You must conduct research on Ford Motor Company

You must conduct research on Ford Motor Company in preparation for your Midterm Exam.  Your goal is to develop an understanding of Ford’s current business strategies, challenges and the industry and market segments in which it competes.

You must conduct research on Ford Motor Company

Midterm Exam Preparation:
You must conduct research on Ford Motor Company in preparation for your Midterm Exam.  Your goal is to develop an understanding of Ford’s current business strategies, challenges and the industry and market segments in which it competes.  In particular, you should concentrate on Ford’s recent (2018) decision to cease production of most models of sedans for the North American market.

Below are some sources that can get you started but you will need to supplement your research beyond these initial sources:
Ford website:

Mergent Online: Ticker is F

Ford made bold decision to stop making sedans: How it’s…

Ford accelerates cost-cutting plan, will drop most U.S. sedans

Also, Ford dropping all but 2 cars from its North American dealerships…

Ford To Ditch Cars In North America, Focus On Trucks And SUVs…

Ford Will Drop Focus and Fusion Sedans in North America – The……
Ford to Drop All Passenger-Car Lines Except Mustang | News……

Exam Instructions:

Respond to all parts of the essay question below using specific evidence and information to support your analysis and recommendation while staying focused and concise.  Your goal in this exam is to demonstrate that you understand the course concepts and tools.  To that end, your responses should make explicit use of our course concepts, tools and techniques.  Within your essay, you can and should incorporate figures and tables to more concisely present your comprehensive analyses.  In addition, your essay response should use credible evidence to build your analyses and arguments.  Accordingly, you will need use appropriate within-text citations and provide a full reference list at the end of your essay.

Your response must be well written and reflect your own individual work.  Because this is an exam I will not review drafts of your essay.  The file you upload to BB must be in .doc, .docx or .pdf format no later than 11:59pm.  Also, Late submissions will not be accepted, no exceptions.

Essay Prompt:

Conduct research on Ford Motor Company to respond to the following questions in essay format:

Provide an introductory explanation of Ford’s current business situation taking care to identify the most salient business challenges, and specifically address the North American sedan decision.

Conduct a comprehensive PEST analysis OR 5-forces analysis to analyze the external environment for Ford.  Take care to comprehensively gather and cite information to complete the analysis.

Conduct a comprehensive Capability Analysis OR Strategy Map Analysis OR Growth/Share Portfolio Analysis to analyze Fords’s competitive position.  Take care to comprehensively gather and cite information to complete the analysis.

Synthesize the most significant opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses from your analyses of the external environment (from #2) and your competitive position (from #3).

Evaluate Ford’s new strategy in North American and global strategies, including autonomus and electric vehicles.

FIRSTLY, What corporate level, business level and functional level strategies and/or socially responsible strategies is Ford pursuing with these actions?

SECONDLY, What are the prospective benefits of these strategies (e.g value creation along the value chain for business-level strategies, economies of scope and/or scale for corporate level strategies, stakeholder alignment for socially responsible strategies)?

THIRDLY, What are the limitations?

FOURTHLY, Which specific strategic mode are they using to implement this strategy.

ALSO, What are the advantages and limitations of the mode?

Extra Credit:

We talked about three corporate governance mechanisms this semester.  Evaluate Ford on 2 out of the 3 governance mechanisms (Hint: Mergent Online is an easy resource for this information).  Take care to use concepts from our course in your response.

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