Entries by Bernard

Animal behavioural response to the environment

Animal behavioural response to the environment Description I had a lab about investigating the behavioural responses of an invertebrate to an external environment stimulus. I chose to experiment with the illumination environmental factor ( which is light ). I used a list of equipments in this practical which consists of ( 2x choice chambers/ stop […]

Business ownership types their advantages and disadvantages

Business ownership types their advantages and disadvantages Milestone Three: Case Study Three Discussion In Module Six, you will submit the third milestone. This milestone is a discussion regarding business entities and their advantages and disadvantages. Your active participation in this discussion topic is essential to improving your understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the […]

Differential Learning Support

Differential Learning Support Differential Learning Support Differential Learning Support Your written response to this assignment assesses your ability to communicate pro-active solutions to lesson planning and teaching techniques that create appropriate learning experiences. This week, you had an opportunity to consider the importance of ensuring learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate, as well as challenging, […]

Sport Marketing Book Review

Sport Marketing Book Review HHPS 7334 Sport Marketing Book Review Assignment You may have written a book report before that was a simple summary of a book. OK, so that ensured (more or less) that you read the book, but was pretty mindless and boring. That is NOT what this book review assignment is about. […]

Problem analysis and needs assessment

Problem analysis and needs assessment PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND NEEDS ASSESSMENT  I. Defining the Programs Answer the following questions to determine the extent to which agency services are organized into discrete programs: 1. Does the program provide the clients a number of clearly-defined and distinct services (as opposed to providing undifferentiated casework services for all clients)? […]

Effective Communication Strategies

Effective Communication Strategies Effective Communication Strategies Presentation Competency Evaluate effective strategies for conflict management between professionals and families. Scenario You are the director of an accredited early childhood program. You understand the importance of communication with your program families and value the perspective of the parents and guardians, supporting the Developmentally Appropriate Practice guideline of […]

Two-stage inverter circuit

Two-stage inverter circuit 1. You should not include any biographical information concerning the author(s) of the reading(s) that you choose to write about unless this is of intrinsic philosophical interest. Submissions whose first pages comprise such information will be graded accordingly. 2. There must be ample evidence that you yourself have read the reading(s) you […]

Art of Modern China

Art of Modern China Art of Modern China (studies of a single artist, Li Hua)  Typical topics include studies of a single artist or a group of artists, a single art work or a type of art work, a specific art media, or a specific period of art, or a carefully delimited discussion about the […]

Modern comedy

Modern comedy One of two topic  The term essay will consist of a written composition of 2500-3000 words (not including quotations, footnotes, bibliography, and other scholarly apparatus). The topic should be of your own devising but should involve one of the following general approaches: Present a detailed analysis of one or more of the works […]