What is meant by “Modern Methods of Construction”

This is a paper that is focusing on What is meant by “Modern Methods of Construction”. The paper also provides additional questions to use in writing the assignment paper.

What is meant by Modern Methods of Construction

Coursework Rationale Coursework aims:
Firstly, to analyse the construction technologies demanded by the emerging needs of industry and society.
Secondly, to relate innovation in building design and use through environmental impact and sustainability considerations.
Thirdly, to consolidate and develop the technological framework introduced in technology at Level 4 & 5.
High-level intellectual and practical skills required for the selection of construction methodologies and their implementation, to successfully produce low energy buildings.
Critical thinking skills (analysis, evaluation, synthesis) to be used in developing novel and unique solutions to problems.
Skills of communication and presentation in the form of documentation prepared and also presented to a professional standard

These coursework’s address the module learning outcomes, namely:-

At the end of the module the student, with minimal guidance and a significant degree of autonomy, should be able to:

Critically review the principles of construction technology, evaluating the contribution of a range of construction and passive design technologies and methods towards achieving low- and zero- carbon buildings.
Examine and evaluate innovative and technological advanced materials, assessing their suitability for their application to improve current industry practices.
Analyse and assess recommendations for projects, evaluating the content and through further research provide innovative solutions.

1.1 Requirements

Your client, a major commercial developer, is considering the use of Modern Methods of Construction in addition to its traditional construction methods.  They have commissioned you to write a 1,500 word (+/- 10%) illustrated technical report on a suitable Modern Method of Construction for their speculative office developments.
You are to:

1. Firstly, explain what is meant by “Modern Methods of Construction”  (you may want to make reference to its development from the early 20th Century onwards).
(20 Marks)

2. Secondly, critically compare and contrast a suitable Modern Method of Construction for this building type, against a traditional construction for this type.
(30 Marks)

3. Thirdly, include 3 annotated drawings of your MMC proposal as follows:-

o 1 – floor to foundation (assume piled and ground beam) o 2 – floor to wall
o 3 – wall  to roof

These may be in pencil or produce with a suitable CAD programme, but must be to an acceptable technical standard. Do not reproduce sourced technical details. You may include other sourced photographs and illustrations within your submission, but you must make it clear in your written report how these are relevant and what they help to explain. You must acknowledge all sources.
(30 Marks)

4. Fourthly, present your report to a professional standard. Present your report in your own words. Write clearly and also concisely, with correct spelling and grammar
(10 Marks)

5. Lastly, provide correctly referenced short direct quotations and/or paraphrases in text as objective evidence. Use the Harvard System of referencing. Present the full publication details in a list of references at the end of your report, as usual.

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