Economic Report on the Insurance Industry

Instructions Use Microsoft Word to prepare a Final Report that is a minimum of three pages long in which you. Introduce your selected industry. Choose the Insurance industry with a brief one paragraph introduction. Your report should have a minimum of three references citations/in the text. Refer to the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) to review details about your industry. Assess your selected industry’s size and/or growth rate in the economy. These macroeconomic resources will help you find the size and growth of industry relative to real U.S. GDP. • Real GDP – Select Section 1, then table 1.1.6 (select MODIFY to change the year range and frequency). Data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis ( • % Change in Real GDP – Select Section 1, then table 1.1.1 (select MODIFY to change the year range and frequency). Data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis ( • GDP by Industry – Steps: 1. Select “Interactive Data.” 2. Select “Industry Data Tables.” 3. Select “Begin Using the Data.” 4. Select “Gross Output by Industry.” 5. Select “Real Gross Output by Industry (A) (Q).” 6. Select “Quarterly” or “Annual.” 7. Select “Next Step.” Data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis ( • % Change in GDP by Industry – Steps: 1. Select “Interactive Data.” 2. Select “Industry Data Tables.” 3. Select “Begin Using the Data.” 4. Select “Gross Output by Industry.” 5. Select “Percent Changes in Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Gross Output by Industry (A) (Q).” 6. Select “Quarterly” or “Annual.” 7. Select “Next Step.” Data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis (

Law Reviews/Statutes/Cases – Business Law – Volkswagen Scandal

** PLEASE READ ** > You must be comfortable with Business Law, legal issues, and how to read Law Reviews/Statutes/Cases and how to properly use apa formatting to cite and reference them. > I attend a Christian College so Biblical integration will be an integral part of the paper. ** Use New International Version Bible ** > All citations, BOTH direct quote & paraphrase REQUIRE page or paragraph number. > Paper must be a minimum of 1000 words. > This is an essay based on the Volkswagen Emission Scandal of 2015. > I will provide the references. > Paper will be submitted through the University SafeAssign link to check for plagiarism.

The Volkswagen Group


MUST Include current events to effect the company good or bad. TERM PAPER STRUCTURE Brief History Situation Analysis General environmental analysis Industry analysis- Agent Relationship Competitor analysis- are we on par with them or are we outperforming? are they expanding? Internal analysis Identification of Environmental Opportunities and Threats and Firm Strengths and Weaknesses (SWOT Analysis) Strategy Formulation Strategic alternatives Alternative evaluation Alternative choice Strategic Alternative Implementation Technological Trends Economic Trends Global Environment Political and Regulatory Trends Action Plan going ahead one year Executive recommendation to the Board and CEO of the company

Franchise Recommendations

Franchise Recommendations


Paper details:

(3) Franchising Recommendation An effective means of implementing forward integration is franchising. For this assignment, imagine I am an investor and you are a consultant. I would like to invest in a chicken franchise and would like to invest either in Popeye’s or Zaxby’s. In no more than three pages (double spaced), provide your recommendation regarding which franchise I should invest in. A strong recommendation (maximum points) will identify the criteria that you used to make the decision and will provide a detailed comparison of the criteria used including financial information. Save your work as a .doc, .rtf, or PDF file. You will need to access the following websites to complete the assignment: Additional internet research may be necessary to adequately complete the assignment.

Global supply chain best practices

Pick a company or organization with a global supply chain and document their best practices with regard to any one of these categories of concern: humanitarian (child labor, slavery, sweat shop), conflict free materials, or “green” issues.

Suggested length of your research project is between 8 – 10 pages, double spaced, not including title or references pages.

Your research should demonstrate you have a thorough knowledge of your subject and your sources need to be cited appropriately according to APA guidelines.

Your research must include company or organization authored material, as found on their website and/or in SEC filings. Your research should also include at least one independent third-party source to validate or repudiate company or organizational authored material.

The success of multinational companies

The Introduction sets out what the subject matter of the dissertation is going to be, explains why this subject matter is important/relevant/topical and sets out what your own research question(s) are. Introductions do not have to be long, but they should provide a framework for what follows and will shape the reader’s expectations. There should be a clear statement of the aim of your dissertation and how you will set about fulfilling that aim. The introduction should clearly signpost what is to follow.

