What ethical way to determine how much each job get
This paper requires you to use the Transforming Initiative steps (see below) and careful interpretation of course and additional material to analyze the issue and formulate an ethical response. This is constructive work that grows out of your own analysis of the issue. Do not just write about what different ethicists are saying about the issue. Taking the methodology seriously in this assignment will not only earn you a better grade; it will also prepare you much more thoroughly to lead ethical discussions in your communities of formation. Although this is not primarily a research paper (that is, you are not presenting and defending a thesis statement), you will need to do appropriate research and must cite any sources that you use, according to MLA, APA, or Chicago guidelines, using in-text citations or footnotes and a properly formatted bibliography. However, as an analysis paper, you will not follow the traditional introduction/thesis/ argumentation/conclusion pattern of a research paper. Instead, you will follow the outline provided below. If you wish, you can number the points in your paper and use subheadings for each. Transforming Initiatives Identify the key ethical problem that you will address. See below. Identify the informative voices that need to be part of the dialogue. Your paper bibliography needs to be made up of 6-10 peer reviewed, college level sources or reputable online sources (not blogs or Wikipedia) that directly address the ethical dilemma under discussion. You need to make sure that the voices of those directly impacted by the ethical problem are accounted for. For example, if you are discussing the flooding of Bangladesh as a result of global warming, you will need to find the voices of the Bangladeshis who are being flooded out of their lands. What are they saying about rising seas that needs to impact how we think about it? These sources need to be incorporated into your entire paper through the use of short quotes and references to the thoughts and ideas found therein. Your quotes and references must include citations and any source referenced must be included in the bibliography. Identify which virtues are required to shape you and your community so that you can properly respond to the ethical dilemma. Aristotle’s Virtues: Courage, temperance, liberality, magnificence, magnanimity, patience/good temper, proper ambitions/pride, truthfulness, wittiness, friendliness, modesty, righteous indignation. Kingdom Ethic Virtues: love, joy, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self control, deliverance, peace, justice, healing, inclusion in community. Identify specific actions that your local community can take to: Understand the ethical dilemma; Identify any personal responsibility for the dilemma; Identify areas needing response; And/or, respond in specific ways. Name one transforming initiative that your community can initiate, which will: Address the root causes of the injustice; And, initiate change that continues beyond the specific actions of a local community. Suggestions for Structuring Your Paper Introduction (1 page): In the introduction of your paper you need to clearly outline the scope of your paper, including: A brief overview of the ethical problem you will be examining and the why (why does this ethical topic matter? Is it a justice issue? Does it impact whether we are treating people as valuable in and of themselves?); A clear statement about your specific topic. For example, do not just say you will be writing about sexual ethics, but specify what you will be writing about: e.g., This paper will be exploring whether or not pre-marital sex can be considered virtuous. A “road map” that clearly states what each section of your paper will do (first this paper will…second this paper will…). Body of paper 6-8 pages: Analysis of Ethical Problem (3-4 pages): Here you will use reputable, peer reviewed, and college level resources to outline and critically engage the ethical dilemma under discussion. You will need to have sufficiently narrowed your ethical dilemma so that you can address it in this amount of space. You will need to also be clear on the perspective that you are approaching your dilemma from. For example, if you are addressing wage inequality do not simply give statistics, but rather be clear if you are approaching this as a sociological dilemma, economic dilemma, or some other perspective. Also, make sure that your view of the dilemma itself is clear. So, do not simply give numbers on wage inequality, but rather say what the dilemma itself is. Here you may need to engage the course readings to support your argument for why something is unethical. Analysis of Individual and Community Responses (3-4 pages): In this section you will: In 1 page: Identify 1-2 virtues that are necessary for you and your community/communities to have in order to respond to the ethical dilemma analyzed in the first section. Clearly show how and why these virtues are necessary for this particular dilemma and how your community can develop them. In 2-3 pages: Identify and analyze specific actions your community can take (step 4) and transforming initiatives they can develop (step 5) in order to respond to the dilemma and its root causes. You might incorporate resources here that show what actions other communities have taken or what actions experts on this ethical dilemma have argued for or successfully implemented. Make sure to show how these actions and initiatives are shaped by the virtues you identified above. Conclusion (1/2-1 page): In the conclusion you will recap the dilemma and your recommendations for community based responses. Do not include new ideas in the conclusion that were not discussed in the body of the paper itself, except to suggest possible further areas of research.
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