Evaluate Company’s culture for diversity


Instructions Now that you have selected your area of diverse concentration, you are now tasked with designing a plan to aid your selected group in one of the following countries: China Japan Brazil India The new organizational strategic initiative is to expand into the selected country.

The executive leadership team has asked you for a report on the diversity area (the one you selected) and the country (selected above) expanding to. The report should address the following questions: Introduce your diversity area and country What are some of the challenges your diversity area would face in the country culture you selected?

Are there any ethical or legal implications that protect your diversity area in the selected country? Discuss some techniques that as the manager you would use in order to ensure an inclusive work culture. Conclude your diversity report. Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

How does a company move from counting widgets and measuring production based on numbers to a more innovative culture

Please answer following 2 question, with each in minimum of 140 words. please include references for each questions q1: encouragement surrounding innovation is at that top of the list. Most companies profess an “innovative” culture, but stifle employees from thinking creatively.

How does a company move from “counting widgets” and measuring production based on numbers, to a more innovative culture? q2: Robbins and Judge define group communications and the need for striking a solid communication format and process for teams (2019). Each employee have unique needs and goals that may not match those of their coworkers. Robbins and Judge (2019) state that each person has a “role” within a team and further state: By this term, we mean a set of expected behavior patterns attributed to someone occupying a given position in a social unit.

Our understanding of role behavior would be dramatically simplified if each of us chose one role and “played it out” regularly and consistently. Unfortunately, we are required to play a number of diverse roles, both on and off our jobs. If this is so, how do we integrate the many roles that each employee plays in creating a collaborative and conducive environment for employees to achieve the overall goals of the company, and their position?

Progress Results and Finalizing the HR Project


5 pages this time

Your HR project to develop a centralized model of delivering HR services has progressed through very critical stages of the project thus far.

It is now time to present actionable, decision-making information to project leaders.

This can be best accomplished when projects have been successfully managed, devoid of any major risks, and have been properly closed out and finalized.

Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you: Explain what it means to successfully direct and manage project work and identify and discuss 3-4 strategies you might use to manage and sustain progress in your HR project. Be specific. Identify and discuss a minimum of 3 strategies that could be used to address and resolve any risks within the control of the project. HINT: See Exhibit 14.5 in the textbook.

Is any one of the strategies you selected more important than the others? Why? Describe 2-3 actions a project manager may take as they begin to close out the project. Be sure to justify using the actions you discuss. Review Project Management in Action: The Power of Lessons Learned (pages 518-520 in the textbook) and provide an overview to the project team on the significance of the information. Be specific

Hazmat Transportation Management

Hazmat Transportation Management

Identify and then discussunique safety (not security) issues you see related to each of the five modes of transportation. It is possible to identify the same considerations for some but not all modes, they all have unique dimensions. Your submission should discuss each mode and start by identifying unique safety considerations. You then should have a separate paragraph addressing safety considerations that might apply to groups of modes, there should be no safety consideration that applies to all modes, that is beyond the scope of the topic.

T-Mobile US TMUS


Write a paper to the below standards about T-Mobile US (TMUS) – see attached rubric for full details. This milestone defines an organization’s core competencies, key strengths, and key weaknesses to provide strategic viability for it in the marketplace. These are important because they impact the strategic management process. Business decisions are made to capitalize on strengths, while avoiding potential dealings in which organizational weaknesses could compromise success. Core competencies are defining capabilities that provide strategic advantages because the competition cannot easily duplicate them. These relate to the final project because they provide the foundation for continued growth and success in the dynamic marketplace.

They provide guidance that will go beyond the current product or service being presented in the business plan. Specifically, the following critical elementsmust be addressed: Section Four: Strengths and Weaknesses For the company you have chosen, identify and assess at least four, but no more than eight, of each of the following:strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that may affect new business activities or offerings. You may use topics listed in the Module Fourdiscussion or others that you deem important. Then, identify emerging consumertrends and explain how they impact branding and success of your new product or service. Additionally, analyze how perceived ethics violations might affect branding and success. Finally, assess how all of the SWOT and ethics factors affectbranding and operations within the organization. Section Five:Core Competencies Continue yourpaperby identifying and explaining three to five core competenciesforthe company you have chosen. Explain how and why they are not easily duplicable by the competition. Explain how these core competencies dovetail with yournew product orservice offering.Upon which competency or competencies willthe new business offering benefit andwhy?Whatstrategic implications will/could this have on the new offering?

