The Koss Corporation Corporate Governance Internal Controls and Ethics: What Went Wrong

The Koss Corporation Corporate Governance, Internal Controls, and Ethics: What Went Wrong? Please answer the following questions in a 2-3 page single-spaced paper. Please structure your paper by question (include the question number and subject) and answer each sub-question. Include a cover page and a separate page for references. If you include any tables, add a brief description so it’s clear what the table represents. Write the responses in your own words. Incorporate additional resources to support your responses. Cite and list all references used per APA. 1. Review the fraudulent activities. a. What went wrong? b. Describe what internal controls were missing or circumvented? c. Consider the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) requirements, and review the definition of internal controls. Who is responsible for internal controls? What reporting is required? 2. What were the problems in the corporate governance and/or organization structure? What are the major requirements of SOX with respect to corporate governance and/or organization structure? How would corporate management and the accounting function be better organized? 3. What should Julie Mulvaney have done when Sue Sachdeva requested her to assist in the fraud? What would the IMA® Code of Ethics, known as the IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice, dictate? 4. What were the responsibilities of the following entities or individuals for the fraudulent activities? What are the possible consequences for each entity or individual? a. American Express b. Park Bank c. Sue Sachdeva d. Michael Koss e. Julie Mulvaney (see the attached template to use as a guide for question 4) As you review and prepare your responses, focus primarily on the IT aspects (e.g., IT auditing, IT internal controls, etc.). Koss Case Question 4 Template.docx

Organizational Risk Management Interview

Select a health care organization in your community to conduct an interview with an appropriate risk management employee. The organization can be your current employer, or a different health care facility in your community. Acute care, urgent care, large multi-provider private medical clinics, assisted living facilities, and community/public health clinical facilities are all ideal options to complete the requirements of this assignment. Make sure to select an individual who can provide sufficient information regarding how that organization manages risk within its facility to answer the questions below. In your interview, address the following: 1. Identification of the challenges the organization faces in controlling infectious diseases. 2. Risk management strategies used in the organization’s infection control program, along with specific examples. 3. How the facility’s educational risk management program addresses key professional issues, such as prevention of negligence, malpractice litigation, and vicarious liability. 4. Policies the facility has implemented that address managing emergency triage in high-risk areas of health care service delivery. 5. Strategies the facility utilizes to monitor and maintain its risk management program. Post-interview, compose a 750-1,000 word summary analysis of the interview to include the questions above as well as the following elements: 1. A brief assessment of the organization’s risk management program, including what works well and what could work better (the pros and cons). 2. Action steps you would take to improve the program. Select one area and provide your rationale and possible steps required to implement your suggestion. Cite appropriate references as needed to support your statements and rationale. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Identifying Super Market Strategies

Description “Identifying Super Market Strategies” During this unit, we have established an understanding of how business strategy drives technology decisions. One such example is the supermarket, casually known as the “grocery store”. Supermarkets are all around us and critical to our ability to feed our families and ourselves. If we are good at planning, we may visit the store on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to get what is needed; if we are poor planners, we may find we have daily visits. In most cities, these grocery stores are affiliated with large chain stores, such as Kroger. In some rural markets, there are still a few small, independent stores surviving. In almost all cases, these stores are beginning to increase their use of information technology. For this assignment, focus on the strategies that drive supermarkets and the role information technology potentially plays in those strategies. Focus on supermarkets and exclude retailers that sell groceries, such as Target and Walmart. Their strategy is broader than that of an independent or large chain grocery store. Visit a local grocery store, observe, and note all of the activities within the store where information technology is being used. Also, observe and note activities that would benefit from the use of information technology. Once you have noted your observations, research the store to identify the business strategies it has in place. Highlight any of the strategies that support your observations. You can use business journals, company web sites, and other publically available material such as annual reports. Your research can also include talking with senior management at the store, although some may be reluctant to share key information. OBSERVATIONS NOTED FROM FROM VISITING PUBLIX: – Publix does not use self-checkout and the company believes it’s countercultural. They believe the staff should do everything for the customer – Publix does have an app with digital coupons that can be used at check out – Publix does have apple pay – Publix app does offer delivery or in-store pickup This Publix is located in Florida Once you have completed your research, write a 1000-word paper that highlights the company, providing information about its business strategy and its use of information technology. Be sure to incorporate your observations and whether the use of information technology by the store is a component of the company’s strategy. Your paper should: Be written in an objective and substantive manner, explaining the information you have discovered. Draw upon and cite course materials and at least 2 professional journal articles written in the last 5 years to support your assessment. Be a minimum of 1000 words with the title page and reference pages excluded from the word count. Use APA format, but should not include an abstract.

