Sustainable innovation business models and economic development

The document should make a bibliographic analysis on sustainable development requires radical and systemic innovations. These innovations can create and study more effectively by building on the concept of business models. The concepts that provide an analytical tool that allows them to evaluate the interaction between the different aspects they combine to create ecological, economic and social value should be analyzed. The research subtopics will be the following:

Chapter 1. Sustainable production and innovation. Chapter 2. Linking sustainable innovations to business models. Chapter 3. Including the macro level: innovation system, socio-technical systems and transition management. Chapter 4. The link between competitiveness and sustainable innovation at different levels. Chapter 5. Educational innovation, beyond the classroom. Each chapter will have a graph on the subject.

The structure of the document will be as follows: 1. Summary. Briefly explain what the document is about 2. Introduction: you must explain the background and the proposal or justification of what you want to do, in the most concise way possible, indicating the objectives of the investigation and what will be presented in the document 3. Methodology: hierarchizes and groups the selected and reviewed bibliography according to topics to be discussed in the article. You should capture the procedure that was performed during the review analysis. 4. Development and discussion: Analysis of the bibliography, according to the previously structured organization. Proof of the results of different authors and the critical argumentation of each aspect discussed in the article. This documentary investigation must serve as a synthesis, coherent, clear and perfectly argued of what has already been done during previous investigations.

5. Conclusions: the work will end indicating the conclusions reached by the authors of the manuscript, as well as the possible implications and recommendations from which they can be derived. 6. Bibliographic References

Strategic Plan Part 1: Environmental Scan Resource: Strategic Plan

Part 1: Environmental Scan : You will perform an environmental scan for your target company. Choose an organization according to the following: Current employer Most recent or former employer Place of business that you have patronized or have been familiar with over a long period of time. Avoid choosing an organization that is so large that historical data would be difficult to apply. Firms in the Russell 2000® index may fit well, whereas firms in the Dow 30 Industrial index probably do not. The organization can be a start-up that you or a significant other may create in the future. For a start-up, focus on an entrepreneurial idea that is of substantive interest, so this project leaves you with a product you may leverage in the future. Write a 1,050-word minimum environmental analysis in which you include the following: Determine how to create value and sustain competitive advantage using the environmental scanning strategy. Evaluate the company’s external environment. Assess the company’s general environment. Evaluate the organization’s industry operating environment. Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Marketing Value

This assignment has been designed to help you integrate and apply the marketing concepts you have learned up to this point. These concepts provide a foundation on which other course concepts are built. Assessing your comprehension will help ensure that you are on track to successfully complete the course. This assignment is worth 10% of your final grade in the course. 1.1: Marketing Concept (30 marks) Suggested time: 2 to 3 hours Length: Please write your response in essay format and in point form as appropriate and limit your response to 2 pages using 1.5 line-spacing. Final Mark: This assignment is worth 10% of your final mark. Assessment: This part of the assignment will be assessed using the following criteria: The level of detail of the explanation and/or evidence/rationale supporting your conclusions Use of course marketing concepts and terms Consider an organization of interest to you. This might be a church, a club, a service organization, a sports organization, a company that you would like to work for, or simply an organization that you admire or want to understand better. This should not be a company with whom you are currently employed. It would be helpful if the organization you choose has a website that describes it and its products in some detail. Based on your own understanding of this organization, assess the extent to which it follows the philosophy behind the marketing concept and new-era orientation. What specific observations or findings led you to draw your conclusions? (10 points) What type of marketing value does this organization create for customers? What marketing mix (product, price, distribution, and communication) decisions has it made to create this value? (10 points) Describe two ethical and/or social issues that affect this organization. What, if anything, does this organization do to respond to or address these issues? What else could it do to be more socially or ethically responsible? (10 points) 1.2: SWOT Analysis (25 marks) Suggested time: 2.5 hours Length: Please write your response in point form and limit your response to 2 pages using 1.5 line-spacing. Assessment: This part of the assignment will be assessed using the following criteria: Depth (detail) of the SWOT Analysis Insight of marketing mix implications for SWOT Analysis observations Justification for the most important SWOT Analysis observations and implications Read the Marketing in Action Case, “Real Choices at Mega Bloks” in Chapter 2 on pages 83–84 in your textbook. Go to the organization’s website at to learn more about the company. The company is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange as Mega Brands Inc. (MB). You can do a search on the company to gain additional information on the organization. You may also want to read their Blog, or comments posted on Twitter and facebook. Using the SWOT framework described in Chapter 2, do a SWOT Analysis of this company, identifying at least six relevant factors (facts or observations) in the internal environment (indicating which ones are strengths and which ones are weaknesses) and six relevant factors in the external environment (indicating which ones are opportunities and which ones are threats). As you complete your SWOT Analysis, be sure to describe the marketing mix implication of each of the facts or observations you think are important in the internal and external environment. Overall, which four facts or observations do you think are the most important to understand when developing a strategy for the Mega Bloks Company, and why? Your response will be evaluated as follows: SWOT Analysis: internal environment factors and marketing mix implications (10 points; 5 for factors and 5 for implication) SWOT Analysis: external environment factors and marketing mix implications (10 points; 5 for factors and 5 for implication) Four most important internal environment factors and rationale why these are the most important internal environment factors. (5 points) 1.3: Segmentation & Positioning Concepts (40 marks) Suggested time: 3 hours Length: Please write your response in essay format and in point form as appropriate and limit your response to five (5) pages using 1.5 line-spacing. Assessment: This part of the assignment will be assessed using the following criteria: Depth of the justification Depth (detail) of the profiles Clarity of your description and illustration of the positioning Reflect on the automobile industry in your country of residence.

