Identify the segmentation and targeting strategies in organizations

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to Identify the segmentation and targeting strategies in organizations. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Identify the segmentation and targeting strategies in organizations

MRKT8020: Sales and Marketing

Assignment details:
Choose ONE organisation in an industry of your choice and prepare a 3,000 word (minimum 2700 maximum 3100) Microsoft Word document to answer the following questions:
1).        Firstly, identify the segmentation and targeting strategies the chosen organisation.(400 words more or less)                                                                                                                 (12 marks)

2).        Secondly, describe the possible choice criteria that may be used by customers considering buying any ONE specific product or service sold by the chosen organisation. .(400 words)
(12 marks)

3).        Thirdly, give an account of the identifiable elements of the service culture of the chosen organisation and suggest whether you consider the organisation to be customer-centric? .(800 words)                                                                                                          (22 marks)

4).        Fourthly, critically evaluate the customer retention strategies of the chosen organisation. .(800 words)
(22 marks)

5).        Lastly, discuss, using examples, any THREE issues that you consider may affect the management and evaluation of sales and marketing personnel in the industry in which your chosen organisation is based.  .(800 words)                                        .                                                                                                                                               (22 marks)

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

New Pasta Amore restaurant research-based communication project

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to research New Pasta Amore restaurant research-based communication project. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing and submission of the assignment paper well and precisely.

New Pasta Amore restaurant research-based communication project

You work in the communications department at Pasta Amore, an Italian restaurant chain with the following mission: “To provide a warm atmosphere for your family where we can share the traditional cuisines of Italy. Our food will always be fun, fresh, and filled with love.” Pasta Amore has the capacity to open another restaurant and has put you in charge of conducting research on its new location. Your manager has asked you to provide a research analysis and a communication plan outline, with an emphasis on social media, using both qualitative and quantitative information to support your communication recommendations.

The outline will focus on how to advertise the restaurant opening while taking into account the target audience demographic and the survey results that your manager has provided. It is important to understand the vision and corporate philosophy of Pasta Amore while working on any communications project. Review the company vision in the image.

New Pasta Amore restaurant research-based communication project

As you create your research-based communication project proposal, your manager has asked that you include specific elements. You must include the following:
* Research Analysis: It is critical that you gather and use research in order to make decisions about a communications project. In your research analysis, include the following:
* Demographic Data Analysis: You may choose any location for the new Pasta Amore restaurant. There are a number of tools available to obtain demographic data. Two possible options include the U.S. Census American fact finder and the U.S. Bureau International Database. You may be interested in choosing somewhere you live or have lived, but you are welcome to select any location. Once chosen, you will need to analyze the information as follows:

* Age: Briefly summarize the information you have found about the average age in your chosen location. Explain why age is important to consider when communicating to an audience.
* Education: Briefly summarize the information you have found about the education in your chosen location. Explain why education is important to consider when communicating to an audience.
* Income: Briefly summarize the information you have found about the average income in your chosen location. Explain why income is important to consider when communicating to an audience.
* Additional Information: What additional demographic information would you need to find out in order to improve your communication plan?

Budget process must begin with an organizational assessment

Evaluating the budget process must begin with an organizational assessment. Only then can you effectively assess if funds are allocated towards fulfilling key organizational goals.

Budget process must begin with an organizational assessment

Evaluating the budget process must begin with an organizational assessment. Only then can you effectively assess if funds are allocated towards fulfilling key organizational goals. Develop a paper that provides a basic background portfolio on a specific organizational department or a local governmental entity of your choice. Be sure to include the following information:

Mission and vision statements
Goals and objectives
All revenue sources
Charges and fees
Budget lines and fund accounting principles
Clients and groups, or as they are also call ed “stakeholders” and interest groups; and Organizational charts of your selected department or governmental entity
Data may be collected through personal observations, employee handouts, government documents, non-government published materials, legislative hearings, and other official records. Conclude your paper with an evaluation of how your department or governmental body currently manages its budget within professional accounting and budgetary standards.

Support your paper with a minimum of five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages.

More details;

What is budget evaluation?

