Positioning and The Competition


To prepare your plan’s positioning strategy, consider competitors in the market, and decide how your company’s product should be positioned for the following: Brand building opportunities Brand optimization opportunities with your target markets To assist with other marketing and promotional strategies in the future Visit http://mystrategicplan.com/resources/how-to-write-a-positioning-statement/ for additional research on the topic. Write your positioning strategy. Include information about how you will differentiate the product in the marketplace. Include the following in your strategy: A positioning statement Remember to restate your target customers, their wants and needs, and how the product or service meets those wants and needs. The positioning strategy should include information about the following: Product differentiation. How is your product different in its features, such as quality, performance, and reliability? Consider customer aftercare differentiation. This includes opportunities that the company offers with services that complement the initial purchase of the core product. Add notes about customer service information including the employees who work for the company that interact with the customers. Channel differentiation. The channel differentiation represents how easy it is to communicate with the company when ordering additional parts (e.g., service repair, warranties, and more). Image differentiation. Image includes the product’s identity and image in the marketplace. Image is about how your customers and market view the company and its products. The company’s image can include its value proposition, the brand’s personality, and its influence to persuade the customer to buy. It also makes the product stand out from its competitors.

Understanding Economic Systems and Business

 Understanding Economic Systems and Business


Paper details:

From 2008-2009 the economy experienced a very severe recession, with high unemployment, low consumer confidence, and a depressed housing market. To minimize the extent of the recession and to hasten recovery, both fiscal policy (government spending) and monetary policy (low interest rates and bond purchases) were used. What do you think of the federal government’s stimulus package, the bank bailouts, and related actions? How did the recession affect you, your friends, or your family? Support any opinions. To receive credit, you must post a thoughtful, well-worded response of at least 5 sentences. You are welcome to respond to other students’ posts, but the points come from your own post to my question.

SWOT Analysis for Starbucks Corporation


Develop a SWOT analysis for the Starbucks Corporation. Remember that a SWOT analysis identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an organization. This is an important analysis for any organization as it can be used for strategic planning. Using the PROVIDED TEMPLATE, your SWOT analysis must be a minimum of two pages in length. Once you have completed your SWOT analysis, write a minimum of one page, explaining how this information could be used by the Starbucks Corporation. Please use the template below to complete the SWOT analysis and explanation

Wells fargo case

Wells fargo case

Wells Fargo 1. Apply the four forms of justice to analyze the experiences of front-line employees and branch managers working at Wells Fargo. 2. Analyze the motivational practices of Wells Fargo using self-determination theory (SDT) (Chapter 5), according to SDT was Wells Fargo doing a good job? 3. Did employees trust the leadership of Wells Fargo? Why or why not? 4. Considering how Wells Fargo has responded in the aftermath of the scandal, do you think the company is doing enough to repair trust with constituents? What are your thoughts and recommendations?

Ethics in Accounting


Imagine you are the assistant controller in charge of general ledger accounting at Linbarger Company. Your company has a large loan from an insurance company. The loan agreement requires that the company’s cash account balance be maintained at $200,000 or more, as reported monthly. At June 30, the cash balance is $80,000. You give this update to Lisa Infante, the financial vice president. Lisa is nervous and instructs you to keep the cash receipts book open for one additional day for purposes of the June 30 report to the insurance company. Lisa says, “If we don’t get that cash balance over $200,000, we’ll default on our loan agreement. They could close us down, put us all out of our jobs!” Lisa continues, “I talked to Oconto Distributors (one of Linbarger’s largest customers) this morning. They said they sent us a check for $150,000 yesterday. We should receive it tomorrow. If we include just that one check in our cash balance, we’ll be in the clear. It’s in the mail!”

Making Ethical Decisions and Managing a Socially Responsible Business

 Making Ethical Decisions and Managing a Socially Responsible Business


Paper details:

Here is an ethical dilemma: You operate a convenience store that derives much of its revenue from the sale of cigarettes. It is legal to sell cigarettes but you know that they are addictive and cause cancer. In fact, you have a family member that recently died from lung cancer. You also know that as a taxpayer, you pay some of the healthcare costs for lung disease caused by cigarettes, since many people do not have health insurance. Do you continue to sell cigarettes or not? Support your answer.


Operation and Supply chain management


You are recently appointed as an Operations manager responsible for one of the products/services offered by the organization.

For the purpose of this assignment choose any real product/ service (different from your previous submission).

In your new role you are asked by the senior management of your organization to critically evaluate the product/ service and provide a report about the following:

• Critically discuss the quality characteristics of the product/ service as (a) promoted (advertised) by the organization, (b) evaluated by the experts (independent reviewers), (c) perceived by the customers. Compare the three to identify gaps if any. Provide recommendations to reduce the gap (if any). — ——-(25 Marks)

• Critically map and analyse the product/service return process as experienced by the customers. The return may be for any of the following including aftersales service, warranty services, fault or defective product, change in customer requirements, or any other reason. Provide recommendations to improve the return process.———-(25 Marks)

• Identify your two key suppliers and critically evaluate your relationship with them. —————-(25 Marks)

• Map and compare your supply chain with your closest competitor.

Provide recommendations for improvement. ————(25 Marks) *You can choose any organization based on your personal experience, case studies, or literature. Please state all the assumptions.

HRIS Comparison

HRIS Comparison

You are tasked with finding a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) for an imaginary organization of your choice, with approximately 200 employees. Compare three HR Information Systems. These systems can be proprietary, open source, or a combination of both. Create a Table of Information to display the topics each of the chosen HRIS systems addresses. Select one of the three HRIS and provide an analysis that addresses the topics from the Human Resources/Talent management list below. Following your analysis, provide recommendations how you would modify the HRIS for use by the organization. Support your recommendation with literature. The modified system can be proprietary, open source, or a combination of both.

For a list of proprietary systems please refer to the section titled “Vendor Software” on pages 580-581 in your text. For open source systems refer to The Top 12 Free and Open Source HR Software Systems or the Best Open Source HRM and ERP Solutions. Human Resources/Talent Management Recruiting Employee Information Training and Development Performance Termination/Retention Payroll and Taxes Holiday, Sickness, Vacation, Absenteeism Compensation Health Insurance Direct Deposit Job Postings Employee Assistance Programs Job Descriptions The HRIS Comparison paper: Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center Must include a separate title page with the following:

Human Resources: Global work dignity and social dialogue supply chains and human and environmental sustainability


Please read the ‘FEUERSTEIN 2013’ article and write an analysis of the reading that highlights main ideas and understanding. Also Please you must also answer this question at some point in the analysis: “to what extent is the IT work described in this article post- taylorist work organisation. What impact does the global division of labour and offshoring have on the managerial control and employee autonomy? Does how the global value chain and global production is organised have any impact on the shifts in work? How does this inform your understanding of the labour process?”

Enrollment on prime membership in amazon

Task: In this assignment, you will write a set of instructions that explain how accomplish a task on a website. • Length: There is no minimum or maximum word count. However, your instructions must have 6 or more steps. More information on the number of steps is provided below. • Graphics: You must include at least one graphic for each step. o at least 6 graphics should be integrated into your set of instructions o all graphics should be screen captures of the website you are demonstrating o all graphics should be labeled