Forensic Accounting


The following is a list of 10 common security problems.

For each issue describe why it is a problem and choose a control plan from this chapter that would prevent or detect the problem from occurring. A. Criminals posing as small business owners obtained names, addresses, and social security numbers from an organization whose business is to give such information only to legitimate customers who have a right to the data. B. An executive of a financial services firm implements a wireless network so that she can work at home from anywhere in her house. After setting up the network, she logs on using the default password. C. An organization’s top salesman uses a consumer-grade instant messaging (IM) client (e.g., AOL Instant Messaging). Such clients bypass anti-virus and spam software, don’t have auditing and logging capabilities, and allow users to choose their IM names. D. A financial analyst’s laptop was stolen from his car. The laptop contained the names and social security numbers of 27,500 current and former employees. E. To keep track of the passwords used to access various computer systems, employees create Word documents listing their passwords and store the document with the name “passwords.doc.” F. Backup disks that included information on 3.9 million credit card customers were lost in transit to a credit bureau. Data included names, social security numbers, account numbers, and payment histories. G. Private and sensitive information is sent to multiple persons via e-mail. The e-mails include all addressee names within the e-mail address list. H. An individual made millions by purchasing bank account information from eight employees of various banks. He had approximately 540,000 accounts in his database. Some bank employees were accessing up to 300 customer accounts each week to obtain the account information that they were selling. I. A third-party processor of credit card transactions allowed an unauthorized individual to infiltrate its network and access cardholder data. J. An individual sold his cell phone on eBay. The cell phone contained hundreds of confidential business-related e-mails

Creating a New Position

Write a five to seven (5-7) paragraph paper in which you: As an HR Manager part of your job is to analyze the staffing levels within the organization. You have to hire to fill one position within the organization. You can choose the organizational position you currently work or a future position. For this assignment, create a new position, and write a description of the needs it fills in the organization, the job description, and the compensation and benefits package. Explain three or four job components in the job description and specifications for the job. Explain what will be included in the compensation and benefits package related to the job. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements: This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. Include at least 1 reference to support your paper. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Discuss job analysis, job descriptions, and specifications. Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of employee compensation programs. Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of performance appraisal programs. Use technology and information resources to research issues in human resource management. Write clearly and concisely about human resource management using proper writing mechanics.

Apple Inc

Apple Inc.


Paper details:

This is your first case study assignment out of four. For this assignment, you will need to access the full-length case study you have been assigned at the top of this page within your Case Studies eText. You are required to read and analyze this case study. Your analysis must include a: S.W.O.T. Analysis PESTEL Analysis Lists in bullet format of: Resources Capabilities Core Competencies A total of four findings of fact; 1 from each of the four functional areas of business: Management Marketing Finance Accounting


Financial Markets and Institutions

Financial Markets and Institutions Term 5 Format: 1925 word or 2200-word critical review (plus 10%) About a decade ago the global community became aware of Bitcoin (i.e. cryptocurrency) enabling the transaction of digital currency as a medium of exchange without the need for central banks.

Throughout its history, Bitcoin has attracted attention from central bankers, investors, politicians, economists, media and public across a range of topics (e.g. financial stability, monetary policy, payments, market infrastructures and risks). Interestingly, despite the development of cryptocurrencies to help address some of the concerns associated with Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies are not yet operating as money in the Australian economy.

The article below published by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) sheds some light on this discussion. Dark, C, Emery D, Ma, J & Noone, C 2019, ‘Cryptocurrency: ten years on’, Bulletin, Reserve Bank of Australia, June, pp. 195-214. Based on the background above, and theories presented in the subject, write a report addressing the following questions:

a. Identify and briefly discuss the market risks attached to cryptocurrencies and their effect on the value of financial securities.

b. From a Central Banker’s perspective, briefly outline the concerns posed by cryptocurrencies to the financial system in your selected country. See PDF attached: Dark, C, Emery D, Ma, J & Noone, C 2019, ‘Cryptocurrency: ten years on’, Bulletin, Reserve Bank of Australia, June, pp. 195-214. Assessment requirements

The required word length for this assessment is 2,200 words (i.e. plus 10% maximum, without any penalty). • In terms of structure, presentation and style you are normally required to use: o AIB standard report format o AIB preferred Microsoft Word settings o author-date style referencing (which includes in-text citations plus a reference list). • These requirements are detailed in the AIB Style Guide.

What are the four marketing management philosophies

Chapter 1.

Course: Principles of Marketing Briefly answer the following questions in your own words.

