What leadership traits would you need to draw on in order to make the organization successful

You are hired to be the CEO of a mid-size organization (100 employees). The Board of Directors terminated the contract with the previous CEO for not achieving established goals. As a leader you are facing low employee morale,senior management who are resistant to change, a deficit budget, and the potential loss of the largest contract if the organization does not achieve its goal this year. 1. What steps would you take to as the leader to create and communicate a vision and objectives for the organization? 2. How would you overcome the low morale and resistance to change during the strategic planning process? 3. How would you manage the internal & external politics to achieve your goals? 4. What leadership traits would you need to draw on in order to make the organization successful?

Describe divisional organisational structure and critically analyse the advantages and disadvantages of divisionalisation

ACFI2208 UNIT TWO 2017/2018: ASSESSMENT TWO (25% of total module grade) The assignment is to be completed in groups of 2 or 3. Larger groups will not be permitted. The assignment brief and submission guidelines are detailed below. ASSIGNMENT BRIEF ANSWER ALL PARTS A AND B AND C PART A Describe divisional organisational structure and critically analyse the advantages and disadvantages of divisionalisation (use academic papers). Bounce Ltd. is a leading manufacturer and retailer of one type of product, ProdX. It has divided its operations into three divisions, i.e.: – Division A: supply rubber – Division B: compound rubber with chemicals to produce finished rubber – Division C: produce ProdX Division B has offered to buy 65,000 meters of rubber per annum from Division A at a price of £45 per meter. Although the total capacity of the Division A is 135,000 meters per annum, its normal production levels are 118,000 meters per annum. The production costs per meter (under normal production of 118,000 meter) of rubber are as follows: Direct material £17 Direct Labour £13 Variable Overheads £6 Fixed Overheads (i.e. Total Fixed Overheads/118,000) £17 Total £53 Division A has been selling its finished product, i.e. rubber, to outside buyers at £62 per meter. Division B has been buying rubber from outside suppliers at £59 per meter. Required: a) Presuming each divisional manager aims to optimise their division’s financial performance; discuss, with reason(s), whether the manager of Division A will accept a purchase offer of £45 per meter. Calculate the financial implication of accepting or rejecting the offer on Division A. (8 marks) b) Will the internal transfer result in a financial gain or loss for the company? Explain the reason(s) behind this gain or loss.

Calculate the financial implication of the internal transfer on Bounce Ltd. (8 marks) For parts a) and b) please use numerical evidence to justify your answer. c) If Division A has excess capacity show, with reasons, the maximum transfer price Division B would be willing to pay and the minimum transfer price Division A would be willing to accept. (8 marks) d) If Division A loses its excess capacity, will Bounce Ltd. benefit from future internal transfers? (4 marks) 3. Division C of Bounce Ltd. currently purchases a fixed quantity of finished rubber from Division B at a price of £76 per meter. The manager of Division B is considering the prospects of raising the prices of finished rubber from £76 per meter to £90 per meter; a proposal which is strongly opposed by Division C. Division C is able to purchase finished rubber at £80 per meter in the open market. The cost of production per meter in the Division B is as follows:- Direct Material £47 (Includes £44 paid to Division A + other direct material) Direct Labour £15 Variable Overheads £4 Fixed Overhead per meter £12 Total £78 If Division B stopped supplying rubber to Division C, they will be able to save one-fourth of the Fixed Overheads per meter. Currently Division B does not have any alternative use for it spare capacity. Required: a) Calculate the maximum transfer price Division C would be willing to pay and the minimum transfer price Division B would be willing to accept? (8 marks) b) From the perspective of Bounce Ltd., examine whether Division C should purchase steel from Division B or if it should purchase from the open market? (4 marks) [Part A Total 40 Marks] Part B Bounce Ltd. ProdX is sold through two other divisions i.e. North Division and South Division. These two selling divisions are treated as investment centres. Extracts from their financial statements are as follows: north devision south devision sales revenue £1,350,000 £1,600,000 total variable costs (£320,000) (£400,000) total fixed costs (£680,000) (£670,000) operating profits £350,000 £530,000 fixed assets £820,600 £870,000 inventory £85,300 £110,000 trade receivables £146,800 £260,000 total assets £1,052,700 £1,240,000 Required: Calculate Residual Income (RI) and Return on Investment (ROI) for the North division and South division. Briefly comment on the relative performance of the two divisions using the RI and ROI. Especially if the centre manager has responsibility in debt collection. You may assume the notional rate of interest is 10%. (5 marks) Describe the unique features of Residual Income, Return on Investment, Payback, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return in measuring financial performance. Critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of each measure. Comment on the problems that may be involved in comparing divisional performance. Discuss the approaches that can be used to avoid dysfunctional behaviour which is motivated by accounting-based performance targets. (25 marks)

