Entries by Bernard

Pulmonary embolism cardiovascular physiology

Pulmonary embolism cardiovascular physiology This assignment will require that you integrate information from at least three key physiological systems: 1. Respiratory physiology 2. Cardiovascular physiology 3. Blood clotting mechanisms There are three broad learning objectives for this assignment: 1. To learn about a very common and potentially fatal disorder known as pulmonary embolism (PE). 2. […]

Verbal fluency and bilingualism

Verbal fluency and bilingualism This is a two factor quasi-experimental design with one within-participants factor (fluency Prompt-type – semantic versus letter), and one betweenparticipants factor (language Group). You will therefore need to use a two factor mixed ANOVA (also known as “split plot” ANOVA). This lab is about Verbal fluency performance in monolingual and bilinguals […]

Corporate performance evaluation – Volkswagen

Corporate performance evaluation – Volkswagen Corporate performance evaluation – Volkswagen Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details The completed report should include: An introduction to the company, including background information. A financial statement review. Pro Forma financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) for the next two fiscal years, assuming a 10% growth rate in sales […]

Audience Segmentation

Audience Segmentation Length: The basic minimum length of your final draft (not including your name/section/assignment/date, bibliography and endnotes) is 1000 words. There is no maximum wordcount. I’ve found that the best papers are as long as they need to be to say what they have to say about a focused thesis statement or research question. […]

Epistomology intrinsic philosophical interest

Epistomology intrinsic philosophical interest 1. You should not include any biographical information concerning the author(s) of the reading(s) that you choose to write about unless this is of intrinsic philosophical interest. Submissions whose first pages comprise such information will be graded accordingly. 2. There must be ample evidence that you yourself have read the reading(s) […]

Interviewing a business owner or manager

Interviewing a business owner or manager 1. Interview information – interviewee manager name and the company the manager works for 2. Interview logistics, timing and the general summary of the interview and the topics covered Telephone interview on (Date) 30 mins 50pts Motivation to start the company What steps where taken to get the funding […]

An Integrated Marketing Strategy 4Ps of Marketing

An Integrated Marketing Strategy 4Ps of Marketing An Integrated Marketing Strategy  The Final Paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading assignments as well as the discussion points. The purpose of this assignment is to integrate the concepts studied in this course into a cohesive and comprehensive paper. The Final Paper will be titled “An Integrated […]

Religious Freedom Restoration Act

Religious Freedom Restoration Act Read the links to articles and opinion-editorials about the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” (File Link Below).This bill received massive public attention in late March and early April of 2015, and is still relevant today. About 20 states have similar laws. Compose an essay that argues for or against the RFRA law. […]

Psychological and emotional disorders DSM V

Psychological and emotional disorders DSM V Psychological and emotional disorders  This final paper will be the culmination of what we have accomplished during our course. Now that we have identified and clarified the nature of social problems, and examined two key organizations that address a social problem, we will give a more in depth discussion […]