and Fintech companies for banking intermediaries and the implications for financial stability Each of two questions should get between 1,000 (min) and 2,000 words (max). Overall assignment length: max. 3,000 words. Word limit: 3,000 words +/- 10%. This limit includes any footnotes and appendices, but excludes the contents page and references. The Word Count must be stated on the cover page of your work. Times New Roman 12 point, 1.5 line spacing

Entrepreneur’s Association

Your assignment this week is to prepare a PowerPoint presentation on one of the two tasks listed below.

Here are the two scenarios you may choose from as the theme (subject) of your presentation: You have been asked by your local monthly “Entrepreneur’s Association” to prepare a short presentation that compares and contrasts the characteristics of a strong entrepreneurial leader and a weak or poor entrepreneurial leader. Return to your Reading & Resources section and review the characteristics of strong and weak leaders.

If there is insufficient information in these resources, head out into the Internet and find additional resources. Your boss, the owner of a franchise business, has asked you to do some research on the principles of managing and leading subordinates within the context of an entrepreneurial environment.

You are to prepare a PowerPoint lecture that can be presented to future franchise holders. This lecture should cover what you have learned to be the major skills, tactics, and principles of managing people in an entrepreneurial environment. Instructions: Include (a) a minimum of 15 slides; (b) a minimum of 3 credible resources; (c) a template appropriate to the subject matter; (d) a combination of artwork, photos, and clip art that illustrates the topic on the slide; and (e) include an intro slide, main body slides, a detailed summation slide, and a reference slide.

Real Estate Licensure process Alabama

Write a 4 to 6 page paper (not including title page or reference page) in APA Format. The state you need to research for is Alabama. Your paper must be written in 12 Point Arial or Times New Roman font. Note: The purpose of this assignment is to research the Real Estate Licensure process in your state or the state you wish to conduct business. Also, you will utilize the Checklist for evaluating a Real Estate Firm on page 26 of your textbook to assist you in selecting a potential Real Estate Agency to work with in the future. Additional Assignment Instructions: First, research your State’s Real Estate Commission web-site. Locate and explore the following areas and other areas of the website. For example Forms and Applications, Finding a Real Estate Company, Approved Real Estate Schools for Licensing, How to Obtain a License, Finding an Instructor, etc. Take some time to read through the various sections of the website. Next, turn to page 26 of your textbook. Read the Checklist for evaluating a Real Estate Firm. Consider what portions of this checklist are important to you as a Real Estate Agent. In your paper address the following: 1. Explain what information is most relevant on your State’s Real Estate Commission website and how this information will be useful in the future to obtain your Real Estate License. 2. Using the Checklist for evaluating a Real Estate Firm on page 26 of your textbook, explain the portions of the checklist that are important to you in your career as a Real Estate Agent. Also, explain the process of selecting a Real Estate Brokerage or Agency in which to work. Three references are required. Two must be from the APUS Library. Of course, you may use your text as a reference, as well as other sources if they are valid sources. Wikipedia is NOT a valid source for an Academic paper and must not be used for this Assignment. ATTACHED PG.26 OF THE TEXT BOOK. THIS IS THE REFERENCE FOR THE TEXT BOOK: Edwards, K. W. (2006). Your successful real estate career. Retrieved from