Situation analysis of cancer council

This is a group report, you just need to do a part of it. The product we selected by the team is a sunscreen called cancer council.Talking about “cancer council”. You need to write “Situation Analysis” of cancer council, it include “Marketing Analysis”, “Company Analysis”, “Customer Analysis”.

Brief of this assignment:

For this assignment, students must form groups of 4-5 approximately and prepare an IMC plan aimed at a new target audience in Sydney for EITHER a personal care and skincare-related product. This plan requires students to formulate an appropriate strategic plan over a campaign period of one year within a city in Australia. Research the product/cause and the target, and plan various promotional activities, from Webpages to Television advertisements and beyond.

In your written report you should include ‘rough’ advertisement formats that you have developed. Be as creative as you like, but you must also be businesslike in your approach. Refer to the textbook (Waller 2012) for the most part, to guide you in developing this plan; however, there will be discussion of this in the lectures and/or tutorials.

Commonwealth Bank’s Service Design and Standard Report

This assignment requires the writer to analyze service design and standard for a service company base on the choice made when you submit the profile. The report should be typed written in 12-point Times New Roman font and double-spaced. The word limit for the plan is 2,500 words (excluding executive summary, appendices and references). the writer should use appropriate services marketing concepts to describe and justify the strategies.

Why tipping should be abolished in the restaurant industry

Why tipping should be abolished in the restaurant industry Here are links to use for information for the paper! Please type in APA formatting!

Sony’s Gaijin CEO is Reorganizing the Company

Answer the two-case/discussion questions below. Be sure as you answer the two discussion questions to apply theory and terminology from your text and outside readings. 1. What pressures and forces from the environment led Stringer to change the balance between centralizing and decentralizing authority at Sony? 2. How would you describe Stringer’s approach to organizing? Is he seeking to create a more mechanistic or organic structure, or what kind of balance between them? In addition, the response to the first question should demonstrate that you have knowledge regarding the difference between centralized and decentralized authority as you discuss it in terms of Sony. This can be demonstrated through your use of statements of the meanings of the terms, use of appropriate terminology and appropriate application of materials. Your analysis should be no more than six pages long, double-spaced. It should also include a minimum of 5 peer reviewed references. The references should be listed at the end of your analysis.

The Coca-Cola Company

Perform a PESTEL Analysis and a Porters Five Forces Analysis on- The Coca-Cola Co, NYSE: KO Soft Drink Manufacturing: 312111 PESTEL Model Political Factors- Economic Factors- Sociocultural Factors- Technological Factors- Ecological Factors- Legal Factors- Porter’s Five Forces Threat of Entry- Power of Suppliers- Power of Buyers- Threat of Substitutes- Rivalry among Existing Competitors- No opening or closing paragraphs are necessary. All that is necessary is a full PESTLE and Porters Five Forces Analysis.

Compensation : The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics BLS

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) (Links to an external site.) publishes 10 survey programs that address a wide range of topics about various aspects of employee compensation and benefits. You will have the opportunity to work with some of these sources throughout this course. But first, you should become familiar with what is available. A summary of the compensation and benefits survey programs can be found on the BLS website (Links to an external site.) .

Review these summaries. Then, click on the links to learn more about each one and do the following: In a paragraph for each program, summarize the purpose in your own words. Assume that your summary will be read by others who do not have expertise in human resource management. For each program, list two variables included in the program (for example, pay rates). Provide a definition for each variable that you’ve listed in #2. You may use the definitions from the website verbatim, but please cite your source.

Structural Requirements for HR Strategic Recommendations Report

Structural Requirements for HR Strategic Recommendations Report


Paper details:

