Watch the documentary “Artifact” which you may watch on Youtube 

In this case study you are required to watch the documentary “Artifact” which you may watch on Youtube or Amazon Video.  Follow the guidelines in the attached document.  Please refer to the case study rubric.

Watch the documentary “Artifact” which you may watch on Youtube

In this case study you are required to watch the documentary “Artifact” which you may watch on Youtube or Amazon Video.  Follow the guidelines in the attached document.  Please refer to the case study rubric.
Use as many organizational principles and theories that were presented in class to illustrate your points. This will add clarity to your paper and demonstrate to me that you have done your work properly.  Please reference grading rubric.

1. Start with a brief discussion of the situation.

a. Who are the key players?

b. What aspects of the org. are relevant and what does the org. do?

c. How is the organization structured?

d. Why is the situation in question positive/negative for the org.?

2. Since the case may not give you all of the information you would like to have, what are your assumptions about the event/organization/key actors.

a. What principles discussed in class are relevant to the case? i. To the key players.

ii. To the organization.

iii. To the business environment.

b. Provide justifications for the assumptions you have described.

c. Your assumptions do not have to be 100% accurate…I just want you to think “outside the box” here.

3. Describe the symptoms/causes of the problem(s) in the case.

a. What factors have led to or prompted the problem(s)?

b. How were these things addressed by the organization (and by management)?

c. If not addressed, what additional problems would have arisen?

4. Identify the major problem.

a. What is the overarching dilemma for the organization and/or management?

b. How did this problem arise? i. What factors contributed to this becoming a problem (i.e., business environment, internal organizational structure, management decisions, employee problems etc.)?

5. Provide alternative solutions. a. How would you suggest that management overcomes these issues?

b. What solutions did they arrive at (if any)? How would you change and/or add to these?

c. How do their solutions match and/or correspond to the ones you have articulated?

6. Recommend possible solutions and provide a complete rationale for all of your choices/decisions.

7. Provide and action plan for implementation based on what you have already read or what we have discussed in class. a. If they already described the plan of action in the write-up, then just summarize the key points as they are listed below.

b. What could management do in order to overcome the issues at hand?

c. How would this plan enable them to do so?

d. What costs would be incurred as a result?

e. Would these costs outweigh the benefits to the organization?

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