You need to research that company to determine the information systems

You need to research that company to determine the information systems, technologies, etc. the company uses.

You need to research that company to determine the information systems

Now that you have selected a company NIKE,
1. You need to research that company to determine the information systems, technologies, etc. the company uses.
2. You also need to research the background of the company for things like where they are, what they do and/or produce, their competitors, etc.
3. You should also include some academic research that pertains to your company.
4. This should be 4 pages (ONLY) of information. . At this point, you’re not really analyzing the company, but more of a status report.
5. Double-spaced pages
6. APA

More details;

We all know about NIKE. Nike is one of the biggest athletic brands in the world selling over 25 pairs of shoes every second world over. Originally conceptualised as Blue Ribbon Sports (BRS), which remained so until 1971, Nike was founded in the year 1964 by track athlete Phil Knight and his coach Bill Bowerman. This American multinational corporation currently designs, develops, manufactures and markets footwear, sports equipments & apparels, accessories and services and sell their products in almost all countries across the globe.


1. That one ‘IDEA’

On a casual note it can be said that NIKE’s emergence as a company was all an accident. Knight during his stint as a student in the University of Oregon, he was challenged to come up with a business plan. His study for the plan included ways to compete with German shoe makers such as Adidas and Puma.

His study inferred that Japanese shoes could take head on against the German brands, while offering cost efficiency by manufacturing shoes abroad, importing them to the United States and marketing to high school and college athletes. He convinced his coach Bill Bowerman on making his findings practical, and that’s how in 1964, they conceived and opened Blue Ribbon Sports, an import distributor of the Japanese shoe maker Onitsuka Tiger. Bowerman took the goods from Onitsuka Tiger and tweaked them for runners, while Knight sold them out of his car trunk. AND that’s how my friends, NIKE was born!

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