HR Knowledge 6: Compensation Question #2: HR Knowledge 7: Employee Benefits

Question #1: HR Knowledge 6: Compensation Question #2: HR Knowledge 7: Employee Benefits

Question #1: HR Knowledge 6: Compensation Thoroughly review the following video: Based on your review, please respond to the following: As important as compensation is to employees so is how compensation is communicated by the organization. As Chief HR Officer for the company what key ideas would you implement in the company to ensure communication of the compensation plan is effective? Be specific. NOTE: You may not use more than 2 references for your response, Question #2: HR Knowledge 7: Employee Benefits Thoroughly review the following video: Based on your review, please respond to the following: The video shares a discussion specifically on 9 benefits related to voluntary employee benefits. Review the VEB’s and if you could only have 4 of them, which 4 would you select? Be sure to explain why you made those choices.

Social marketing process model

Textbook: Laudon, K. C., & Traver, C. G. (2018). E-commerce 2017: Business, technology, society (13th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. Visit two e-commerce websites of your choice, and apply the social marketing process model (outlined on pp. 431–432) to both. Critically compare and contrast the effectiveness of these sites in terms of the dimensions of the social marketing process. Address the questions below in your paper. How well do these sites acquire fans, generate engagement, amplify responses, create a community, and strengthen their brands? What recommendations can you make for these sites to improve their effectiveness at a global and local level? Your paper must be at least three pages in length; the title and reference pages do not count toward meeting the minimum length requirement. Make sure your essay follows APA format. You must use a minimum of two external sources, which can include the two websites that you choose to review. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Porters Model to the Apple Corporation

Description Prompt: Applying Porter’s model to the Apple Corporation: The Apple corporation is known for its innovation. One of its major contributions to technology in the last 10 years has been the IPod. After reading about Michael Porter’s Five Forces, which of the 5 forces did Apple address through the introduction of the IPod? Please be sure to explain your reason. Requirements: An average of 350-500 words in length with proper punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. Single spaced. Include supportive evidence, such as direct applicable experience and expert sources. (2 sources

Current Events: Information and Technology in the Workplace

Review the attached current event article that is related to the topics of information technology, and/or operations management in general. Then, write a 2 page reflection in which you do the following: 1. Summarize the current event. 2. Reflect upon why or how the selected current event is relevant to this business class and this unit of Managing Information and Technology. Why is it important to share with your peers?

Analyzing Stockholders’ Equity

Description This is a two part assigment for is an essay and second submit an excel file with the ratios for the essay. It is to be done on the company Amazon. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze stockholders’ equity to recommend strategies for generating cash.

Understanding a company’s position as it relates to stockholders and stockholders’ equity is important when considering options and making decisions related to the strategies that should be implemented to generate cash for the company. The chief executive officer (CFO) of the company wants to generate cash for the organization and has tasked you to review the current stockholders’ equity position for the company and use your findings to recommend strategies for generating cash flow.

The CEO has requested you summarize your findings in a memo that is addressed to the CFO, but one that could be shared with other stakeholders. In the Form 10-K for the company you selected in the Topic 1 assignment, review and study the following information related to stocks: Identify the types of stock, such as common or preferred stock, currently issued, and outstanding. Identify the presence of treasury stock and its impact on overall stockholders’ equity. Analyze debt vs. equity.

Using the correct formulas and a separate tab for each analysis, calculate the following ratios using Excel: calculate the return on equity, debt to equity, capital structure leverage, and times interest earned ratios, and use them to identify the total make-up of stockholders’ equity as compared to debt. Using the results of your analysis, write a 500-word memo to the CEO recommending and explaining the pros and cons of issuing new stock, reissuing treasury stock (if applicable), and issuing convertible bonds. Justify your recommendation using the 10-K stock information and ratios along with citing two substantiating academic sources that support your analysis of the stockholders’ equity.

