Why did Robert E. Lee decide to invade the North?

Why did Robert E. Lee decide to invade the North? Why George McClellan did decided he had the ability to defeat Lee’s forces? Why was Lee’s forces saved from a crushing defeat? What were the results of the battle for President Lincoln? Why is this such a big deal in American History?

Why did Robert E. Lee decide to invade the North?

For this assignment, you will write a full two-page paper (you can always write more than that) about what you learned from the film and how it compares to what you are reading in your textbook.

Points to consider: Were there things that you did not know that you learned by watching the documentary? How did the documentary help you visualize the time period? What did you find interesting? What did you have problems with?

Questions specific to 10 Days that Unexpectedly Changed America: Antietam

Why did Robert E. Lee decide to invade the North? Why George McClellan did decided he had the ability to defeat Lee’s forces? Why was Lee’s forces saved from a crushing defeat? What were the results of the battle for President Lincoln? Why is this such a big deal in American History?

Your two-page paper should be double space d in 12-point font in Times New Roman. The paper should have normal margins and normal paragraph length (4 to 8 sentences). Your writing should go from the top of the line of the first page of the reflection to the bottom line of the second page of the reflection.

More details;

What are three reasons why Lee want ed to invade the North?
Several motives led to Lee’s decision to launch an invasion. First, he needed to supply his army and knew the farms of the North had been untouched by war, unlike those in Virginia. Moving the war northward would relieve pressure on Virginia. Second was the issue of Northern morale.

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