Analyze an annual financial report called a 10K for a U.S. public company
Paper details:
In this assignment, you are asked to analyze an annual financial report (called a 10K for a U.S. public company), which might be one of the following: Publically traded company (e.g., Pearson Annual Report) [Recommended database is company website; or Edgar (Links to an external site.)] Charter school company [via Google search] Non-profit organization [Recommended database is GuideStar (Links to an external site.)] Identify and discuss the following in a 2- to 3-page paper: Part A: The Income Statement What it the name of the organization and source (URL) for the annual report? What are the major sources of income for the organization? What is the breakdown of each source of revenue as a percentage of total income? What are the costs? Part B: The Balance Sheet How much does the company have in cash and short-term investments? Look at the cash against current liabilities? What are the current liabilities? Does the company have enough cash to pay off its short-term debt (current liabilities)? What is the company’s working capital? (Hint: you have to calculate this. Refer back to Module 1 Learning Object for help.) What is the company’s current ratio? What does this mean? What is the company’s debt-to-equity ratio? What does this mean?
The determinants of non-performing loan in Chinese commercial banks
Analyze the empirical results & discuss the reasons and influence (can link with the regulatory changes or the China’s “new normal” economy in 2013) briefly introduce the models used in the test and explain the reason for using this model only mention the remarkable data, but not list out all the results mainly focused on the bank-specific variables, the macroeconomic variables are used for comparison the results of Eviews will be provided later
Update the SAW for the additional functional area you selected by completing Section 2: Purpose Statement and Section 3: Performance Standards. In the Section 2: Purpose Statement table, provide thoughtful answers to the four questions to arrive at your purpose statement for each functional area.
Explain how the purpose statement will help produce effective results. In the Section 3: Performance Standards table, identify at least three strategically aligned performance standards that will be used to measure the performance of the functional area team. Provide a rationale for each identified performance standard and explain how managers can support the team through measuring performance and taking corrective action.rite one 2–3 page summary analysis on the sections you just completed for your SAWs. In your analysis, address the following questions: For each SAW, explain how the purpose statement for that functional area addresses the people leadership aspects of management by promoting trust, motivating employees, and supporting collaboration. Assess potential management challenges associated with the purpose statement.
For each SAW, explain how the performance standards reflect strategic alignment with the organization, through support of the other sections of the SAW (the goals and activities and purpose statement) and your revised organizational charts. Indicate the research you used to support your work. Describe the current or past experience (if any) you used as the basis for this activity.
Paper details:
In this assessment you are required to choose an organisation in 5*hotel or KFC, analyse the current environmental factors (internal and external) that might trigger a (some) change(s). Throughout this analysis, you need to apply theories of Organisational Development and Change Management (ODC) to better lead a successful change and to propose recommendations for the change. These theories include mix of organisational science and behavioural knowledge. The purpose of this assignment is for you to reflect on how you can understand change management theories and research and effectively apply that understanding to improve change management in practice. You must follow this Case-study Structure: Executive summary (not counted as the content) Table of content 1.0 Introduction1.1. introduction and background to the company, brief introduction to the internal and external environment and the proposed change 1.2. aims and scope of the study Body paragraphs 2.0 In-depth analysis 2.1. Organisation’s environment (internal and external) 2.2. Current and future state (how the environmental factors trigger a (some) change(s)) 3.0 Implementing the change 3.1. Determine a model (or a combination of models) of planned change 3.2. Determine the possible sources of resistance 4.0 Recommendations (interventions to manage resistance and smooth the change) 4.1 Recommendations for managers 4.2 Recommendations for employees 4.3 Recommendations for similar companies 5.0 Conclusion
About the Research There has been a long-standing debate regarding the purpose of business, and the commanding perspective has been that the purpose of business is to maximise profits and shareholder value. This perspective is being challenged by the emergence of organisations with dual motives of pursuing social purpose and economic success, such as social enterprises and B Corps. There are a number of emerging business models that have a strong commitment to social and/or environmental purposes, whilst running profitable businesses. These are hybrid businesses that converge for-profit and not-for-profit values, beliefs, and practices while employing market mechanisms to address social and environmental issues. This emerging arena is garnering increasing support from a wide range of advisers, institutions, and investors. This study refers to this arena as the Purposeful Business Ecosystem (PBE), and the businesses that operate in this space are referred to as Purpose Driven Enterprises (PDEs). This study provides insights into a little- researched area to advance knowledge of how two different types of PDEs address their social and environmental challenges and implement their purpose-driven business models. The aim of this study is to undertake a comparative analysis of two PDEs – B Corps and Social Enterprises – in Australia to understand the similarities and differences between them, and how they implement a dual purpose. I am conducting interviews with representatives of B Corps and Social Enterprises in Australia to understand their contribution to the PBE and their motivations to pursue a dual purpose in business. Research question: “What are the key similarities and differences between social enterprises and B Corps that operate within the purposeful business ecosystem in Australia?” Sub-questions: SQ 1: What are the practices and drivers of purpose-driven enterprises, focusing primarily on B Corps and Social Enterprises? SQ 2: What are the key challenges faced by B Corps and Social Enterprises? SQ 3: What is their role and contribution to the emerging purposeful business ecosystem? SQ 4: How are they attempting to influence traditional business practice? General Instructions – All information regarding the research has been shared. Please ensure it is kept confidential. – A rough outline can be found by having a look at the Presentation file (Title: Thesis Final Presentation) – I have included some Example Thesis files for reference. I have also added two text files with all the references used so far.