Budget evaluation refers to the final stage of the budget cycle when there is an assessment of whether public resources have been used appropriately and effectively.
How do you evaluate budget performance?
Evaluating your budget requires a series of steps but is a low-effort process that doesn’t take as long as setting up your first budget.
  1. Firstly, Compare Actual vs. …
  2. Secondly, Assess New Income and Expenses.
  3. Thirdly, Review Your Financial Goals.
  4. Fourthly, Modify Your Budget to Meet Your Needs.
  5. Finally, Identify and Plug Budget Leaks.
What are four types of organizational budgets?
There are four common types of budgets that companies use: (1) incremental, (2) activity-based, (3) value proposition, and (4) zero-based. These four budgeting methods each have their own advantages and challenges, which will be discussed in more detail in this guide.

VaR, Capital Attribution and Profitability

This paper is on VaR, Capital Attribution and Profitability. Citigroup reports its proprietary trading activities as a business segment it calls “Principal Transactions.”

VaR Capital Attribution and Profitability

Citigroup reports its proprietary trading activities as a business segment it calls “Principal Transactions.”

The attached spreadsheet contains a table of the profits/(losses) for the Principal Transactions segment, by transaction type, over the last 16 years (2003-2018). (This data was taken from Citigroup’s 10-K reports, filed with the SEC, with some reformatting to match the presentation format of 2018, and also ignoring an immaterial amount of “Other”.)

Using this data, please address the following questions.

Note: For all questions, assume (1) a Normal Distribution; (2) mean future return of zero; and (3) ignore any autocorrelation.)
1.      Line of Business VaR vs. Total VaR

a.       Using a lookback period of 2003-2018 (i.e., using all 16 years of data), what is the one-year 99% confidence level VaR for each transaction type?

b.      What is the one-year 99% confidence level VaR for the Principal Transactions business segment as a whole?
c.       Also, how does the VaR of the total business segment compare to the sum of the VaRs of the individual transaction types? Further, explain in words what causes this difference.

2.      Varying Lookback Periods
a.       Using a lookback period of just the most recent five years (i.e., 2014-2018), what is the one-year 99% confidence level VaR for each transaction type? What is the one-year 99% confidence level VaR for the Principal Transactions business segment as a whole?
b.      Compare the VaR of the 2014-2018 lookback period, to the VaR of the 2003-2018 lookback period, both by transaction type, as well as a whole. Briefly discuss the implications of your comparison.

3.      Regulatory Capital Requirement

Assume that regulators require Citigroup to keep a multiple of 3 times VaR for capital adequacy.
a.       For the one-year 99% confidence level VaR, how much capital would be needed for the overall Principal Transactions business segment, if using a lookback period of 2003-2018?
b.      How much capital would be needed for the overall Principal Transactions business segment,  if using a lookback period of 2010-2018?
c.       Using the lookback period of 2003-2018, allocate the required capital of the overall Principal Transactions business segment to the individual transaction types, based on their relative contribution to VaR.

4.      Risk-Adjusted Profitability

Citigroup management wants to review the risk-adjusted returns of the Principal Transactions business segment. Using the required capital calculated in Question 3, for the lookback period 2003-2018:
a.       What was the Return on Required Capital (“ROC”) for 2018 for the overall Principal Transactions business segment as a whole? (ROC is equal to the reported revenue divided by required capital.)
b.      What was the ROC in 2018 for each transaction type?
c.       Finally, what was the ROC for the average revenues in the post-Credit Crisis years (2010-2018), for each transaction type? Also, what recommendations might you make to management to improve risk-adjusted profitability?

Useful hints and reminders:
Firstly, when the mean of future returns is assumed to be zero, VaR is calculated as the standard deviation multiplied by number of standard deviations that corresponds to the chosen confidence level.

Secondly, the Excel function for calculating standard deviation is =STDEV.P (datapoint1, datapoint2,).

Thirdly, the Excel function for calculating number of standard deviations is =NORM.S.INV (confidence level as a percentage).

Submission Guidelines:
Firstly, please submit the text portion of the assignment as a Word document.

Secondly, please submit the calculation portion of the assignment as an Excel file. Full credit for correct answers will only be awarded if it includes formulas showing your calculations.

Describe steps for implementing a sustainable business strategy

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to describe steps for implementing a sustainable business strategy. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Describe steps for implementing a sustainable business strategy

The writing test for Professional English consists of a written advice for a specific existing company (in this case H&M) regarding the implementation of SDG’s in the company’s business strategy. For this assignment you have to use four mandatory sources (see attached files):
– The SDG Compass Guide
– The book Business and sustainable development goals by Rob van Tulder
– The company’s most recent annual report (this gives an insight into how the company currently addresses sustainability issues)
– Text A: Sustainable development goals for people and planet

In addition to the mandatory sources mentioned above, you can add more sources you found yourself. Collect relevant literature/articles you have to use for your advice. How ethical is H&M?  How sustainable is the H&M Conscious collection? Try to find more information about that.

