Business Strategy Executive Summary


Business Strategy Executive Summary

The executive summary is the synopsis of the complete set of Tasks. It is the part of the document that most people will read first, if not the only part, and it’s the only part that is likely to be read by all decision makers.

The executive summary should focus on

· a summary of the previous points from task one, task two, and the strategic implementation plan

· why the recommendations are necessary and why they are the best solutions

· the most important goals and outcomes of the strategic plan · a brief vision for the overall corporate strategy at EZ Pleeze

The opening paragraph of your Executive Summary describes the current situation. The 2nd and 3rd paragraphs are on the Mission and Vision statements.

Then you have a section on the SWOT. Simply state that you conducted a SWOT and that you found a wide range or strengths, weaknesses, ops and 11/24/2019 Writers Hub – Freelance Writing 5/7 threats. Give one example of each. Next is your section on recommendations. Give a full discussion of each. The same thing you said in your speaker notes of your PPT can be placed here.

Just be sure to change it from 1st person back to a narrative. Close out your Executive Summary by saying that if EZ accepts and successfully implements your recommendations, you are convinced that they will take the company from its current state to a more desirable future state.

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