Effects of Fermented Vegetables on Markers of Inflammation and Composition of the Intestinal Microflora

Effects of Fermented Vegetables on Markers of Inflammation and Composition of the Intestinal Microflora

There is no minimum or maximum number of words or pages. Here is a basic outline of items that need to be included. You may modify as needed as long as all the info is included. I need this double spaced and using AMA reference format please. I. Introduction A. History and ecology of fermented foods/vegetables B. How fermented vegetables are made C. Nutritional composition of fermented vegetables II. Methods A. Search strategy B. Selection of articles C. Data extraction D. Results III. Fermented foods and inflammation A. include and describe different metabolic pathways B. include the effects of feremented foods on inflammation IV. Fermented foods and the microbiome A. include and describe different metabolic pathways B. include the effects of fermented foods on the microbiome V. Limitations VI. Nutritional Implications A. Policy implications B. Dietetics practice and practice guidelines C. Ethical implications D. Future research VII. Conclusion

Explain the return and risk relationship concept in finance


Explain the return and risk relationship concept in finance. Describe a situation whereby a department’s attitude is: Risk Neutral, Risk Adverse, and Risk Seeking. Explain and critically analyse the distinction between Decision tree, Expected value and Maximax, Maximin and Regret criterion can be used for decision-making under conditions of risk and uncertainty. The managing director of Bounce Ltd. has asked you to explain how each method of the above can be applied in decision-making and comment on the strengths and limitations of each method. (25 marks) Presentation – marks will be awarded for producing a professional report (suitable for use in a business situation such as that described above). (5 marks) [Part C Total 30 Marks] Further assignment information SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: WORD LIMIT Your report should be of no more than 1,500 words in length (excluding calculations). This is the maximum limit. Your report should also be appropriately referenced, where applicable, with marks for referencing being included within the professional report marks indicated above. Note that the executive summary, appendices and the list of references are not included in the word count for the report. You must state your word count on your title page. Your report should be word processed & submitted via TURNITIN system and should clearly state the names and student numbers of each member of the group. Failure to submit via TURNITIN will result in a Fail Assignment. Please note that for a group assignment, such as this, only ONE member of the group should submit a copy of the assignment on TURNITIN. Assessment criteria for this assignment are indicated by the mark allocation in the requirements provided above. Assessment Regulations There is no right to repeat a failed element of coursework. There will be penalties imposed for the late submission of coursework without permission which will only be given by Dr Frank Kwabi on the receipt of written evidence and an appropriately completed form (blank forms available from the Business School Office). These penalties are as follows; Up to 5 working days late without permission. Maximum Mark 40% More than 5 working days late without permission: FAIL.

What is Human Resource Development Examine the impact on HRD caused by the changing nature of the workforce the volatile economic environment and the rapid change in the type of jobs being performed today?

Human resources development

You are required to write your assignment in response to the following question:

What is Human Resource Development?

Examine the impact on HRD caused by the changing nature of the workforce, the volatile economic environment and the rapid change in the types of jobs being performed today? How would you justify to senior management that more money needs to be spent on HRD (consider the benefits to organisations, employees and society)?

In responding to the above questions you will need to support your analysis with a minimum of ten references from academic journal articles. Remember that this is a research paper and clear arguments need to be presented. The title page, executive summary, reference page and appendices do not comprise part of the word limit prescribed and can be added on.

The word count should be mentioned on the first page.

This assignment has the following objectives: 1. Investigate the role of human resource development in work settings. 2. Develop theoretical and applied research skills in relation to: a) Locating and summarising information relevant to that topic; b) Presenting balanced arguments regarding the issues discussed; c) Critically analysing current theories, ideas and contributions and; d) Writing and referencing professionally.