Describe steps for implementing a sustainable business strategy

In the SDG Compass Guide, five steps for implementing sustainability in a business’s strategy are explained. Four of these five steps form the framework of your advice; what the general contents of each step are, is briefly summarize below.

1) Firstly, understanding SDG’s: provide a theoretical framework in which you explain what SDG’s are, why they were introduced and how they are connected to CSR. Also, you have to discuss relevant research on this subject.

2) Setting priorities: discuss the company’s value chain and identify in which area or areas specific sustainability goals could have the most impact. Make sure to substantiate your choices, at least referring to the theoretical framework.

3) Setting goals: discuss relevant goals for the company to set and substantiate your claims with relevant arguments.

4) Integrating SDG’s: propose a way for the company to integrate the recommended SDG’s into its core business, as explained in the SDG Compass Guide.

In addition to these four steps, add an appropriate introduction and conclusion (a call for action) to your advice. Also, make sure you refer to the sources you used, using the APA style in the text and reference list. Finally, make sure to start your advice with an executive summary.

You take the role of Guest Service Consultant

For this assignment, you take the role of Guest Service Consultant. You have been contracted to completely re-engineer the service delivery culture, systems, and skills in a company of your choice.

You take the role of Guest Service Consultant

TOUR 151 Service Transformation Plan (20% of your final grade)
For this assignment, you take the role of Guest Service Consultant. You have been contracted to completely re-engineer the service delivery culture, systems, and skills in a company of your choice. You may also base this on your co-op host company. (If you are on a co-op placement.) Or any other organization with which you are familiar but have to be in Canada.

It does not have to be a tourism organization, but the company must have a strong customer or guest focus. Additionally, the paper must be clear enough. It should be presented to the company executive so they will be eager to contract you to carry out the project. You will not be given higher marks for vast amounts of text. I will be looking for innovative ideas that are clearly laid out and will succeed in a real-world application. It is acceptable to layout the project in tables and bullet-point form as long as all points are covered (see outline below).

Imagine yourself as a consultant, standing at the head of a boardroom table surrounded by busy executives, each with a copy of your plan in front of them. Your task is to convince them clearly and simply how your plan will make their guest service delivery the very best in the business.

Describe the diamond industry changes from 1980 to 2000

This is a paper that is requiring the student to describe the diamond industry changes from 1980 to 2000. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the description for assessment:

Describe the diamond industry changes from 1980 to 2000

Case Assignment Question.  You have 2500 words to answer the five questions below in Word document form and up to 7 Powerpoint exhibits to support your points.  For each answer, provide as much specific case detail and data . Include performing any additional analysis if appropriate – to support your argument.

Describe DeBeers’ approaches to value creation and capture from the 1930s to the 1970s. You should use whatever strategic and economic frameworks you need to help you make your arguments.

Describe the industry changes that have occurred from 1980 to 2000, detail their impact on the industry and on DeBeers, and lay out the strategic and economic logic for the actions that DeBeers undertook in response

Why has DeBeers chosen this moment (besides the pushy consultants and their expensive reports) to explore entry into the diamond reselling business?

What strategic decision should DeBeers make with respect to its pilot program in diamond reselling: kill it, extend it, or scale it up?

What should Anglo American do with DeBeers in its portfolio?

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Can you imagine going to the bank and not having any idea what you need to do or how to manage your finances

Can you imagine going to the bank and not having any idea what you need to do or how to manage your finances. This will cause a huge disaster in your life, and you will be bankrupt within hours.

Can you imagine going to the bank and not having any idea what you need to do or how to manage your finances

Reflection Log (4 points): Students will maintain a typed journal to reflect on topics discussed and
Readings/homework as assigned. Each entry is worth 4 points and should be at least a half page. Include some of the following:

1. Identify the topic

2. Your personal thoughts, reflections on the topic

3. Examples of real-life relevant applications for deaf students/experiences/observations

4. Connections to content area and literacy (reading and writing)

5. Identify sources (articles, websites, etc) that were use

For this last Reflection Log, please focus on Math, and respond to at least two of these areas:

* How do you use math in your everyday life?