Human Resource Administrator Philosophy Paper

Human Resource Administrator Philosophy Paper

Paper details:

Based on the information learned in this course, please write a five page (minimum) double-spaced, 12 font, and APA (Links to an external site.) formatted philosophy paper that highlights your beliefs that will guide you as a human resource administrator. Your leadership paper should outline the beliefs or principles you will follow in the: Recruitment, selection and retention of teachers Supervision, development, and evaluation of teachers Ethical decision making process Use readings, outside experience, and discussion question responses, as your sources. Organize your paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion just as you did for all of the reflection papers in this course. Please include a title page, however, you do NOT need to include any reference citations or a reference list because the content in this paper should represent your own personal thoughts and beliefs.LESS

International human resources management

Use the CSU Online Library to locate and review a scholarly article found in a peer-reviewed journal related to HR recruiting, unions, labor relations, or international human resources management. In peer-reviewed journals, the articles were reviewed by other professionals in the field to ensure the accuracy and quality of the articles, which is ideal when writing an article critique. Research tip: When researching using the databases, you can limit your search to only peer-reviewed articles. To do this, look for the phrase “limit results,” and select “peer-reviewed articles.” There is a minimum requirement of 500 words for the article critique. Format your critique in APA style. Begin with an introduction that defines the subject of your critique and your point of view. You will first need to identify and explain the author’s ideas. Include specific passages that support your description of the author’s point of view. Take into consideration how you would approach a recruiting program for your company based on the author’s ideas on the subject matter. What challenges would you face if your company were a global conglomerate? Defend your point of view by raising specific issues or aspects of the argument. Offer your own opinion. Explain what you think about the argument. Describe several points with which you agree or disagree. Explain how the passages support your opinion. Conclude your critique by summarizing your argument and re-emphasizing your opinion. For each of the points you mention, include specific passages from the text (you may summarize, quote, or paraphrase, being sure to include proper in-text citations) that provide evidence for your point of view.

When Supply Chain Strategy Does not Match Supply Chain Capabilities

This is a chapter in the book Cases on Supply Chain and Distribution Management: Issues and Principles by Miti Garg and Sumeet Gupta. Adhering to the Case Analysis Guidelines ATTACHED, analyze the collaboration process Boeing used to manufacture the Dreamliner compared to the manufacturing process of previous Boeing models. The analysis should be two pages. In addition, include a cover page, abstract, and reference list page. All sources must be appropriately and correctly cited following APA style guidelines.

Enterprise Leadership

The essay should have a clear structure which includes: 1. An introduction that: a. Includes a few general statements supported by the mandatory readings (in-text citations) about the topic to clarify your interpretation of the question; b. Includes a thesis statement that presents your position on the topic; and c. Outlines the main points that support your position. 2. A body that: a. Includes a series of logically developed arguments that support your position and b. Ensures that each argument and/or sub-argument is supported by the mandatory readings (in-text citations and examples from the readings). 3. A conclusion that: a. Summarises the main points discussed in the body of the essay; b. Restates the thesis statement; and c. Includes a final comment that does not introduce any new ideas. 4. Cohesive text that aids with the logical flow of the arguments presented. 5. A reference list which is in alphabetical order by authors last name and includes only the resources that are used in the body of the text (i.e. in-text citations) Note: This assessment will evaluate what students have learnt from ULO 1,2 and 4. You must use all of the mandatory readings listed above in your essay.

Advertising by Design – Chapter 4: Building a Brand in the Digital Age

Description Instructions for Chapter Summaries Advertising by Design – Third Edition After reading each chapter type up a 3 paragraph summary, upload a PDF document. Please review the Writing Requirements Below. Formatting of Document for Writing Assignments: • All work must be Typed! No Exceptions. • Work must be turned in on a “Designed” Letterhead. Style and legibility are key as Graphic Designers. • Name, Course, Book, Chapter, and Due Date MUST be on all assignments to be accepted. • Heading and required information should be part of Letterhead design. • NO Script, Decorative or Designer typefaces may be used for the writing portion of the assignment(s). • Body Copy MUST be in Serif or San-Serif Font. • Body Copy Must be no larger than 12pt. • Leading is no greater than 14.4pt. – Single Spaced. • Margins should be no less than .25in. and no greater than 1in.