What are the most important strategic risks of listed in the Annual Report and in the Morningstar Analyst Report

Instructions To prepare for this assignment: • Read sections from the 2016 Annual Report, which is available in Weeks 8 and 9 of your online course. The sections to read are: “Risk Factors” (pages 12-30) and “Legal Proceedings” (pages 30-31). • Review a section from the analyst report, also found in your online course: “May the Force be With You: Wide-Moat is the Newest Software Empire”. The section to review is: “Pulling the Next Growth Lever: PaaS, AI, Internet of Things, and Beyond” (pages 30-33) Also review the Enterprise Risk Management Checklist provided in your online course. Then prepare the content for your presentation, using the following questions as a guide: 1. Financial Risks a. What are the most important financial risks of listed in the Annual Report and in the Morningstar Analyst Report? b. How would you mitigate these financial risks? 2. External Risks a. What are the most important external risks of listed in the Annual Report and in the Morningstar Analyst Report? b. How would you mitigate these external risks? 3. Strategic Risks a. What are the most important strategic risks of listed in the Annual Report and in the Morningstar Analyst Report? b. How would you mitigate these strategic risks? 4. Operational Risks a. What are the most important operational risks of listed in the Annual Report and in the Morningstar Analyst Report? b. How would you mitigate these operational risks? Submission Requirements Since this is a Board meeting, your presentation will be delivered in PowerPoint (PPT). Follow the content and formatting directions below: • Your presentation must have a Title Page slide. • Each slide after the title page must have a heading, and use fonts between 12-14 pt. • For each of the risk categories, you may use no more than 2 slides. • Following the title page, the next slide must be an Executive Summary. The summary should present a high-level (bulleted) synopsis of the slides that follow including the potential impact on from the risks being addressed and the goals for the proposedmitigations. • The first slide for each risk category must provide a synopsis of risks. In this slide, you will present a high-level overview (using bullets or tables, or graphs, or other illustration, not dense text) of the risk factors and their potential impact. • The second slide for each risk category must present your recommendation for mitigation (using bullets or a table). Focus on: what you are recommending, and why you are recommending it. • The final slide of your presentation must be a References Page to support your findings and recommendations. • As with Assignment 1, you are being asked to present a series of recommendations, not just regurgitate information that the Board already knows. Your presentation should provide the Board with new insights on risk mitigation approaches. • Note: Additional material and talking points may be included in the “Notes” sections of your PowerPoint. If you include additional materials, keep these brief and to thepoint.

Financial Analysis and Statement Preparation

Description Analytical Report (.doc/.docx) 3,000 words (+/- 10%) Includes journals, papers and books sourced from the library or other university resources, APA system, Journal Articles; minimum of three academic or research references. Develop a 3,000-word analysis report of a company’s financial position and pro-forma financial statements. Start by picking an industry or a company you like or that you are involved in, then, put yourself in the role of founder and/or CEO. The main purpose of this assessment is to test your ability to critically evaluate a financial position and identify possible challenges that the business may face. Process: You are required to analyse the company’s financial strategy – its business model and pricing strategy – and then develop appropriate pro-forma financial statements. In particular your report should include the following: 1. A brief description of the business model and pricing strategy 2. The current and projected costs 3. Break even analysis 4. Pro-forma financial statements (i.e. Profit and Loss (Income statement), Balance sheet, Cash Flow Statement) 5. Sales Forecasts for the short to medium term 6. Identification of potential challenges the company may face, based on the financial statements and projections. Naturally, you might not have a lot of data to back you, and a large part of your projections will be assumed, based on estimates and approximation. That is perfectly fine but do ensure you highlight all the major components of each of these elements and provide a thorough analysis. A report like this is useful for potential investment pitches, or for strategy. It is required that you make it clear in the beginning who your audience is, and what the purpose of this report is. Considerations: Select a company with a business model that isn’t too complex. Remember, the objective of this exercise is to apply your learning from this unit, and be able to put it into practice. You are not assessed based on the financial information, but rather how you apply the frameworks and knowledge that you have learnt in the unit. • When presenting a financial statement, be sure to provide both the actual statement document (attached asan appendix) as well as a description or analysis of that particular statement. • You may use data from related companies / industries, or competitors to guide your own projections, just as one might do in a real-life situation. • Choose a business and financial position that is contemporary and relevant. For instance, assume you were to choose, say McDonald’s as your company. Of course, the market in 2016 might be vastly different from what it was back in 1955. Keep it simple and assume you were starting a similar company in this day and age. • If you would like to choose your own startup idea or your current employer as your company of focus, feel free to do so. You might want to use tools such as MS Excel or various online tools. Use tables and diagrams where required. Pick any company you have a lot of knowledge on. Don’t pick a company used as examples in the brief