Understanding the range of values and beliefs that impact upon the organisation of learning and teaching in differing contexts

The Assignment Brief asks you to: Submit a written report that (1) reflects on different kinds of teaching experienced in students’ own learning and (2) relating this to the theoretical contexts of the module and critical evaluation of reading and research. The word length is 2500 words, excluding the final reference list. When we here refer to a ‘report’ we want to encourage students to write their assignments in a careful, structured manner, with headings to distinguish different ideas and sections of your ideas. Do reflect on just a few (2-4) kinds of teaching you have experienced. Consider teaching from all settings, formal and informal, and from all phases of your life so far when you are reflecting on the kinds of teaching you have experienced. Use the experiences you have identified as a way in to discussing research, theory and practice in a careful and systematic way. Anchor claims with appropriate references. Ensure your referencing matches the required Newman Harvard format (see the library webpage for a very detailed guide).

Limit description to just as much as necessary and move on to develop a more questioning / critical stance as soon as you can. This is important for higher grades. Think carefully about the structure of your text and the clarity of your writing. The module learning outcomes are: • Understanding the range of values and beliefs that impact upon the organisation of learning and teaching in differing contexts • Evaluating the effects of differing learning and teaching contexts on individual learning. • Analysing how concepts and theories on learning and teaching relate to interpretations in educational practice. • Evaluating a range of literature and other sources to interrogate educational ideas on learning and teaching and how these influence policy and practice. • Developing their own research, critical analysis and writing skills.

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