Conduct a case study analysis on the information management system of a company you choose 

Conduct a case study analysis on the information management system of a company you choose ( and provide that analysis in a Word document of approximately 800–1000 words. You should address the following items. As the basis for your research, you can use any of the resources on the Internet as long as they are credible.

What is your purpose in applying for graduate study in your specified degree program

SCM Case Analysis: Information Technology

Conduct a case study analysis on the information management system of a company you choose ( and provide that analysis in a Word document of approximately 800–1000 words. You should address the following items. As the basis for your research, you can use any of the resources on the Internet as long as they are credible.

1. Analyze and describe the company’s information management system. As part of your analysis, analyze if its IMS gives the company a competitive advantage over their competition.
2. Recommend improvements for the competitive aspects of the organization’s IMS.
3. Analyze how the IMS helps coordinate between supplies chain partners.
4. Analyze how the IMS helps to monitor orders and inventory levels and satisfy customers.
5. Analyze why managing information is equally or more important to the company than moving products.

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