1. What are the four marketing management philosophies? Would a production orientation work in the automotive industry and why? Give reasoning to support your position. 2. How have the internet and social media changed marketing? (reference: Section 1-2e) 3. Describe the difference between sales-oriented and market-oriented firms. (reference: section 1-3a-c) 4. Describe customer relationship marketing (CRM). How does CRM compare to traditional mass marketing? (reference page 11) 5. Describe how marketing applies to your projected career field and personal life? (reference page 13)

Industry Scavenger Hunt

This is course work associated with Growth Strategies-Management. Please assign a writer that has related knowledge. Criteria • Clearly identifying an industry for analysis • Finding firms that make up the industry and accurately characterizing them (3a-d)

• Applying concepts from readings to the chosen industry (3e-f) • Appropriate and meaningful reflection upon completion of the assignment

Step 1: Choose an industry you would like to explore. Below are examples of such industries that you can focus on or choose your own. Try to choose an industry where you think you can get plenty of information. Sample industries include: Banking, Technology, Wellness, 3D Printing, Online Education.

Step 2: Find 2-3 companies that are building and expanding your chosen industry. Step 3: Answer the following questions about each of the companies in the chosen industry. You can use bullet points, phrases or short sentences.

Think about the concepts learned in class (industry analysis, competition and market creation) and reflect on the current state and potential future direction of that industry.

a) Name of the company

b) Date of establishment

b) Number of employees (if available)

d) Summary of the business model (2-3 sentences)

e) How is the company “claiming” the market?

i) Example of Adopting a Template ii) Example of Signaling Leadership iii) Example of Disseminating Stories f) How is the company “demarcating the market” and “controlling the market”? Give examples of specific actions within each category if it is applicable.

Information Systems Fundamental

Budgeting time is an exciting time in every organization.

Managers meet to come up with an estimate of needs for the areas and functions they supervise, and on the basis of the means available, new initiatives and projects are prioritized as to their perceived promise in adding to the growth of the organization. A. What is the relationship between strategic IS planning and the yearly budgeting and prioritization process? What is the objective of each? Do you think that general and functional managers should be involved in decisions about funding IS assets and services? Justify your opinion.

Who should be developing and presenting the business case for a new IS? Why? How would the new and existing ISs be funded and who would fund them? Propose three funding methods, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. B. Risks are associated with every new project that an organization considers to undertake. In the budgeting process, organizations often think of diversification of their new efforts and initiatives in order to minimize the risk of failure. What are the principal drivers and risks associated with implementing a new IS project? What are the principal drivers and risks associated with IS outsourcing? Why should an organization evaluate the aggregate risk of its portfolio of projects? What should an organization do if the current level of portfolio risk is not aligned with the degree of risk deemed appropriate according to the strategic IS plan? Justify your answers using relevant examples.


select one of the following articles: 1-Ţenovici Cristina Otilia. (2013). SPECIFIC ACCOUNTING POLICIES ON PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS RELATED TO PROVISIONS, CONTIGENT LIABILITIES AND CONTIGENT ASSETS. Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi Din Târgu Jiu : Seria Economie, 2(2), 287–293. Retrieved from 2-Afterman, A. (2013). ACCOUNTING FOR FINANCIAL ASSETS AND FINANCIAL LIABILITIES. Accounting & Auditing Update Service, (9), 1–8. Retrieved from You are required to write a 1,000-word paper addressing the following: -Introduction -Summarizing the major points of the article -Conclusion

Describe the three types of innovation included in the innovation matrix

Chapter 2 Course: Principles of Marketing Briefly answer the following questions in your own words. 1. Describe the four market strategies within Ansoff’s strategic opportunity matrix. 2. Describe the three types of innovation included in the innovation matrix. How does it build upon Ansoff’s strategic opportunity matrix? 3. Describe the importance of a mission statement in reference to marketing. 4. Describe the SWOT analysis and explain why it is important in terms of marketing. 5. Name and describe the 4 P’s.

Financial Trends Memo

You are a new city council person for the City of Columbia, Missouri. You are aware that several cities have been in the news recently because of the financial crises they have faced.

The governing bodies have been criticized for not being aware of the negative signals and trends that obviously contributed to challenging financial situations. Although you were assured at the first few council meetings that the city was overall in good financial shape, you want to be sure you “do your homework” and assess the financial condition of the city for yourself.

You know that the City of Columbia prepares a Financial Trends to report each year based on the ICMA’s Financial Trends Monitoring System and that it posts this on its Web site at Prepare a 550-word memo assessing the financial conditions of the city for yourself. Review a copy of the Financial Trends report on the city’s website. Hint: Once at the Web site, click on City Government and you will find financial reports.

The trend report can be accessed by clicking on Financial Reports. Examine the trend information and make a list of any indicators that are negative. Prepare a list of questions for the next city council meeting. (Your questions should help you focus on whether you and the other council members should be concerned about any trends).