Management Leadership To A Successful Business

The IRP will run between 8 and 10 pages in length (not including the tile, table of contents, reference and Appendix pages). Traditional Research Paper The purpose of this research paper is to give you some experience into the process of learning about a business topic, formulating some questions about the topic, conducting research, and then writing intelligently and interestingly about it. No matter what line of work you eventually find yourself pursuing, you will be more effective in your chosen career if you can research and master new material quickly, synthesize sources of information and critically evaluate them, and finally communicate what you’ve learned to others. A typical research paper will include a five-chapter template. The IRP can be: A traditional research project A case history A business plan

When Supply Chain Strategy Does not Match Supply Chain Capabilities

This is a chapter in the book Cases on Supply Chain and Distribution Management: Issues and Principles by Miti Garg and Sumeet Gupta. Adhering to the Case Analysis Guidelines ATTACHED, analyze the collaboration process Boeing used to manufacture the Dreamliner compared to the manufacturing process of previous Boeing models. The analysis should be two pages. In addition, include a cover page, abstract, and reference list page. All sources must be appropriately and correctly cited following APA style guidelines.

Sustainable innovation business models and economic development

The document should make a bibliographic analysis on sustainable development requires radical and systemic innovations. These innovations can create and study more effectively by building on the concept of business models. The concepts that provide an analytical tool that allows them to evaluate the interaction between the different aspects they combine to create ecological, economic and social value should be analyzed. The research subtopics will be the following: Chapter 1. Sustainable production and innovation. Chapter 2. Linking sustainable innovations to business models. Chapter 3. Including the macro level: innovation system, socio-technical systems and transition management. Chapter 4. The link between competitiveness and sustainable innovation at different levels. Chapter 5. Educational innovation, beyond the classroom. Each chapter will have a graph on the subject. The structure of the document will be as follows: 1. Summary. Briefly explain what the document is about 2. Introduction: you must explain the background and the proposal or justification of what you want to do, in the most concise way possible, indicating the objectives of the investigation and what will be presented in the document 3. Methodology: hierarchizes and groups the selected and reviewed bibliography according to topics to be discussed in the article. You should capture the procedure that was performed during the review analysis. 4. Development and discussion: Analysis of the bibliography, according to the previously structured organization. Proof of the results of different authors and the critical argumentation of each aspect discussed in the article. This documentary investigation must serve as a synthesis, coherent, clear and perfectly argued of what has already been done during previous investigations. 5. Conclusions: the work will end indicating the conclusions reached by the authors of the manuscript, as well as the possible implications and recommendations from which they can be derived. 6. Bibliographic References

Identify the relationship among any reward systems and organizational goals and what positive or negative effect there is on employee productivity


Identify the major stakeholders in an organization (one with which you are familiar). Analyze the topmanagement structure, investigate and enumerate the code of ethics (written or not written), and explain the ethical stance of all stakeholders involved in the organization. Identify the relationship among any reward systems and organizational goals and what positive or negative effect there is on employee productivity.

A research paper that analyzes methods used to ethically manage teams and groups within organizations

Write a research paper that analyzes methods used to ethically manage teams and groups within organizations. In your research paper, be sure to include the following elements: Distinguish between a group and a team. Discuss ethical decision-making in team leadership that promotes social responsibility. Discuss leadership styles and traits that are effective for successful management of groups and teams. Include a discussion on any aspect of leadership covered in the course that was of particular interest to you. All topics do not need to be included; yet, followership, ethics, leadership styles, multicultural leadership, and conflicts of interest are all topics that have been studied, and any one (or more) that you found particularly interesting could be incorporated into the discussion. Your research paper should be a minimum of three pages in length, not including the title and references pages. Utilize the CSU Online Library to locate a minimum of three sources to use as references that support your research paper. All sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines. Be sure to include the rubric elements from the guidelines below. Your introduction should engage the reader and clearly present the thesis and a summary of the main points to clarify your point of view. The review of the literature should present a critical analysis and synthesis of the existing research. The discussion should reveal insightful analysis of research. A summary should be present that reviews or summarizes key points and provides a smooth transition between sections. The writing should be clear and concise with proper sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation, and it should be free from spelling errors. The number of academically credible sources should meet the requirements and should be properly cited, per APA standards.

Identify a venture that has received initial funding and describe the value proposition and investment requirements

Search newspapers, magazines, or the web (NVCA site (Links to an external site.)), and identify a venture which has just received initial venture capital funding. Think about the value proposition written by the entrepreneurs to obtain the funding for this product or service opportunity. In a two- to three-page paper (not including the title and reference pages), address the following: Identify a venture that has received initial funding and describe the value proposition and investment requirements. Explain key points that you believe resulted in a positive evaluation of the venture and convinced investors to provide funding. Be sure to include examples to support your explanation.