Chapter Instructions: – I have uploaded a copy of the literature review and the findings chapters to provide a clear context. You may use references from the literature review or even add to it – If you can create a strong story to set the tone, that will phenomenal. – You can take parts from the “About this Research” section above – Please include the research questions and sub-questions in the introduction chapter – You don’t have to write about the methodology and the chapter wise guide – I will add that since I’ll be revising the other chapters while you progress on this chapter. Please let me know if you need any additional papers, information, or have any questions. The time deadline must be met because naturally, it is quite last minute. Therefore I’ve requested it to be completed in 18 hours
Evaluate the historical relationship between unemployment and inflation. (hint: You may start from A.W. Phillips’s finding of the relationship between unemployment and inflation.) Distinguish between the short-run and the long-run in a macroeconomic analysis. Why is the relationship between unemployment and inflation different in the short-run and the long-run? Assess the recent 20-year U.S. unemployment and inflation data. Do the current U.S. unemployment and inflation data confirm the short-run Phillips curve? Analyze why the recent 20-year U.S. unemployment and inflation data approves or disproves the short-run Phillips curve. Evaluate whether the Phillips curve can still validly resolve today’s issue of unemployment and inflation and forecast unemployment and inflation. Why or why not? Recommend any policy, method, or opinions for the current U.S. unemployment and inflation as a policy maker for either fiscal policy or monetary policy (or both).
Evaluate accounting-related legal and ethical business implications.
Scenario During your weekly meeting, the Director of Accounting has shared with you the topics discussed at a recent Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) meeting. Of particular interest was the agenda item about how some companies have gotten in regulatory trouble with the SEC over their revenue and expense recognition practices. While you both are confident that there are no issues relating to this at your company, you both decided that you wanted to learn more about these cases. The Director of Accounting wants you to research two such cases and write a summary report to present at the next Accounting Department meeting.
The director believes that understanding what has happened to other companies in this area of accounting can help prevent issues in your company. The Director provides you with the SEC website that they have used in the past to do article searches: Instructions
You are asked to select two recent SEC actions against companies (not individuals) that relate to revenue and expense recognition and Prepare a Word document that: summarizes reasons for the SEC actions. identifies the SEC issues related to accounting data and/or operations and the remedial actions assigned and/or penalties given to the company. critiques the remedial actions/penalties. Gives an opinion as to whether you believe they will be effective in preventing future violations by the co
Complete the discussion questions
Discussion Questions:
1. How do shared leadership, relational leadership, and complexity theories increase our understanding of leadership in organizations?
2. Why is a “glass ceiling” for underrepresented groups” (e.g., women and minorities), and what can be done about the problem?
Assignment Content: Imagine that you manage a department in a health care organization of your choosing (Oncology unit). The organization recently merged with another, layoffs occurred, and departments are now being consolidated. Your department now has employees whose ages span four generations, three different cultural groups are represented, and conflict is brewing between them. The conflict is affecting performance, shift scheduling, and cooperation with other departments. A-Write 1000 words a directive to address these conflicts. Do the following in your directive: 1 -Assess the situation that your department is facing. 2-Create clear and reasonable expectations and goals to achieve cohesion, cooperation, and communication in your department. 3- Lay out a strategy to overcome these conflicts and improve workplace performance. 4- Explain how success will be measured based on your strategy and goals. 5- Consider using tables, matrices, or other visuals. 6- Evaluate what leadership traits you need to incorporate in order to lead your diverse department. B- THEN summarize the key points by Creating a 10-minute, 5- to 9-slide voice-over presentation using PowerPoint® that presents your directive to the human resources manager and chief operating manager.
Lululemon’s marketing plan- individual paper. (Read the template, follow it but don’t be too broad. Should be as specific as possible. )
This is strategic marketing course. This individual paper should discuss how our group did for completing the Lululemon project. I will tell you what we did. 1.First we have business plan 2. second we Analyze the criteria follow by the following requirement: Criteria 1: Determine most important & least number of causes sufficient to account for the principal effects outlined in the problem statement. Hint: start with end in mind by determining outcome that will define success Criteria 2: Craft a Decision /Evaluation Recommendation that uses the key evidence presented. Be prepared to defend the projected outcomes with the up-side and down-side analyses & how to sustain and mitigate both. Criteria 3: A “Cost-of-Doing-Nothing” Analysis using a “Run-Rate” & Pro-forma Income Statements are both required at a minimum. This is what your ‘Board of Directors’ would want to see. 3. we then analyze the financial part of Lululemon. I will give you sample, so you know how we gonna do for the financial part. We follow exactly the sample does to analyze lululemon 4.then we did analysis as follow: 1) we first have Vison Statement & Mission Statement 2) then we did Evaluate external factors and do the following analysis for the company : 1.PESTEL Analysis; 2.Five-forces Analysis; 3.Value net of Lululemon; 4.Driving forces analysis; 5.Strategic Group Analysis; 6.Competitor Analysis; 7.Key success factors; 5. Also we Evaluate the company resources, capabilities and competitiveness, so we did the following analysis: 8.VRINO analysis; 9.SWOT; 10.Value chain analysis; 11.benchmarking analysis; 12.competitive strength assessment; 6. Also, we come up new strategies that our company can adopt to expand the market. And we analyze how we achieve that, analyze the positive and negative aspects when apply these new strategies.
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