Legal policies governing workplace

Legal policies governing workplace

UNIT III Topic Legal policies governing workplace Readings & Review of Materials Read in Handouts section: Diversity Management Practices, do they make a difference? Examining consequences of their adoption in local government (Hur & Strickland, 2014) Assignments Assessment:Opinion piece on how your center/school does with being diverse. How can you make it better?

Write a  paper about what issues are present and what you can do to improve the environment/culture of your building. Upload paper to the assignment tab. Discussion board/Collaboration- Forum Discuss current legal issues dealing with policies in the workplace Assessment: University Outcomes: 1, 2, & 4 (submitted paper 30 points)

What are some legal reasons for conducting job analyses

In this unit, you learned about conducting job analyses. For this assignment,you will apply what you have learned to your current position. If you are not currently employed, you may use a past position. Review your current (or past)job description and conduct a brief job analysis of your current (or past) job.Based on knowledge gained and information covered in this unit and in Chapter 4, compose a written proposal addressed to the management of the company that answers the following questions:

◾ What is a job analysis? Be sure to include the various types of methods and the steps to complete the process. ◾ What are some legal reasons for conducting job analyses? ◾ Does your job description align with actual job duties performed daily? ◾ What are five strong areas and five areas that need improvement within the position? ◾ What recommendations would you make to change or improve the job and job description? Your assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length. References are notrequired for this assignment, but if any references are used, they should becited and referenced in APA format.

Organizational Ethical Dilemmas

Description Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the articles The 5 Biggest Corporate Scandals of 2016 (Links to an external site.) and The 10 Biggest Business Scandals of 2017 (Links to an external site.). You will be writing an eight- to 9-page paper (not including title or reference pages) focused on current events that applies topics covered in this course related to recognized uses and uses you can envision. The articles this week focus on business or corporate scandals. Choose one business or corporate scandal from either The 10 Biggest Business Scandals of 2017 (Links to an external site.) or The 5 Biggest Corporate Scandals of 2016 (Links to an external site.) to research and review. In your paper, 1)Explain whether the organization acted socially and ethically responsible regarding the incident. 2)Describe what the organization should or could have done differently. 3)Describe who or what was responsible for the incident. 4)Explain the best way to ensure that such incidents do not recur, if possible. 5)Recommend the best way for society, and stakeholders, to prevent future incidents of this type. The Final Case Analysis: Organizational Ethical Dilemmas Final Paper Must be eight to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must utilize academic voice. Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper. Must critically address the paper topic. That is, positively or negatively respond to the content and then defend your position. If multiple positions are present and are being rejected, you must also defend rejecting them. Must use at least four scholarly sources in addition to the course text. Must document any information used from sources in APA style Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style a

Analysis of the Unilever and MTN cases from Everybody’s Business using the principles of Nozick and the principles in Natural Capitalism

Do an analysis of the Unilever and MTN cases from Everybody’s Business using the principles of Nozick (which is Libertarianism) and the principles in Natural Capitalism. All of these texts have a positive view on how business, in particular big business can improve the developing world. This is in some degree of contrast with our principles from last week and they will be in direct contrast with what we will be studying next week. This assignment is a lesson in seeing the world from different perspectives. You will do a concise introduction and conclusion. For the body of the text, please be sure that you do not summarize the Unilever and MTN cases for me in 2 pages. I have read them. What I would like is analysis. Where would Nozick see his principles in action? Hawken uses many examples as well in his claims of Natural Capitalism, would his case and Miller’s case have commonality and is there a principle in this? How? There is a lot of material here so you have some degree of flexibility in your answers. Just make sure you define and apply the necessary Libertarian principles.

HR Challenge: Choosing a Performance Appraisal System

HR Challenge: Choosing a Performance Appraisal System


Paper details:

Scenario You are a newly hired HR professional in a medium-size company, which is a video gaming company that is globally recognized as a leader and groundbreaking competitor. It is a young firm that has grown quickly, from one having no HR staff to having five HR professionals supporting over 700 employees and a performance appraisal system that has been in place for several years. The management team is not all that comfortable with any system of appraisal but has accepted that one is required. The organization currently has a healthy employee engagement program. Part of the program is a yearly organizational satisfaction survey that over time has provided employee input about what they perceive as a lack of performance appraisal effectiveness. Employees feel the current performance appraisal system is not capable of identifying struggling and failing employees. At the same time, it is also described as not having the capacity to recognize the best performers in the organization. That is, there is a stated desire from employees for a performance appraisal system that can better differentiate performance outcomes. The current performance appraisal system is similar to the traditional academic evaluation system with five levels of performance: superior, outstanding, contributing substantively, developing, and needing improvement. The leadership in the organization insists that a new three-level (superior, contributing substantively, and needing improvement) will favorably respond to the employees’ viewpoint. This new appraisal system that tracks the assignment of each level by employee would limit how many high threes would be given every year, thus most people in the organization would fall into the category of contributing substantively. Your Challenge As an HR professional in the organization, you desire the best outcome for your organization and its employees, and are not sure if this three-level system would be best. Your challenge is to select the best course of action among the following options and recommend that action to the leadership team. You can recommend 1) they retain the current five-level performance appraisal system, 2) they adopt the three-level system with forced-distribution preferred by the leadership team (superior, contributing substantively, and needing improvement), or 3) an alternative. Assignment Instructions Prepare a 2–3-page plan that states your recommended course of action. Along with your recommendation, include the following: An analysis of how your proposed solution contributes to organizational goals and strategies. A description of the legal factors you considered in making your decision. A brief explanation of the role you will take to influence the eventual outcome. Consider aspects of leadership, negotiation, and consultation. A discussion of the two SHRM behavioral competencies you think are most directly applicable to a successful resolution of this challenge, and why

Case Study on Cumberland Industries: Pricing & Promotion Strategy Development

What is the market potential for this product (give a quantitative estimate)? What is your recommended price for the curled metal pads? Explain your introductory pricing strategy; support your figures. This is the key element of this assignment. Identify the market segments for this product. What primary promotional strategies would you recommend? What strategic relationships and/or partnerships might you enlist to “sell or promote” the product? Of these, who are likely to help you and why? If using a promotion that changes the price, explain how this will affect cost, pricing, and positioning or other marketing mix item. Your paper should meet the following requirements: Keep in mind that the course supplement readings are not peer reviewed and therefore not scholarly sources. HBR and peer reviewed journal articles are scholarly. Be six to seven pages long and conform to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.). Include at least three peer-reviewed references in addition to the course materials. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references. Include your calculations for determining you market size and suggested product price in an appendix at the end of your paper; this appendix does not count toward the page requirement.

Sharing Your Strategic Plan

In each of the previous weeks in this course, you have included content or assigned been components of the Strategic Business Plan for your organization (your practicum site). Use this information to create your Strategic Business Plan of 8–10 pages (not including the reference page). Be sure that your Strategic Business Plan includes the following components: Mission and Vision Values SWOT Analysis Assessment of the financial position Goals and Objectives Program Strategies

Critically analyse the strategic issues facing a organisation and assess the potential impact of trends upon its strategy

This assignment assesses your ability to critically analyse the strategic issues facing a organisation and assess the potential impact of trends upon its strategy. This task also assesses your ability to critically evaluate the usefulness and relevance of a firm’s internal resources and capabilities in the light of industry developments. Being able to use appropriate analysis to understand the key issues and make decisions relating to strategy is one of the key skills of strategic thinking.