Risk Management Techniques

Risk Management Techniques

The writer will write a 10-page research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on risk management techniques. Specifically, the writer will choose a project within an organization, evaluate what environmental factors contribute to the risk of that project, and build a risk management plan to address those project risks. The paper must include at least 10 references in addition to the Bible. Align scholarly literature with the biblical literature integration. An abstract of 150–250 words is required.

Entrepreneurship Model

Entrepreneurship Model


Paper details:

Each student will submit a journal article review assignment, minimum 500 words, with their analysis based on or related to one or more entrepreneurial models. Select any related article published in the last 5-years in a peer-reviewed journal. Read the article then offer your analysis of the article based on your lived work experiences and in alignment of or refute of this week’s assigned reading. I am in the military and hold a management position. Please apply that to the assessment in the paper. Also the books that are in this week’s reading is Corporate Entrepreneurship, 2012 Author:Hisrich ISBN-13: 978-0-07-176316-5

Evaluating an Organization’s Crowdsourcing Campaign

Evaluating an Organization’s Crowdsourcing Campaign

Write a 3-page paper (not including the required cover and reference pages) that defines crowdsourcing and explains how culture contributes to its effectiveness. Culture is generally regarded as a collective way of life of a group of people including their beliefs, values, customs, arts, and attitudes. Next, identify a company that has effectively used crowdsourcing and evaluate its crowdsourced campaign by answering the following questions: What about the campaign was memorable and effective? What ethical considerations needed to be part of the campaign? What could have been improved? How? Support your paper with a minimum of two scholarly sources in addition to the course resources. The CSU-Global Library (Links to an external site.) is a good place to find your sources. Your paper must be written and formatted according to the requirements in the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.).

An Analysis of the Housing Market Crash Leading to the Great Recession of 2008


A paper on a macroeconomic topic is required for this course. Your paper should be at least 10 pages ( double-spaced) not counting the title page and the reference page. The course paper (or written assignment) is worth 15% of your course grade. Introduction and objective. Make sure the objective is specific. Literature Review. Conduct a search on the topic of your paper and summarize works of others similar to what you are writing on. Be sure to follow APA guidelines. The following link contains basics of APA style guidelines: http://www.apastyle.org/learn/tutorials/basics-tutorial.aspx Analysis: Analyze your topic with reference to the objective. Summary and conclusion. References. Provide at least five references, at least two of which must be scholarly books and /or journals. You are welcome to send your topic and the objective of your paper to your instructor by the end of the first week so that she/he may provide additional guidance. Notes Refereed papers are academic papers that were criticized and reviewed by experts before being published. More information can be found in http://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/academic/sources/journals/index.htmlhttp://www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/~agraham/guides/guidec.shtml.

To find the academic articles that you need for your paper (at least one), go to the following full text databases in our library: Business Source Premier (EBSCO), Emerald Management Xtra, LexisNexis Academic, ProQuest Databases and ProQuestDissertations and Thesis. These databases are in http://library.nu.edu/FindResources/ResourceFinder.cfm. Databases have different sources or information, and you always have to combine them. Economists would say that databases are complements rather than substitutes, in other words, try more than one database. Short papers are nice pieces of art. Your paper will be evaluated not in terms of right/wrong but on rational coherence and quality of the argument.

Use real company’s financial statements to analyze the financial status of a company based on accounting metrics


Instructions Learning Objective: Use the current ratio, inventory turnover, and days’ sales in inventory to evaluate business performance

Use real company’s financial statements to analyze the financial status of a company based on accounting metrics. Week 2 Problem Based Learning Assignment The Problem Based Assignment in this class will be an individual problem based learning assignment. You will play the role of an external accounting auditor that will be over the term of this course that will be analyzing the financial statements of a company. You will choose a real company to analyze the financial statements, compare the financial status of the company to the industry standards, and prepare a report for the management on your findings. This week you will analyze the company’s balance statement based off the information you learned about in the readings this week.

Find each of the below on the company’s 10k report. Include which report you found the information. Revenue Cost of Goods Sold (Or equivalent to COGS) Gross Profit Total Operating Expenses Operating Income Income Tax Expense Depreciation Net Income Calculate the Ratios below (Show your work): Calculate the Current Ratio. Calculate the Inventory Turnover Ratio. What accounting method does the company use? Do they state why they use that method? This week you will create a 1 – 2 page professional report that summarizes your findings based on the financial research.