Illustrate the potential impact of the law on a business



This unit will increase your understanding of how law is applied to a business. You will gain knowledge on business law and examine the impact of the law on business operations and decision-making. Looking at the impact of the law on normal business operations when registering a company and inviting shareholders investments. You will look at several business problems that relate to company law, employment law, consumer protection and competition law and identify a legal solutions and alternative legal advice.


Assignment Submission Format


Submission will be an induction booklet and information document, which covers all of the unit learning outcomes for the unit. The report should be presented in Arial or Times New Roman in font size 12 with single spacing.

The use of simple Harvard referencing system should be used throughout your

assignment and a bibliography submitted at the end of your assignment.

The recommended word limit is given with the assignment brief, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit. The final version of your assignment must contain the assignment front sheet.


Learning Outcomes (LO)

LO1 Explain the nature of the legal system

LO2 Illustrate the potential impact of the law on a business

LO3 Examine the formation of different types of business organisations

LO4 Recommend appropriate legal solutions to resolve areas of dispute


Section 1 Learning Outcome 1, 2 & 3


Assignment Brief



You are employed in a Legal Practice that specialises in Business Law and have

been asked to produce an induction information booklet for new employees.


Assignment Guidance –Induction Information Booklet (Part 1)


The induction information booklet should include an introduction to the business sector (Legal Practice). The first part of the induction information booklet should contain information to explain the legal and justice system and the role of the Government. In addition the booklet should explain key legislation in business.


The booklet should include the following information for example:

· Statutory and common law

· Company law and contract law

· Employment law


Assignment Guidance –Induction Information Booklet (part 2)


The second part of the induction information booklet should contain information that examines the formation of different types of business organisations. The booklet should also examine different types of business organisations and legal structures and how these are formed, managed and funded.


The booklet should include the following information for example:

· Legal structures of business organisations

· Different types of business organisations and legal structures

· Business Law application in forming different types of organisations

· The management and funding of business organisations

Word Count: 3,000 – 3,500


The booklet should be written in a concise, formal, business style with the use of headings, paragraphs and subsections. The induction information booklet should contain information and detail to cover the assessment criteria and the essential content for this unit. In addition students should note the command verbs for the assessment criteria. A list to explain the command verbs can be found in the student study guide.


Learning Outcomes 1, 2 & 3 and Assessment Criteria


LO1 Explain the nature of the legal system

P1 Explain different sources of law

P2 Explain the role of government in law making and how statutory and common law is applied in the justice courts

M1 Evaluate the effectiveness of the legal system in terms of recent reforms and developments

LO2 Illustrate the potential impact of the law on a business

P3 Using specific examples illustrate how company, employment and contract law has a potential impact upon business

M2 Differentiate and analyse the potential impacts of regulations, legislation and standards

D1 Provide a coherent and critical evaluation of the legal system and law, with evidence drawn from a range of different relevant examples to support judgements.

LO3 Examine the formation of different types of business organisations

P4 Explore how different types of business organisations are legally formed.

P5 Explain how business organisations are managed and funded.

M3 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of the formation of different types of business organisations.

D2 Critically review and evaluate types of business organisations.


Section 2 – Learning Outcome 4


LO4 Recommend appropriate legal solutions to resolve areas of dispute


Assignment Guidance –Information Document


Below are examples of business disputes that require appropriate legal solutions. You are required to cite Case Law throughout, and related legislation. The information document should include an introduction to the business sector. The content of the document should include information for the business disputes presented below and provide the appropriate legal advice and legal solutions. You should also consider alternative dispute resolutions in your response.


Business Dispute 1 – Employment Law – Equal Pay


You have been approached by a restaurant business who is concerned that the kitchen employees and cleaning employees may submit an equal pay claim as they are on different pay grades. You have been asked to provide for legal advice and guidance on this.


Prepare a document that outlines the key Case Law and related legislation for equality of pay claims.