Analysis of the Reasons for the Fall of Deutsche Bank’s Stock Price and Its Connection to Bank of China


The business report should follow the following structure: 1. Title page (including word count to nearest thousand words) 2. Acknowledgements (if any) 3. Table of Contents and List of Illustrations 4. Executive Summary (approximately half a page) 5. Chapters are recommended to be structured as follows • Chapter 1 Introduction, containing: 1) A clear statement in the opening paragraph of the objectives of the business report 2) A restatement of the title as an issue/problem; 3) Issues/topics that you would like to analyse for your chosen company/business sector. 4) A summary of the accounting/finance techniques employed 5) A brief outline of subsequent chapters (Reader Map). 7 • Chapter 2 Review of the background of your chosen company/business sector. You should identify and discuss topics or issues that you would like to investigate and justify why they are worth analysing. • Chapter 3 Research Methods. You should explain which accounting/finance techniques you would like to adopt in order to address the issues identified. You should explain what data you would collect and how they are to be collected and analysed. • Chapter 4 Analysis of your empirical data derived from your application of the chosen techniques. • Chapter 5 Conclusions (and Recommendations). You should reflect on your discussion to reach your conclusions. You should also identify the limitations of your research. The chapters are recommended: discuss with your supervisor if needed. 6. Appendices 7. List of References

2 Formatting of the report. The following rules apply: • Please use 12 point, Time New Roman or Arial font, 2.54cm margins and at least 1.5 line spacing. Ensure appendices are referenced within text and clearly labelled at the end of the report and that appropriate referencing standards have been used (please see below for further guidance on referencing). Please also ensure figures and tables are clearly labelled and referred to in the text. Small characters (such as subscripts and superscripts) should be at least 7pt. • The presentation of your report must be of acceptable quality (see Marking Descriptors below). • The cover sheet must be included with your report, which should also show the number of words in the business report (to the nearest thousand). 5 Suggested checklist for the report There are some key questions you should ask yourself about the structure, style and content of your business report. These are: • Have I clearly, and briefly, stated the objectives of the business report on the first page of the first chapter (Introduction) of the business report? • Have I provided the reader with a reader map (i.e. a brief description of what each chapter of the business report covers) in the first chapter? • Have I tackled the topic covered by the title? Have I left out important themes and material? Have I included material that is not relevant? • Have I structured my business report so that the material is coherently organised and builds an argument in a logical way? • Have I shown the ability to collect data of sufficient size and quality to produce useful analyses? 8 • Have I given references whenever appropriate? Are there points at which I have failed to deal with the question “How do we know that?”? (Another common failing of Master’s business reports is uncritical use of assertions in newspaper articles or in websites that have no obvious standing or authority). • Do my citations and my list of references conform to the standards given in these Guidelines? • Are my conclusions a good summary of the findings of my business report? Are they well supported by the evidence I have used and my discussion of that evidence? Do they relate to the objectives stated for the business report at the outset? • Have I checked spellings and grammar? Have I conveyed my ideas clearly in English? Is the presentation of the business report of good quality? • Does the title accurately reflect the contents of my business report? • Would someone attracted by the title of my business report find its contents and conclusions useful? • Is the abstract an accurate summary of the entire business report (a common failing is to use the abstract as a surrogate Introduction)? Have I ensured that the abstract does not contain any ideas that do not occur in the main text?

The impact of culture in the context of organizational knowledge sharing and transfer

Description The review should be structured with an introduction, body and conclusion. The review should be followed a reference list constructed in Harvard referencing style. Extensions and Late Submission Unless an extension has been approved, late submissions will result in a penalty. You will be penalised 10% of the assessment’s worth for each calendar day the task is late, up to a maximum of 5 days. After 5 calendar days, a zero result will be recorded. Other Paper Requirements ⦁ Must include a cover sheet (available on Blackboard) ⦁ Accuracy in spelling, syntax, citation and referencing is strictly essential What is a ‘Literature Review’? The literature review will provide a critical evaluation of relevant existing literature on the chosen topic. To review something implies that you should examine a subject critically. This means that you need to present a number of points relevant to the topic title, evaluate those points, compare and contrast different perspectives, give a range of information, evidence and informed opinion, and thus develop a well-balanced, well-informed argument that is supported by reference to the appropriate relevant, quality literature. You should identify common themes that appear in a number of articles, and also look for divergent viewpoint. You should use a minimum of eight sources of literature (articles) from quality sources such as peer-reviewed academic journals, industry magazines and books (not from Wikipedia or unreliable websites.

Money and Banking & International Economics

Answer the following from the Problems Appendix in the back of your textbook on pp. 334-335, 337 and upload your answers through Blackboard: Chapter 13: Questions 9 and 10 Chapter 14: Questions 6, 8, and 9 Chapter 15: Questions 1, 2, and 9 Chapter 17: Questions 9 and 10 Chapter 18: Questions 1 and 2 Your completed Homework assignment should be at least four pages in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

Risk Management and the Role of Managed Care

Reflective Analysis: Risk Management and the Role of Managed Care Throughout this course, you have identified, examined, and provided individual as well as collaborative analysis on multiple facets of risk management in the health care setting. Addressing the knowledge you have gained, and building on that knowledge to add your evaluation of the role that the managed care organization (MCO) plays in today’s health care environment, develop a 250-500 word reflection to incorporate the following: 1. What is a health care organization’s administrative role regarding oversight of risk management policies and ensuring compliance with managed care organization (MCOs) standards? 2. What is your assessment of the value provided to an organization that stems from the regulatory statutes of a typical MCO? Consider the establishment of conflict resolution and risk management strategies within the health care organization from the employer/employee perspective as well as in regards to patient conflict circumstances. 3. What MCO responsibilities pertain to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) focus on fraud, waste, and abuse laws? Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.