“Who are you?” in light of the knowledge you have gained studying human biology

Yourself by succinctly answering the question “Who are you?” in light of the knowledge you have gained studying human biology, sociology, psychology, and religion.

Who are you in light of the knowledge you have gained studying human biology

Social work/self-awareness paper
Yourself by succinctly answering the question “Who are you?” in light of the knowledge you have gained studying human biology, sociology, psychology, and religion. Consider yourself as biological (stage of physical development, sex, sexual orientation, relationship to the natural world), as social (roles, ethnicity, socialization, class, gender), as psychological (stages of psychological development), and as spiritual/religious (moral development).  Incorporate material you have studied in other related liberal arts’ courses; with reference to course readings or speakers.  You will also assess your own family as a social system using the information on applied systems theory and the ideas discussed in the Hutchison text (Chapter 7) and in class about family development, sustainability, and the impact of diversity and discrimination. In the family assessment section of your paper you must include:

Firstly, How you define your family and who are its members?

Secondly, describe a systems’ model illustration of your family (chapter 7).

Thirdly, how does racism, classism, sexism, ableism, religious discrimination, or heterosexism (choose one) affect your family?

Fourthly, how your assessment might be different if your family were gay parented, African- or Latinx, single-headed household (female or male), poor, recent immigrants, or rural (choose one).

Further, how might your family system’s behavior be different if you were raise in a different natural environment (choose one):
(i) In Alaska coping with dangerous terrain and extremely cold weather?
(ii) On the edge of the Sahara Desert in North Africa?
(iii) In a neighborhood with no parks? Or
(iv) In a community living in a flood plain?

Your paper will also be evaluated based on whether you addressed the bio-psycho-social-spiritual components of yourself, addressed your family as a social system; used information on applied systems theory, discussed any ideas from the Hutchison text (chapter 7), class discussions about family development, sustainability, and the impact of diversity and discrimination, the degree of depth you exhibit, and the clarity/conciseness of your writing.

Ensure APA format (Times New Roman, margins 1 inch on every side, page numbers, title page, no contractions, and all numbers under 100 spelled out, etc. For more information, see https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ ). Check for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

I am a 43 year old white male; the family systems perspective most applies to me growing up I have 2 sisters and a brother and we were raised by my mother. need more info please ask

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