Word Count Guideline: 750 – 1,000 words


The booklet should be written in a concise, formal, business style with the use of headings, paragraphs and subsections. The induction information booklet should contain information and detail to cover the assessment criteria and the essential content for this unit. In addition students should note the command verbs for the assessment criteria. A list to explain the command verbs can be found in the student study guide.



Business Dispute 2 – Employment Law – Dismissal

You are employed in a legal practice and have been asked to provide advice to a large manufacturing business who is concerned that an employee may take them to an industrial tribunal if they dismiss this person.


Prepare a document that outlines the key Case Law and related legislation for wrongful and unfair dismissal claims. You should consider alternative dispute solutions for example mediation services.


Word Count Guideline: 750 – 1,000 words.


Business Dispute 3 – Breach of Contract


You have been asked to represent an organisation that builds log cabins for a commercial holiday park. The organisation placed an order in two parts for wood to build the log cabins and paid in advance for the wood. The first part of the order arrived but the quality of the wood was poor and they contacted the supplier to complain. Following this complaint the second order did not arrive.


Prepare a document that outlines the key Case Law and related legislation for breach of contract.


Word Count Guideline: 750 – 1,000 words.


Business Dispute 4 – Consumer Protection


You have been asked by your manager to prepare a written document of the legal rights that relate to the sale and supplies of goods and services to advise clients for the following business.


A small shop which trades as local estate agents has purchased and paid in advance for furniture to refit the offices. The refurbishment includes new carpet, new desks, computers and bookcases. These items were purchased from a local supplier who on the day of delivery has a fire at the warehouse and they are not able to fulfil the order.


The document should identify the legal rights of the clients in relation to the sale and supply of goods and services.


The document should include the following:

a) The legal rules on the implied sale of good and the supply of service

b) The statutory provision on the transfer of property and possession

c) The statutory provision for the buyers and sellers


Word Count Guideline: 1,000 – 1,500 words.


Business Dispute 5 – Commercial Property


A local clothes shop has contacted the legal practice you work for and has asked for legal advice on a commercial lease. The clothes shop has a 2 year lease on a property and wishes to move to a better location but they have 1 year left on the lease. They have also been having problems with the heating of the property which has not been working for several months. They have reported this to the owners but have had a poor response and the heating issue has not been resolved.


Prepare a document that outlines the key Case Law and related legislation for commercial lease transactions. You should consider alternative dispute solutions for example Alternative Dispute Resolution Services.


Word Count Guideline: 1,000 – 1,500 words


The written documents should be written in a concise, formal, business style with the use of headings, paragraphs and subsections.


The written documents should contain information and detail to cover the assessment criteria and the essential content for this unit. In addition students should note the command verbs for the assessment criteria. A list to explain the command verbs can be found in the student study guide.


Learning Outcomes 4 and Assessment Criteria


LO4 Recommend appropriate legal solutions to resolve areas of dispute.

P6 Recommend legal solutions for resolving a range of disputes using examples to demonstrate how a party might obtain legal advice and support.

M4 Compare and contrast different sources of legal advice and support for dispute resolution.

D3 Evaluate the effectiveness of legal solutions, legal advice and support for dispute resolution.


When writing the report, please always label which part of the Learning Outcome / Assessment Criteria (Pass/Merit/Distinction) as a heading/sub-heading.


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Short term financial management

short term financial management


Paper details:

Assignment Details Cash is King! Good cash management is an essential job of the financial manager! You own a small auto sales business called King Kars. You stock up on inventory in February, April, June, and September. Your annual cash budget indicates that your MONTHLY NET CASH for the year will be the following: JAN $5,000 FEB -$30,000 MAR $20,000 APRIL -$35,000 MAY $25,000 JUNE -$10,000 JULY $25,000 AUG $25,000 SEPT -$30,000 OCT $15,000 NOV $15,000 DEC $25,000 You begin the year with a cash balance of $50,000, and the minimum cash balance desired must be $50,000 every month. Prepare a cash flow summary and external financing summary as noted in the Excel spreadsheet assigned to this submission. Do you believe that the company needs outside financing? What is the minimum line of credit to request from a lender? Do you think you are a good candidate for the line of credit? Why? Please submit the Excel template below, saved under your name, with the columns and rows completed with the cash flows. Also in this template, you must include the answers to questions 2 and 3 in the assignment. Click here to download the template. The use of 1 scholarly source (e.g., textbook, article from the CEC Library) is required.