Advance Financial Management Individual Assignment – 20% Assignment Objectives Assume you have recently been recruited to manage an equity fund. Your line manager has allocated you a fund that has a nominal sum of Singapore dollars 100,000,000 and your task is to construct an equity portfolio consisting of no more than 10 stocks using a fundamental approach to stock selection. The stocks must be selected from the FTSE ST ALL Share Index. You are required to prepare a report to your manager for approval which provides the philosophy behind your selection process and explains why customers should invest in your fund. The report is aimed at household investors. General tips: • Although you are free to choose your fundamental-based approach to stock selection, given we have spent some time discussing value strategy, it might be wise to choose a value approach. • Remember the Buffett quote: “No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things take time. You can’t produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant.” Don’t worry that you will not know how they perform over the holding period. Remember, the holding period for value strategies tend to be quite long – longer than the time you have to hand in this assignment. • Another useful Buffett quote: “It is not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results.” In other words, don’t allow yourself to feel swamped by this assignment. The basics of value investing are straightforward. The structure of your report should be as follows: 1) The pitch to the customer (20 marks) This should be a fairly brief and concise account of the philosophy behind the selection process. It should be non-technical (no graphs or tables) and written in such a way that non-specialists can understand. Tips for pitch to the customer: • Remember who your audience is. You should assume they have not received an education in finance. • You should communicate the philosophy underpinning the management of the fund in a way that is accessible to an intelligent non-specialist. For example, is it an active or passive fund? Have the stocks been chosen because of a risk-return profile or because you have a system for identifying mispriced stocks? • Your clients are going to want to know whether this is a high or low risk fund. 2) The intellectual foundations of the selection process (40 marks) In this section, you should provide a more robust justification for your approach. In doing so, you are expected to refer to the theoretical and empirical literature which underpins your approach taking care to reference relevant research in the area. Tips: • It is crucial that you are clear whether your approach is premised on a belief in the EMH or in exploiting deviations from the EMH. • Explain why you adopt your chosen approach citing literature as appropriate. 3) A description of the stock selection process (40 marks) In this section you should provide a clear written description with appropriate equations (use equation editor in Word) to describe your method. Use historical and live market data from 20 May 2019 (Monday) to 8 August 2019 (Thursday). You should progressively do parts of the report as you trade . In addition, you should provide appropriate tables with descriptive statistics, including the risk of the portfolio. Tips: • Provide summary stats for any metrics that you use to guide your stock selection. • Be careful to present information in a clear manner which is easy on the eye. This especially applies to tables and any equations you use. • In preparing tables, think about what information is useful to justify your stock selection. • Try to avoid providing pages and pages of tables and graphs. If you’re wise about how you construct tables, you can present a lot of information in each table. • You are not allowed to use derivatives, such as options or any short selling. • As the fundamental approach is used, you are not allowed to trade in and out of any given stock more than once. Word Limit: 2,000 Your report should: • Be written in a plain style, using subheadings and lists where appropriate. • Be properly referenced acknowledging all the sources you have used, and only the sources you have used, in the body of the text and at the end in a section headed ‘References’. • Include evidence of locating and reading sources beyond the suggested initial reading. Sources of Data The main sources of data are Capital IQ, Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance, and others. References The main references are listed below, but you can easily find other sources in the library. Ackert and Deaves (2010), Behavioural Finance: psychology, decision making and markets, especially pp. 63-65, 219-221 and chapter 19. Bird and Casavecchia (2007) ‘Sentiment and financial health indicators for value and growth stocks: The European experience’, European Journal of Finance, 769-793 Fama & French (1998) ‘Value versus growth: the international evidence’, Journal of Finance, 1975-1999. La Porta, Lakonishok, Shleifer, Vishny (1997) ‘Good news for value stocks: further evidence on market efficiency’, Journal of Finance, 859-874. Lakonishok, Shleifer, Vishny (1994) ‘Contrarian investment, extrapolation and risk’, Journal of Finance, 1541-1578. Piotroski and So (2012) Identifying Expectation Errors in Value/Glamour strategies: A fundamental analysis, Review of Financial Studies Piotroski, J.D. (2000) Value investing: The use of historical financial statement information to separate winners from losers, Journal of Accounting Research, 38, 141 Siegel, J.J (2014) Stocks for the long run, McGrawHill, chapter 12 Submission Requirements • Your final report should be submitted to Turnitin. There is no hardcopy submission to the Assessment centre. • The appendix with a spreadsheet of your trades should not be submitted to Turnitin. • An Online Moodle Assignment submission is required. The filename must be in this format ‘FT12 AFM_UP student number’ for FT students, and PT12 AFM_UP student number’ for PT students. • An assignment dropbox will be setup on the unit Moodle site for this. • Your online submission must be in a single WORD document, and to contain the cover page with your UoP student number, declaration, similarity index page, the report and appendices.

HR Challenge: Hire From Within or Outside

HR Challenge: Hire From Within or Outside?


Paper details:

Scenario You are a newly hired HR professional in a small private sector company that provides a broad spectrum of products for the cruise ship industry. The company repackages standard personal grooming products, perfumes, and lotions into smaller gift packages appropriate for customer appreciation gifts.

There are 300 employees in the firm and the organization has a history of a stable workforce with very limited turnover. Recently, the company gain

ed over 200 employees and there are a number of supervisory and managerial positions that need to be filled. The CEO has asked you to work with him to fill positions based on an organizational structure he has just created. He has indicated his preference for external candidates and feels no need to take any actions to notify or communicate the plans to the company’s existing employees. New supervisors and managers are needed in sales (one), marketing (one), operations (two), and security (one). Each of these areas has seasoned employees eager to compete for jobs though some may not be as qualified as external candidates. Currently, the company’s workforce is not representative of the demographic makeup of the surrounding community and there is a concern that because of this disparate impact the company may be at legal risk. Your Challenge You are now in a situation with a tough call to make. As the responsible HR professional, you must consider and decide which course of action will provide the greatest benefit for the company and its employees, and how to make a persuasive argument for your recommendation. Your options are to hire all of the needed new supervisors and managers from outside the organization, promote all from within the organization, or fill the positions from both within and outside the company. Assignment Instructions Prepare a 2–3-page plan that states your recommended course of action. Along with your recommendation, include the following: An analysis of how your proposed solution contributes to organizational goals and strategies. A description of the legal factors you considered in making your decision. A brief explanation of the role you will take to influence the eventual outcome. Consider aspects of leadership, negotiation, and consultation. A discussion of the two SHRM behavioral competencies you think are most directly applicable to a successful resolution of this challenge, and why.