Create a superhero or villain

Create a superhero or villain

Your task in this application is to create a superhero or villain by pretending that it is possible to magnify the abilities governed by selective sites human brain. Additionally, your character should have extra ordinary abilities.

Your task in this application is to create a superhero or villain

The task in this application is to create a superhero or villain by pretending that it is possible to magnify the abilities governed by selective sites human brain.Additionally, your character should have extra ordinary abilities.

In this exercise, you confront a rather novel discrepancy in thinking about brain functions. You take a familiar concept—superhero figures—and combine the possibilities of science fiction with brain function concepts to develop new heroes. You may find it helpful to begin by listing the component parts of the brain and their functions.

Note: You cannot use established (i.e. Marvel, DC, Dragon Ball Z, or etc.) characters. Your character must be original.

Name of superhero or villain _________________

Create a simple story line that includes the following:

Describe your superhero or villain’s physical characteristics.

What super ability does your superhero or villain possess?

What brain structure is augment ed?

How is the super person’s sensation and/or perception affected?

Develop a plot that would cause the superhero or villain to come to the rescue or create havoc and use the super power.

Include at least one challenge that may retard or would not allow your superheroes to demonstrate the exceptional abilities.

Create at least 2 fully developed paragraphs for the application activity.

Each paragraph should have at least 6 to 8 sentences.

Make sure your paragraphs are distinct with appropriate spacing between the paragraphs.

Do not list or bullet your content by creating subheading for the writing prompts.

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