Winning the Race for Talent in Emerging Markets
You will need to turn in on each date indicated below, a three full-page paper (typed, double spaced, normal margins, and a #12 font) summarizing the article for that day and addressing the issue for that article noted in the list below. Please note that during the review of the article in class, I will randomly choose students to summarize their original ideas for us.
Partial papers (shorter than three pages) will receive partial credit. Each article should be written on 3 pages and 3 resources Please note that I don’t accept late papers. #1 article #2, Winning the Race for Talent in Emerging Markets, Provide me with a brief synopsis (short cumulative review) of the article and then address this issue: do effective recruiting tactics vary by culture? Will you find possible variations even within a culture, such as within the United States? (the essay should be on what you think about the issue which is “do effective recruiting tactics vary by culture?
Will you find possible variations even within a culture, such as within the United States?” and you also have to say why you think that. Here is the link for the article
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