What are the most important strategic risks of Salesforce.com listed in the Annual Report and in the Morningstar Analyst Report

Instructions To prepare for this assignment: • Read sections from the Salesforce.com: 2016 Annual Report, which is available in Weeks 8 and 9 of your online course. The sections to read are: “Risk Factors” (pages 12-30) and “Legal Proceedings” (pages 30-31). • Review a section from the analyst report, also found in your online course: “May the Force be With You: Wide-Moat Salesforce.com is the Newest Software Empire”. The section to review is: “Pulling the Next Growth Lever: PaaS, AI, Internet of Things, and Beyond” (pages 30-33) Also review the Enterprise Risk Management Checklist provided in your online course. Then prepare the content for your presentation, using the following questions as a guide: 1. Financial Risks a. What are the most important financial risks of Salesforce.com listed in the Annual Report and in the Morningstar Analyst Report? b. How would you mitigate these financial risks? 2. External Risks a. What are the most important external risks of Salesforce.com listed in the Annual Report and in the Morningstar Analyst Report? b. How would you mitigate these external risks? 3. Strategic Risks a. What are the most important strategic risks of Salesforce.com listed in the Annual Report and in the Morningstar Analyst Report? b. How would you mitigate these strategic risks? 4. Operational Risks a. What are the most important operational risks of Salesforce.com listed in the Annual Report and in the Morningstar Analyst Report? b. How would you mitigate these operational risks? Submission Requirements Since this is a Board meeting, your presentation will be delivered in PowerPoint (PPT). Follow the content and formatting directions below: • Your presentation must have a Title Page slide. • Each slide after the title page must have a heading, and use fonts between 12-14 pt. • For each of the risk categories, you may use no more than 2 slides. • Following the title page, the next slide must be an Executive Summary. The summary should present a high-level (bulleted) synopsis of the slides that follow including the potential impact on Salesforce.com from the risks being addressed and the goals for the proposedmitigations. • The first slide for each risk category must provide a synopsis of risks. In this slide, you will present a high-level overview (using bullets or tables, or graphs, or other illustration, not dense text) of the risk factors and their potential impact. • The second slide for each risk category must present your recommendation for mitigation (using bullets or a table). Focus on: what you are recommending, and why you are recommending it. • The final slide of your presentation must be a References Page to support your findings and recommendations. • As with Assignment 1, you are being asked to present a series of recommendations, not just regurgitate information that the Board already knows. Your presentation should provide the Board with new insights on risk mitigation approaches. • Note: Additional material and talking points may be included in the “Notes” sections of your PowerPoint. If you include additional materials, keep these brief and to thepoint.

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