In at least 8-10 full pages (excluding reference page and appendices) write a report to the Chief Operations Officer discussing the following topics in order, using the prescribed section headers in bold. • Section 1- Introduction. In this section, 1. Describe the purpose and value of this report. 2. Provide persuasive evidence as to why the COO needs to act based on your recommendations. • Section 2- Strategic Recommendations for Recruitment and Selection. In this section, 1. Explain how this HR function supports the HR department’s purpose statement submitted in Week 5. 2. Provide recommendations and rationale on improving the services, programs, and/or tools for employees and managers related to this HR function. 3. Identify and define important quantitative HR metrics that can be used to measure the effectiveness of this human resource function. You must include the formula or equation to calculate quantitative measurements. • Section 3- Strategic Recommendations for Performance Management. In this section, 1. Explain how this HR function supports the HR department’s purpose statement submitted in Week 5. 2. Provide recommendations and rationale on improving the services, programs, and/or tools for employees and managers related to this HR function. 3. Identify and define important quantitative HR metrics that can be used to measure the effectiveness of this human resource function. You must include the formula or equation to calculate quantitative measurements. • Section 4- Strategic Recommendations for Training and Development. In this section, 1. Explain how this HR function supports the HR department’s purpose statement submitted in Week 5. 2. Provide recommendations and rationale on improving of the services, programs, and/or tools for employees and managers related to this HR function. 3. Identify and define important quantitative HR metrics that can be used to measure the effectiveness of this human resource function. You must include the formula or equation to calculate quantitative measurements. • Section 5- Strategic Recommendations for Compensation and Benefits. In this section, 1. Explain how this HR function supports the organization’s purpose statement submitted in Week 5. 2. Provide recommendations and rationale on improving the services, programs, and/or tools for employees and managers related to this HR function. 3. Identify and define important quantitative HR metrics that can be used to measure the effectiveness of this human resource function. You must include the formula or equation to calculate quantitative measurements. • Section 6- References. In this section, provide the full citations for 6-10 peer-reviewed credible sources

Organizational Design Structure and Change Presentation


– Organizational Design, Structure, and Change Presentation Each year Fortune magazine publishes a “Most Admired” list of the top companies in the United States. Firms are rated on these eight dimensions: innovativeness, quality of management, long-term investment value, social responsibility to the community and the environment, people management, quality of products and services, financial soundness, wise use of corporate assets, and, if international, a ninth dimension: effectiveness in doing business globally. For this assignment, select a familiar organization (you are encouraged to select an organization in which you have been employed for at least 6 months).

Then, choose one of the eight dimensions used to rate top U.S. companies in which the organization appears to be underperforming. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (12-15 slides) that addresses the following:

1. Identify a major issue the organization is facing and in which dimension (of the eight identified above) it is underperforming. Explain the ramifications the underperformance is currently having on the organization. Identify the likely consequence of failure to improve in the selected dimension.

2. Analyze the relevance of the current organizational structure, design, and culture and their influence on organizational effectiveness, especially in relationship to the dimension in which the organization is struggling.

3. Determine whether the organization embodies the principles and values of conscious culture and management and its relevance to improving organizational function.

4. Present a plan to bring about necessary improvement using Kotter’s 8-step change model.

5. Address possible challenges to the suggested change and your plans for managing those challenges.

6. Explain how different subsystems need to be realigned in order to bring about the change.

7. Detail any lessons learned and evaluate strategies that you as a manager will either avoid or engage in when designing the structure, building culture, and managing change in your organization.

8. Present evidence from at least three scholarly articles to support your position and proposed change initiative.

International business environment


Politically controlled supply and finite availability of non-renewable energy sources has prompted many nations to seek alternate renewable energy sources. Clean, renewable biofuels are environmentally friendly and contribute to sustainable growth and energy security. Countries should take extreme care in implementing biofuel policies, because more pollution may occur, and resources may be misallocated when subsidies are provided, and sectors are protected. 1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of biofuels in terms of addressing the challenge of sustainable development? 2.Should bioethanol production from corn be encouraged, given that corn is used as a basic cereal in many societies? Should bioethanol production be subsidized in the United States, and also be protected against competition from Brazil sugarcane-based bioethanol? Your response should be thorough and address all components of the mini-case in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation

Concepts: coaching coaching styles coaching process and performance review

Concepts: coaching, coaching styles, coaching process, and performance review.

Introduction: In the project for week three, you developed a plan to link the performance management system with an organization’s strategic goals. Now, it is time to evaluate the following concepts: coaching, coaching styles, coaching process, and performance review. Tasks: -Evaluate the components of coaching. -Integrate coaching styles with the Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory. -Analyze the coaching process. -Evaluate each element of the performance review meetings.