Baking and cooking requires some mathematical skill as well. Every ingredient has to be measured and sometimes you need to multiply or divide to get the exact amount you need. Whatever you do in the kitchen requires math. Even just using the stove is basic math skills in action.

Can you imagine going to the bank and not having any idea what you need to do or how to manage your finances. This will cause a huge disaster in your life, and you will be bankrupt within hours.

* What are your students’ experiences with math in and outside of the classroom? Include reviewing the IEPs of 2 students specifically the students’ math present levels and goals.

If possible, start using maths language in problems from an early age so that the children’s understanding can become deeply embedded.

Ask the children a mathematics based question every day by incorporating it into their play: “how many dolls are there in the class?” or “are you going to share those cakes with your friends?”

As deaf children can’t rely on what they hear, the use of visuals becomes more necessary. Deaf children may focus on concrete materials a bit longer than hearing children — using fingers, counters, and blocks for example.

Like other children, deaf children prefer to choose their own method to solve problems. There are a number of methods you can use: number line, column methods, drawing counters, dots. Always have a white board and a board pen to hand so that they can practice.

In the end, it’s important to remember that deaf children are all different. They have different hearing levels, different access to language, different language needs and, possibly, other needs too. All of these tips can be used to support deaf children in developing their mathematical language, but always work with them to define what suits them best.

I teach multi-grade level students. Most of their IEP goals are when given four computational problems commonly introduced in math textbooks at second and third grade level, Bina will compute the correct answers for at least three of the four problems.
* What type of manipulative, textbooks and other resources do you have in your classroom or have access to?

International Taxation and Foreign Tax Credits assignment

International Taxation and Foreign Tax Credits assignment

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to analyze International Taxation and Foreign Tax Credits. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper well and precisely.

International Taxation and Foreign Tax Credits assignment

International Taxation and Foreign Tax Credits

For this assignment, assume that you are a CPA employed as an international tax consultant hired to provide advice to a U.S.-based client expanding operations into foreign markets. To complete this assignment, please select a U.S.-based corporation that has expanded into foreign markets within the last seven years.


Using the Internet and/or Strayer Library, conduct research on the tax impacts for U.S. companies expanding into foreign markets.

Write a 4–6-page paper in which you:

Firstly, analyze, based on your research, the major impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on the use of controlled foreign corporations to expand abroad. Examine two methods you would recommend to the client to circumvent the provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on subpart F to reduce the client’s tax liability. Provide at least two examples to support your recommendations.
Secondly, create a plan, based on your research, for the client to lower taxes by reinvesting profits and thereby lower the company’s tax liability. Provide at least one example to support your plan.

Thirdly, develop a strategy for the client to neutralize the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on the immediate U.S. taxation of deferred income from foreign subsidiaries’ earnings and profits (E&P) over an eight-year period. Provide examples to support your plan.
Fourthly, analyze the foreign tax credits available to your client. Propose at least three tax credits the client could use and the impact of the credits on other foreign loss income. Provide examples to support your recommendations.
Use at least four quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Develop a plan to reduce tax liability, lower taxes, neutralize the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Use tax credits for a U.S.-based company that has expanded into foreign markets.

You are a consultant (an expert hired to work on a specific project

You are a consultant (an expert hire d to work on a specific project or task) working for a non-profit organization that advocates for state and federal policies. This non-profit organization can work on any topic of interest to you.

You are a consultant an expert hired to work on a specific project

You are a consultant (an expert hire d to work on a specific project or task) working for a non-profit organization that advocates for state and federal policies. This non-profit organization can work on any topic of interest to you.

As the consultant, the organization asks you to draft either a federal or state policy to improve or create a law on this topic and create an advocacy plan.

In a 3-page, double-spaced letter to the Executive Director of this organization:
Firstly, briefly summarize the policy you will create, including whether it is a federal or state policy.

Secondly, be sure that this policy does not violate any Constitutional civil rights, civil liberties, separation of powers, or federalism protections in the US. And explain to the Executive Director why your policy does not violate these principles of American government.

Thirdly, create and share a plan for the organization to lobby for this policy using direct action methods.

Fourthly, create and share a plan for community activists to organize support (which can include civil disobedience) for the policy.

Further, identify at least one politician who you think will be willing to sponsor a bill to introduce the policy. Also, explain why this politician would likely be willing to sponsor the bill. (Keep in mind the fundamentals of federalism and political parties.)

Additionally, include the information from at least one peer-reviewed journal article (see Module 10 for demonstration videos) in your letter.