Change Management and Barriers to Change Order

Description please answer below question with references and text citation

Describe why it is necessary to cultivate openness to change with a team and within an organization.

Describe different types of change that may occur and be needed within and organization. Describe various strategies that can be used to overcome barriers to change and achieve desired outcomes.

Describe a significant change that you experienced at work and provide detail regarding if it was handled well and if the stated results were achieved. If not, what would you have done differently if you had been in charge of implementing the change? Describe the steps that you would include in your change management plan? Summarize the importance of outside agency measurement to effective health care delivery.

Scenario Planning for Strategic Management

1. Please read paper requirement and all files before you start. 2. Please only use academic sources. 3. No direct quotation. Similarity should under 10%including reference list 4.Please follow the paper structure/word limit, you final version should include: all parts as mentioned in the instruction.(check file – Assignment Notes and Structure). You need apply ‘PESTEL’ in your paper. 5. Please check your paper with the Rubric before you delivery it 6. Please use academic vocabulary, no grammar errors

Assessing Organizations

Description Please answer below 2 questions with reference and text citation Describe two types of health care organizations and the key steps of health care organization assessments. Then compare different accreditation or CMS guidelines that are used to assess health care organizations. Include in which setting(s) the guidelines are applicable. Summarize the importance of outside agency measurement to effective health care delivery. Provide two-three examples of other data that may be assessed in a health care organization and describe the importance of measuring and assessing each

IB Macroeconomics IA


Macroeconomics IA on the news article Article link: Link: Cut rates to 13.5% to 14% Monetary Policy:

Expansionary Topics: interest rates, inflation, Expansionary monetary policy Boost: economy and employment, Relationship between interest rates and inflation and it’s consequences Diagrams: Use National output diagrams and discuss the combined effect of expansionary monetary policy on inflation, economic growth and unemployment Evaluation: will include effectiveness of Monetary policy to take inflation and its further effects on unemployment, Economic Growth, impact on the consumers, producers and society in short term and long term. what macroeconomic theories can be used? Interest rates push AD to the right cost push or demand pull – inflation Diagrams: 1. change in monetary policy shifts ADI curve (explain) 2. AD/AS diagram showing effect of an interest rates cut – expansionary money policy Link to how to structure an IA: uploaded file: Nigerias statement

Diversity equality and equity in an American public service organization

Paper details:

Find a schollary article that addresses an issue related to diversity, equality, and equity in an American public service organization. Your critique must include the following items: 1. Identify the premise of the article and significant points to support the proposition. 2. Evaluate the issues of diversity, equality, and equity that are found in the article. 3. Do you agree or disagree with the author’s premise? Explain.

Report – Company Name: Antofagasta PLC

Business Description In this section, you describe the firm’s “story”. What is their business/product, etc.? Are there multiple segments of the business? What is their industry? Is there something about their history that is important (founding, mergers, …)? What is their geographical coverage? Are there features about this company that sets it apart from the crowd? Typically (though there can be exceptions), discussion of management is not particularly special. This business description section will usually be quite short, but after reading it, an investor should know what this company does and have some idea about what you think is special about it (if anything). Industry Overview and Competitive Positioning In this section, you describe the industry for your target company. What does this industry do, what are major opportunities and risks to the industry (which will of course also affect your firm), and who are the major players? This is where you also discuss your target firm’s market share, and if they have any competitive advantage.

Private and Public Markets

What is missing from Private Markets that is common in Public Markets (market deficiencies)? Discuss investor types that would be reluctant to conclude deals in Private Markets without finding some way to overcome these market deficiencies. What can these investors do in order to restore some measure of what they are used to having access to in Public Markets, in order to participate in Private Markets?

Successful business teams & Leader at Change


There  are 2 assignments with multiply answers, first assignment build from 8 questions and second assignment from 4 each answer should contain of 300- 350 worlds, each question need to be answer separately as a mini essay, please make sure this structure will be kept. in attached are required theories, materials and guidance about each question and it desired content, please make sure suggested materials will be used as this required for this job to be accepted in attached please find guidance on how to build answers in this assessments

Cash Conversion Cycle Analysis

Cash Conversion Cycle Analysis, The purpose of this assignment is to help students gain a better understanding of calculations of cash flow and strategies to increase it. Assignment Steps Select a multinational company from the following industries: Retail Pharmaceutical Computer Hardware Manufacturing Automotive Review the selected company’s most recent financial statements. Calculate the following cash conversion cycle ratios based on the financial statements using Microsoft®Excel®: Average inventory Inventory turnover rate Average account receivable Account receivable turnover Average collection cycle Explain in 700 words the importance of the cash conversion cycle, including: Discuss the purpose of the cash conversion cycle and its components. Analyze the results obtained in the cash conversion cycle equations. Propose strategies to increase the cash flows of the company under study.

Marketing Plan for Taco Bell

A Marketing Plan for Taco Bell- a paragraph per topic with thesis statement The core products/services they offer A brief history Key current competitors A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, threats & opportunities) analysis For each, identify and describe a minimum of 3 examples (12 in total). A description of the product/service that you want to market & SWOT rationale Segmentation approach and rationale e.g., Demographic, geodemographic, behavioral, psychographic, etc. Target market(s) description Positioning statement Marketing mix details Address each “P” (product, place, price, promotion) of the marketing mix separately and explain your choices. This is the heart of your plan. Success metrics Discuss at least 3 metrics you might analyze to evaluate the success of your plan. International considerations Identify at least 3 business or sociocultural considerations in translating your marketing plan for use in a foreign market. Conclusion Summarize your plan and why it deserves to be funded.