Strategy for a new entrant in Energy gel Industry

Strategy for a new entrant in Energy gel Industry


Paper details:

Hello! SWOT and Marketing Mix analysis for my company (Medex) and the other five (Isostar, SIS, Powergel, Enervit, High5), and Comparative and individual analysis of energy Gels companies I also did Market research for Slovenia market and An online survey with 180 participants. WHAT I WOULD LIKE TOU TO DO IS AN INTRODUCTION TO MY RESEARCH (3 pages), introduction to energy gels(1page) AND A DEEP ANALYSIS OF MY SURVEY(2pages) (180 participants-excel) Please go carefully through project proposal and then other documents. You will see how my thesis should be formulated. When you analyze the document you, you will be able to do a good introduction to my thesis, a good description of energy gels and a deep analysis of my excel survey. I will attach all documents, also the excel with a translated survey and survey results. Please do not use the same sentences and words as I did in other documents. I need a fully new introduction to my thesis. It will be like 1 chapter in my thesis. And also Analysis of my survey. In excel everything is translated, so you will have no problem with interpretacion.

Determine New Zealand tax obligations relating to individuals partnerships trusts and companies


1- The assignment according to the marking guideline and according to New Zealand Taxation Note- if you have Master tax guide 2019, that is very well and good- Note 2- I HAVE ALSO INCLUDED THE EXAMPLE WHICH IS MOSTLY SIMILAR TO THE QUESTION WHICH I GOT IT FROM PREVIOUS SEMESTER STUDENTS, PLEASE ALSO HAVE A LOOK INTO THAT AND MAKE IT. THAT CAN BE A GOOD OVERVIEW TO MAKE UP YOUR MIND BEFORE STARTING THE ASSIGNMENT. 2- marking guideline is provided in the soft copy, so please have a look. Please sstrictly follow it 3- references can be as many as you could but not much, i would really appreciate if you go with the limited references-thanks in advance

T-Mobile US TMUS


Write a paper to the below standards – which is also attached in rubric form – on T-Mobile US (TMUS). This milestone establishes your chosen organization’s direction within the marketplace. This is important because it drives the subsequent activities, milestones, and the final project. Without a strong sense of the organization’s purpose within the marketplace, knowledge of consumer trends, and how to meet target market needs at the appropriate price, management is less likely to maximize the efficiency of business activities and more likely to miss fully meeting the needs of its chosen target market. This milestone establishes how the organization will differentiate itself from its competition through branding with a unique product or service offering designed to meet specific consumer needs or desires that are shaped by their demographics, personality, or buying style. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Section Two: Branding and Idea Context Write a short paper that addresses the following: Corporate mission and how the new product or service aligns with it Defining features of the product(s)/service(s) o How the product will be marketed internally and externally o How the company is differentiating from competition o Alignment of pricing with market position and corporate mission Your substantiated opinion of brand effectiveness Section Three: Defining Product or Service Need For your idea, continue your paper by addressing the following: Behavioral and/or lifestyle demographics of the targeted consumer or buying style of organizational buyer and why they are a good choice What unsatisfied need the product/service fulfills How the customer/buyer seeks information to fill the need How the product is purchased (characterize the buying situation) Why your chosen target market is the best choice Section Six: Pricing Using the idea that you have chosen, finish your paper by covering the following: Explain the fixed and variable costs and how these fit with the company’s short- and long-term goals. Use a narrative with a table to show calculations for cost categories. Provide reasonable estimates for each of the categories. Specific or in-depth financial analysis is not n 8/24/2019 Writers Hub – Freelance Writing 4/5 Examine competitors’ pricing and explain reasoning for differences. Estimate how much you think the target market is willing to pay for your product/service. Is this due to preferences for social responsibility, ethical behavior, or other intangibles? What pricing strategy (skimming, penetration, economy, or premium) is most appropriate and w

Code of Conduct for Retail Food Group

You are required to research recent news articles and other information about Retail Food Group. Here is an example of a recent news article describing some of the corporate governance issues at Retail Food Group: You must then draft a Code of Conduct for Retail Food Group Assessment Instructions Your Code of Conduct for Retail Food Group must specifically address: A. Discrimination B. Exploitation C. Corruption D. Dishonest and Fraudulent Behaviour E. Whistleblower Protections F. Enforcement You will be required to include a minimum of 15 references in your Code of Conduct at least 5 of which must come from academic journals or textbooks. For further guidance here are the links to three example company codes of conduct: 1. Wesfarmers –—may-2015.pdf?sfvrsn=8 2. Stockland – 3. Woolworths –