3. Synthesise the relevant theory and practice.

Chinese consumer behavior compared to US consumer behavior

hat you have learned about Chinese consumer behavior compared to US consumer behavior.


Paper details:

To structure this paper, you may want to utilize the textbook chapter as topics. For example, Chapter 3 deals with values; how are the values of Chinese consumers similar and different from the values of US consumers. Chapter 4 deals demographics; how are the demographics of Chinese society similar and different from the demographics of US Society?1. You MUST separate your report into sections. A long, rambling paper is not acceptable. You must provide some structure to the paper. As suggested in the syllabus, a good approach would be to use the chapters of the text as your organizational structure, separated into sections. 2. You MUST integrate the material in the text with things we learned in China. This could be things you saw and learned in China that illustrate things in the book, or things in China that seem to contradict what is in the book. The key to the paper is that you thoughtfully integrate the book and your experiences in China.

Analysis of the capital controls as a tool of managing capital flows in the Eurozone countries


Results are attached. I need regression results to examine links between capital controls, introduction of euro and sovereign debt crisis in Greece. Dependent variable is the Net Foreign Asset Position (NFAP). Independent variables are Current Account Balance (D2CA), Fiscal Balance (DFB), Trade Balance (DTB), Real GDP Growth (DRGDP), Gross National Income (D2GNI), Employment Rate (E) and sovereign debt crisis dummy 1 and capital controls dummy 2. DFB, DTB, DRGDP are estimated in 1st order difference and D2CA, D2GNI are estimates in 2nd order difference.

Analyze an annual financial report called a 10K for a U.S. public company

Analyze an annual financial report


Paper details:

In this assignment, you are asked to analyze an annual financial report (called a 10K for a U.S. public company), which might be one of the following: Publically traded company (e.g., Pearson Annual Report) [Recommended database is company website; or Edgar (Links to an external site.)] Charter school company [via Google search] Non-profit organization [Recommended database is GuideStar (Links to an external site.)] Identify and discuss the following in a 2- to 3-page paper: Part A: The Income Statement What it the name of the organization and source (URL) for the annual report? What are the major sources of income for the organization? What is the breakdown of each source of revenue as a percentage of total income? What are the costs? Part B: The Balance Sheet How much does the company have in cash and short-term investments? Look at the cash against current liabilities? What are the current liabilities? Does the company have enough cash to pay off its short-term debt (current liabilities)? What is the company’s working capital? (Hint: you have to calculate this. Refer back to Module 1 Learning Object for help.) What is the company’s current ratio? What does this mean? What is the company’s debt-to-equity ratio? What does this mean?

The determinants of non-performing loan in Chinese commercial banks

The determinants of non-performing loan in Chinese commercial banks

Analyze the empirical results & discuss the reasons and influence (can link with the regulatory changes or the China’s “new normal” economy in 2013) briefly introduce the models used in the test and explain the reason for using this model only mention the remarkable data, but not list out all the results mainly focused on the bank-specific variables, the macroeconomic variables are used for comparison the results of Eviews will be provided later



Update the SAW for the additional functional area you selected by completing Section 2: Purpose Statement and Section 3: Performance Standards. In the Section 2: Purpose Statement table, provide thoughtful answers to the four questions to arrive at your purpose statement for each functional area.

Explain how the purpose statement will help produce effective results. In the Section 3: Performance Standards table, identify at least three strategically aligned performance standards that will be used to measure the performance of the functional area team. Provide a rationale for each identified performance standard and explain how managers can support the team through measuring performance and taking corrective action.rite one 2–3 page summary analysis on the sections you just completed for your SAWs. In your analysis, address the following questions: For each SAW, explain how the purpose statement for that functional area addresses the people leadership aspects of management by promoting trust, motivating employees, and supporting collaboration. Assess potential management challenges associated with the purpose statement.

For each SAW, explain how the performance standards reflect strategic alignment with the organization, through support of the other sections of the SAW (the goals and activities and purpose statement) and your revised organizational charts. Indicate the research you used to support your work. Describe the current or past experience (if any) you used as the basis for this activity.